Sociological Thoughts on Gender Roles.....Your Learned View?


  1. The video is funny but it does bring up a good point. Men look down on women, when women are not paying attention men look at them as meat. They stare at them or make remarks about them. On facebook a few months back I see a post that a bunch of women when walking by some construction they got called names or the workers made remarks about how they looked. Most men don’t see women as equals they see them as cattle. I think that’s why women have such a hard time in today’s society. That’s why most businesses have men for CEO’s and not women, if there was more women as CEO’s men would have to consider them equal. I don’t personally think like this but that’s how I see it. My wife and I share all the house work even though I work and go to school and she is a stay at home mom I still help with washing clothes, and doing the dishes. She takes care of the kids, cooks dinner, and cleans the house. I’m not saying I do all the laundry or all the dishes but I help out when I can between work and school. We both appreciate what the other one does.

    1. I think your article is very productive and explains the roles very well in our ever changing society. Nowadays, couples agree with chores that are to be done around the home. It doesn't sound too productive for one person to do 100% of the work around the house as it was centuries ago. In this day and age, both males and females going out of the house to work and then returning home to do chores or the like, is very common now then it was long ago. I look at it like this, it’s a lot more productive, especially having children in the home, if both individuals split up the workload equally or close to it. I think this is the new norm in our society. Again, great post! lawpro012

    2. Yikes, I don't like what I'm hearing. I would like to think that men in this century have more respect for women, knowing how far they've come, and what we've accomplished in this day and age. Unfortunately, I do believe that there is a lack of respect and a lot of sexism that goes on especially behind closed doors. I don't believe that men and women are apt to be openly sexist about things as we did back in the 60's, 70's, and 80's but there is still a lot of ignorance and bashing going on that we just don't see openly on a daily basis. I find it interesting though that you mentioned construction workers. I know there are some female construction workers but I still think in this day and age that the majority is still male in this line of work. I think different lines of work are more associated with the acts of sexism taking place. Get a bunch of men together in a masculine setting and it's bound to have some sexism but it's the same for women, get a bunch of women in a social setting whether at work or home and you would get the same response towards men. Hbaby31012

    3. You make a good point. But why cant women look at men and act the same way. It shouldn't matter what status they are, people are humans like everyone else and should be respected like so. Women are just as smart as men, clearly, so why is society like this?

  2. Well this video had a lot of humor, however aside from the humor it brings up a valid point. The responses of males walking by the gentleman in the trunk of the car had the same idea and what appeared to be the same thought process. Those thoughts of thinking a female was wearing those leggings. In today’s culture most of the people wearing leggings happen to be female. I say most because there are always exceptions to any cultural rule. For example males wear leggings when they play sports such as football. Our society looks at football as a dominate sport played by all males, however with leggings as part of their uniform. I didn't see any females staring in this video because they probably edited those people out to serve a purpose, and a purpose it served. As we go back in time, and a long time ago, this was the general consensus of the way primates acted around different genders and in some cases primates acted in the same manner with the same gendered species. Lawpro012

  3. This video made me laugh. It definitely reflects the cultural patterns of the here an now. Leggings are very popular especially for teenage girls. My 16 year old daughter constantly wears black leggings because it's the popular "trend". However, it's a big argument between us because I plead my case that when she wears them all boys will see her as is a piece of "bootie". My daughter is smart, a nerd you might say, her interests are books, movies, and she gets A's and B's in school. She is a very avid reader and wants to major in journalism. Is that how you would see her bent over behind the trunk of a car in a pair of spandex leggings? No, because as a society we put people in gender roles for certain things. For instance, women or girls in leggings, why would we automatically assume that this person was female? Because we see so much in society especially in teenage girls and women that this is the "fashion", so we assume this cultural pattern that we see on a daily basis that this person leaning over the car is a woman not a man. Also I think it has to do with the place that he's at and why is he leaning in the back of a car. When I was watching the video, I automatically assumed that he was in a grocery store parking lot loading his car with groceries. I wonder if others assumed the same and this automatically played a part in sexism. What gender does the primary shopping in America? Female and has been for years. Sure Men do some of the shopping but the majority is female, so we would assume that this person was female due to the location as well as what they are doing and the leggings on top of it put the frosting on the cake, that this person must be a female. Then you have mother nature take hold and that's where anyone would look at an attractive body part assuming they were the opposite sex. Hbaby31012

    1. As unfortunate as it is, you are absolutely correct. Society has put so many standards on women in terms of sexuality. Women are supposed to be "promiscuous" or "alluring" or open to men's desires whenever they so please. Why are men not expected to seduce? And why are women still not allowed to be considered equal intellectuals, or even superiors? It's sad, unfair, and downright disgusting. Especially in this day and age. It's the 21st century. It's time we put these stigmas to rest.

    2. I think you did a really great job at commenting about this video. You pointed out parts that I personally did not think to notice. The fact that he may have very well been in the grocery store is interesting. Of course, that would have made a difference. Like you mentioned, normally women go shopping for groceries. It is honestly very sad that women are so sexualized in today's society. -Blue22_012

    3. I found the video very funny as well and agree with you 100%. I have a 14yr old daughter who likes to wear certain kinds of clothes as well. She gets straight A's and feel at this point in her life isn't all that interested in boys. If there wasn't this "thought" in society of women, then I would gladly let my daughter wear what she wanted. I think it is hard not to judge people for what they wear at times, but at the same time it doesn't grant any right for people to disrespect each other by saying certain things to them or putting their hands on them, Many of the typical roles are reversed in my household, I do all the grocery shopping, take the kids to school, pick them up from school, and do other chores like cleaning and laundry. I do this out of respect for my family in doing what needs to be done. I also felt this was in a grocery store parking lot and he also had women looking at him too. I think women judge one another just as bad as men do to be honest. I've heard groups of women talk about one another, they can be just as ruthless not to make it right. DaBearsandBulls102

  4. I love this video! It's so true. Because of the gender roles and sexism that is deeply engrained in our society, we've made it okay to objectify women in leggings, but if it's a man in that position, suddenly it's a different story. Why? What makes it okay to objectify women in spandex, but not men? Why is it so taboo for men to wear leggings? Some people in this video got mad at this guy for wearing leggings. What if he wasn't wearing leggings for the purpose of this video and it was solely for comfort (because, let's face it: leggings are pretty much the most comfortable article of clothing ever invented)? Is that not his prerogative? Does he not have the freedom to wear whatever he pleases? Why do these standards exist?

    1. I don’t think its just objectifying women in spandex, men objectify women no matter what they have on, and I don’t think its bad that he was wearing leggings I think the person that got mad was upset with the comments he was making to them for looking at his butt. It almost shows the person that got upset is maybe not comfertable with Gay people. The video has many different meanings when you break it down. Over all I think it just shows how much men don’t respect women when they are not looking.

  5. This video was interesting to me. I am a female so it was very easy for me to understand this video. It is sad but this is a small look into what life is like for the everyday female. Females are so over sexualized in today's society it is disturbing. We cannot really blame anyone but our sources of media and who runs those media sources? Unfortunately there is no one to blame but ourselves. It is sad that men have sexualized everything about being a female. For instance, yoga pants are sexualized. Yoga pants are banned from many school because of men not being able to control themselves because they see females in somewhat tight clothes and it is apparently too much for them to handle in a school setting. This video wasn't so much as comical to me as it was sad. Sad that this is the life females live and it should not be this way. -Blue22_012

    1. I agree with you 100% it is sad. I am not trying to stick up for males since I am one but I will say not every guy is like that. Like many cases though one bad egg does spoils the rest. Here is something that confuses me though, for example on facebook you have girls who show off their "assets" more than they should and wonder why men are drooling over them. If you don't want a man drooling over your (excuse my language) cleavage cover it up. I understand you want to be comfortable but there is a fine line from dressing comfortable and dressing real skimpy. For us males there is a fine line from checking out girls and looking at them like a piece of meat. I was grown up right and treat females with all the respect I can give them, and when I see other guys treat girls the way they do I am very disgusted. I am not saying girls bring it upon themselves but if you want respect you have to respect yourself first. Girls should be able to wear what they want without being seen as a piece of meat and that's it, but that's not how our society is today so when girls wear real skimpy clothes and always complain about guys only wanting them for "sex" mind boggles me. If you covered up your body maybe guys wouldn't be only thinking about sex. You can't expect different results if you don't change what you are doing. Like I said in the beginning I am not trying to stick up for males or push the blame on women I am just calling it how I see it. I think males and females are both to blame.

    2. You make an interesting point. It is sad that females are portrayed and or exploited in this way. Yes it was all for a good laugh, but it only shows the male point of view. Females shouldn't have to justify what they wear or how they look, as long as it's done in a tasteful manor. jam012

    3. I think that a lot of the sexualization comes the media itself. A few decades ago, it was determined that sex sells. Marketing was centered about visually appealing and sexually stimulating advertisement as a way to sell products. Every ad tells a story. Women look at the advertisement in a magazine and see a beautiful almost naked woman and a part of her wants to identify with that woman. Men look at the advertisement and see a beautiful woman that he would want to be with, so now he is looking for another woman who personifies the woman in the ad. I understand that it doesn't always work like that, but a lot of times it does. It's a shame that media plays such an important role in our society.

    4. Women are definitely more sexualized than men but I know men are too. Girls check out guys all the time they even have a site rating guys for girls. I have found guys I know on there and it rates the dating experience a girl has had with them. We are discreet about it but we still are just as bad. Also what does it matter if a male does this to us? It in the long run is a compliment. Some women are going to call a guy a pig about it but some women want the attention. I know I don't were yoga pants for comfort I wear sweats. Tight clothes are rarely comfortable and the reason we do it is to get male attention. Zipping012

  6. I have seen this video before and it is very funny! When I first watched it before I was in Sociology I never thought about how it plays in a role of gender roles and gender stereotypes. The guy goes out to make a point to see how many guys will "check him out" if all they see is a "booty" in leggings. When the men see that it is a guy they get defensive and get mad at the guy for essentially playing a trick on them. If it was a female who would of popped out of the car I think the guys would have reacted different. All the video shows is males checking out another guy though thinking it is a female. Would we have different thoughts on the video if it were girls checking out guys?? What if it was a girl in guy clothes and girls were checking out the "male" in the video?? Would it be any different? And females you can't tell me you don't look at men as a "piece of meat" because I know you do. I work in a hospital setting with all females and when they see a hot guy they get a little crazy. I thought males were bad. Some examples are Channing Tatum, Adam Levine, and lets not forget about when the mugshot of Jeremy Meeks came out women went nuts over that guy. I think this argument could go both ways of who looks at who as a "piece of meat". Don't get me wrong I am not saying us guys are perfect or that some of us aren't worse than others, all I am saying is there is always two sides to a story so to speak. Guys aren't the only animals out there.

    1. If put in the perspective of a male with his shirt off and girls walking by, why yes of course we would check them out. But the difference between men and women is that we don't let you see that were doing it. Each and everyone of those guys in that video has their eyes glued to that mans butt. Girls could causlly walk by and be able to check a guy out and not know. I guess what I'm trying to say is that no guys aren't the only animals out there, but they are the worst. Saxophones012

    2. I don't feel that we are always as discreet as we hope we are. I just feel guys let it go more easily than girls. If we are caught the guy gets a big head and might hit on us. If a girl catches a guy game over. She will make him feel like such a bad person for it. Men are more accepting of girls looking at them like a piece of meat and if they aren't women will tell them we had it harder than you so what if I checked you out? You probably do it all the time. Women judge more than men and make others feel worse about themselves male or female. Zipping012

  7. This is basically the best video I have ever seen to describe the way gender roles are in modern society. It really is like men look at girls like a piece of meat now a days. Just because someone was wearing yoga pants it made them feel like it was 100 percent okay to just look at that person but. However, finding out that it was a males but they were horrorfied. People tend to say that men have the right to look because women wear clothing that asks for them to be looked at. In reality, we wear the clothing because its comfortbale, that should be allowed. You don't see women meat grinding guys when theyre wearing skinny jeans do you? Not to say were innocent, but men really do disrespct women more then they should. Our bodies aren't for your lookings, there for us to live in.

  8. I too have seen this video before and I find it quite amusing. Let's be honest, all of us have looked at someone wearing leggings before, whether it be male or female, it's in our nature to look. This video was probably edited a certain way for a laugh. What I don't understand is that some of the guys in the video were getting extremely defensive when he was joking with them, because it was threatening their sexuality. I do think that females today get a bad rap strictly based on what they wear and their overall appearance. Then again the same could be said for men, which brings up the whole metrosexual stereotype. Just because someone wants to look nice, there is always someone out there that will throw a label on them. We just need to treat each other with a mutual respect, if you want to look, then look. jam012

  9. While I believe that this video did portray how men treat women, I would like to point out that women do the exact same thing. I'm sorry, but they do. Especially middle age women. I have worked in the restaurant industry before, and I can't tell you how many times I have heard the female servers talking about men like they were a piece of meat. I believe that we are created to be sexual creatures, to be visually drawn to things that we like. Women are just a little bit more discreet about it.
    The eyes can be deceiving, and I think that this video correctly portrays the awkward embarrassment that we feel when our eyes and brains play tricks on us.
    This video also helped to put emphasis on gender roles in that the whole reason that the men walking by thought that it was a woman's hind end is the fact that the guy was in leggings. While men today are wearing more feminine type clothes (skinny jeans (I still don't understand)), they don't typically wear leggings/yoga pants. If they are so comfortable (as women claim), then why can't men wear them? Had the man been wearing jeans, or even sweat pants, would the other men still have believed that it was a woman bending over? Probably not.
    Modern society puts such an emphasis on sexuality (after all, sex sells) that it isn't hard to see why both men and women sexually objectify the opposite sex. Women wear low-cut cleavage wearing shirts, but we aren't supposed to look. And, I'm sorry, yoga pants are supposed to be worn for yoga (hence the name) but women (not all, but most) know that it makes their butt look good, so that's why they wear them everywhere except for yoga. I wonder, how many women go shopping and when they try on clothes, they look at themselves in the mirror. They examine every possible angle and decide on the clothes that are super comfortable, and not the ones that make their butt look good? Or their boobs look big? They spend so much money making sure that their bodies look great, but then want to get upset because a man verbally appreciates it? Get out of here.

    1. I agree with your comment from the very start. Although women act degraded when men hit on them in a certain way, those women can still feel the same way about certain men. I believe it all depends on the pace of relationships that the man or woman is at, that makes one party feel degraded or uncomfortable with the comments.

  10. Gender roles make me as a women crazy. Women and men think that all men do is look at women like a piece of meat which in fact we do the same thing. We act as if we are the only one being stereotyped and we are looked down upon. Well maybe we are looked down on but how many times have you a women acted like you are not strong enough so a guy would do the job for you. I work in a store when heavy trash is taken out every night. I would refuse the mens help because one I can do it and I will do it. Two I will not get paid the same and not do the same job as a man. Most women are mad when they hear they are getting paid less than a man but are you getting paid less because you are a women or because you will not do the same job as men. Also I will be the first to say the reason us women feel objectified is because most of the guys that do it are guys we don't want to date in the first place. If it was Gerard Butler women you know good and well that we would be all for him objectifying us. We don't put on low cut shirts for our friends we do it because we want guys to notice. The biggest thing that drives me nuts is that everyone generalizes. Just because I am a girl does not mean I do not want you to pay for dinner or hold the door open for me. Some women are this way and some are not but to act all are the same is crazy. Gender roles make sense even if they are outdated and silly sometimes. Women are more fragile its our biology we have estrogen and men have testosterone. Testosterone helps with muscle growth. Women can still do the same job but we have to work twice as hard to be able to. It is a fact of life and changing it is okay but everyone needs to be on the same page or else it gets confusing. One women says she can do it by herself when another says she can't. Zippping012

    1. I agree with you women do the same thing. My fiancé and I have been together for four years all together and what's funny is it's like we have "Betrayed" our own genders side by divulging all of our gender's secrets to one another, if that makes any sense. So I agree with you women are just as bad as men when it comes to staring. Maybe they aren't as vocal about it to one another or as obvious to those around but from what I have learned women look too. What's funny is my fiancé and I will let the other know if someone is "checking" the other out. We could be grocery shopping or somewhere where we go off on our own for a moment and if we see someone looking at the other we will shoot a text. It's a pretty fun game for us. But I also agree with you that women are tough and can do "Manly" jobs as well as vice versa. My mother was a single mom who did it all and taught it all. So I enjoy cutting the grass or working on my car but I also know how to clean a house.

  11. This video was hilarious! It is also true in many ways. I think it is human nature to look at others of the opposite sex or even the same sex if that's what you prefer. I am a married male but still find other women attractive. This doesn't mean that I'm out doing things with other women. In general, I find the female species very beautiful and attractive. This video had mostly males but also females looking at this guy in leggings. He's in an open public place so it's hard not to look around, he's waiting for someone to look at him to start his scenario, I was raised by my mother and I have a 14yr old daughter now. I know how men can be and I also have a lot of respect for women. There are certain things I don't want my daughter wearing and also my wife for that matter. To a degree, women should be able to wear what they want but also be able to accept what is perceived of them when they wear what they do. Women dressed professionally looked more attractive to me then women wearing less. It also says a lot about them. I'm not saying women need to be covered up, but when the assets are hanging out, people are going to look. There's still a problem with how women may be perceived. I think it has gotten better, but it will sadly always be that way until we get rid of strip clubs, porn sites, etc. DaBearsandBulls012

    1. I think women should be able to wear whatever they want, to a certain extent. Sometimes it is more appropriate to wear certain things for different occasions, such as business, family functions, etc. But if they want to show off cleavage let them do it, it isn't fair for guys and girls to judge someone solely off of what they are wearing.

  12. I have seen this video a couple time before and I think it is hilarious. I think this was such a good "prank" to play on people and to see the different reactions of people. It is pretty uncommon for a guy to be seen in yoga pants just out in public like that, so everyone that saw him was probably very confused. Like on class on Wednesday we talked about all the different gender roles and examples like girls shaving their legs, guys wearing pink shirts, etc. Who created these gender roles? And why? Whenever we see something out of the ordinary we think it's "weird" or "strange", but who are we to label people like that? If a guy wants to wear something "girly" or "feminine", so be it. Let him do it, in different cultures it might be completely normal. Society, media, and other influencing factors makes guys and girls to have a certain image and if people want to fit in they have to fit to this mold and act, dress, and speak a certain way to be considered feminine or masculine. This video does a good job of representing that.

  13. I laughed so hard at this video but I don't know if it really showed the fact that girls wearing leggings always have people staring at their butts. I mean during this video he had his butt sticking out so no matter who you are, you will look. Although, it did show that some guys do always look because they admitted that they thought he was a girl and they made some commits to him thinking that he was a girl at first. But like some others said no matter who you are you look. Its human nature to us and some people, as we could see from the video was offended that they were caught looking but why? RDH012

    1. I agree it is so different when men wear leggings. In the street when men are wearing leggings people thinks it looks weird which in some cases maybe it is weird. I completely give that guy props though it was a good laugh and it showed a lot of men not to wear tights in public anyway. Haha (Hound89) 012

    2. I agree it is different when men wear leggings. people think it odd that they wear those types of things bears 012

  14. First off let me just say that that was hilarious. So many guys in this world care too much about lady’s butts. This video says it all. It is so true that men due pop a glance every once in a while. Let me just say that this guy is brave for what he did though. I’m just saying that men are the only guilty ones but women do the same thing two. Sometimes when it is a man or a woman it is so apparent that they are looking at you. Some people are really sly about the whole thing. I give props to the guy in the video that totally admitted his but was cute. He may have been joking but that is full on honesty right there and I respect that and it was awesome. It is crazy both genders are so alike in that kind of way. Good laugh. I loved the video. (Hound89) 012

  15. this was a funny video. So many guys in this world that only about women. This video explain it well it is true that guys drop a glance every chance they get. I can say this guy is tough for what he did. Women have the same problem they look and chase after men bears 012

  16. This video is terribly funny, yet also terribly accurate. In our society, men and women associate certain acts and views to each other in a separate fashion. The man who created this video could have filmed for another five minutes, and I could guarantee that everyone (male and female) would assume that he was a girl, based on seeing his body from hips down; wearing the yoga pants. Part of the reason we only see women wearing yoga pants is because it is socially unacceptable for men to wear yoga pants. Seeing as how yoga pants are typically worn out in public to show off the wearer’s slim lower body, men usually won’t be seen wearing them for the initial reason that yoga is looked at as a feminine activity, not masculine.

    1. You are so right! However, where does it state yoga pants are only for women. Just another typical sterotype in our society. But this guy did a great job proving the reactions people give seeing a big bottom in tight pants! JenChango012

    2. That is a very good question. I have never seen any where, where is says that only girls can wear yoga pants. Yes there are not masculine for guys to wear. Its more of a feminine of clothing for females. Another reason why guys wear yoga pants is that they show pretty much everything off. They pretty much make a girls butt look really good. Army92012

  17. Great video that shows how easily one can misjudge someone based soley on appearance. I think anyone who passed this guy while having his butt hanging out would have thought the exact same as everyone else. He has a very nice butt for a guy, which you would expect a girl to have. Another gender role sterotype. Loved seeing the reactions and this guy did a great experiment showing you what are the norms for a young woman wearing tights! JenChango012

  18. This was so funny. I wish all men could see this. It sad that women cant even be comfortable without being disrespected. This has happened to me before, but I was getting my daughter out of the her car seat. Like really! But what doesn't make sense, expectly to the men who made comments or where walking up to him, why did they get mad? Mad because you felt stupid? Yes, I understand some people are attracted to certain things, but why do men have to act like dogs about it?? lilred012

  19. This video is very interesting and shows a good gender role experiment. Its not typical for guys to wear leggings. Most everyone affiliate leggings with girls. So when the guys saw it was a guy they were shocked. It seemed like they were grossed a little knowing that they were checking out a guys butt instead of a girls butt. In society its not normal or common for guys to wear leggings. Wear leggings is part of the gender role for females. As you call tell from the video the guys really thought they were looking at a girls butt but it was a guys.Army92012

  20. This video shows how men have degraded women over the years we have turned them into little more than a pretty face and something to look at.We don't give them the respect that they deserve they are just as capable as us to do the jobs sometimes more so then us. FireDude012

  21. I enjoyed this video and it certainly gives a good look at gender roles. Someone in leggings is automatically assumed to be a female because of our society today, so much assumed that the people passing by automatically are looking and assuming it's a female without making sure. I love how some guys get so defensive and angry like it's his fault. He truly didn't do a thing wrong but quite a few of them treated him as if he did. Men are typically more sexual than women and especially to visual triggers but the same study could have been done on women but I think you get much more results and reactions from men. Our culture today really focuses on a woman's looks and not that it's different for guys but for example it's usually easier for a guy to get ready to leave than it is for most women. Our culture really scrutinizes and critiques women more so than men. Men seem to be able to appear to be scruffy or messy and it works and is masculine when if a woman were to appear that way she would be unattractive. Could the standards we hold women to be considered sexist? Probably so. I feel the perspective of social-conflict and the treatment of women throughout history could go hand in hand. Something I just recently found out is that women can breastfeed in public without having to cover themselves with something. I believe this is legal in all states and if not then most. I wish off the top of my head I knew more information about when the law was passed and any exceptions to the law but there is from what I understand a decent push and support for women to breastfeed in public without having to cover. Years ago most women stayed home once they had a baby because of feeding the baby but now it's legal to do so in public. It's just one example of the gender roles of acceptable behavior have changed because women rose up together.

    1. I agree this video was entertaining and the indecency law is important in this topic. I feel like sometimes women do wear revealing things to attract attention I think they'd be lying if they said otherwise.

    2. Yes the video is funny. But why don’t we put a male out in a in a pair of speedo in America and the same male in a pair of speedo in Europe. What country would would have the most looks and reactions? Remember the male in the video was shacking it and was in different positions during the clip. Have a nice day. BFD68660123

  22. this video was hilarious. I completely see how this is an issue. many girls complain about guys looking at their assets but I mean if you wearing these kind of clothes can you really complain. now I see numerous women wearing these kinds of clothes which emphasize there personal body parts. and even if u ask every women in the us they all wish they had a little more of something and a lot less of something else. especially with all of the nude color clothing and lace clothing it proves less is more. and this video showed how men fantasize about women. the reason they made this video definitely proved a point.

  23. Yoga pants that film clip cracks me up. I had to share it with my family and friends. I would be looking too just like every single person that walked by and been disappointed and embarrassed, even the two girls that walked by didn’t know what to say.
    Hey if are going to ware provocative cloths, people are going to look. So don’t be upset if they do or make comments about what they see or feel.
    Just think if he was an overweight in yoga pants. Would he have go so many looks? Or maybe more looks and thoughts about how overweight people should not ware tight cloths. BFD6866012


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