Women Offenders: Shackled and Pregnant

Women Offenders: Shackled and Pregnant


  1. I went through labor myself and If I had to be shackled while giving birth that would honestly just be more pain to my body. It is already hard enough to give birth but shackled, I could never imagine. I do understand that these women do crimes and some are pregnant while doing time but lets be realistic when giving birth the only thing on a woman's mind is birthing a healthy baby due to many things that could happen while giving birth. Being shackled should never be an option. I can understand being shackled while on the way to the hospital and on the way back to the jail or prison but while giving birth is something I could never ever imagine. No women should ever have to feel that mentally or physically that is something that would honestly stick with me especially while telling the birth story. No state should have this law like in the article it is breaking the 8th amendment "cruel and unusual punishment". Basically it is like being held down while giving birth. GEMINI789

    1. I agree with your statement about adding shackles to a pregnant woman as a more painful experience than any mom should experience. When women give birth to their children they are shown the start of a new life for someone that you have carried inside of you for a long period of time. It is a negative to be shackled while giving birth because then the mother is immediately reminded of her incarceration which saddens them more. Instead of enjoying every second with their newborn child the thoughts of moms are shifted towards the future of not being able to be with their child in parts of their life where they cannot spend most of their time caring for their child or teaching them. Arnis789

  2. I am a man and cannot and will not ever truly understand the pain and suffering of giving birth. I am thankful for women giving birth, let's face it I wouldn't be here unless I had been born. The truth of the matter is that most states have not done a thing about shackling pregnant inmates because they are not modifying their attitude and responsibility to unborn children on top of the mothers. My first wife had natural childbirth of my first son and had she been shackled, there would have been a lot of extra issues and difficulty in his birth. My second wife gave birth by "C" section and being shackled for that would have presented problems as well. I will always love them both (wives) for my sons they gave me and always appreciate the pain they endured for giving me my greatest gifts. (Yes I am that crazy father that spoke to baby in mom's womb and they both responded - it was amazing in itself). I wonder if the shackling noise or any of the process that the baby hears causes issues with development of the child. Certainly I would think their could be some effect, but no study has been done that I am aware of on that effect to unborn children. Another issue presented is the mother child bonding relationship and how it is effected overall from the incarceration experience. I do not believe anyone has mentioned the mother breastfeeding the child and the nutritional value of the child receiving mother's milk after birth. There are so many issues beyond the shackling I feel should be looked at and also the long term effects not only on the mother but the child as well. Gemin789 I agree with you and also say thank you for being a mother. I don't know my mother much for many reasons so I can only learn from my wives that I have been with, their mothers, and mothers I see like yourself. I can tell you this, my own mom's absence during my youth has effected me tremendously, but made me know to appreciate all mothers. Humbly I must say, thank you to all mothers and incarcerated mothers being shackled during birth, as well as the other processes expectant mothers face in prison, should modified to what is right and just, not primitive punishment . Tackleberry789

    1. Tackleberry789 I like that you brought up the issues it could bring the baby. You're right because them hearing that at such a young age will stick with them for a while and mess with their psyche, and it may even make them afraid to even see/hear shackles at a later age. I'm not a mother but I'm sure your appreciation for mothers will mean something to me one day as much as it means to the people that are mothers right now. With breastfeeding, I agree with you there too. It is a much better method of feeding rather than formula. 612BIRD789

    2. Tackleberry789 I agree with you, you brought up some very valid points. I myself have never gone through child birth at least not yet. But for every woman that has they know what the pains feels like and how the side effects are.. Most women do not understand the factors until they have experienced child birth for themselves first hand. The fact that 37 states allow shackling while pregnant because they feel that it is necessary for their own safety. I believe that it is humane to shackle women if they are pregnant not even if they are offenders it is just cruel and unusual ButterCup780

    3. Tackleberry789 I agree with you, you brought up some very valid points. I myself have never gone through child birth at least not yet. But for every woman that has they know what the pains feels like and how the side effects are.. Most women do not understand the factors until they have experienced child birth for themselves first hand. The fact that 37 states allow shackling while pregnant because they feel that it is necessary for their own safety. I believe that it is humane to shackle women if they are pregnant not even if they are offenders it is just cruel and unusual ButterCup789

    4. Tackleberry789 thank you I truly appreciate it! I agree with a lot of your points, giving birth is hard enough as it is but being shackled just blows my mind. I also wonder if the shackles could effect the baby early in life or even in the future. As a mother I would be ashamed which I am sure any woman would be if having to give birth while being shackled, but that would just give me the strength afterwards to be clean and work hard on bettering my life, if only all women felt that way. unfortunately most just give up. GEMINI789

    5. I like your approach towards this situation, knowing that you are a male and could never understand but sympathizes. You made some good points about how the shackling could cause some discomfort and possibly serious injury to baby and mother. That's why I call it inhumane. LightBright789

  3. The first thing coming to my mind as I read this article is the 8th amendment. It's almost as if none of these people have even heard of it. Respect needs to be had for women especially when giving birth. They're about to endure the most pain they ever have and you feel its "necessary" to shackle her due to safety? Whose safety? It obviously isn't the woman giving birth... I find it hard to read that they think shackling a woman during the birthing of a child is considered a safety precaution. That's a bit ridiculous. I myself have never given birth but I can only imagine how difficult and annoying it would be. The fact that 37 states allow this blows my mind. I like that we aren't one of them but it saddens me to hear that only 12 other states have followed our steps in the past decade. The article said that it was considered inhumane to shackle women during birth and there shouldn't be an argument about that because it is inhumane. It was also said that corrections and prisons the option to shackle when they feel its necessary... how can someone "feel" the necessary need to shackle someone else? I think they just need to put themselves or their significant other in that position and see how they would like it. The excuse for shackling in the first place is so the prisoner doesn't escape or harm themselves and if that's the case maybe a counselor should be present. The women is already upset enough and to have her child taken away from her would put her down even more, so the counselor could be a good idea. 612BIRD789

  4. I myself have never gone through child birth at least not yet. But for every woman that has they know what the pains feels like and how the side effects are.. Most women do not understand the factors until they have experienced child birth for themselves first hand. The fact that 37 states allow shackling while pregnant because they feel that it is necessary for their own safety. I believe that it is humane to shackle women if they are pregnant not even if they are offenders it is just cruel and unusual. I don't see why anyone would do such a thing to another human being.. I believe that a pregnant women wouldn't be concerned about hurting anyone, they would be concerned for their own safety and the safety of their unborn child. ButterCup 789

  5. It is the responsibility of corrections officers to maintain not only the safety of the inmates, but of others and especially of their own. With the stress of trying to maintain safety for everyone their precautions are not always good for the inmates themselves. The women who are expecting to be in labor are given the opportunity to leave correctional confinement in order to receive proper treatment at a hospital. Shackling them during their transportation to an from the hospital is understandable for the well being of the officers, the inmates, and other people. It prevents them from escaping also. The problem with shackling women during labor is that they are already in a lot of pain and their main focus at the time of labor is to let their child out of their womb. Moms being shackled during labor only opens up the possibility of them not paying as much needed attention to their labor efforts. Shackling them only reminds them of the crimes they have committed and the psychological effect on moms takes away their happiness of bearing their newborn child. This ordeal presents the conflict of interest between safety and rights. Arnis789

    1. I agree with you, it is the responsibility of the officer to protect everyone, and usually it's the inmates that will get the short stick, simply because they broke societies laws, and are therefore subject to the punishments that society deems necessary. However, like you, I think that they shouldn't necessarily be shackled during labor, just before and after (after they've held the child for a bit of course.) This is simply for the safety of everyone. Ocho789

    2. I would agree with you that the responsibility for overall safety is the responsibility and duty of the corrections officer on that detail. I do however feel that common sense would dictate tactics in this entire ordeal. Maybe 2 corrections officers should go on the transportation to deal with possible safety and escape concerns, but let's face it, a woman in labor is not of the mindset of escaping, she is probably more in the mindset of the pain and actual birthing of her baby. Shackling does prevent most escapes, but child birth is child birth, not an escape plan. Yes there probably is a select minute few that would use the opportunity to escape, but shackling a pregnant woman is just plain wrong. Other methods should be deployed for tactical considerations in my opinion because one of the people the corrections officers has to consider is the unborn child. Tackleberry789

  6. When it comes to the shackling of women during labor, I think that they should only be shackled IF they present a threat to themselves, the doctors, the officer(s) in the room, or the child. When it comes to how much they should be shackled, I think that depends on how much of a threat they pose to everyone. If they pose somewhat of a threat, either of harming someone, or escaping the hospital, then they should be handcuffed to the bed, however, they should have a long enough chain that they can move freely, because labor is a pain, and being restrained will only increase possible harm to the mother or the infant, but not so long that they can escape. If they pose a very serious threat to anyone, or will escape, then a tighter chain will be needed. This is similar to how the Feds handle the situation, which I agree with. I don't believe that it is a violation of the Eighth Amendment, because it is the officer's duty to protect society, and if the mother presents a threat to society, then she should be restrained so that society can continue without harm. It is good to know that more and more states are starting to come up with legislation about this, since the number of women being incarcerated is just increasing. It made me feel good when I found out Illinois was the first, for something helpful, instead of just having corrupt politicians. Ocho789

    1. Ocho789, I totally agree with your post, i think this is ridiculous and agree with the shackling procedures you mentioned and I too was also shocked that Illinois actually did something right for a change. GreenOnions789

  7. After reading this post, seeing that she was shackled during labor really made me upset, I understand that for safety reasons she must be shackled to and from certain places but honestly what harm can she do while delivering a baby? it just puts unnecessary strain on the baby and the mother during birth. I believe women need special consideration when pregnant and incarcerated, there are certain mental needs and physical needs that need to be met for those women and unless they have committed a serious violent crime, there is no need to shackle them. Heisenburg789

    1. I agree with you that they are not gonna cause any harm. Because all women loves there children and so they are not gonna do anything stupid that can cause problem to their unborn children or after birth. And they should not shackled during labor, because she is already in so much pain and shackled can cause even more pain. They can chain her after birth given but i still not agree that they should do that because a officer is there to keep an eye on mother so there is no need to chain her. MostWanted789

    2. I agree with you 100%. The baby at that point should be consider. The baby nots a prisonor and still you couldn't possibly walk after giving borth. Let alone durning. So wrong on so many levels MotherOf4789

  8. Reading this article angered me, especially knowing that most women who are incarcerated are there for non-violent offenses, and being pregnant on top of that and being shackled during child birth is just ridiculous. This kind of goes back to what was said by professor, "show me your prisons, and i'll show you your humanity." This angers me more due to the fact that there is no national standards for shackling women during pregnancy and delivery and that Virginia is one of 37 states that do not officially ban the practice. This poses a great risk to the woman and the baby, if she's to trip while shackled and cuffed she has no way to really protect herself from the fall. RottenOnions789

    1. Reading this article angered me, especially knowing that most women who are incarcerated are there for non-violent offenses, and being pregnant on top of that and being shackled during child birth is just ridiculous. This kind of goes back to what was said by professor, "show me your prisons, and i'll show you your humanity." This angers me more due to the fact that there is no national standards for shackling women during pregnancy and delivery and that Virginia is one of 37 states that do not officially ban the practice. This poses a great risk to the woman and the baby, if she's to trip while shackled and cuffed she has no way to really protect herself from the fall. GreenOnions789

    2. I agree also after reading this article I was also angered. It's known that most women that are incarcerated are in jail/prison for nonviolent crimes. So I don't see the need to have a pregnant women that's getting ready to give birth to her child to be shackled. I think that just absolutely disrespectful and ridiculous. She's already in pain. What could she possibly do to the officers that's there with her at the hospital? Some things just don't make sense to me. Blue789

  9. Inhumane was used correctly to describe shackling a female while she is in labor, even though she may be a prisoner. I would love to know more about women prisoner's rights because I would definitely file a lawsuit against the state. The debate was whether she was shackled before giving birth or while giving birth, but there should be no debate. Female inmates should never, at any point in labor and birth, be shackled. I am sure that is a health risk to the mother and the child. Who is really that interested in escaping when they are in so much pain, about to give birth to a child? For this to have had even been legal is disturbing and sad. To know that shackling may be done behind closed doors as well is frightening. I ask myself now, what else is being done that is not reported all the time as mistreating the inmates. LightBright789

    1. I totally agree. The harsh pain they are enduring while they're giving birth is enough. So just imagine them feeling like animals being caged up and giving birth. I could not even fathom experiencing something like that. I can't believe that this is something that has actually taken place. In the article it stated that there have been no reports of female inmates being a threat to themselves, their child, or anyone else, while they are in labor. Why treat them this way and think that it;s nothing wrong with it? KINGMINAJ789

  10. After reading this article I think that they should change the law for women in prison that are pregnant. Because when they are in prison they are around bad people that are dangerous offenders they can cause problem to mother or baby. And the baby is around all those offenders and that can cause bad influences on baby. So mother should kept in safe and good surrounding because that good for both mother and baby. And when mother is in labor prison or jail should not behave bad to mother like chaining mother and all. Because mother in labor are in so much pain that I can't even describe and changing them won't do any better it's just making worst for her. So at least they shouldn't do that to a pregnant women in prison or jail. MostWanted789.

  11. Wow. Reading this really made me emotional. It brings me such anger to read about women being shackled up while giving birth to their child. I never in a million years would think that something like this happens in corrections. I really think there needs to be more done on this situation. It's bad enough that the mother is in prison and pregnant. In addition to that, she has to gibe birth to a child that she won't even be able to nurse, nor see grow up (depending on the length of her sentence), but to know that correctional officers feel the need to shackle together her feet while she is giving birth is just plain cruel. That would be a memory that I would never forget if I was in her shoes. These women are NOT animals,so why are they being treated as such? KingMinaj789

  12. The whole time I was reading this article all I could say is wow. I don't understand the need to handcuff/shackle a pregnant women thats in labor. First off she's already in pain and I'm 99.9% sure that she's not going to try and do something crazy as far as harming anyone or trying to get away. I think thats just going overboard and so wrong. Blue789

  13. I understand that a women pregnant or not is still a prisoner but once she is in labor trying to hurt another human or escape are the last thing if at all on her mind. Handcuffs are most definitely not needed while a women is in labor. I don't understand why they were apart of the child birth. Being a mother myself I would be mortified to have that memory of my child bring born. I think that was a tad bit over the edge


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