Nature, Nurture, Gender Difference, and Sociology

Nature, Nuture, and Gender


  1. I really liked this topic. Our society guides our thinking of what gender is typical for things such as an occupation or toys. We are born a male or female, but as an infant, you don’t know what is “typical” of your gender, this is taught to us through watching others actions and the media. Nature and nurture are both key roles in this. Boys have a higher testosterone level, causing them to have more muscles, which could make things such as sports to come easier to them than their female competitors. On TV, it is typical to see a boy as a CEO of a large company, rather than a female, that is due to our society’s guidance of how each gender is portrayed. Each gender is born with a predisposition set of genes; how our environment “nurtures” those characteristics may depend on how prominently they develop. For example, maybe a girl has the ability to develop a larger mass of muscles, but does not because her environment does not encourage her to do so, as it may do to males. GoGreen012

    1. Now that you have said this, I do think on TV the more important roles like CEO... is played by men. I just wish TV would catch up with the real world and stop stero-typing people because there are plenty of women who are in high roles. lilred012

    2. i agree there are plenty of females with high roles. Females on television are getting up there with the males. At least we have female cops and firefighters now. I also like detective and cop shows and would like to see more females in the higher up positions but it is getting better. dolphin 123

    3. Gender roles in general are complex in certain issues. I do like that they are being questioned more and more as times goes by. I was always chastised for being a tomboy as a kid, which isn't easy for any girl to hear. I still loved the same things that all girls love, I just grew up surrounded by more males than females, so their interests also became my own. I feel personally validated by more and more people addressing gender roles.

    4. I like and understand your article. I agree with what our society has shaped everyone's ideas about male roles versus female roles. Long ago females typically stayed at home and took care of the day to day activities while their husbands were out to work. Most males had more than one job and tried to make ends meet. As the years went by and economic status has changed this has also changed our society. It's common nowadays to see just as many women working than man in certain job occupations. Just like you mentioned how Hollywood shaped television by having males play in certain roles just as a CEO of a fortune 500 company. Lawpro012

  2. I do think we have grown up in a streo-type of world. I have worked with many different kinds of people so when she asked what do i think of an art teacher or nurse.... An art teacher I think of as a male, only because though out many years of school I have only had one female art teacher. With a nurse, I think of both men and women. Nursing is one of those jobs that is is not being as streo-typed as others. I also agree with how we are raised is how are life will be shaped. I dont think that people should look at men and women differently. My daughter could go play in the mud in her dress and I wouldnt say, thats not what little girls do. Also, sports have became more equal example: baseball- softball the only sport I think is for men is football. There is nothing close to that a women could play. lilred012

    1. My first thought when she said art teacher was a color palate, the construction worker was a male image in my head, and a nurse was a female image in my head. So I guess the nurturing influence that I had coming from my childhood was probably this type of stereotype. I grew up on a farm, where I was constantly outside playing, but the men and women in my life were playing stereotype roles, the nurses were women and the men were running the heavy farm equipment. However, through nurturing I do feel that my opinions have changed, I do believe than there are men that are capable of being an excellent nurse, and I do believe that women are capable of handling heavy farm equipment. I do believe that men and women have different qualities through nature though that can be offered by both men and women but I also believe that these differ at some levels and I question if these qualities could even be replaced by one gender or another, through nature I don't think so but through nurturing the efforts can be made and the outcome can be successful. Hbaby31012

    2. Football would be a tough sport for women but I knew a girl in high school that play football. She loved it and there are a lot of smaller guys in football which is good for a runner. When a person is running down the field the need speed and weight does not help at all. Women and men are capable of anything but some are prone to be better than the other without work. Men have better depth perception than women which makes baseball easier for then but some women have trained themselves to be able to play well. Zipping012

    3. I agree. I actually take on a lot of the "female" roles in my household due to the fact that my parents divorced when I was very young so I lived with my mother and sister. Growing up I would do what I could to help my mother out like dishes and laundry so that has carried over into adulthood. I do the grocery shopping, majority of the cooking, and share in the laundry and cleaning. I also handle making the majority of the kids appointments for whatever reason, part of this is due to the fact that my wife and I work different shifts. I have told my daughter, as she grows up and seems to be very independent so far, that she should NEVER rely on a man to support her. DaBearsandBulls012

    4. I love how you brought up sports and actually I think in a few years there won't really be just guys sports. The other weekend I went to one of my cousins JFL games and there was a girl dressed up in pads playing football with all the guys. I also had a friend growing up who played hockey for many years. slowly we start to see the mix in sports between guys and girls and I think in maybe a few more years there will be more co-ed teams because we are learning that no matter if you're a guy or girl, if you put your mind to something then you can accomplish anything. RDH012

    5. When I was younger if I heard girls playing football I would think they were crazy, but through high school and JFL I have heard of many girls from my town/school play(all younger classes) but I do think times are changing. I have seen girl wrestlers and now there is even a division in the UFC for women. Like everything it takes time, slowly but surly girls are making their way to the top. I believe when the next generation of kids are grown up gender stereotypes won't be that common stayup012

  3. The video was interesting. Males and females are looked at so differently. For me i really used to view nursing as a females job and thought males had enough jobs they had as there own.Now i believe someone can do whatever they put there mind and heart into. Some women can actually do a males job better than some males. Also the same for males can do some female jobs better than females can. How someone is raised does have a big part in how there life can turn out and what they decide to do with there life. I do not believe that if a little boy plays with dolls he will grow up gay. That is so far from the truth. Each person is there own unique self. dolphin 123

    1. I know a couple male nurses and they are very good and myself i thought about becoming a nurse too. And also I believe that people are born the way they are and the nature and nurture can have an effect of the way they can come up to be. Like in Texas football is their life and watching college football yesterday a lot of college players are from Texas because of how they where raised I believe that is why they are good at that sport.USMCgrunt_123

    2. I always thought it was odd seeing a male nurse, but now it's starting to become more normal. My boyfriend is actually going into nursing and I think it's a great field for him. It obviously has a lot to do with the nurture side of things.

  4. There a lot of influences from the media, web, and all different sources of technology that influence us from a nurturing standpoint when it comes to our gender. Boys are becoming more competitive with XBOX360 by watching utube videos on how to play the game better, little girls are influenced by gender schemas, like participating in beauty pageants, the fashion industry is a huge nurturing affect on how we wear our class, put on our make up, and in these ways create an image of how we "should" express ourselves as men and women of today's society. In this video, it also gave the example of the teacher in the classroom paying attention to boys more because they ask more questions and may have more aggressive behavior which attracts both negative and positive attention. I found this interesting and believe that a lot of this type of nurturing was more back in the 1960's and 1970's when women were becoming a more equal part of society especially in the area of education. In today's society, both men and women are treated more equal in a classroom and the nurturing of our environment has become significantly different. There are now more women teachers than there were before and the treatment of students has become more of a fair playground in the classroom environment. However, we also know that the facts play out more strongly with the backbone of our genetic make up which is the nature aspect of gender. This will always be the foundation of our gender and that will never change but our nurturing will constantly change us throughout our lives. Hbaby31012

    1. I agree strongly with the media playing a huge role in our children and gender roles. That also has a lot to do with what she was saying about are these roles nature or nurture. The media most defiantly makes this a nature thing because these it shows the kids what they should be like there for putting these roles or stereotypes into their heads. Proving the nature side of the story. saxophones012

  5. I feel gender topics are interesting because I feel differently than most people about stereotypes. Men are naturally stronger and that makes them better for certain jobs over women. Yes women can be strong too but they have to work at it and men have it naturally. Women are better at caring and that is a fact. Women are better at help the sick, elderly, and children because they are more caring. With these in mind which jobs do you feel men and women should have? If I had a fire at my house I wouldn't want an all women firefighting squad. That would make me to nervous. A lot of gender stereotyping is nature but then society has a chance to change it and doesn't. For example Sesame Street is very bad at gender stereotyping but blues clues made an effort to change this. When watching blues clues people though blue was a boy and magenta was a girl but it was exactly opposite. Society has changed a lot but if we want gender stereotypes to stop we need to stop encouraging it. Zipping012

    1. I agree there are some things out there that men and women are just better at because it comes natural to them. Men working in a factory use to be a given but with technology today a lot of it is robotic so there is not as much heavy lifting as there was in the past making it just as easy for a woman to do as a man, but firefighting is definitely something for men. Taking care of people kids, adults or elderly because women are more nurture is definitely something women do better, how would you like a 6 foot 285 pound guy come into your room as a kid to give you a shot for school or take out your cathitor?

  6. I thought the video was interesting, but nothing really new. Obviously nature plays a role in who we are made to be genetically, but nature plays a bigger role over time. When I heard art teacher, I thought of both a male and female since my art teacher in high school was female and my art teacher in college was male. The same with a nurse, my wife is a nurse but I know male nurses as well and they're becoming more and more common. Any type of physical labor work, I still do picture a male although I see when at construction sites all the type (usually holding the signs). Years ago there wasn't too many female sports on TV, now there are several including the WNBA and women in ultimate fighting. TV has come a long way from "Leave it to Beaver" and the Andy Griffith Show" in showing women in the so called male roles. It will continue to change with the times. Women used to have the role of getting married and staying home to raise kids etc., now we see men staying home and women out in the work force. Also it would still be odd for me to see men in women's clothing as opposed to women in men's clothing. I have two boys and a girl, in saying that, I would not want my boys playing with dolls but would be fine if my girl was playing in the mud, trucks, cops and robbers, etc. I coach JFL and have seen a couple girls play on other teams over the past couple years and play major roles on the team. My daughter is a cheer leader and I wouldn't let her play football. Even some of the magazines we read are gender divided. While a lot of the roles are changing or being shared for the better, I think some things will continue to stay the same for a long time in the role gender plays. DaBearsandBulls

  7. I think this can be hard to talk about because my wife and I had a long talk about how she thinks we need to nurture our kids. She thinks we need to nurture them all the time holding, hugging, kissing, and telling them they are great all the time. I agree with her we should hold, hug, kiss and praise them but were we differ, I think we also need to let nature take its course and let them grow up on their own. The kids are not even teenagers and she is already talking about letting them live at home till they are out of college and they don’t need to work they can just live off us. I feel they need to get a job and at least get some work experience once they are 16. They need to pay for things and get in the habit so when they do move out it’s not a shock. Now I don’t know if this reason is because on difference in gender but it does show how females are more the Nurture of the sexes and men are more let nature take its course and see what happens. I think that is what is wrong with society in some cases because kids get nurtured so much they don’t know how to take rejection or criticism because they are always told how good they are and not shown the real world and how to work through things.

    1. I couldn't agree with you more techie. Kids need nurturing to be brought up correctly and they also need discipline. I was spanked as a child and I think that I turned out better for it so many parents these days want to coddle their kids and not punish them when they do wrong they just want to slap them on the wrist and say bad kid but not give them any repercussions for it. FIreDude012

    2. I totally agree. It's is easier now to show children just how the world really works than to try and wait until they are out on their own. If you shelter them to the point of not wanting them to work or leave the house until they are out of college, then how are they going to know how to budget their money, or pay bills? I'm sorry, but I have seen what can happen first hand when children aren't prepared for life. I hope, for the sake of your children's future, that you and your wife can resolve this issue before it really affects your children's future.

  8. I thought how she started off the video by stating the simplest of all gender differences and then branching off from there was a great way to grab the attention. I was intrigued because indeed I had pictured those things, and it was interesting to find out that my self thinking that an art teacher would be a woman was something that I was taught or something that I was born to think. I so believe that these things are the way you are raised, mostly because life is a lot about stereotypes, and we all know were not born with these stereotypes packaged in our heads. saxophones012

  9. I both agree and disagree with her views on the nature vs nurture. There are some roles out there that need to to be solely the males work such as protecting our country is definitely one that needs to be a man's job. Whereas I believe the women make the best school teachers over any male. FIredude012

    1. I would have to disagree with you. I think people can be great at any role being a female or male. For example, I believe that a man could just as easily make an excellent teacher as a women. Society plays a huge role in how we are raised. Women are taught that they can only do lower jobs such as nurse, teacher, etc, and a male can do anything he choices to do. It's actually quite sad. -Blue22_012

  10. In the video nature vs. nurture was very interesting. In high schools for every sport they have for males they have to have a sport for females. So if a school looses a sport for females they have to cut a sport for males because they can’t have an unequal opportunity for them because guys can’t play girl sports, but girls can play guy sports. I coach hockey and I have a female on my team and we play nothing but teams with guys on it. I am not putting her down she is very good and is a lot bigger than the other boys on the team showing me how girls mature earlier than boys. Not only does the sex of an individual play a big role in it all so does the race of the individual. People think of typical races are better at some sports than others and that has to do with the nature and nurture of how they where raised.USMCgrunt_123

  11. This Video started off asking about Jobs and who you thought performed those jobs. Of course in my head I was thinking of how society had made me think. I was stereotyping males and females into the jobs I thought they should've been in. Except Art teacher I had that being a male and female job only because growing up we had both a male and female art teacher. Although, about a year ago I learned that in one of my hygiene classes that the reason why women are usually hygienist is because we have smaller hands so it is easier to get in someones mouth the clean their teeth and because women are easier to talk to. The video kind of touched on the fact that women have better verbal skills than men, and that does help alot of women go into being nurses and in my case hygienist. A big part of our jobs is to teach others how to keep themselves healthy so having better verbal skills helps us do that. RDH012

  12. I found this subject to be very interesting. The video shows the differences between nature and nurture such as; how we are formed and how society affects us. Basically, nature falls under the category of our development as humans in the growing terms, like how females mature faster, but men generally grow taller and get more muscles it just takes a little bit more time for them. In the nurture side of it, it shows us how, in our mind, things should be, mostly because we were taught that way. To sum it up, in the video they used the gender role. They asked if we pictured a man as a construction worker and if we pictured a woman as a nurse. When there could very well be a woman construction worker and a male nurse. And most of the time we do think men do the harder jobs and women do the easier ones because that is how society was shaped.

  13. I agree with this entirely. I feel almost as though I am a sexist person, and view that women can't accomplish certain things that a man can. A woman fixing a car? Or how about climbing on a roof and helping tear down shingles? Men were made and created to do certain things that a woman just wasn't.
    I have traditional views on man and woman. The woman is the one that is responsible for cooking and cleaning.
    I see that, and I see the differences, and that's why, as a father, I am trying to change this with my daughter. When I work on the car, she is out there with me learning. When I am working on my properties, she is there helping learn the trade. I want her to be a well-rounded woman who is independent and doesn't need to rely or depend on a man for help. I want her to be able to do everything on her own. I don't want her to grow up thinking that she can't do certain things because her "nurture" tells her it's wrong.
    While the world is slowly getting better at opening the doors for both genders, the stereotypes are still there. Of course there are male nurses, and female scientists, but we still visualize the other role.

    1. Yeah I agree with the traditional views of men and woman. The man I think should work and provide the money but I know there are some people that in their life it is different. That the wife is the one who makes the money and the husband stays home with the kids. In my family my brother stayed home with the baby while his wife worked. Army92012

  14. This is a very interesting topic and a lot of it is very good information. To pick a male for a construction worker and to pick a female for a nurse. That is just what people first think of. Females always are nurses and gentle and caring. Construction workers are males that are physical fit and masculine. The next point that I liked and I was actually just thinking about this one. That parents normally go to the daughter if she needs help and then they say the son can figure it out independent. As stated in the video when girls and boys hit puberty it is nature that boys are physically stronger then girls. On nature and nurture there are two sides of it with hereditary with hormones and then environment. There is a lot of stereotyping as welling in the gender. Army92012

    1. I agree with the stereo typing comment. This is all learned and taught. With the new generations and what seems to be a stronger minded society you can see we are out ruling the norms. More equality amongst the genders. JenChango012

    2. I agree with you, my daughters mother moved to the east coast for a mommy time out for a bit so she could have a break from the stress of life. So I had to be the mom and the dad for her. She has always seen me cook and clean, but I never had to buy her cloths and shoes. Then she ask me to buy her one of them bra things that’s not a real bra for little girls I was lost. But we got through it together and we do things all the time. bfd6866012

  15. Nature vs. Nurture is one of my FAVORITE sociological/psychological theories. It's so interesting. To think and wonder about who I am currently and how different I could be just because of a few minor details about my life is kind of mind boggling. But also-- WOULD I be that different than I am now? I don't know. It's all so cool to think about.

  16. I think this is a very interesting topic! Looking at nature vs nurture determining the personality of someone has always been interesting to me. In my opinion, nurture is much more important than nature. Of course, nature does have its own influence but in the end it is entirely based upon what type of environment the child is growing up in and how much attention is given by the parents. Nature does have its affect on things like temper or things along those lines. Nature can control even things like that. The environment that people grow up in can be more understanding and accepting of ways to control things like tempers. Now situations like children being left alone without any interactions is completely different. Something like that could entirely ruin a child's personality and way of thinking. Interaction, the right environment, and the right amount of nurture is what makes a person's personality. -Blue22_012

  17. Gender rules have been around for many generations. Throughout the years many people in society have fought for gender equality. As it's been taught women are the nurturing, calm, and easy going characters. So it's typical to easily think of them in positions such as art teachers and nurses. Compared to males who are more stern in nature and firm action that you can see them add construction managers. This day and age women are on the rise and taking over more make gender rules such as Judge's, Doctors, and Lawyers. Society is becoming more and more adapted to the changes in gender rules and are more accepting of them. Where now you will see stay at home father's while mothers work for the family. Some of it, yes, is genetics. However, the majority is taught. JenChango012

  18. This video was interesting to watch but didn't entertain me as much as the others. While watching the video I already had an idea about the gender stereotyping. The art teachers and nurses being females as a stereotype I have to disagree with. Both art teachers in my high school were males and being an employee at OSF I see a lot of male nurses. In the past I will agree that nurses was a female job and art teacher could have been too but as time changes so do we as a society. I think it is more acceptable or less stereotypical these days. stayup12

  19. What I got from this video is that from my birth my parents, sibling’s, teacher, media, and Hollywood has made me a male chauvinist. My father worked and my mother stayed at home, my father sat at the head of the table never cooked or cleaned. They bought me tractor, trucks, gi joes, play tools and toy guns. Never a kitchen or baby doll set.
    Hollywood in my life time they just started putting females in the traditional roles that males always was in. It was unheard of to have homosexuals roles on TV and the movies when I was a child. I would say 95% of the tv shows in the 70 and early 80 had a A typical family Father, mother, children. Look at the brady bunch. They weren’t divorced that was unheard of in that time. I think Hollywood put males and females in certain jobs what society deemed. Bfd6866012

  20. This topic is very important when not only looking at how society conforms but how individuals adapt to their surroundings as well. Its very important to nurture and to shape children's personality in a positive way. Many psychologist and sociologist coin the phrase "love bath" because essentially that's what needs to be done at a very young age. After the age of 3 is typically when children show either love or hatred, possibly. I have done research in this area for some time and this is a key topic when referring to criminal acts in these children's future if they don't see a loving environment from the start. This also shows the stereotype of the different genders and how they used to conform to the norms although society is changing in this regards. For example I know that a nurses occupation held a lot of females but in todays society it is the norm to see many males at this position. Lawpro012


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