Stop and Frisk

Stop and Frisk


  1. The controversial topic of the NYPD's stop and frisk policy is sweeping the law enforcement community. There is data showing that it is unconstitutionally targeting minorities, and there is data that shows without it, gun violence is increasing. At one point in time the NYPD was effective in fighting gun violence. They were effective because with all of the stops, people were scared to carry a gun on them because anyone could be stopped at any time. In theory, the policy sounds good, but when racial profiling is mixed into the equation it can become unconstitutional in the blink of an eye. I am starting to wonder if the NYPD is stopping and frisking everyone they stop, instead of just stopping and frisking if needed. It is very interesting how since the decrease in stops, gun violence has increased. I feel reform with the stop and frisk policy needs to occur but I feel in such a large city, some policy needs to be implemented that will not only protect citizens physically, but will also protect their rights. I also believe that the officers should not be pushed to reach quotas. In my mind although quotas help combat laziness, they also hurt community policing and can hurt an officers ability to effectively police his district. Marsh456.

    1. I agree with Marsh456, the policy was effective at a certain time when it was being enforced. But, when they are enforcing this it hurts the ties to the community and it comes into question if it is violation the people's constitutional rights. The officers should not be pushed to into filling quotas for their departments; even though it makes the officers do their job it brings up the question if some officers are targeting innocent people on purpose to meet their quota. Birdman456

    2. I agree with you on this because I also feel that cops shouldn't have quotes. I think that if cops didn't have them then people wouldn't be so afraid of cops. Back in the day you could talk to cops and socialize with them, but now I feel like cops are there to protect but also bust you on every single thing just so they can reach a quota for the month. Overall I feel like everything in your passage was right on point. Mijo456

  2. I completely agree with everything said. Minorities are the ones being targeted when most of the time they did not even carry a gun, it was white people. I have to say though that if everyone who was stopped and frisked did not have anything, then why are they acting defensive? Sure their rights were violated, but who really thinks of these things? Just let it happen and when you leave, you can laugh at them in your head, because they are the ones who looked dumb. Crime rates have increased now due to the stop and frisk tactics of stopping. What good is that? Now everyone who does carry guns can have assurance that they probably won't be stopped. I believe that stop and frisk should be implemented again to make crime rates go down. I do agree with a new policy of not targeting minorities as much, but let's face it, everyone is racist and will always pick on someone of a different race. When being stopped and frisked, people do not need to be defensive if they have nothing to hide. Detect456

    1. I originally made my comment to be based off yours, but instead of putting the "reply" button, I pushed comment, so now it is a comment instead. Anyways, I do agree with your opinion and the facts you used. I think that the quotas placed on police should be changed, because if you get honest cops, they will do their jobs and not be lazy. If they got some kind of incentive then that would be better like maybe tickets to a Cubs game or something. I also feel that maybe instead of them stopping the stop and frisk policy, that they should reform it to where they are doing what you said and actually protecting safety and the rights of individuals even though I really do not get why people care so much that they are being stopped. If they have nothing to hide, then they should welcome the police to look dumb when they do not find a thing. Detect456

    2. I agree with Detect456 with almost everything said. However, for minorities to be constantly stopped due to suspicion because of their race, I feel that that could get old quick. For myself, if I was stopped once or twice I would not freak out because I have nothing to hide, but if it was done based on race, then I could see how it could be a problem. I feel race should not play a role in this what so ever; behavior should. The other thing I disagree on is going to a Cubs game, now who would want to do that? (haha) Overall policy needs to stay in tact to help ensure the safety of citizens but there needs to be reform with the stop and frisk policy, and quotas should be abolished. Marsh456.

  3. I believe that stop and frisk has played a major role in helping take the percentages of crimes down. With the recent increase in shooting in New York, they may need to bring stop and frisk back into the picture. This would help lower the chances of a person being shot. But NYPD should make sure to not focus on just minorities. This would solve most of the controversy they had with stop and frisk. They should keep an open mind on who is being searched, not have targets, and not be so forceful with number of people they must search per day. They should respect people's rights and not be so forceful and mean about the searches. Just like the article stated, crime goes up, and it goes down. But if the NYPD revised their policies on stop and frisk, bringing it back could help keep the crime low. -racer11p_456

    1. I completely agree with you on this. I believe that stop and frisk can be effective, but there is always room for improvement. Racial profiling is a huge issue with stop and frisk and it should not be that way. The police automatically profiling minorities as more suspicious. I also agree that they should be respectful while frisking. Going in aggressive is not a good way as it raises tension and could escalate a situation very quickly. Sheepdog 456

  4. The stop and frisk policy is both a good thing and a bad thing. It is a good thing because since they have been doing this they have taken a lot of guns off the street and it somewhat deters crime. If the criminals want to go outside with their guns then they run the risk of being stopped and frisked at any moment. This is also a bad thing because innocent people in the community are being targeted by the police officers. The police are targeting more minorities than anyone else; this could be said to be some kind of racial profiling. If the police were not given a quota then they would not stop and frisk so many people because there would be no pressure to fill this quota. Birdman456

  5. Stop and frisk to me is a complicated topic. However, i believe that the negatives of stop and frisk far outweigh the positives. Obviously, stop and frisk is put in place to lower crime and promote safety for New York. However, I think that while it has lowered the percentage of crime in New York, there are some things that could be done different. A huge controversy is that it targets the minorities. African American males can not feel safe in their neighborhoods due to the POLICE. This goes against the community policing aspect of law enforcement. While the police may be lowering crime, they are destroying their relationship with the community in the mean time. Many complaints have been geared toward the fact that out of all the stops, very few few have actually been arrested for a weapon. Many minorities feel like they are the true targets of stop and frisk. While stop and frisk may be lowering crime, it is also raising tension between the police and the community. Sheepdog456`

  6. Stop and frisk in NY ending has it's pros and cons. It's taking weight off the shoulders of those that's innocent and gets stopped frequently and are victims of racial profiling. But then for those that carry weapons around gets a free pass now because the Stop and Frisk is gone. Now that Stop and Frisk has been stopped, crime rate has increased and I understand those that has always been targeted based on their skin color has been happy but it's not solving anything but making others happy. Now everyone will be carrying a weapon just because they know they can't get frisked anymore but it will still happen no matter what the law is. Stop and Frisk is mostly effective if cops would stop racial profiling and actually stop those who look suspicious and threatening, not those who is in their category of trouble based on ethnicity. me456

  7. Stop and frisk is being held in the middle of good and bad because its was created for a good cause which was taking the bad people who was carrying weapons off the streets but now it has crawled its way into a bad state because the police are stopping innocent citizens which are making this law cause more problems on the streets . stop and frisk has lowered some percentages of crimes, but in some cases it hasn't . i think the police should just be more polite and respectful while frisking because they sometimes are very forceful during the searches and raises tension in the community. -cashes456

  8. NYPD's stop and frisk policy is something that people can argue to be either good or bad. In my personal opinion, I feel like stop and frisk is very discriminate. I do feel like there is a majority of police officers who target not only colored people, but also minorities. I guess if you look at the numbers for crime and gun possession, it had gone done quite some from previous years but not enough to make this whole stop and frisk thing right. With all the videos that we have watched in class, and all the articles that I have personally read, I feel like this still goes on till this very day. Not the whole stop and frisk part but solely on discriminating young teens and the colored race. I wouldn't go to the extreme and say that people are getting beat up by police because of the color of their skin but I do feel as if though if you are a colored race you are a little more likely to either be questioned or stopped. Overall I think that the stop and frisk policy was wrong and I hope their is nothing like this for the near future for other states. Mijo456

  9. i feel that stop and frisk when used the right way can really help. but when stop and frisk happens to somebody just because of there color or where they are, that's not right. i think when stop and frisk is occurs the victim should be able to record it so the police know not to get out of hand. so stop and frisk does have its pros and cons. red456


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