Juveniles and Adult Corrections: Are We Getting it Right?

Juveniles and Corrections


  1. I think all kids that do any crime including murder should not get tried as an adult. Kids can fix and change. It should go by your opinion after thy get help if someone thinks there okay to go back to their life or if they should stay in prison for the rest of their life. It is pretty obvious witch kid is crazy and witch one is not. And it is pretty obvious if the crime was an accident or on purpose. If they don’t deserve to be there then let the kids out and if you can tell there a psychopath then keep them there. Kids should not get life in prison when there 15 because kids make mistakes and they learn their lessons easier then adults. They should get help for as long as they need it and if the person helping them thinks they are okay then let the kids have another chance at life.

    1. I agree with you on the offenses that children make because you are able to know the difference between children who need help psychologically and who just made a mistake. I think our court systems still need to evaluate the punishments that are handed out because some children do not deserve life in prison. Children have time to grow and the criminal systems needs to understand that the delinquent offenses can be learned from and they can change. You made some great points about the punishment choices that the system is making,

    2. See i agree every child can change for the best and for us to lock them all up and throw the key does nothening but load up are jails and shows that we don't care about helping the young adults that will be running are country one day. We should be trying to get them the best help so they can change there life around for good.


  2. I think children who commit any delinquent offenses should be punished but not necessarily charged as any adult. Children who are younger than 18 years of age are still growing and learning about the norms in society and have time to fix their mistakes or at least understand what is right from wrong. I am not saying that children should not get punished if a delinquent offense happens but their punishment needs to be done in a appropriate way that can help benefit them from making that same mistake again. I liked this article because it connected well with the video we watched in class and the chapter in our text. I think our system is on the right path to making the correct punishments for juveniles and knowing the differences between adult charges and juveniles offenses.

    1. I feel the same way kids need to be corrected in a way that will help them out not just throw them in a cell and throw away the key. Our minor court system is changing in a good way to meet the needs of the delinquents.

    2. I agree completely. I think the way a lot of kids mature is how they adopt to their environment. I think if you put a child in a place with a bunch of viscous criminals then they are more likely to be like them. I do believe in certain methods to help kids reach there full potential though. Cowboy678

    3. The punishment should fit the crime. I agree with what you had to say. I think as a society we have come a long way with dealing with our juveniles within the criminal justice system. It can only go up from here. The juveniles background should be looked into. Physical/sexual abuse seems to be some of the most common reasons behind a juveniles actions. Bama678

  3. I think that kids that commit adult crimes should have their background looked into more. Like in the video we watched most of they guys that committed those crimes where abused before they acted out. Kids that where abused should be required to complete a rehab program before they get charged. Doing this will help the courts figure out where the mental state of the youth is at. Then kids that act out in cold blood shouldn’t be given that chance. Kids do know right from wrong but their brains are still forming and growing. So sending minors to an adult facility would put them at risk at not being able to be a positive influence on society once released. But then there were the two friends that killed the girl because they wanted too. I feel life without parole is too harsh of a sentence for a minor, l feel that should get a chance of parole after 20 years along with a rehab program. After reading that article I feel that our system is growing to meet the needs of minors and helping them out in the long run which I feel is the right thing to do.

    1. I completely agree with you. They should look more into the kid’s background to see if they were raped or abused. Maybe the only way out was if he had to kill them. Some kids are not crazy but they made a huge mistake. Those kids don’t deserve to be behind bars for life.

    2. I agree. Kids who were abused and saw the only way to to end the abuse was to murder, should be looked at a different way. Teens overall should be looked from somewhat of a more different angle. Not everyone who commits a crime in their teen years is bound to a life of crime.


  4. I am not all against kids being locked up. However, I do think the punishments on some of them are harsh. A lot of mistakes are made when someone is young. Especially during teen years because you still have the mindset of a child yet have the same abilities to do crime as an adult can. The story about the kid drinking alcohol and accidentally killing someone was a good example of how it can go wrong. I'm sure he had no intentions on causing harm to someone else. That kid took his own life because he knew he made a mistake and was put in a place where he felt he didn't belong. In my opinion, the best way to punish kids is to give them community service, rehabilitation centers, or in serious case send them to psychiatric centers. Cowboys678

    1. I agree in the fact that punishment needs to be more focused on rehabilitation. However, when someone who is 17 commits a crime such as murder, they should be incarcerated in a juvenile detention center and then transitioned into a prison upon reaching 18. They should still be tried in juvenile court, but continue the sentencing in the age appropriate facility.

  5. I understand that juveniles and adults are different and should be treated as such. Some juveniles commit horrible crimes and should be locked up for a very long time. Life without parole however, should be eliminated. Juveniles should have a chance to get out the system granted that they have proven and shown they are different. Some juveniles go in and then they don't change, others do. Waivers to adult court should not even be a thing. Once they hit 18, then it is appropriate to transfer them. They are legally adults now. The transitions from a juvenile detention facility to an adult prison needs to be explained in full to the juvenile. I'm really not sure how we can smooth the transition over because once they are in there, there is no going back. The suicide rates are high and somehow we need to figure out how to smooth it over. Bama678

    1. I agree with what you are saying. I think just because a crime is bad we think that they are adults now and should have to leave up to adult levels of responsibility. I think what should happen is that there case be reexamined to deiced that has this teen be doing what he is suppose to or has he been going and leaving a life of crime in juvenile detention. I fell that if some one is 15 and just thrown in to prison they have no future of anything. But by them going to a detention center they can be mandated that they have to attend school in the center and that they have to learn. those kids will have a much better chance at some future then those with no future that just seat there and rote with the mind of a 15 year old. Gt_racer678

  6. All kids who do a serious crime should be punished as if they were adults if they are between the ages of 15-18. They know right from wrong and know what should and shouldn't be done. All kids of this age should know there are consequences for foolish acts. If a 17 year old commits murder while robbing a store then they should be tried as an adult. A 17 year old knows they should not be robbing people. Anyone with common sense knows that is not a thing to do. I just feel kids these days need to take responsibility for their own actions and face the consequences of their actions.

    1. I disagree with you. It's a fact that the human brain isn't fully developed generally till the age of about 24. At age 15 or even 18, the brain isn't fully developed and may have an immature decision making process about things. I think that big crimes like murder and rape are definately game changers in the juvenile process, but I still don't believe that they should get the adult sentence. I think they would benefit more from guided learning and some punishment instead of life punishment.

    2. I agree with you the brain isn't fully developed till the age of about 24 that's is a fact. plus i feel a younger person has a better chance of changing his life around then a person that is older that been lock up over in over. i just cant picture sentence a juvenile a life to jail that's just not rite at all.

  7. Yes we have some juveniles that need to be locked up for a very long time but locking them up doesn't help them. We need to find out the reason why they did what they did. Like some kids are killing just because they are bored or they think its cool to act out a scary movie. Juveniles who kill just to do it should get help but also they should get death penalty. Now the juveniles who kill for self defense should not get the death penalty. The reason that is because most time a child kills is to protect there self from getting beat or rape.


  8. I think that kids have a way better opportunity for change. Our brains are generally not fully mature till around the age of 25, yet at 17 kids are getting lifetime sentencing. I think that kids or even people under the age of 21 would be better handled through learning and support. I'm not talking about rehab because from what I have observed, putting kids around other kids that have done crimes only makes the kid or kids worse because they feed of each other. I think that putting kids in school or giving them some sort of thing to occupy their time is a great way to punish them. A lot of kids drop out of school and it gives them more time to make mistakes. If they are in school for seven hours a day, then that is seven hours that they aren't on the street committing crimes or smoking dope. It doesn't have to be just school, but that is just an example.

    1. I totally agree with you in the fact that kids brains aren't yet fully developed at the age of 17 even and I agree that it can be handled better in different ways. School is a great example because it for one keeps them out of trouble and for two it educates them and gives them a fighting chance in the real world. Their are other ways to helping kids then to just lock them up for a lifetime. AD678

  9. I am not against kids being locked up for terrible crimes that they commit, however at the same time I do not think it is right to lock a 15 year old up in a prison with adults. This is just a problem waiting to happen, the kid is a target in there and therefore leads them to possibly wanting to take their life. I think at that age your still growing and learning and kids learn from their mistakes, that's how it goes and they should get another chance to change and learn. Life without parole in my opinion is stupid and should be taken away, I think you need to give those individuals that messed up a chance or some hope to at least do good again in their lives. People mess up in life and yes if they keep messing up they should get punished for it, but young kids should be given another chance depending on the circumstances. AD678

    1. I absolutely love where you are coming from with this post. It does seem that this system is too hard on kids, but if we abolish it completely we then come to a problem of having them get off free of sanction. I like the comparison between spanking and grounding but on a larger scale. If you do nothing, they will think there are no consequences and will either repeat it or think it is no big deal.

    2. I completely agree with you on this kids should definitely not be put in a prison or a jail cell with full grown adults. It is just a big problem waiting to happen. Its like sticking a mouse in cage full of cats. wreked678

  10. I do feel that all crime is punishable. Its just finding the right out to fit the crime. I feel that kids should not be locked up with adults no madder what. If you kill someone when you are 15 and are charged you should be put away till your of age to be put in an adult corrections facility. But i think each case needs to be looked out very carefully be for sentencing. For example a kid that has been beaten, sexually assaulted, and just never cared for that they only see one way out and that's to kill who is doing this to them. I feel that we need to get these people help not saying its right to kill but just help someone that has to resort to killing to solve there needs should be a priority. With a case like that it should been seen in the community, but if it went unseen and left it to solve itself then we as a community have a long way to go to helping and protecting each other. But those you do go out and kill because they think it would be funny, well that's just sick and wrong and those people should be put away and revalued as an adult to see if they are fit to be out on a probationary program or to be put in to an adult system to live out the rest of there sentence. Gt_racer678

  11. After reviewing the two juveniles cases in the documentary I believe that these adjudicated teens do need some institutional help in the break down of social norms and integration. I feel as though neither one of the boys parents broke down societies folkways and norms to socially integrate into society. I believe that these boys minds were not as mature and advance as someone who is 21 plus in age. My reason for this is the boys watched a scream movie and decided they were going to pick a target individual and kill her "scream" style and get away with it. One boy even stated that he "wanted to be noticed and fit into his peer group."The other boy stated that "it would be cool to create this scenario and get away with it in its complexity." Yes I believe there are some mental factors that play a huge part in both the boys and I do believe that the sentencing was just. But to not correct their behaviors and educate them on how to integrate and conform to societal norms would be a waste even if these juveniles were to get out anytime. Because they would still carry on in the same manner as they did when they were 17 due to the fact they have been secluded from society. Spartan678

  12. I feel like kids that do crimes should have a back ground check. because at the same time they are kids. i feel that a 15 year old should not be in jail with a adults at all. if a 15 year old kid do a murder it should be look at before there are any charges made. i feel like if a kid comment a crime they should get a second chance at it because.they are young and they could of been goin through a lot at the sametime. i feel that its are job to help these kids with problems cause sometimes all a kid need is somebody to talk too. BW678

    1. I like how you think that there should be background checks. I think that sometimes people make mistakes and they should pay for that although it happens to all of us in some way and we desver a second chance with most things in life. Jays678

  13. I am going to be an odd card here, as I do think that children should go to big boy court for big boy crimes. I do not, however, think they need to go to adult jail, as the gap between physical and mental maturity between the residents in either institution would lead to a lot of issues. I do think they need a serious look into the system that they would be thrown into if they continue those courses of actions. It should also be noted that they need to be properly accompanied and investigated in more severe crimes, as I do find self-defense as a reasonable situation for a killing. I am in no way condoning murder, mind you, but I do say that everyone does have the chance to protect their livelihood. In some severe cases it is much needed that these kids stand up to their oppressors, but they cannot go without sanctions with whatever they do.

  14. I feel as if adolescents and children need to be intensively screened by psychologists before being waived into adult court. Some children can comprehend the consequences and full well knew what they were doing was wrong, others may not have. What I have noticed in each of the cases is that the child in question did not act alone. They acted as a group with a group mentality, showing that they may not have fully known the consequences of their actions. These adjudicated teens and children also have a history of abuse or neglect.They could have seen this a "solution" to a temporary problem with an underdeveloped brain that does not fully understand the consequences.
    Focus should be on rehabilitation versus incarceration for children and teens who commit heinous crimes. There was an underlying problem which was the reason or trigger to commit such crime.

  15. I think that they are right to look at the way juveniles are being punished. They should change some things around to better fit the punishment and look at all the aspects of what happen not just that a teenage kid or someone maybe even younger committing a crime possibly by accident or because they were to ignorant to understand what they did or the consequences of what there action have done. Giving a young kid a life sentence or to be tried with adults I think is just to severe and in just on there part. A kid that young a way better chance of completing rehabilitation and learning something from it than an adult that is stuck in his ways and that's all he will ever know. Wreked32

    1. I agree with the fact that giving a kid a life sentence is way to severe. Its not right to do that to a kid at that time in there life I know they make mistakes but sometimes getting in trouble or busted changes a person for good and I think that the sentencing should be looked over carefully. Jays123

  16. I do think that juveniles should be punished for their crimes by all means, but I do not agree that they should be tried as an adult. A juvenile still has a lot of growing to get through before being capable of fully thinking as an adult. Murder is a big deal don't get me wrong, but to give a juvenile life in prison I think is over punishment. The reason being is because the youth's brain still has developmental stages to go through therefore making them immature still. There no reason in spending a lot more money on imprisonment when we could be spending it on rehabilitation programs that could help straighten theses young offenders up and help them develop into a mature acting/thinking adult. Dealing with the youth in the article that was drinking and driving. He took someone else's life, he deserves to be punished for that, but he's 17 he still has a lot of life to live. There no sense in losing more lives than necessary. I know that might sound wrong but I believe in second chances. GFM678

  17. I really feel sympathetic of James Stewart’s family. Yes, he made a big mistake which cost the life of an innocent person. However, like his sister had stated at one point, James never “premeditated to go out and murder somebody.” It just happened. The fact that he killed a person because he was driving drunk does not give him any slack, but it definitely doesn't mean that his 17 year-old-self should be charged as an adult. Too many times the justice system focuses on punishing individuals, no matter what the circumstances are. They needed to realize that this was a huge mistake James made, and he would have lived his whole life with the guilt of that manslaughter in the back of his mind, whether he was tried as an adult or not. I just didn't like how the movement to an adult facility “desponded” James. He killed an innocent person while intoxicated, but that doesn't mean that he has an awful personality when he’s sober. And that is a place that the justice system over looks when sentencing.


  18. I do not think that a juvenile should be tried as an adult. It is pretty simple to me I do not think that it is fair to the juvenile. Yeah they made a bad choice and they should pay for what they did. But, I think that at that age and they are not fully matured that it is not fair for them to tried like that. And in the article it brought up the fact that if kids go to an adult facility there is a bigger chance killing themselves. And when that comes into play you cant do that to them you are just setting them up for failure. Jays123

  19. I believe as children we do things on impulse. Our frontal lobes aren't fully developed, we don't think logically. Children should be tried as children no matter how gruesome the crime is. Although the world is getting worst by the generation, we have ton take into consideration that children are going to be children. As young adults we make mistakes but we have our full life ahead of us to change, so there is a chance for rehabilitation


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