Ageism and Abuse....This Can't Be Happening....


  1. This video is sad to think people can do things like that to older people that can’t defend themselves. I try and find some reason in this video of she might do something like that. The gentleman was basically paralyzed because of his stroke so he couldn’t have done something to her. He was unable to speak also, she he couldn’t have said something to her. There is no reason she should be doing anything to him other then helping him. They talked about how she watched kids before that I couldn’t image what she would do to the kids that could talk back to her or fight back if she tried to do that to them. It’s just very sad people resort to this, weather they have a reason or now WHO could take a person that can’t defend themselves and beat them like that. I think the hardest part to believe is she was 50 some years old so she is going to be there someday, doesn’t she think someone might do this to me? After watching the video I think someone should.

    1. I agree, I mean who in their right mind would do such a thing? I know that this world has a lot of different people in it and I try to remind me every day but sometimes I don’t need to. It makes it even worse, I agree because he could not communicate with other people.

    2. Yes I think the video is sad to and I hope it angers everybody in the class. I often wonder why people do things they do. I generally think how would I want to be treated? Would I want my parents being treated like this? That is generally what I try to tell the new guys when they are treating people at work and normally you’ll see their bedside manner turnaround. Bfd6866012

    3. These are all good things to look at when questioning how individuals act within any society. It's important to recognize such behavior not only to maintain justice and order but to try and change those behaviors of individuals that act in this manner. When we identify a need for change with scientific and empirical evidence we can mold individuals within society to alter acts such as these. I agree with everything you stated in your article. With a little help from the sociologist's and psychologist's maybe some day we can counteract these heinous acts in all societies. Lawpro012

    4. Not to mention that this actually caused further health problems because of the abuse. With someone whose health is already compromised, several punches to the head certainly aren't going to help matters. You're certainly right, though. One day this woman will be unable to take care of herself, and then what? I'm certainly not one to justify elderly abuse, but in situations like these I certainly struggle more and more just how unethical the theory of "an eye for an eye" is...

    5. I agree this video is extremely sad to watch. We must remember that karma will get her one day. Like you said, if this is how she treated the elderly man, how was she handling the children. This poor man couldn't defend himself at all, I can just imagine how she dealt with screaming children. No one deserves to be treated in this way. She has completely forgotten the meaning of the phrase "respect your elders". jam012

  2. This video really hits the heart for me. I have no idea why someone would do that to an innocent man who can’t take care of himself. That was very smart of his daughter to put video cameras up so she knew what was going on when she was not around. I have a feeling that something worse could have happened if the cameras were not installed in the house. People have jobs and get paid to take care of the elderly not beat them. I just don’t know what that lady was thinking. It kind of makes me think what would happen to me if I get old. I would be so lost and confused about what was going on. I think an extra hand with someone is a lot of help, but I also think that there needs to be a very good background check and references used on an employee. (hound89) 012

    1. Yes, thankfully this was caught! However, this is happening everyday behind closed doors to the elderly who can defend themselves or speak up on it. This is shameful that people are hurting others because of eBay ever personal issues they may have going on. Point is if someone answers you that much to where Yuri physically harm another, you need help! Jenchanho012

  3. Yes the videos of very sad video. But elderly abuse is happening all over the world and I’m just happy the daughter was smart enough to put a nanny cam and her father’s room to help watch over him. But there’s just as much abuse in nursing homes private nurses and from family members towards the elderly. There is so many different kinds of abuse like we discussed in class from our book. Not only physical abuse but there’s mental abuse neglect and financial as well.

    I think it’s our responsibility to be the advocates not just only for our own elderly family members but for all that elderly and give them the respect that they deserve. They have worked their whole lives and they deserve respect from the younger generation and surely not abused physically or be little by care workers and family members. I was glad that the district attorney and the court issued arrest warrants for the caregiver and the news clip. I feel that elderly abuse is just as important as child abuse and I’m glad to see our justice system is taking action. Bfd6866012

    1. I agree, if someone like this has no problem beating an older person that can’t defend themselves what is stopping them from hurting a child, or an adult for that matter. Clearly she has something wrong with her, so who knows what she might do next. It’s crazy to think about the things people will do.

    2. I think that the lady who did this to his elderly man should receive the same treatment if she is convicted for the crime eye for eye, it is as worse if it was a child bears 012

    3. I agree with you, but sadly enough for all the people that have seen the video or news clip there are that many who have not. This means she could still be in the same line of work doing this to children or the elderly who may not have a camera watching. It is good they issued an arrest warrant, but if it's like most others, they won't go looking for her, they will just wait for her to slip up again and hope to catch her then. In that case, I guess we would have to hope that she doesn't hurt the next person even more. DaBearsandBulls012

  4. This story is very alarming in any society. To realize there are individuals that would perform this heinous act behind closed doors when nobody else is around. The individual that was caretaking or lack thereof, the older gentleman was in her front stage while reading a bible in front of family members of this man. When family members were present in the home the caretaker would perform within her front stage to put on a show as if on a stage. The opposite then curtails when the striking occurred could be during the back stage effect. Sometimes being in the same room with someone that is oblivious to their surroundings could result in the back stage effect, with the sense that the caretaker, such as in this case, would feel alone as if nobody else was around. if you put these two components together it could result in a recipe for disaster. Unfortunately, the statistics are overwhelming with cases such as these. Its important for all family members to make sure their loved one is being well taken care of. Lawpro012

  5. Elderly abuse is certainly nothing to make light of or joke about. Yes, there are always two sides to every story and we don't know what other stresses the caretaker had going on outside of work, but that still is NO EXCUSE to hit ANYONE. This woman was caring for elderly people AND children, so if she was caught abusing an elderly man, what do you think her chances are of having hit children as well?
    The nanny-cam was an excellent idea on the daughter's part. If we all were to follow suit, then maybe we might be able to diminish the level of elderly abuse there is in society today. This doesn't just happen with private caretakers-- it happens in nursing homes and other care centers as well. When my grandmother was in a special facility under hospice care, she confided in my mother that she was being treated poorly, so we took her in to live with us until the day she passed. My father no longer trusted the very system that is supposed to be taking care of the people who need special care. It's very sad when that happens, as well as exponentially despicable that this would happen to someone who is not only unable to defend themselves, but dying as well.

  6. Wow! This is a heart-breaking story. I don't understand how someone could treat an elderly person like this. This woman is supposedly a trained professional. Her morals and beliefs must be extremely messed up. This poor man was unable to communicate with her or to protect himself from her abuse. I'm not sure if this type of behavior is acceptable in her culture, but in our culture it is not tolerated. I would hope that in today's society this type of behavior is being closely monitored to protect those that can't protect themselves. Although there are most always two sides to every story, this case seems pretty cut and dry. The daughter was very intelligent to install the cameras when she suspected this abuse to be happening. This is an act of blatant disrespect to the daughter and especially to the elderly gentlemen. I hope they found this woman and she is locked away where she can never hurt another person ever again. jam012

    1. I agree with your comment completely. It’s so disappointing to see our elders disrespected in such a violent and physically harming fashion. I am glad though, that the elderly man’s daughter had security cameras installed, because otherwise, it’s just a 90 year Old’s word versus a care taker’s word. I also hope that they find the woman guilty of this abuse.

    2. I was curious as to how elderly Kenyans were treated in the abuser's native land, so I looked it up and found that it is a huge abusive problem. Many elderly there are accused of witchcraft and are physically abused, stolen from and left to just die from the elements. Historically, the youngest son is to care for the elderly parents when the time comes, but due to such mass poverty in that country, elder abuse is far more the norm. One website went so far as to say that some people in that country feel that it is easier just to kill the elders off early so as to avoid the family starving to death or other economical hardship. It doesn't justify what the woman did, but it may offer understanding as to the why. In this country, though, it is revolting and I hope they find her and deal with her justly and swiftly before she can harm another family's life. Firecracker012

  7. This video is so difficult to watch. It’s so awful to think that there are actually people, who walk this earth, and we trust them to take care of our loved ones for the hours that we can’t; and they end up being more harm than help. It’s also sad that this elderly man had to endure multiple days of this “home help.” It’s even worse that the elderly man’s daughter was just trying to care for her father, in his final years of life, the best way she could. Many people would have sent their parents to a nursing home by this time. But she decided to let her father stay with her and even organized for a home care agent to take care of her elderly father while she had to work. It’s unfortunate that this happened because generally, this is the best option in caring for your loved one’s needs, while staying close to them.


    1. I agree with you. It is so sad that the daughter wanted her father around so she had someone take care of him and the person treated him like he was nothing. I don't get how a person could do such a thing to a helpless person.

  8. this video has hard to watch. It awful to think that the people we put in place to take care of our elderly parents would do these bad things to them.It is sad that this elderly man had to suffer the abuse that he got from the lady that toke care of him. She should investigated the home care group before they came to take care of her father. Bears 012

    1. I have to agree with you. It is very awful to think that this happens. What I personally think is awful is that they should have done a better job at trying to find her. She just decided to not show up for her court date and now they can't find her and she is free as though she did nothing wrong. -Blue22_012

  9. This video was incredibly difficult to watch. It makes me sick to my stomach to know that this is actually happening. It is probably not only happening from that woman is the scary part. I am sure that it happens all the time all over the world. It is horrible and to be honest, I don't understand how people can think to do such a thing let alone actually do it. I personally did not know too much about this subject before watching this video. It has really opened my eyes. It makes me think twice about having someone help with a loved one or putting them in a nursing home or assisted living. It was absolutely awful to find out about this. It has definitely changed my thoughts. Of course, not every place is like that but the fact that it even exists in the first place is disturbing. -Blue22_012

    1. yea definitely agree I am infuriated with this. the idea that this could exist never actually hit me but boy is it real and unbearable. and yes finding out about this was awful I feel like id want to do something about this craziness. (Aphi012)

    2. I agree with you, it really makes me think twice about who takes care of anyone elderly that I love. I see it all the time that people are rude and don't care about elderly people. People just have so little respect for them in unreal. And so sad.

  10. this video was crazy I can not believe that there are people like this i'm hoping they find this lady and get justice. this act is something I have not often seen but in movies I really believe that this woman deserves a life sentence. I am enraged at watching this. I could only imagine being in the shoes of the lady in the video. I would have handled this situation in a much less mature way I can not believe that this is going on I wish that there was something I could personally do. this is a lot more than ageism this is ridiculous and immoral I can not believe what I just watched. there are things you just don't do under any circumstances I hope they have caught this sick individual because I know that if this was my father id be going to jail after a funeral (Aphi012)

  11. This is a very disturbing video. The daughter feels she is bringing a woman in her home that will take good quality care of her father. I'm assuming this lady would have been properly licensed by the state to take care of a man who is pretty much mute and paralyzed. There obviously needs to be better background checks whether more people may be needed in the field or not. There is no reason for something like this to happen. I know, sadly enough, this happens everyday, not only in the U.S., but around the world. This could have easily been any of our parents or grandparents in this video. I could be wrong, but it looks like he may have wet the bed, either way, it's still no excuse or reason to do something like this. We don't know if there were cameras in the area where she was watching kids in the past to see if she had done anything wrong then. Chances are she wasn't a good caretaker then either. If the daughter wouldn't have had a camera, this may still be going on to her father. I believe laws have become more strict to protect kids and the elderly and I am not sure if they cannot be strict enough in cases like this. All I have to say is karma is something. DaBearsandBulls012

    1. I would hope even with out the cameras she would have seen a change in him.He had to have brusies or something. Old people skin is different from younger skin. They bruise so much easier. Many thats what she was seeing and was wondering what was going on. lilred012

    2. I definately feel that the agency that this employee worked for needs some type of investigation done. There are a lot of non-for-profit organizations that cannot afford the luxury of background checks. I feel that these organizations need to have set state regulations in place and also should be held accountable if something like this were to happen to a client of theirs. Employees should be double and triple checked in this line of work especially when they are entering the privacy of someone's home. The client is very vulnerable to any kind of crime committed and extra security precautions should be taken. Hbaby31012

  12. This video is so sad... It's something that's happening all over the world. Not even just in hospice or in the care of a nurse. Elderly people are being robbed all the time because people know that they cant defend themselves nor fight back in the burglar is caught. The elderly are a high target for crime just for that similar reason, they cant defend themselves. An this video shows just that. This poor elderly man was being abused and hit and beat and there was nothing he could do to defend himself. This woman will be in his same place one day, is that how she wants to be treated one day on her dying days. Probably not. She honestly probably does not see any issues with what she is doing, she might think that he's dying so it's okay anyways. The daughter did a good job of handling the situation and I am glad she didn't put him in the care of some other stranger in their home. I am glad she found a good place for him to be and get the care he needs.

    1. I can only imagine how hard it would be to also know you let this caregiver into your home and find out that this was going on under your own roof. I agree with you though that she handled it well. She went to the authorities about it and didn't just freak out on the woman and get herself in trouble. I can't imagine the anger she must have felt seeing the video of her own father defenseless and being abused by someone who you are paying for their service. So she handled it very well by going to the authorities to seek justice.

  13. The elderly are like children. They need help and proper care, but why are there laws against child abuse, but not against elderly abuse? If a child gets spanked the whole world looks at that parent like they are the most awful person in the world, but if the same person was to hit or abuse the elderly most people wouldn't really say anything about it. Is it because people think the elderly can take care of them selves better than children? Because in all reality most of them cannot. They do need help with almost everything and a lot of them could be embarrassed to ask for help because they could do things for themselves their whole life and now they cannot.I'm glad the daughter did something about her fathers abuse and I hope more people will end elderly abuse as well. RDH012

  14. This absolutely breaks my heart. I don't understand how people especially "caregivers" could abuse an elderly helpless man. Elderly people should be given the highest respect, not treated like scum like this lady chose to do. Not only that, but the daughter in this video trusted this woman enough to allow her to take care of her loved one and let her into the home. I do believe the abuser in this video needs to be sentenced to prison for a very long time. I feel incredibly sorry for this poor man to have to go through something so tragic. The daughter handled it far more mature than I ever would.

  15. This makes me sick. I cant think on what to say to this. People do not, for any reason, to put there hands on another person. Exceptly on a person who they are there to take care of. What was that man doing that made her act like that? Its sad to say that things like still happen today. His daughter handled that way better then I would have. I do hope that lady was found and something was done with her. lilred012

  16. This poor gentleman is a product of elder abuse in our society an it's clearly an act of active torment, which includes physical harm and emotional abuse. I believe that this woman is a product of her sociological environment as we all are but hers can be a number of any of the following circumstances, which are fatigue, emotional distress, or guilt. She may have a full-time job along with taking care of this gentleman, she may be caring for young children at home, she may be living in poverty, she may not have any support emotionally or financially from within her family circle, or may not have a family at all or she may just simply feel no affection for this man whatsoever. Her actions speak loud and clear and she should be brought to justice. However, much intervention, rehabilitation, and therapy are needed in order for this citizen to break the cycle of her social upbringing. I hope that this judge would order mandatory rehabilitation along with her serving a sentence for the abuse that she instilled upon this person. Hbaby31012

  17. The video was a perfect example of why people don't trust others in their homes. It real sad knowing that he couldn't protect his self. Now I do work for a company that I do in home care for and its hard to be a male doing these job. People seem to also think guys are more mean or rough. The video prove other wise. Now i am not saying that all males are better or any thing like that so don't take it the wrong way. So I get to see first hand how hard it is for people to trust me. For them to put their trust in me and hope i can do my job. Now no ones ever put a camera on me that I know of. The daughter was and still is pretty smart for doing that. I feel like jobs should also put more cameras in and watch who they are letting work for them.


  18. This is heartbreaking. It's already a hard decision to have to look for additional care for our loved ones. In our society usually all adults work ful time jobs and do not have time to care for elderly parents. We put trust and money in caregivers to be there to help not beat poor abuse our loved ones. Thankfully, this person caught on to the issue and was able to put a stop to the abuse. Jenchango012

  19. It's sad but elderly abuse is happening all the time. I'm glad they showed the video on the news because people need to be aware of it. It's terrible how people can mistreat elderly people and children because they physically can. The fact that someone is stronger than another person is a terrible reason to mistreat them. The fact that you are stronger means you should protect and care for them. I don't like when I see people even treat elderly people as if they are dumb or their opinions don't matter. They are people with rights and it's not easy growing old. I feel the elderly in America can almost be viewed more along the lines of Social-Conflict than in eastern cultures where I feel it's more Structure-Functional. In the east the elderly have more of a place and are respected for their age. When here in America I feel it's more of a natural view in our society to toss them aside because it's inconvenient to take care of them. I hope our society takes a more respectful approach to our elderly especially since our healthcare is better and our elderly population will rise.

  20. This video and case is both heartwrenching and disturbing. I say disturbing because the person that committed this elder abuse crime is missing at large, possibly using an alias and doing this to someone else's family member(s). People that prey on victims that are helpless (regardless of age), don't just get better on their own. They just learn to be more cautious in how they abuse the next time, typically. And it's heartwrenching to know the man may have suffered even more damage because of the abuse. Having a stroke alone, is a hard thing to deal with, especially when you can't voice what is happening to you. Who knows what the woman did to him when she was in an area that the cameras weren't. Say the bathroom, for instance. Firecracker012


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