History of Policing....


  1. Now I get it! Natural345

  2. I found this video very interesting. One thing this video did to me is make me appreciate how our policing is in today's world. Our justice system may not be perfect and there are still things that go wrong without policing but it is way better than it was in the past. Just how police did not really care about everyone and how police were apart of lynching’s and they were okay with it instead of trying to help the people being lynched. Today we will still have some police officers abuse their powers but it is nothing like it was then. Police always abused their powers and new they were high up then an average citizen. I am glad we are a country that learns from our mistakes and we do our best not to repeat them. I really appreciate our criminal justice system and how we run things.

    1. I agree with you on this video about how I am appreciative on how our policing is today in the world. It truly has changed from what it use to be in the past.The system did not have the best punishments and was not regulated that well like how you mentioned it is not perfect. I agree with you! Mainly, this video did a great job on giving the history on our policing and making us see the differences that have changed from the past.

    2. I completely agree that our policing system is not perfect. But sometimes it does get the job done. That is why there are so many people on probation, incarcerated and on parole. Our police tend to do their jobs for the most part but not all the time if the crime is petty. modified345

  3. I found this to be the most interesting video we have had in this class yet. It gave, while not a complete history into this field, it gave a good look into just how the system of policing evolved in America. It really does say something that we worked together for so long without a formal system of law enforcement. I am not saying the old system of mob justice worked better than what we have, but for the time it worked for the amount of sophistication that it had or lacked. Though for all the props I give it, the fact that mob mentality could easily take over and kill a large amount of innocent people is frightening in its own right. Now that we have a more regulated system we should be more protected from ourselves and those who would be focused on doing us wrong. Though this is not always the case, sadly, as we still must work to protect ourselves from the bad ‘protectors’.

    1. I completely agree with everything you said. this video gave a clear view on the history of policing and how it evolved into what it is today. I did not realize that the mob could take over so easily at this time, and i agree it is frightening. The criminal justice system evolved into a powerful and great thing today,I am grateful that it evolved into what it is today.

  4. I found this video very helpful to understand the history of policing and how it evolved into what it has become today. I did not realize that we did not have a formal law enforcement for quite some time. Communities policed themselves. We worked together to decide punishments whether it was public humiliation to shunning. At this time this system may have worked, but in today's world it would not be as successful. But in the west, communities picked a sheriff to handle with crimes and violence. Although the sheriff started gun control, the sheriff could not possibly police the entire community to themselves. This is why I am glad policing evolved to how it is today. I like how formal our law system is today, But if it weren't for the history and making of policing, it would not be how it is today.

    1. I definitely agree with how their ways of punishment then would not work. It is crazy how much we have changed and how much our system has improved. Also it surprised me as well about how long we did not have policing. i would of figured policing would have been around longer then what it was.

    2. I completely agree with you also. Although the video stated shunning and public humiliation are still done to date in the Amish and Mennonite cultures. Except for these cultures the shunning and public humiliation would not work today or would not work as well as modern policing methods. I also think it is great that look and see how much development policing has Evolved throughout the years. Alex345

  5. I would have never thought there was actually this deep of a history involving the police system. It really does say something that we worked together for so long without a formal system of law enforcement. Which is pretty interesting to take a deeper look into. Their was a time as a citizen i felt the police served and protected the community as a whole, today Im unsure. Today we will still have some police officers abuse their powers but it is nothing like it was back then. Heartache and pain on top of heartache and pain. Thanks for enlightening me on this topic! Triceyoo7

  6. ^^^ Its sad how so many abuse their power and not learn self discipline. As a contributing factor and repeated offense cops our actually turning into criminals themselves and sending off the wrong energy amongst citizens. Set a good example lead the way and just maybe others will follow suit. Tricey345

  7. I thought this video was very informative. I liked learning about the history of policing and the democracy of policing. I liked the system has changed through the years and the video did a great job showing the differences between then and now. I thought the video did a great job showing how america has improved the criminal justice system and it is still improving today. I learned a lot from this video by learning about the town crier, the colonial era, and how threats were handled. I am happy that our system has become more regulated but is still improving. Overall, this video gave a brief history of policing which gave me great information about the background of the criminal justice system.

  8. This video really shows how poliing really got going. I never knew that people in the towns would be on look out for possible crimes and invaders. It really shows how much our policing has evolved. We may not have the best police but it is certainly better than what it was like back in Paul Revere's day. There really have been dramatic changes. Now we actually pay people to keep peace. Sometimes seeing a police officer is a good thing, other times its bad like if someone just lost their life due to some other individual taking it. The good part of that scenario is that the police will be looking for that individual. Modified345

    1. I completely agree with your response. It's crazy to think about where policing was at not too long ago in terms of corruption and efficiency. I will agree that todays system has its flaws but we, as a society, have come a long way with the evolution of our law enforcement system. Yes, sometimes we all jump at the sight of a police officer, especially driving. However, at the end of the day they are putting their lives on the line for people like us to live in a worry-free environment. AUT345

  9. Wow this was a great video. Overall I learned a lot from the video and I think throughout the years, policing has come very far. Policing today has come a long ways and there's still a lot to learn as it wasn't as there was in the past. Although policing today is very similar to policing in the past. In the past they would use the community to watch for crime and deal with it through showing in public humiliation. Today we still have the community watch for crime but is not dealt with through The methods used back then but it is going through a court of law. For example neighborhood watch groups in crime prevention through police are some of the effective methods that are used to date and was used in the 1700's. If it wasn't for our forefathers shaping the police back then police would not be where it is today. Alex345

  10. This video is a great example at how law enforcement has evolved over the many years of its existence. It talks about the beliefs and norms of multiple eras of police work and how everything from efficiency and fairness has improved drastically over the years. The one thing that I found interesting was the way that police work was approached back in the day compared to now. Today, police work is a very respected career that before wasn't viewed as anything special. Sure, there are some people that view police officers as criminals themselves, however, at the end of the day they are providing us with numerous services, endless protection, and a peaceful environment for us to live in. They provide all these things with a direct risk to their very own lives. AUT345

  11. This video is very helpful of how we feel in police safety. I honestly believe we are not safe. Back then they did things like shunning, lynching, public humiliations. They never had a paid police force back in the 1700s' they had town cryers and neiborhood watch. Sheriff deputized a posse to make up his "police force". Outsiders had to leave their guns with the sheriff while visiting the town. Today we have a such thing called foid cards and concealed carrying license, but you must have a temporary license if yours did not cover that state. 1866 the KKK formed because African Americans had the right to vote. Even back then african americans where not protected by police just like today. They never got the rights they deserved and also today they are not treated fairly. I believe if the police could they would still be lyinching today. So do I feel safe no I do not, every day you have to watch your back because the police is made up of the kkk Rebel345

    1. I see your point of view I think it is a little harsh though. I can understand your frustration in the sense of African americans have had a bad path. I think that police today are trying to get better. But when the media focuses only the bad stuff cops do or things that look bad that is where you are point of view at and your ideals of how police as not changed.
      k9 345

  12. Policing today is the same way back then if you really look at it the only difference in today is we have a few more African American officers. Majority of them are white and they still get away with "doing their job" without question. A white cop can get away with shooting anybody of any race but I'm pretty sure if a black cop did their job they might get suspended without pay. So if you ask me policing today is no safer than policing back then if you ask me its worse. Rebel 346

  13. This film we watched was very informative about the early years American justice system. It talked about many things like how we did start out wanting a federal justice system. It said that the founding fathers thought that the community’s should govern them selves. I can see how they would want that because news didn’t travel as fast as it does now with the Internet. Some other things it talked about were the lynchings and the south mistreatment of blacks. The film said that the cops in the south were sometimes apart of the lynchings and mistreatment of blacks. Of course you know what my view of this is it should have never been a loud to happen. They talked about a position when we did have paid law enforcement. That position is called town crier with is a the first cop. They were more than a cop though they did journals for the town telling the town what happened during the night another name is called night watchmen
    k9 345


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