First Time the Hardest Time? Your Thoughts......


  1. I understand more now. Natural678

    1. I can not see the video

  2. This video gave a good look at the topic of 'hard time'. I knew there was a hierarchy in the prison system, but I have never had a good look at just how sophisticated the social ladder was inside. With the description with wolves and sheep, it gives a good look into just how people prey on others and how people are further victimized. It also gives some view into on who really runs the prison, the warden and his staff or the group of criminals with the biggest and meanest members. It also gave a good in-depth look into how the special team went in and had to think like the criminals that they have to contain. The least touched upon thing was on how different people handled the adversity that they were faced with when it came to their other inmates. While some of the stronger guys stand up, others in that category would back down and would get rolled over.

  3. I really enjoyed the video we watched in class. The things I thought was wrong was how they have a store in the prison. The prison inmates use the items from that store as a currency. People can trade for cigarettes and different things they need. That is okay but there criminals and they commit crimes in prison. They are stealing and doing the thing they were doing in the real world so those people never learn their lesson. I don’t like that because the main reason we send people to prison is to make them realize what they did is wrong and to correct themselves. I Think prison should separate inmates more then what they are because there are still a lot of crimes being made in prison where they should be learning from their mistakes. I also didn’t like how many prisoners there are compared to the guards and officers there are. I think we need way more people working in prisons.

    1. I agree with your comment, especially about the store. That's just crazy that their family members are sending the inmates care packages of food, and the inmates are using *25 products of food*, to purchase cigarettes and other items which would be nearly impossible to attain. It just blows my mind that it occurs.


    2. I agree that the stealing and everything is bad and they should try to limit it but I think that the trading and trying to get cigarettes isn't really a big deal. They are human too and just like people out side of the walls they have addictions too (smoking) and I don't think it would be fair to take that away from them even with there decisions in life. Jays678

  4. The part of video that was very interesting to me was the ratio of guards to inmates. With 200 inmates under the control of one guard, that sounds like a lot of responsibilities and the potential of gang activity. What they did talk about with the food from the store. The inmates could get tattoos to cigarettes with that food. Also that food was the cause of many problems for the inmates. They would get robbed of all the snake food they had bought. So they would either have to fight for it and risk getting more time added to them or just give it up to the inmates trying to steal it. Also seeing this compared to what I saw in the Juvenile class there was no type of rehabilitation for the inmates even for the first time offenders. I know this was just sort of a transition point for these inmates from getting sentenced to waiting to go to a place where they would spend the rest of their sentence. But I think there should be some sort of rehab for the first timers and minor offenders.

    1. I agree with everything that you have said. I think they should do something about the ratio of prisoners to guards. They need to high way more guards then there is. Also with the snack food they can buy. This is just getting them in trouble and it is also something they do not need.

    2. I completely agree with you on the ratios between officers and inmates. I feel like that is a big deal to keep the inmates in line. I liked that you mentioned about how the inmates are trading stuff that is bought from the store and how they get away with it. I feel that is not a very good secure system with the store because the inmates are able to get cigarettes. As well as, give one another a tattoo which is not under control. I understand that the place is just a transition but I feel that certain things need to be under reconsideration like you mentioned.

  5. I thought this video did a good job showing the difference between criminals and how they act amongst each other. When a lot of people think prison they think everyone rolls with there own gang and everyone is the exact same. This was not that case. Some of these prisoners were getting caught with shanks and some were doing good and can't wait to start fresh. Even though this was a place to wait to get sent somewhere else, during the interviews you could almost tell what kind of people they actually are. I also found it surprising to see how many prisoners their were per guard. Cowboy678

    1. I like how you noticed that people act different when they get into prison and not everyone is not the same. It was crazy how they had to fight for there respect even though some of them were just trying to get out of there to see there family. Jays678

  6. The video we watched in class was very eye opening. From the inmates' first day at prison, to the training of the correctional guards. I guess the part that stood out to me most was the mentality of, losing less respect from losing a fight, than backing out of one. It doesn't quite surprise me that a prison would have that style of mentality, but just the fact that if you want to survive, that you have to follow that mentality. It's like, the guys who were sentenced to 3 to 5 years on drug possession with kids at home. Those guys don't want to miss anymore of their kids' childhood than they have to. However, if the craziest inmate challenges them to a fight, they have to deal with being harassed for backing out of the fight, just because they value their children more than they care about some pointless prison fight.

    Obviously there are many aspects of the video we watched, which could be elaborated on, but I just decided to talk about the inmates who are trying to do their time and move on.


  7. This video was kind of a shock to me. I noticed how many prisoners there was and how many guards there was and it made me wonder how they keep control. It also makes me respect our correction officers even more because of the risk they take. You can hear those stats all you want but when you see it like we did in the video that's when it really hits you. Another thing that caught my eye was the store. I think they way they did the store was wrong. The way they have it set up is inviting trouble in my opinion. I think they should have someone go around and take orders of the inmates at each cell and deliver them what they wanted that way it isn't has easy to for them to get into trouble. It may take more time and money that would be the down fall to it. Jays678

    1. I agree with you too on the stats of the correctional officers. They put their life in harms way to help keep control and some sort of order inside prisons. But with that many guys locked up in one area and only one guard there will still be that chaos going on, like the deals with the store and the robbing of snacks.

  8. I thought the video was very interesting and gave a quick look on how everything is ran in the systems. I liked how the warden knew what was going on at all times and he personally did the inspections in the morning. I feel it is important for him to know what is going on at all times in his building. He seemed like he took his job very seriously, which is very important in the criminal justice world. One thing I did not like is the ratios of correctional officers to the inmates because I felt like they would have a hard keeping the inmates in place. The video showed that the correctional officers had the inmates in control but I am nervous other facilities would not have them in control. Overall, I thought the place was ran fairly with minimal problems and did not see too much issues.

    1. I would have to agree with you on the officer to inmate ratios. That is a lot of dangerous people to watch for just one officer. I think even though it maybe a bigger tax that at least three officers per so many inmates over 50 that is a situation that not many officers can control especially if the inmates have a sheep and wolf mentality. Spartan678

  9. The video titled Hard Times showed correctional officers at work in jails and prisons. At the jail, parole officers were out numbered with 200 convicts to 1 officer. The officers didn't carry weapons and were at risk for an attack at any moment. The training that it takes to become a correctional officer shocked me. They were trained like soldiers and had to answer with sir yes sir or ma'am yes ma'am. They also had hand to hand training where they would wrestle each other and train to be able to fight back against a inmate. I thought the video was a great video because it showed what it took to become a correctional officer and how the inmates behaved in jail. I didnt think that allowing the inmates to receive candy and items from the store in the jail is a bad idea. It causes more fights and the items are sold on the black market for cigarettes and other items.

    1. I thought it was cool how one officer had power over 200 inmates at one time. He could tell them to do whatever he wanted and they listen most time. Then on the over hand he was unarmed and could have been jumped or got at any time . They didn't Carrie guns which is smart but also unsafe at the same time .


  10. After watching the video and and examining my notes a little further I have made distinct correlations with Karl Marx theory of social conflict. Social conflict theory is the study of society with need for change. But more in depth is the oppression of the masses by the elite who run the masses programs, jobs, and how the masses operate their lives. It is a complex system that is characterized by inequality and conflict that generate social change. For example guard to inmate relationships. There are a hierarchy of people (guards) that are there to run the programs and lives of individuals to promote social change and behavioral change in the inmates (masses). This can also relate to inmate to inmate relation in the series one of the inmates differentiates inmates by "wolves and sheep" separating the elite from the masses. This could also be symbolic interaction but i'm going to stick with the macro level logic. By saying the inmates separating themselves tell you who will run the prison. Who they can manipulate for their personal gain. My example would be the source of income through various foods and goods purchased on the outside that are given to inmates on certain days of the week. Reason being is that the "wolves" can figure out who they're stronger than to either force or talking into giving the "sheep" food. I chose to talk about this because it is amazing how even outside of the really world separate from society that even criminals promote order and have societal structure in a place where they're to be secluded from society. I tied sociology and this show together because of my sociology major with an emphasis in criminology. Spartan678

  11. The video we saw in class showed us a lot but it also showed us that jail isn't what we think.when the prisoners get off the bus they line up and start to treat them like they are in the service . They go inside and they get their heads shave and when ever they talk to some one they have to say sir yes sir or ma'am on ma'am. The inmates will only spend a few years at the jail . Before they are take he some were else or whatever happens to them. Then each weekend the warrant of the jail comes in and searches the jail and the cells with the search teams. Over all the video really helped me to see how jail is and that no matter what you think the prison aren't as stupid as we think . Every thing they do in jail they do to stay alive and pass the time from day to day !


    1. I agree that what they do in prison is to stay alive and get through the day. They always have to be on their guard. It's crazy how they only have 1 officer watching over 250 inmates at one time. What is 1 person going to do against over 200 inmates? I understand that a lot of those inmates don't do much to the officers. They know to keep their hands off of them, but then you got the people in their for life, the ones who don't care about nothing. Those are the ones that'll hit and possibly kill a Correctional Officer. It is scary. Bama678

    2. I agree with that fact that they bring them in and take control of the inmates right away. i think that is an effective way for the correction officers to get respect off the back and have control of there prisoners. I do like how in these specific prison the warden him self came and did inspections himself it showed that he had an interest in what is going on in the prison and showing his strength to the inmates by being the one to help with inspection and to demand a level of responsibility from the inmates themselves. Gt_racer678

  12. The video did a really great job of outlining the correctional officer position. That guy that had just got out of the military was even struggling. A man who has gone overseas to Iraq/Afghanistan is having a hard time dealing with stress that this position requires. That blew my mind, along with the fact that 75% of CO's don't last more than a few years. That is a staggering amount. I think the way prisons are run in a military fashion is good. The men need order and guidance in their lives. They need to know that in there they are not the top dog anymore like they could of been on the streets. They are in someone else's house now. The fact that economics within the inmates is such a big issue it really surprised me that they even have a store at all for them. The store feeds in to that system and makes it worse. Take out the store and what do they have to trade now? I don't like it is fair that some inmates can afford it and others can't. No wonder the ones who go buy stuff get it stolen or beat up if they don't give it up. If it is such an issue then why is it there in the first place? Bama678

  13. after watching the video in class I feel that I have a different perspective on corrections. First, I didn't realize how hard it was for the correction officers. for the training that they put them through and the fact that most of correction officers don't last more then 5 years in the field. Also, for the fact that they said that it could be on officer with up wards of 200 inmates that he would have to look after. I image the officers that have that kind of fear in there life every day dealing with criminals that you never know could just attack you and your back up be a minute away but in that time those prisoners would have already done what they needed to do. I found it interesting how that the codes that the prisoners have to follow they have a choice to follow and be good or to follow the code of the prisoners with could mean staying alive and having people to back you up in case of any threats they may come your way. Gt_racer678

  14. To be in prison away from your family is hard enough to cope with. Not saying that people shouldn't go to prison they should. That should be their punishment. To have to fight to keep your food and things your family spend their hard earned money on is ridiculous. At the same time these inmates were free out here on the street and they were treating innocent people they way they are being treated. On the other hand the correctional officers being tried to see if they will break is a scary feeling. The video makes you think twice bout continuing your education in this field. As a mother of four boys I know this is the profession for me. The training is hard core you have to be cut out for it. Being mentally prepared for the job is the most important thing. The way the trainers are in your face yelling and screaming like you were a criminal. It gets you ready for the sheep and wolf war. Survival!! MotherOf4678


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