Jails - The New Asylums?


  1. I definitely agree that todays' criminal justice system is becoming basically the new way to treat mental illness. Mental illness has always been a subject that many people really don't want to deal with. I agree in this particular area jails have become the new asylums. Many mental institutions have shut down and funding has been cut because people just don't understand. Persons do petty crimes to get put into jail for a night or months because they know they will receive care and housing. The real disturbing part is the fact we all know about the issue and how jail overcrowding is getting worse. When we look at the other crimes that are being committed by mentally ill or unstable persons are we really able to prevent those crimes from happening? There is direct correlations and effects from the mentally ill basically being sloughed off to the criminal justice system and especially jails. Jails were meant to deal with criminals not mentally ill persons. Yes mentally ill people commit crimes, but we really have to look at intent and mens rea. Most criminals, already know jail or how things are in "the system". I think the mentally ill in places like Chicago have figured their own "system" out to make sure they get the care they need. What is most disturbing is the majority of our population just doesn't either care or understand about mentally ill people because they never deal with it. Mentally ill people in Peoria found on the street used to be dropped off at Zeller Mental Health to be dealt with instead of the jail years ago (at least 40 years). Back when the facility was open there weren't any reports of jail overcrowding, crimes, or other issues on the scale there is today. The sickest part of this whole entire mess is that because of budget cuts and mis-understanding, our mentally ill population still needs care and the new system is going to jail to receive care. Instead of actually dealing with the subject and being responsible for keeping our streets safer, society has only diverted the issues at hand. The mass shooters and other mentally ill persons behind really heinous crimes have been able to slip through the cracks and society is having an outcry as to why. I really believe the mental health facilities and system needed modification to meet the demands of the persons who need treatment and care for their conditions. They still do and still will need care and treatment. It really goes back to the old saying," if it isn't broken, don't fix it", but I would add, "make it better and do it right". The criminal justice system shouldn't be dealing with the mentally ill in the capacity it is being forced into today. I just believe the entire criminal justice system should only be involved in the screening process (through partnership) at best and the real professionals that are equipped and trained for this should be allowed to do what they do best, treat our mentally ill in a way that is not only financially responsible and makes sense, but is socially responsible. Sure laws, the system, and facilities need changes, but when does this real madness stop? I think it will when being a responsible and educated society makes that change. I guess the real question is this, are mentally ill persons insane for using the criminal justice system for treatment or is society insane by forcing the criminal justice system to treat the mentally ill? Tackleberry789

    1. I like your question in the last statement. It really involves the true speculations as to why mental health problems are mostly present in our criminal justice system. Because of mental facilities crumbling down due to budget cuts I know that the easiest way for the majority of the mentally ill to do to get treatment is to use the criminal justice system and also because the criminal justice system gets to deal with them first when they commit a crime it is immediately assumed that they are going to be the ones to take care of them. When I was in my high school back in the Philippines I always saw a beggar sitting down outside our school everyday. I found out that he was mentally ill because he always talked to himself and he always changed his voice to mimic a family. I have never seen law enforcement nor health departments try and help him with his issue. The capacity of our jails to treat the mentally ill is amazing, but it should be time to try and address this issue to help solve one of many major problems in our corrections system. Thanks for the comment Tackleberry. Arnis789

    2. I agree with you also i believe that today's jail system has become a institution for the mentally ill, since most of the mental asylums have been closed down or dont have the means to take care of all the mentally ill patients. The mentally ill just seem to slip through the cracks where they result in commiting petty crimes so they go to jail and get the medical attention they desperately need. I beleive that the jail system should have more rehabilitation programs they can offer to the mentally ill to teach them how to adapt to their problems and teach them how to deal with their problems in society. ButterCup789

    3. I agree the criminal justice system was never meant to house these kind of people. It was interesting to here the man say that he had people in his jail that had been there 400 times. That is an astounding number. If that is not mental illness than I am not sure what is. It is very important that the people get treated and that society does not expect the criminal justice system to treat these people. TrucksAreGreat789

  2. Ever since I came here to the United States the issue of mental health was a shocking topic for me because I have never thought of it before and neither was it ever educated to me. The problem with our correctional systems is that they were not intended to specifically house the mentally ill. When inmates who are not mentally ill are housed with those who are then it becomes inevitable that the lives of inmates and correctional personnel would be in danger of harm or even death. The problem with our health system treating the mentally ill is that it is not enough. Their illness are the ones causing them to break the law because of the way they think and when we get to arrest them and put them in jail the problem is only temporarily resolved because the treatment the mentally ill would get in jail would most likely be harder to have access to outside the system. Our corrections system is already having a hard time when it comes to housing inmates and especially the lack of rehabilitation programs available to the inmates. This problem has to be addressed to as fast as possible because of the lives that are at stake and because it is our societies responsibility to take care of its people to keep others safe. Arnis789

    1. I agree with you. These issues should be taken care of swiftly but the way our world is sometimes the things we need take forever. Tacklberry789

    2. True. Its going to take for murders and kidnapping to occur and people getting off for being mentally ill before anything is done about it. We deserve to be protected and they deserve to be treated for their illness. MotherOf4789

  3. I definitely agree that todays' criminal justice system is becoming basically the new way to treat mental illness. Mental illness has always been a subject that many people really don't want to deal with. I agree in this particular area jails have become the new asylums. Many mental institutions have shut down and funding has been cut because people just don't understand. Persons do petty crimes to get put into jail for a night or months because they know they will receive care and housing. I believe that most of the people inside the jail system only do what they do so they can survive. The jail sysem should have more rehabilitation services offered to the mentally ill inmates that will teach them how to adapt to their problems and how to deal with them rather then do to petty crimes just to be locked up in jail. ButterCup789

    1. I agree rehabilitation can work. The programs need to exist that actually do work when done correctly. The issues like kleptomania or depression are hard to rehabilitate because it is an ongoing process. In time it can be managed well. Tackleberry789

    2. I agree most people that are behind bars are worried about surviving, getting the correct nurishment, and staying alive due to the people they are locked up with. Someone could just snap and kill many people in the jail or prison due to depression or serious mental issues. Gemini789

    3. I agree with you guys. I mean the program can help up to some point but they cant fix everyone some are just psychopath and they are are not curable. They will stay like that and harm society with there new ways to kill peoples. They behave like animals. Most wanted789

    4. There are plenty of people that purposefully commit crimes just so that they can be housed for the winter, where it is warm, or so that they can have protection, or 3 square meals a day. However, the jail/prison system isn't really doing anything to help these folks "get on their feet" and prevent them from coming back. The rehabilitation programs that jails/prisons offer isn't what it is supposed to be in order to actually help people survive. Ocho789

  4. I agree with the criminal justice system being the new warehouse of the mentally Il. I like the title of the article, "Jails the new asylum?" That is exactly what it has become. It is amazing that people think that what we are doing today is working. Many institutions were built a long time ago to warehouse the mentally ill. This was seen as in humane and against the rights of the mentally ill and was put to a stop. This is now exactly what is going on. The only difference is that they are now put in the same place as many other serious offenders. We haven't made any progress since we put the institutions to a stop. The only fix to this is getting people the help that they need while they are in jail. TrucksAreGreat789

  5. "Jails the new asylum?" I would say so, since it definitely seems that way nowadays. Mentally ill inmates have serious problems and need treatment but unfortunately not to many jails and prisons have that available. Like the man said in the video these people are individuals that many people do not care about due to that they do not get the proper treatment which is very true I completely agree with that statement. Mass shootings have been happening more frequently and the ones behind the crime are seriously mentally ill. All this money can go into jails and prisons but not into rehab facility's, these mentally ill people are not receiving the right help and go on rants such as mass shootings, killing and harming many people. GEMINI789

  6. This is became a huge issue to the society. Lots of crime has been committed by mentally ill peoples. And that not their fault, this happens because someone of them probably where touched in their young age by parents or by someone. And when they grow up all they want is revenge and kill those people who they thinks that those people are evil and they kill. And government can’t do anything they gonna put them in some kind of metal program. But it won’t help them they need to build big metal hospital with huge stuff and better treatment for those who needed. And they should not let them go until they are mentally fixed and ready to live a life in society with no harm to the peoples on streets. MostWanted789

    1. There are many reasons that could contribute to how mentally ill became ill or maybe they were born into it. Anyhow, I agree it is not their fault. Treatment should have been provided when signs were first showing, but funding for medication and healthcare is low so that could possibly be a reason to why some mentally ill people get worse. LightBright789

  7. I agree the jail is the new asylum. Over half of the population in jails are mentally ill individuals. They comment a crime like breaking and entering to keep warm and have shelter, they are arrested placed in jail for a few days giving pills release out on the street to comment the crime again and be brought back to jail. There are very little asylum around today. If someone is mentally ill there should be help out here for them. There are defiantly enough jails build our tax dollars should go to something that will help the mentally ill. The very building I get my education in was an asylum years ago. Although its a good place to learn and could potentially educate someone to help with a mental ill individual it should of stayed as an asylum. Where those individuals were taken I don't know.
    As shown in the video clip of the guy that rushed out to the cell as soon as it opened and leaped from the second floor was not someone in their right mind. He was locked up like a animal in a dark cell that to me would trigger someone's mental state. Its time to take this matter serious before murders and kidnapping happen and their plea is insanity and there will be nothing anyone can do. No justice! MotherOf4789

  8. More and more people will enter jails and prisons with mental health problems. I don't think that it will be stopped. Like the man says, the people just steal something because they had a random thought right then or then needed something to eat. Well then the state will charge them and put them in jail. I mean, they did commit the crime, but I guess we need to focus on helping them figure out their health problems while they are in there or at least refer them to a doctor that is willing to help them. These vides and blogs have been leading me to believe that the entire corrections system is messed up. I feel like I am saying the same thing about rehabbing people rather than warehousing. I am not sure if this will ever change, but to me it looks as if it is way beyond broken and the change is no where is sight. With mental illness, it is hard. People do have major issues, but I feel like there are some people out there that enjoy playing the system and trying to have a place to stay for the winter months. (xsjado789)

  9. I wasn't surprised by a lot of the stuff that was said in the video. Jails/Prisons are increasingly becoming the number one mental health care providers, simply because people don't want to have to deal with mentally ill people, or try to help them. As said in the video, a majority of people that commit the crimes are mentally ill, and they commit the crimes because they aren't getting the help they need from outside sources, which causes them to have to commit crimes even to just feed/clothe themselves. The jail mentioned in the video, Cook County Jail, has inmates that have been into the jail a few hundred times a year, which is just saddening. That shows that they aren't being rehabilitated in jail, which is supposedly the number one mental health provider in America. The video showed some pretty dark stuff, like the guy that jumped from the second floor. Locking people up that have mental health issues and isolating them for long periods of time is not the smartest thing to do. Ocho789

  10. I think that if people aren't placed in the right facilities, then the damage could be worse, not only to the individual but for society as well. The mentally ill in my opinion do not belong in a jail or prison. Other sanctions such as a mental institution, rehabilitation center where patients can be diagnosed and treated correctly, and other places along those lines. I was shocked at that fact that Cook County jail houses the most mentally ill criminals. Being that I was born and raised in Chicago, IL, it affects me personally. I know a lot of people that are locked up in Cook County for minor offenses to hard time, but none are mentally ill. To know that they are in the same jail with mentally disturbed people is frightening and isn't best for any individual in that situation. I understand that the funding just isn't there for programs in jail or for new mental institutions, but if something isn't done, we could have a case of reoffenders and repeated behavior on our hands. LightBright789


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