Sociological Theory: Durkheim and Solidarity


  1. Some of the statements about what Durkheim was trying to state were a bit confusing but what I got of this video did make a lot of sense. People lean on each other forming groups that had the same beliefs. I can see how that makes sense because back before my time things seemed to be a bit more simple. What I don’t understand is why some of these groups brought in a punishment of deviance ritual into their group. I don’t really see how that would of helped matters any by killing one of their own. Organic bonding and individual freedom, I could see being very hard at first trying to find people who could help with each individual needs that needed to be met. It makes it better for that one person to be able to capture the things needed in life. Although there are a lot of people that have the same religions and beliefs that do come together today to form their own groups. (Hound89) 012.

    1. It was definitely a lot to take in on this video. People with similar beliefs tend to draw to each other. It reminds me of a cult, and how you would be punished or excommunicated if you went against the leader. People can still be individual all the while working toward a common goal. jam012

    2. Wow, I like your reply very much^. I didn't really think about this being related to a cult but you are nonetheless very correct. In a cult you would like to think of yourself as a main part of the group or the collective consciousness or mechanical bonding society instead of thinking your self as an individual or individual consciousnesses. Very good simile!! Stayup012

  2. I found this video very interesting. He talks about people forming groups that have the same beliefs. The group has a "mascot" if you will to perform a special ritual for. If you were defiant of the group you were punished for that behavior. It helped define the moral boundaries. Getting into the topic of organic bonding, these were the people that were for individual freedom. They were individually directed to work for the greater good. It's the need we have for each others labor. There are people today that come from many different backgrounds that work together respectively. Just taking the time to think about today, how many people are involved with the things we need and use everyday. Things are more complex than they were 40 years ago, it was a simpler time. Some of these ideas are still evident in todays world, especially in the middle east. jam012

    1. It's good to look at todays society compared to society from centuries ago and how we as a culture have evolved. In regards to your point I can see how culture lag exists among societies even today. It's important to live in solidarity with each other due to the needs that everyone has in the different cultures. The basic needs of people centuries ago hasn't changed from today in regards to the basic essentials such as food and clothing. Lawpro012

    2. But why have we become more complex than 40 years ago? Because we live in a modern society. Of course we have evolved and changed. Technology has brought about many different changes. But the fact still remains the same. We are still a bunch of computers working together to produce and survive. And yet, there are still societies that haven't evolved. They are still the ones that are working together for the greater good of their society. gogetit012

    3. I thought your response was rather interesting to read after watching the video. Organic bonding is so important and its becoming less common. Of course, we rely on other people for their services but it's become more impersonal in today's society in my opinion. Leaning towards the mechanical side of things. -Blue22_012

  3. I believe that both modern society and traditional society have one type of similarity and that is relying on others for specific needs. For example, for the traditional society everyone had a task to perform within their group. Weather it be a group of twenty people or a thousand people. During that time, tasks were broken up by their function, such as someone gathering nuts and berries while someone else gathers mammoth meat. Yet another person would be on the lookout for tigers or other animals that could prey on their group, that person would be designated as security. In modern society we live in the same regards. If we have a specific need such as electrical need or plumbing need, we would call upon one that knows that specific field to correct our problem or fix our individual need. I can see where culture lag exists between societies as a way of life. In the traditional society, any deviation from the norm would cause punishment. In the modern society I think we are more open minded and the need for punishment doesn't exist unless we break laws or rules of course. It does appear that anomie has occurred more prevalent now then before. Lawpro012

    1. I agree, in the traditional society everyone worked to accomplish a primary goal eat, sleep, and safety. Today in modern society everyone is out for themselves and wants to be better than the person next door. If we could just get everyone to work on the common goals like they did in traditional society we could grow to be a better society.

  4. This actually brings a lot of aspects of our own modern society into light. It is amazing that something that Durkheim brought to light so many years ago is still clearly in effect today. We already know that as Americans, we live in a modern society. Obviously. However, we are also an organic society in that the poor working people are still providing a service and a good and utility for the other people in society and in doing so, we are still helping the rich to stay rich. They are the ones who are determining our fate and punishment when we deviate away and break rules and laws.
    I also really enjoyed the visual comparison of traditional society and modern society as computer systems. It helped to show the difference between the two. Culture is like the computer software when modern software is uploaded in traditional societies will crash because they aren't equipped to handle the new information. Which causes culture lag.
    When I think of culture lag, I am reminded that I am still in shock over the trends of today. I still like the baggy pants and clothes of the 90's, and yet if I'm going to keep up with the times, I have to wear tight skinny pants?
    This makes a lot of sense. Many times I have wondered how there were still societies and cultures deep in South America where new technology and modern society had yet not touched. How have they survived so long? Why has no one gone in there to help modernize their society? Wouldn't that make their life so much better? Now, it is clear that what I think would make their society better, would actually cause them to "crash" because they aren't prepared or equipped to handle a new way of life.

    1. I liked what you said about culture lag, and how some people are still in a culture shock over the current trends in today society. I also think about the different cultures out there and how ahead of them we are and how behind we are to some as well. It is all so interesting and crazy to think about. And what you said about South America, it has been working for them for so long so why change it? Even though it is different does not mean it is wrong.

  5. In all actually this brings a lot of aspects of our own society into light. It seems amazing that something that
    Durkheim brought into reality is still going on today. We know that Americans live in a Modern Society. The Organic society is that the people are currently providing an service to people in society and doing so they are keeping the rich to stay rich. Society is still planning our fate and punishment when we deviate from the laws. I enjoyed the the visual similarities of the traditional society and modern society . It help show the difference between the two. Culture is like the traditional computer system and modern computer system in how they upload in tradition society and how they handle information, which causes culture lag. When I think of culture lag, I get shocked to see people wearing baggy pants hanging down to their knees. When I went to the Dominican Republic I don't see the people there wearing baggy pants
    Bears 012

  6. I really did not like this video. I felt like he went all over the place and back and forth with everything he talked about. I was completely confused after watching this video and had to watch certain parts over again two or three times to kind of get a better idea of what exactly he was talking about. He was discussing Durkheims mechanical and organic solidarity. He used the analogy of social structure to a computer network. Comparing mechanical society to the internet and culture to the software used to run the network. I did understand this part of the video but after this I got very confused. I did find it interesting when he was talking about how modern society people are vulnerable because the need people to meet their needs and traditional is not vulnerable. He also goes on to talk about collective consciousness and how in a traditional society it can overpower individual consciousness. One of the last things he talks about and I also found it very interesting was the lack of awareness of organic solidarity. I would like to learn more about this, but maybe in class so I can get a better understanding of what all this means.

    1. I definitely agree with you. I had to watch this video and and go back and forth between my notes to figure out what he was talking about many times. I also thought it was interesting how he talked about modern society is vulnerable and traditional is not. Maybe to me the names of the solidarity's is what gets me. When I think Mechanical I think that is talking about today's society because it makes me think about machines but it is really talking about Modern society. Then Organic makes me think basic and good for you. But in all reality the Modern society is the organic solidarity and according to Durkheim is not the best solidarity to be in. RDH012

  7. This video was good and informative. I found great detail throughout the video. Durkheim's form of thinking was advanced for his time. The idea that a member of one’s society was collectively harmed for deviating a social norm makes things interesting. The fact that that we need other people to meet our own social needs is not only sad but dangerous. at any time someone could leave our life and we must be able to do without them. The part about society being like a computers technological software made so much sense. in order for us all to be sane and understanding we need government and regular people in order to function. Without barriers or boundaries we have no structure and with no structure we are nothing and when one part fails we crash as if we are a computer. (Aphi012)

    1. I agree having to depend on other people for our own needs is kind of scary. But it does make alot of sense because some people are better at providing things then others. If one forms things for another it could help change many things but depending on another for your needs is a chance one has to take. (Hound89) 012

  8. I liked the video at the start because being a tech myself I could relate to what he was saying with the small networks and larger network (Internet). After that it kind of gets confusing. It was interesting to watch and I did get out of it how Solidarity works in the modern day and in the past. It was interesting how past society worked as one on everything they did. As you fast forward to modern time we strive for solidarity but we work hard at being individuals also. I feel to become a better society we should go back to basics. Don’t remove all individuality but everyone should try and work together more and not fight over who is better than whom, or who has the better stuff. Just work together to accomplish common goals like they did in the past we everyone was equal men, women, and child.

    1. I agree with you, in the fact, that we need to get back to the basics while keeping individuality. Also working together to reach a common goal(s) seems to be more of a problem today as opposed to traditional society. Take a look at our government for instance, it seems Democrats and Republicans do what they can to not get along and disagree with one another before they even know what's going on. It is good to have competition in order to better one another, but this also needs to be done with respect for one another.

  9. There was definitely a lot involved in this video. While things are much different now, there are still a lot of similarities between then and now. For instance, we've always relied on one another in some way whether it was to take care of the hunting and gathering or making sure we had what was needed at the grocery store. I think there was more bonding in traditional society although we still have similar structure bonding through our same beliefs and values. We are able to have more individuality in modern society. While the ways of punishment are different, traditional society handled wrong doing like we do in modern society when someone goes against beliefs or "laws." Modern society is definitely a lot more complex than traditional society, but we also have A LOT more to offer today as well. We must improve and advance with time. I feel my family is in a better position now than my family was at my age, and I hope the same for my children as they grow up.

    1. I like the way you compared gathering and hunting to us going to the grocery store, because that is really what it has come to. In honesty, if grocery stores were to stop being available, about 3 quarters of society would be clueless of what to do. Most people aren't trained in hunting for farming in modern society. It would really bring back the sense of old times and having to upload that old data onto the new computer. It could possibly not work. Saxophones012

    2. I couldn't agree with you more. The similarities are pretty astounding. Durkheim was right on the mark. However, I think we are quickly losing our ability to bond as a society. Especially with the wide-spread use of technology. People are much less welcoming to each other in this day and age, and human interaction is slowly decreasing. Back in the 1950's, it would have been considered strange to not know your neighbors (no matter where you lived). Now, I can't think of any of my friends who has ever said more than two words to their neighbors, let alone knows them personally or even by name. It'll be interesting to see how technology affects society in the future.

  10. In this video he talked about a lot of different topics. But, what I got out of it is that Mechanical Solidarity is kind of like the Amish. They all work together and share a common belief. They also are trying to live 'a simpler' life from the rest of us and I think what they really are trying to get rid of is the Organic Solidarity. Organic Solidarity is basically the fact that we others to survive and we need all the equipment to keep our lives going. With having an Organic Solidarity we are only connected to people through the fact that they are keeping us alive and giving us jobs. Many people are scared of the traditional life but if we just look at the Amish they are making it work why can't we? Also a bad part of our organic solidarity is the fact that it creates an anomie, which provides little moral guidance to individuals. RDH012

  11. This video covered a large amount of very important topics, but what I really gathered from this was that society is hard to conform. Like he stated, society is like a network system. When you try to upload old things onto a new computer it might not take to the old data well. That goes well with society also. A great comparison is the way girls now a days dress from the way those girls grandmothers dressed. Modesty was big then, trying to bring that back into modern society wouldn't go to well. Very many people are afraid of change, and that could play the biggest role in the factor. Saxophones012

  12. It was hard for me to follow this video and understand it completely. What I took out of it most was the collective consciousness. As a group of people they all tend to like the same things, as the man in the video said share the same beliefs, and have the same goals. You tend to think of yourself as apart of that group and not an individual or an outsider. When you look at different cultures and people apart of those cultures or society you would see that for the most part all the people in that culture share most of the same beliefs and have the same goal. I don't think I would be wrong to say in our society one of the biggest goals shared by everyone is to have lots of money, to be rich or famous. Go over seas to a less fortunate country or society their main goals shared would be to live past the age of 25 or to find fresh water and worry less about being "rich and famous." When you look at the world as a whole we all share a goal of being wealthy, the definitions may vary from place to place ( one person wealthy is having enough money to be comfortable level or higher, someone elses definition of wealthy is good health) but none the those two people still share the same goal making them apart of the collective consciousnesses.

    1. I do agree with what you are saying about our society and wanting to have this rich and famous life style. But sadly to say, there is still poverty and homelessness around our country. So why is it that when people in Africa look at us they just are seeing rich white people? And in all reality that is not the case at all... But that is how they see us in society as a whole. Too bad it really isnt like that. lilred012

  13. This video was a bit confusing. I felt like things were not in much of an order. But I do like the fact that Dukhiem came up with all of this many, many years ago and it is still applied to our everyday living. We come together as a group is one of them. Like at work, we work with the same people every day and it is much easier to do things as a team then it would to do on our own. When with a group of people, it is just easier to come together to get things done. But like he used the example trying to upload old software into a new data... might not always work. Somethings in society just dont always work. That's why there is still violence and poverty and world hunger.

    1. I just recently watched the movie "Gods Not Dead" and there is a perfect example of a family who believes in a different God, not Jesus Christ, and they were practicing the Modern way of life in every othere aspect, yet the daughter was thrown out of the family circle when her father discovered that she was not following their religious tradition. There are people that we work with everyday that still practice the "strong group mind that binds them together as a solidarity society". This is a huge example that ritual punishment of deviance is still being practiced in a Modern society, and these acts come from a Mechanical and Organic Solidarity society. Hbaby31012

  14. First off— props to this gentleman on using the internet to convey a complex theory to a technological generation. ;) Well plaid, sir.
    Ritual Punishment is something that jumped out at me from this video. It just seems so barbaric and brutal. A group of people coming together to kill someone deviating from society like it’s some twisted form of entertainment or social justice… I don’t know. It rubbed me the wrong way.
    But still, it is something that Durkheim had to highlight. It has been something that has existed since the dawn of time, and continues to this day in gangs, other cultures, and potentially in our own justice system (depending on your opinion regarding the death penalty and execution viewings).

  15. I liked the computer analogy; I hadn’t looked at it that way. It was a little confusing though. I mean, I understand what he was saying, but it was confusing in the way that he was going a lot of places at once. That said, the way our society is held together now is different than an earlier society was very interesting. I think this could be applied to religion too. Each religion is held together by different beliefs, some varying more than others. The ritual aspect, such as praying or worshiping in their own ways. I felt like this video made a lot of references to religion without actually saying it. Rituals of punishing someone when they deviate, to me this made me think about how in the Bible, a woman was married and was thought to not be a virgin, she would be stoned and left at her fathers doorstep. GoGreen012

    1. I also took a liking to the analogy he presented with computers. It really clicked in my head. I agree that he also did move at a rather rapid pace in his explanation that was hard to understand. I even paused the video and replayed some segments three or four times.


  16. In Mechanical vs. Modernity as through Durkheim's vision, I find it interesting that both still exist today. Even with such an advanced technological society, there are still societies that exist such as the Amish and many tribal communities that live in other countries. However, I do not believe that ritual punishment of deviance exists as much anymore. There are parts of the Mechanical and Traditional societies that I do believe we have similarities in such as a shared belief in a God, Man, or spirit. Even different traditional societies conform to the same religious God in Modern societies where all members come together to worship but those members may not all be a part of a Modern society, they may also live in a Mechanical society. I think in the world today, there are both Mechanical and Modern societies living among one another that may have common similarities of both Modern and Mechanical. A person can still live a modern way of life, yet come from a Mechanical society that still practices strong traditions. Hbaby31012

    1. I agree with you. everything your saying is displayed in mine. needless to say your points are great as well as your observations. (Aphi012)

    2. I'm glad we don't see ritual punishment of deviance as much in society today, especially our own. But it's crazy to think that it still very much exists. Not as much as in the past and not as widespread but it still exists. That influences a culture dramatically and I'm glad ours isn't like that. A really good short story that sort of touches on this subject is a book called The Lottery.

  17. I liked how he told us to think of the social structure as a computer network. I found how he compared traditional social structure as a small network of computers, more specifically older computers to be effective in his following point. Modern society does seem to change faster and stray farther away from the traditional culture than we would expect.

    I also found his point on mechanical solidarity to be effective. It is easy to see, through any time period, that the mechanical solidarity of a group working together helps them evolve. I recall in my high school sociology class talking about “deviants” and “deviant behavior.” The thing I learned in that class about deviant behavior is that it is to be avoided, or else you face being out casted from/shamed by the group in which you are trying to fit in.

    I found this video to be very effective in the explanation of Solidarity.


  18. I think this video is very interesting because it relates well to modern society. There are so many belief groups today with certain goals and ways they act. Everything from religious groups to hate groups. These groups bond and depend on each other to exist. Another thing is the deviance part just imagine if someone in a christian group said they were gay. There would be so much rejection and hate to that person from every christian. I also agree with how it said we all depend on each other, there are so many people that go into making one thing we use everyday. RRFBall012

  19. The video was very well explain but at the same time it was a little hard to fellow .The guy in the video talk about all different kinds of groups out their. Even though they may dress different or look different. Doesn't mean they much different then we are today. Like in today's world religion is a big thing . Nothen has really changed, people still pray and worship a god of their choosing. We just choose to worship or deal with problem different then some smaller groups would. Like we still count on each other for lot of stuff. We may not still do things the same way but alots still the same and i think the guy did a great job of explaining that to us. elmo012

    1. I agree it was very well explain and it was hard to follow. But I think if you just look at them individually it'll be a lot easier to understand one by one. It is true nothing we see as really changed that has been that noticeable. People share believes as a group just as stated in the collective consciousness. I think for as long as we live, we will always count on people for other stuff. Army92012

  20. I never thought of social structure as a computer network but I really like the analogy. I find interesting the aspect of being more vulnerable in modern structure and that we suppress it. It's very true that we think about paying our bills to have electricity and to be able to buy food but we usually view it in the aspect of we work a job to get the money to pay for these things. I feel we rarely consider the thoughts of how it gets to us. Even if the services of the providing company fail or we are unsatisfied with the service we think about just changing the provider. We don't think about how much we truly rely on these systems in order to live comfortably, we think more along the lines of how the provider wants my business and if they can't provide someone else will. I also really liked the concept of rituals. He touches on the rituals of condemning an individual but I never really considered the rituals we do in modern society. Maybe I'm wrong but say for instance the Super Bowl. People go to the game people watch the game. We talk about the game and get excited about it. Even if we don't like football a lot of people still like to participate. I will be looking for and trying to distinguish the rituals we do in modern society more than I did before.

  21. I found this video be very interesting with what Durkheim is saying about solidarity. Social solidarity is the thing that makes it solid as stated in the video. Its the glue that holds society together. Traditional society is held together by mechanical solidarity. Durkheim talks about the difference between traditional society and modern organic solidarity. In traditional people are held together by shared ethos reinforced by ritual and taboo. In modern solidarity division of labor in modern capitalism requires individuals. People can be shared by ethos. Deviance is known a sin. Collective Consciousness is about the group sharing their beliefs.

  22. This was an excellent video to learn the difference between organic and mechanical solidarity. The analogy he gives with comparing social structure, society, and culture to a computer network cleared up any of my misunderstandings. It was easy to dissect each and every detail. He explains the social structure to be a very basic computer network with only a few computers hooked together. Social structure is on a very small level compared to modern society. Whereas, he explains modern society as the internet. The internet with millions of computers that are all hooked together in a global system. Culture is then the software that is running on these computer systems. He then begins to touch on the subject of both organic and mechanical solidarity. Mechanical solidarity is the social integration of members of a society who have common values and beliefs whereas organic solidarity is the social integration that arises out of the need of individuals for one another's services. - Blue22_012

    1. I did not like his computer analogy. It only helps people that understand technology and it was ignorant. He needed to find something that fits more people in society. After he was done with the terrible analogy he actually explained it better I felt.He explained traditional society better than modern society though. zipping012

  23. Which is better traditional society or modern? With modern society you have individuality and we depend on each other. It makes us held accountable for others and not just ourselves. In a traditional society the are held together by similarities and not individuality. Individuality is shunned and the person can even be put to death for such a thing. The people in a traditional society are disposable and no one is held accountable for others just for themselves. I believe both have benefits because modern society gives us our advancements. This is why we have electronics, cars, and so many other things. Traditional people conform and have a common goal. It is also easier to control the society with social norms instead of laws. Modern society has no norms or anomie and has to be regulated by a policing force and laws set in place that will change over time. zipping012


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