Confessions and Release and Death Row

Confessions and Death Row and Release....Your Thoughts?


  1. I am glad they are releasing Wright out of prison this happens to thousands of people every day. Getting charged with crimes they did not commit or investigators not collecting valid evidence to make a solid case so they can correctly convict an individual. In this case it seems they did not waste any time to try and collect lawful evidence nor did they make sure that the suspect was capable of comprehending his Miranda rights. You can clearly tell in the video he is not all the way into consciousness. So how could he understand his rights or even know what he was saying? On top of that there was no weapon ever found, no eyewitnesses and the video was not given at the time of the offence, so how can they just assume he shot Seifert during the robbery with nothing to back it up. Wright could have gave a voluntary false confession covering up for whoever he was with that night. The whole case seems like a set up with no legit evidence. The investigators should have done more suitable research into this crime he supposedly committed instead of going off his video confession with no proof. Erza-012

    1. I never thought about some of the points that you pointed out. They never found a weapon, and no eye witnesses. To me that is crucial when trying to prove a case, that can make it very uneven when you think that he could have possibly been forced into giving a false confession or paid off to give that to protect someone else. Especially when in the video he said he was never planning to do any of this anyways, and was told to do it and was unaware until they got to this destination. General-012

    2. You pointed out many points that I did not think of. Just like General-012 said, they never found the gun, and there wasn't any eye witnesses; so why did they keep him in the first place? I feel like they did not have enough evidence to book him, and especially not enough to put him on death row. I feel like they police that were in the video were trying to make him say what they wanted to hear. It's ridiculous. FBI-012

    3. I agree with a lot of your statements. A weapon is a definite case breaker. Why couldn't Wright give them the weapon if he had it in his procession? or even tell them where he hid the weapon if it was hidden? Everything doesn't add up in that case Wright should have never been convicted. There were a lot of missing pieces to that puzzle there. LAWS012

    4. I agree with you. It was not right justice for Wright. Police should a have solid evidence to convict him and when someone is high on drug you should not believe a word he/she said because it made up. But sometimes officers have pressure from top to close the case and that's why sometimes they put innocent people behind bars. Mostwanted012

    5. Back then, I feel like you did not really need much to convict a person because eye witness testimonies seemed reliable, but are proved not to be over the years, also was he convicted based on this confession and taken to trial or did he take a deal? I also took into account that it could have been a racial thing where he may have be convicted "just because". If he did go to court, the jury did not actually analyze the facts. It was because he confessed, so they took that word. They should have questioned as to whether this was legitimate. I don't know why they even let that confession in in the first place. -army27D-012

    6. I think that it is a good thing they are releasing Wright because an innocent man shouldn’t be put to death but if he is guilty I hope they find other information to convict him. The reason that cops have to do things by the book is so guilty people don’t get released because of some legal mistake made by the cops.

    7. Thank you. This whole case is bogus and I was thinking the same thing about why weren't his rights read. I felt as if he was covering up for somebody as well. This why people have to follow up on leads and it just cant be a confession and he's put away for life. Evidence has to be gathered and a legit story has to be in place. lowkey012

  2. Watching this video hopefully will open many people’s eyes to reality. It is sad to say but people are locked up for a crime they didn’t commit or in other words were wrongfully committed. This is why we need to ensure not only police officers but the citizens on the jury trial, prosecutors, and even the judges are all on the same page to make sure this is not done. A lot of times this can increase the chances of guilty individuals the ability to get off without being prosecuted because they don’t have enough to prove someone did a certain crime. When this crime was being investigated they should have went into more detail on everything, to link him to the crime proving that he WANTED to commit the crime not necessarily that he was forced to do something or given a false confession too. I don’t agree with the death penalty unless it is witnessed and has absolutely no doubt in the charges. Since we lock people up for crimes that were actually innocent, I don’t believe we should be punishing people with the death penalty, if we are still to this day having these errors in the court room. General-012

    1. I hope that this video does open up peoples eyes to what is going on in the world now a days. We are starting to over fill our prisons because of wrongly imprisoning people who are innocent or if they were not really telling the truth even though it might be what people want to hear them say. And yes they should find more stuff on someone that did do it that could prove to everyone that they did want to do it and the death penalty should not be put on everyone cause not every crime that is done like grand theft needs to be put to death unlike rape and murder. 88Mike012

    2. General-012, Good post, I agree that everyone should be on the same page, the lack of evidence in this case should've been enough to say "hey, maybe we have the wrong guy". Instead Wright whom was evidently intoxicated was interviewed, lead into answers by questions that would lead you to commit to an answer. The reading of his rights were crap, they were summarized so short and said in a manner that would create confusion. SamDavid012

  3. I am glad that the released Wright instead of keeping and him getting the death sentence. Because you can tell that he was on something in the video when he gave the confession. I'm glad that they through that video and are trying to completely drop all charges that they have against him. They seem to almost always get people who are innocent or who are on something and try to manipulate them into saying something that they want to hear. Also again the police did not fully read him his rights or even if they did he wasn't even able to understand what they were saying to him cause he was so high when they were talking to him. They should have tried to talk to him when he was sober and see what he would of said.They were also trying to push the death sentence on him for killing someone that they had no proper or legit evidence to put against him. Since for on they didn't have an eyewitness or the gun that was used at the crime seen and this gun still has never been found for awhile since that happened. so they really cant put anything against him legally but they think that they could just use that video to put him away which was the illegal way of doing it since he was on something I'm glad that he is officially out instead of behind bars. 88Mike012

  4. This is ridiculous! I do not understand why people are held on death row for a long time, then something surfaces, then its like "oh, you can leave now.". Why keep something on record for that long, then throw it out many, many years later? Mr. Wright could have had kids, and a family. But because he was on death row for so many years, he could not. I also do not understand why some police agencies get people who are innocent or who seem innocent and try to put words into their mouths. They try to manipulate the words that people say. Since he was on something during this interview, why didn't they get on when he was sober? You could tell that he was on something in the video. The way he acted and that he really didn't understand when they read him their version of the Miranda Rights. I'm glad that he is out, and not being sentenced to death. FBI-012

    1. I agree with you. He should have been let free due to lack of evidence. all his words were slurred and he couldn't even look at the officers. Now this man has to adjust back into a society which he was taken from. So many years of his life was taken and someone will have to pay for that someday. lowkey012

  5. This is not the first and not going to be the last time I have heard of someone being released due to lack of evidence. The officer that interrogated Wright must not have had experience with HIGH suspects, it was very clear by the way Wright was speaking he was high on some kind of substance. His mind was all over the place. I'm sure this was a cover up for whoever he was with and what happen to the guy that had put him up to this? Is he walking free due to Wright giving a voluntary false confession? Why have someone on Death Row for almost 3 decades and then later release him. That is truly wasting someones life he either would have continued down the wrong path or got on his feet and became a man. No weapon, No eyewitness, nothing but wasted time. Sad but true story. LAWS012

    1. What makes this even worse, is that, while Wright was sitting on death row, someone else got away with murder. Someone else committed this crime, quite possibly committed other crimes (because they got away with this one), and they haven't had to pay their debt, another man paid it, with more than 20 years of his life. Gogetit012

    2. I agree with you that this is not the first time something like this has happened and it will probably not be the last one. They should not of put Wright away the only evidence was his confession and his confession was obviously not in the right state of mind. If the officer would of known he was high and could tell his confession wasnt right things might of been different. Hunter-012

  6. Being newly certified in interviews and interrogations, it is hard for me to watch this video for many reasons. The first reason is the reading of Wright's rights. These rights should always be read verbatim from a department issued card and stated for the record, these rights should also never be summarized as they can lead to "confusion" of said rights and the defense is likely to try and pick that apart as you didn't want the defendant to know his/her rights. Secondly, The interviewer leads him to the answers, where as you're likely to get a false confession this way. You're better off to ask assumptive questions to lead them to say what they are thinking. Another big issue with this video is that you ideally want to have your whole interview room on camera to prevent the possibility of the video or the whole confession being dismissed. In this case, its quite obvious that the suspect is under the influence of a drug and led into answers because of the questions asked of him. SamDavid012

  7. There are many innocent people in jail and prison serving sentence of crime they haven’t commit. Wright was lucky to get out because it doesn’t happen always. Police should gather more evidence and wait for Mr. Wright to get normal and then put him in the interrogation because then he knows what right and what’s not and he can react to the question and think before he answer to any question. Without murder weapon, eye witness they can’t charge him with crime and sometimes eye witness testimony are not accurate and can be thrown out but if you have murder weapon that can be a base of your investigation and can led to real suspect. Police officer should never rush to investigation because it all about someone life. You can ruin the individual life in a second. So police should always investigate thoroughly before charging someone because you don’t want to look bad in court because of one person mistake whole department look bad in court. Mostwanted012

  8. It amazes me to think about how many times our "justice system" has wrongfully convicted people. Think about how many times just in the last 5 years, convicted, "guilty" people have been released because it was later found that they were innocent? Even worse, how many people who were on death row, died because of a wrongful conviction? I understand the need to bring justice to the victims, but at what cost? I feel too many times, the police and prosecutors feel rushed to close a case, so they take shortcuts, they use certain coercion methods and pressure techniques to manipulate people into giving them the confession they need. It needs to stop. By rushing through and trying to hurry up the process, they are adding another victim into the equation.

  9. I think that it’s important to learn about the mistakes the police have made and to learn from them. In this article it talks about a man who was let out of prison because the court throughout his confession. His confession was made while he was high on heroin and he was not advised of his rights which makes it inadmissible. In the end it does not matter if he was guilty if he was not aware of his rights or he was high. A police officer should know how a person acts when they are high and they should know to stop the interview. This is why as future police officers we need to learn the proper way to arrest and integrate someone so that in the future guilty people do not get let out of prison and innocent people are not put into prison or sentence to death.

  10. I thought that, from reading about it, the confession should not have been admitted in the first place. I believe that there still was racism when this happened, so they just allowed it to "put a nigger" in jail. The prosecution and judge probably thought that this was a black, teenage male who did something. They never had enough evidence to convict him and it was probably accepted that they allowed the confession with weak facts to back it up. They had no evidence and if it was not for the confession, he would have never gotten convicted unless, of course, there was racism in court cases still. I watched "A Time to Kill" and it was only in 1984 and there was still racism and they wanted to put him in jail, because he was black for the main part. They looked at the facts and yes, he killed the guys who raped his daughter, but they did not look at that fact it was in the "heat of passion". They saw him as a nigger who killed one of their own. Overall, the confession should have never been admitted, but at least he was still alive when they overturned it and not already dead. army27D-012

  11. I think him being let out was the right thing because he was wrongly arrested. I think that they should of followed up with this case alot sooner than what they did. I am sure that there are quite a few innocent people in jails and prisons for crimes they did not commit. Even if Wright did murder the clerk he should of been interviewed when he was in the right state of mind, not when he was high and not thinking clearly. He still might of gave the same confession if he was not high. I think it is important that law enforcement departments make sure that they are doing everything correctly, that way they do not make mistakes and mess up cases and messup some peoples lives . It is important that they learn from their mistakes and other departments mistakes. That way we can make the law enforcement stronger as a whole with less mistakes. Hunter-012

  12. This is an amazing story. About 30 years in prison for someone can change their outlook on the situation. The black man was had robbed the liquor store and in the process the store owner was in the act of retaliating. The black man then fired shots killing the store owner. IN the police station they processed his interview and took a confession from him. At the time it was said that he was high off crack but watching the video I could tell that he wasn't sure about what happen. His story was to spotty and by that I mean his answers were not clear. When asked where the car was parked all he could say was up the street. The question was asked 4 different ways before he gave a distinct location. When getting confessions, I learned in class that all statements and information should be precise with time. This is one of the reasons why the man was released and the evidence is getting thrown out. lowkey012

  13. It is being found that more and more people are being put in jail/prison for a crime that they didn't commit. If you are putting wrong people behind bars, how does that help you when the murderer, rapist, or the person who committed the crime is still out there? An investigation takes time. You want to make sure that you have collected all the evidence needed. In the video, I didn't notice that he was at all nervous or worried about what was going to happen to him which could have easily been because of some type of substance. When the police have no weapons and no witnesses, it is hard to make a case. They didn't have enough evidence to charge him. The interviewer asks just the right questions to get him to make a confession that says, "He made me do it, he was going to kill me."


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