Criminal Investigation: History of Policing. Your Thoughts.....

Criminal Investigation: History of Policing...Your Thoughts?


  1. This was informative....Natural345

  2. I thought that this video was good. It posed some interesting questions like how do we police in a country that was founded on the rights to a private life. One of the big concerns of the government in the beginning was how much power could be given to the police without interfering with personal liberties. Our country had just finished a war with a country that had tried to control us with their military therefor the citizens of America were against the militarization of police. The video discussed how people were punished in the start of the country. It talked about how people were shunned or publicly humiliated this was an effective method but stop being effective when the industrial revolution happened. This caused people to move to cities which increased poverty and crime and destroyed the family unit. When people moved to the city they lost their connection to their religion which meant that religious punishment had less of an effect therefor we had to create some other way of punishing people for crimes. Another thing that played a role in shaping policing is westward expansion. This created the perfect environment for outlaws and criminals. The local communities elected sheriffs who themselves may have not been the most upstanding citizens. They in turn could deputize local men as deputies and form a posse. The men that were deputized local criminals who wanted to protect the territory from other criminals. The video also mentioned an interesting fact that visiting people had to leave their guns with the sheriff. Another big force that helped influence policing was the Pinkerton detective agency. Private companies and the government hired these men to track down outlaws. These agencies had not limit on their jurisdiction and could use any force needed. Another thing that happened was the civil war and giving rights to color people. When color people got the right to vote and were set free there was backlash from the whites in the south. They formed vigilante group one of the big ones was called the KKK. These vigilantes would intimidate and sometimes lynch color people. When police are not properly doing their job some private citizens may think it is a good idea to take the law into their own hands but this is a bad idea because when there is no limit of power then power is abused and private citizens will hurt each other. It is a good thing to have police in a democracy to help protect the rights of private citizens.

    1. I know the government tried to accommodate the rights' of people back then after coming over from the ruling of Britain. They did what they thought was best for the people and most things stay true to this day as to what they believed people would do (such as punishments for certain crimes), and I know they aren't mind readers so they wouldn't know for sure what the future held, but they had to account for some things that might have changed over the course of human history. Some rights', I felt, could have been changed over time to accommodate the changing times and the advances we now hold that they didn't back then. The police are a good investment and it is good that we have them in our democracy to protect rights, but is it only good for the people when they want it? (blacks being protected from the KKK). They want to be protected, but if something "conveniently" comes up to prove they are the criminal then they want to place blame on the cops and that the cops are the ones in the wrong when they may have been following procedures; you just felt offended that you are the suspect now. The criminal is/was the stupid one! You can have protection and deal with the consequences if you are a criminal or have no protection and possibly just be shot one day for being in the wrong that day. army27D-012

    2. I think it is grea to see the changes that have happened with the criminal justice system. To see how many changes that have happened. Just hearing how it use to be like an old western movie, people would solve an arguement by a dual. The way people would relate a message to warn people from potential endangerment by lamps, or riding the horse into town to share the message. Life is so much easire now a days, police officers have back up if they radio in for it. Lap tops to look up information on a suspect, smooth roads, and GPS. general-012

  3. I liked the video at the beginning, but I feel like the statement that the people in our societies want police to hurry to our doors in an emergency is kind of controversial in my mind. I guess, so to speak. I work in retail and I can say that people expect too much when individuals can only do so much. They do not think of it from an officers point of view. Say a policeman is chasing down a suspect and a call comes in about being robbed. As a police officer, I am not gonna stop chasing to go to that scene, and of course no other officer would either. I don't think anyone would blame them either. As soon as I get to that scene, these people are furious with ME, because I didn't come fast enough or when they wanted me to. I just hate that people want the police to protect them, but then go right around and want to bash them and hate on them. It's kind of offending and I have nothing, really, yet to do with the criminal justice field. To move on, if people don't really want a police force, because their rights' have been violated or they just don't like the government interfering with their lives, then how about we just stop protecting the community and see how they really like it. Crime doesn't just stop and you can't shun someone for wrongdoing and think they will take that to heart, because no criminal will care. Either we have a force and the community can deal with it and if they truly aren't a criminal then who really cares?! Otherwise, get rid of the police and have people deal with it on their own, and citizens that are law abiding and won't kill can find out a solution on their own. Communities can have their "town criers" and possibly get killed because they are snitches essentially. Police protect us and put their lives on the line to save those they don't even know. Honestly, if they are willing to do that then I really could care less if they are lazy or "corrupt". (By corrupt, I mean stopping and frisking for no reason. Now trying to plant evidence is one thing, because that is just too far.) Overall, I kind of got mad at this video at a certain point and could only stay stuck on a few points. People are too demanding. They want this and that, all in one. How about those people try it out; see how they take to the power and possibly dying some day when it isn't even close to their time. Hopefully, then, they will take heart to what the police face and won't be so harsh on the way stuff in the community gets done! army27D-012

    1. This video had a lot of good information I really liked how we have changed so much in the way the police officers treat the public. Police officers are here designed to serve and protect. We have come a long way from what the police officers use to do in the past to what they do now. Tehcnology, reporting to the mayor, the way we react to a crime scene, and even how many more laws there are now that must be follwoed, and to ensure the citizens have rights too. general-012

    2. "I just hate that people want the police to protect them, but then go right around and want to bash them and hate on them" This statement is so true! It seems like every time I get on a social media site, there is someone who got pulled over for speeding or got in trouble for drugs or something like that. They always post about how the police do not know what they are doing or that they should be getting someone else for the same stuff they were doing. People do not understand that they police are still protecting people when they are pulling someone over/ busting someone for drugs. That person that was speeding could have hit someone and killed them, and that person with the drugs, a kid could have gotten the drug and died. FBI-012

    3. I believe that people become police for certain reason. They want the power or they want to serve their community. Either way before you become a police officer you are told in school, by the media, or at the police academy that being a cop is a thankless job. If you want a job where people say thank you, you are in the wrong profession. It’s the fact that police can put up with so much crap and still do their jobs that makes them great.

  4. In the perfect world we would have all citizens that would be proud of our police officers that we have. They would rush to our sides for any type of emergency. Being a police officer they are trained to service and protect. As the video states unfortunately the society we live in has many rugged individuals that believe police officers and government officials are all bad, and just want to take away their rights. Our founding father didn’t want national police, and would want police officers under local control. There were many different views on what we would like to see, as to how police officers act. Some people want the swat team robo cop look, or the friendly buying the lost child an ice cream cone. Police officers should be nice and courteous, but they have a job to do. They need to show respect, but they also need to ensure they are in control of the situation at all times. In the past police officers were voted on, so the public needed to like them. There was even a town crier, who would warn everyone of threats. In the past they use to fix disagreements by a dual. As the population grew the criminal justice system start to grow. Police chiefs were chosen by the mayor, so the police chief in this time would do anything in their will power to make sure they were listening and obeying the mayor. I can see why they would want to obey the mayor since he or she is in charge of the town. Country sheriff’s offices would deputize civilians for any amount of time if they were to need help, these were unpaid. Even though hey were unpaid they would be looked up to because of the skills they would learn. A lot of corporations would turn to private security, because it was much cheaper. In many western towns, visitors would have to leave their guns with the sheriff. This would help keep crime down, which is a very good idea when man power was minimal back then. I think it is awesome to see how much has changed from when the criminal justice system started to form, and to what it has become. When it first started police officers didn’t have cars, lap tops, radios, back up by the push of a button. This not only helps the citizens in need, but also helps keep our police officers more safe. general-012

  5. I thought this video was pretty good. It makes think about back then, and what if policing never evolved like it has. I personally believe that the policing should be a mixture of a friendly police officer and robocop. Some police officers believe that they are in charge, so what they say goes. (Kind of like the Stanford prison experiment.) But on the other hand, there are those select few police officers that would give a lost child a ice cream cone and help him find his way home. I think that the younger generations believe that they are above the law and do not care about how they act or what the police do. But when they get in trouble, they always post on Facebook about how horrible the police are and that they are "pigs". If they were not doing something stupid, they would not have been in trouble. The police have a job to do. This video also makes me think about, what if we still had just a sheriff, and a deputy posse? Everyone would have to leave their guns with the sheriff is they were in town. It would not be all bad in a little town, but in a bigger town, there would need to be more than just a sheriff. When policing started out, they never thought that there would be squad cars with laptops, radios, walkie-talkies, and all the other high tech equipment that the police force now. All they had were their own feet, and maybe horses. Policing today definitely have their advantages, but they are only human. They can not be in two places at once. FBI-012

    1. I agree with what you are saying of what the police should be like "Mixture of a friendly police officer and robocop". The police officers should be able to be friendly with the public but when it comes time to do their job they could be like the robocop. When you mentioned about the younger generation and facebook, i thought it was a very good point. All they do is bash on the police for doing their job. I thought you had some good examples. Hunter-012

    2. I think that we would never be able to have a sheriff or a police posse anymore because of the infringements on our rights. Today people would never give up their right to carry a gun. There is also the fact that these sheriffs were corrupt and made their own laws in the Wild West. They were so far from the big cities that they had control over everything in their town limits so they did what they wanted when they wanted, not always in the best interest of the town people.

    3. I agree there are variety of police officers in this world good or bad. It is important for everyone now a days to know their rights. Some people do not understand it is best to stay out of trouble so you do not have to experience a situation with a bad cop. Police at the end of the day do their job either the way they were trained or how they want. LAWS012

  6. This video gives out a lot of information about the present and the past. Policing has a long history behind it and has only improved. I thought it was interesting how they showed more present time videos or pictures first and then they started to go back in time with the history about police officers and how they were formed. Racism still comes into play with some police officers. When race becomes an issue with the police it can cause problems with the public. But i believe that policing today has improved for the better. Most people always think bad of the police because they are doing their job and it impacts someone. But if police didn't do their jobs, crimes would increase tremendously. the people need to realize that they are just trying to enforce the law and that they are trying to serve and protect. I'm sure that there are some corrupt cops that do things to people that should not happen and that is how police can get a bad name for themselves. Policing has become more advanced and better trained from when they first started out. They first started out as volunteers and had posse's and grew into something much more. Hunter-012

    1. I think you brought up an important point when you said that if police didn't do their job crime would increase. That is basically what is happening in New York City. The cops have stopped enforcing low- level offences two days after two police officers were killed in Brooklyn. This also has to do with the confrontation between the police and the mayor. I think it will be interesting to see what will happen and if the police will take it further.

  7. I think this video shows the evolution of policing but the police force is still generally the same. In the beginning to now police have made an extreme difference in today's world. They have protected us, brought justice and enforced the law but the only difference is we came from self-policing with people volunteering to a legit paid police force and criminal justice system. We still need some force that says we are here to bring order and give you guidance on what is right. That is the only reason we have police. We still have problems with law enforcement with racism and how they treat the general public. Some individuals may say the police of the past was cruel on how they punished criminals or that their way of enforcing the law was primitive verses the modern police but are we not still doing the same today? The barbaric acts of punishments still happen. They continually bring people public humiliation and shun the criminals by putting them in prison away from society and their methods for enforcing the law are the same they are just given a badge and have more advanced technology now. Policing has a very interesting history on how they came about but overall it has been the same since they started. Erza-012

  8. I thought the video was very informative. I feel as though the evolution of policing has continued to change over from the past to the present which allows for improvement. Police officers are there to serve and protect. Starting my teenage years, I didn't know that I wanted to be a criminal justice major and I was one of those people who thought nothing good of the police, but the more I learn now the more I know that they are just like anyone else in this world. In the past, Shunning was a way to get someone to correct their wrongdoing with public disapproval, but today I feel police officers want to help you. Granted, there are officers who probably shouldn't be, but they also didn't know back then either. Policing has improved over a long period of time, but there are still things from the past that are still in effect to this day. CSI-012

    1. CSI012, I agree, the video does a pretty good job at showing how policing has evolved, it also highlights important parts of the evolution. Could you imagine being corrected for your wrongs by another community member who does the same wrongs. I'm pretty sure more people would have more respect for police officers today if they knew how the system was before. Great post. SamDavid012

  9. After watching the video, I pondered what America would be like had policing not evolved like it has. I've always found it interesting how someone can goto work everyday knowing that the people they serve don't care for them and will turn their backs on them, but yet they still do their jobs. I also think it's interesting how policing used to be a volunteer job and eventually evolved into a paid position, there still isn't a price that you can put on the job that an officer does. I'm glad that policing evolved the way it has, i'd be kind of afraid to be punished by informal social control. This video does an excellent job on providing an overview of the Criminal Justice System. SamDavid012

  10. I did enjoy the video. Makes me question a lot about now and then. The policing now a days is way different then it ever has been. Race is definitely an issue, to me it seems like it has always been. In today's society you would think that race would be the least of worries but its not and its not getting any better at that. Everyone that doesn't see eye to eye with the police seem to always go down the wrong road and blame everyone but themselves for their wrong doing. I do believe that there are good and bad police officers but as long as you stay out of trouble you wont have to worry about finding out. I wouldn't say policing has improved but it is definitely different. The video does tell a lot about the Criminal Justice System but there is so much more to know and learn. LAWS012


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