Stop and Frisk and Community Policing...At Odds?

Stop and Frisk and Community Policing...At Odds?


  1. In this article, which is very interesting, they talk about the view of stop and frisk. More particular if it is a good or bad thing for the community. I believe like the article said it is more complicated that a yes or no answer. To me it is a question of is it helping the investigation or protecting the people and officers in a particular area. If so I would say it is justified but if they are doing it for no good reason you have to respect peoples rights as a citizen of the country. That means that it doesn’t matter the color of the skin or sexual orientation or anything. If they are doing nothing wrong you can’t stop and frisk them. If you go around stopping and frisking people all day everyday the community will loose trust in the police. That will make the people not want to help you when you need them to in the most important time.
    K9 345

    1. I like how you were thinking about if it will help investigate and protect the people. I think that is a great consideration for stop and frisk idea. I agree with you on the trust that police should build because trust plays a huge factor in this idea to work. Also, I agree with you that it should not affect with skin or sexual orientation, which I think there should be some guidelines presented throughout all forces to make stop and frisk a fair idea that could help benefit communities.

  2. The stop and frisk thing does not really bother me. I am more than willing to let officers frisk me and everyone else. I know I am not dumb enough to be doing something illegal or holding something I should not have on me. If people have guns or drugs on them then that is there fault. I am willing to be searched to get all the drugs and guns off the streets. I understand that they say the cops are only doing this to minorities. But people also need to understand that in those areas with people that dress the way they do are caring illegal things on them all the time. Cops are only doing it for the community’s safety and their own safety. Plus if cops are doing this it may keep people from wanting to old these illegal items and will keep the community safer.

    1. I honestly disagree with you 100%. just because you are a minority does not always mean they carry unlawful weapons or durgs on them you can be in a city full of white people and they will do the same thing, its not always about you being a minorty cause anyone can do it. You can be white walking down the street with your african american friends and every one get stopped and frisked but the white person, and its the white person with all the drugs and guns on him/her. So your comment "people also need to understand that in those areas with people that dress the way they do are carring illegal things on them all the time." Is very false no matter what color you are or what race you are anyone can carry illegal substance or guns on them. So I feel this was a very racist comment on your behalf you have to look at it on both sides wheather your white or black. But very true it happens to minorties more then white. You can also be dressed in the best clothes and still get frisked. A dope man might be wearing his suit but just cause he has a suit on does that mean he is not carrying unlawful objects in his breif case??? Think about it. Rebel345

    2. I agree with you to a certain extent, such as how the concept of stop and frisk does not bother me. I will let police officers frisk/search me if they have a valid reason, but I certainly will not if I was just walking down the street and they stopped me because of my outfit so then they want to frisk/search me because I supposedly looked like I have something illegal on me. That is unlawful and disrespectful towards the community. You can not judge someone based on their appearance to see if they're carrying something illegal. I pretty much agree with everything Rebel345 was saying, well said fellow classmate.

  3. This article I agree and disagree with it. It is very true to say majority of the people who get stopped and frisk is minorities. But why? I disagree that it makes people feel safe because those who are getting frisked are the ones who may not be doing any harm to the community or they could be."widespread application of stop and frisk, which may target individuals based on the color of their skin and their presence on the street." For the ones who are not doing unlawful things they feel they are being harassed because of their skin color. Officers today I feel arrest people for the dumbest things and we have murders, rapers, theives and more serious offenders out there. I do agree at the comment when they said minorites have and attitude towards the police. If the police did their job to every race in the world the minorites would not feel so targeted and feel like all police are raicest even if they claim they are not. I feel their are more white officers in the world because they want to feel in charge like they used to back in slavery years. I do agree that they want to get all the guns and drugs off the street but their are other ways around it, not just the stop and frisk. With out a lot of whites their wouldnt be a connect for the minorites to have these supplies but its the minorities who get arrested for the crime and officers dont look at where they may be getting their supplies from. Rebel345

  4. In this article, they talked about the views of stop and frisk. More importantly, they want to know if it is a good thing for a community. Can community policing fix or even stop stop and frisk? In my opinion, Stop and frisk does not bother me at all, if it helps prevent crimes, drugs, etc then by all means, do it, just do it in a legal manner. Cops only do it for our safety and their own safety. I understand they mainly do this in minority communities, but stop and frisk influences attitudes toward the police in a negative manner. If someone is doing absolutely nothing wrong, then there is no need to stop and frisk them. But if you frisk people all day long, the community will begin to lose trust in the police. There's hope that a new center is being established by the Justice Department will be successful in increasing community trust in police. The goal is for police officers to be accepted as a part of the community so that 'seeing one doesn't cause anxiety'.

    1. I completely agree with you! Everything you said is what I was trying to say but you said it way better. I think they should be able to stop and frisk everyone if they are doing something wrong. I want people to be frisked for the whole community’s safety.

  5. In this article, I felt they talked about if stop and frisk and could be more complicated than a yes or no answer. I think stop and frisk could be done but needs to be done in a legal manner. I think this idea could help protect our communities in a legal manner but I am nervous this idea could get out of control. If this situation gets out of control then communities will slowly loose trust in the police forces.If certain boundaries or guidelines were handed out and same across all police forces then this idea could really work. Only, if the systems put reasonable guidelines to help the police officers have a better outlook on this idea and let the communities build trust. This could be the start to helping police officers have a better name and be known as trustworthy. Overall, stop and frisk will take some time to develop that will actually benefit communities but this idea could turn things around for the criminal justice system.

    1. I like that you said that if there were guidelines put in place people would start to trust police and I think that is a very true statement. I believe also some that stop and frisk can become a good thing if done correctly. I think that stop and frisk will never be a yes or no answer because of human nature and how unpredictable people can be.
      K9 345

  6. I do not agree with the whole stop and frisk concept. Its on lawful and at times they use too much force. Being that it's mostly aimed to dehumanize people of certain race and color. I do not think it's true that they do this to everyone. Its sad the most use their profession to let off hate and anger toward a certain race. This is in my opinion a justified way. Because even though must if you are say you would be sad and forth without a problem, if it were to happen to you and reality you'd feel indignant without a doubt. no one wants to feel suspect if they are not, no matter how you dress,look, walk, talk or even think you should not be made feel any less than human. This whole 'Stop and Frisk' thing is becoming very controversial and is greatly deeper than what they advertise to the public eye. Tricey345

    1. I do agree with what you said about how stop and frisk is unlawful it only target certain groups of people.personally if I walking down the streetnot doing anything and minding business and this happened to me I would definitely feel indignant without a doubt. Like I said before it is unacceptable on how stop and frisk is being done currently, and we need to get more laws in place that more protects the people that have to put up with this whole situation. Alex345

    2. I really agree with your response. I do not like how the stop and frisk method labels humans into different groups. I also feel that it is not a very efficient policing method. I feel that it can give courts and law enforcement a lot of problems because of the sensitivity of the issue. However, it is a system that, if revised correctly, can be a very useful tool to fight and deter crime. AUT345

  7. I also thought this article was very interesting. It shed some new lights are on different aspects of stop Frisk that I did not know before I read this article. I myself believe in equality for everybody and the way stop and frisk is being done to date is not very equality like. It targets minority groups who wear just regular plain clothes, but it's not every day you see a police officer stop and frisk a rich white guy in a suit. The outcome of all this makes stop and frisk appears to be racist through the police officers because they mainly target the minority communities and not the communities uptown. Through the statistics I have seen it appears that stop and frisk actually works however the way it is done is unacceptable, and if they want to continue to do it we need to find a different way to where it's just not the minorities that are getting stopped. Alex345

    1. I totally agree with everything you said. I definitely feel bad for all the minorities. And me being a minority myself I can say I know how we are feeling. However stop and frisk is a good idea but how it's being executed isn't. So therefore we need to either fix some things, or take it away. Ajones345

    2. I agree with you that the main issue this comes down to is race. However, I do not always think it is intended to specifically target minorities it is just misused in this way. The rampant use of this technique to find things like drugs and weapons however unfortunately fuels the stereotype that white cops are racist. The “rich white man in a suit” as you called him is committing different crimes that do not involve guns or selling drugs. So while I agree that Stop and Frisk leads to misuse that is racist it is not intended to be that way and its sad that it is abused in such a way. Tae Kwon Do Guy 345

  8. *REVISED* I do not agree with the whole stop and frisk concept. Its unlawful and at times they use too much force. Being that it is mostly aimed to dehumanize people of certain race and color. I do not think it's true that they do this to everyone. Sad case that most use their profession to let off hate and anger toward a certain race. This is in my opinion a justified way to do so. Because even though most of you are saying you would'nt mind you'd do so without a problem, if it were to happen to you in reality you'd feel indignant without a doubt. No one wants to feel suspect if they are not, no matter how you dress,look, walk, talk or even think you should not be made feel any less than human. This whole 'Stop and Frisk' thing is becoming very controversial and is greatly deeper than what they advertise to the public eye. Tricey345

  9. This article talked about stop and frisk. To me I agree with the article. Stop and frisk can protect are community, but it can also effect the community. In lots of cases it's not what we do, but how we do it. No one wants to feel unsafe, disrespected, and targeted on. So when carrying out subjects like these we have to make sure that we are carrying them out properly. A huge flaw in the stop and frisk that I see is the profiling that's being done. You can't base crime on appearance all the time. It's not fair for someone to get up in the morning and put on something he/she likes and later that day be picked on for their choice of out fit. It's not fair to the citizen which means it's unruly against the community. However I can say that stop and frisk do have some truth to it. Lots of times in certain areas criminals do dress and tend to post up in certain areas. This is when stop and frisk can be used in a positive way. I am not against stop and frisk, I am for stop and frisk only when profiling is one of many aspects used to make ones act criminal or suspicious. As far as the minority statistic I think it is sad issue. It is a issue that has to be worked on or the communities will turn against policing. And if there is no trust between the two then definite conflict will happen! So like I said earlier and I cannot stress this enough it's not what we do, but how we do it. So to sum it all up, I am for stop and frisk. Ajones345

    1. I agree with your statement of "its not what we do, but how we do it" I think that one or two officers can ruin it for the rest. I think that proper training and proper policing can create better ties with the community and keep policing out of the media.

  10. I felt like this article brought up numerous points that were outstanding about the stop and frisk issue. The first major point I liked was the quote by Ronald Davis about police being judged on how they do things. Police must realize no matter what they are under constant scrutiny, and they will be hit by serious backlash because of stupid mistakes. If stop and frisk had been used in a more appropriate way, I feel that there would not have been such a big protest against it. If the practice had been used in a more moderate amount and if the use was not predominantly focused on minorities the protest against it would not have been so large. Like the article pointed out, it is very important how the public views the police. When communities where victims and witness live are being treated like this and the police are not viewed in a good manner very little will be done to help the police. It is of most importance in these areas to focus on reducing the amount of abuse of stop and frisk as well as the use, in order to improve relations. Tae Kwon Do Guy 345

  11. I don't really have an opinion for the stop and frisk policy. I don't have anything to worry about because idon't ever carry anything that im not supposed to have. In a way, I feel that the only people who seem to be totally against this policy are the ones who either have something to hide or have problems with authorities being in their business. If you don't carry things you aren't supposed to have then you really shouldn't be worried if an officer stops and searches you. However i do believe that an officer must have a probable cause to frisk someone. If someone just walks out of a little coffee shop or some place so inocent then they should not be frisked unless the owner or someone has noticed the individual shoplifting or something of that nature. Modified 345

  12. I'm not sure what to say about this stop and frisk situation. I believe stop and frisk should be legal because it does help prevent crime. I think that the way it is done should be the number one concern though. Maybe the New York Police department shouldn't stop people quite as often and should target certain areas stopping every 3rd person disregarding ethnicity or anything discriminatory factor. Stopping every third person is a way too take away discrimination. I also think that a person should have the right to refuse a search unless there is probable cause. It would make me mad if an officer stopped me for more than two minutes and was trying to search me. I may be on my way to work or whatever and a police officer is stopping me and trying to search me. That would be harrassment in my eyes, but if he just stops to ask a couple questions, that's perfectly fine with me. Also, maybe stopping people just to talk to them for a second may create better ties with the community.

    1. I feel that everything you are saying is right,. you should not get pull over by the way you look. i feel that is not rite ta all. i also agree with you when u said that you should not get search unless there is probable cause. police should do a better job on somethings BW345

  13. this article states facts about the stop and frisk policy and community policing. True they are at odds because everyone feels different about the way it's done because of minority influences. no matter how much we try to separate that from profession and rassional openion, it always is in the back ground. I agree that the police should find a better way of stoping crime instead of randomly stoping someone because they look strange, I also believe this fact affects the communities. In communities where a lot of police reside seem to have no trust in police work. This is why they should build better community relations and find a better way of applying tactics in public and private places such as the stop and frisk policy. Free Thinker345

  14. this article states facts about the stop and frisk policy and community policing. they are at odds because everybody does not look at it the same because of the influences they have on people.i feel that's that a person should be able to reuse a search if there is not a good reason, I I don't think its fair for a cop to just pull me over n demand a search without a reason. Now say if a cop smell weed in my car that cop has every reason to search my car. I feel like some cops just be wanted to search stuff just because. I do feel like cops pull people over by the way they look i feel that's is not a good reason. to pull anybody over by the way they look.BW345

  15. This interesting article states the differing views on the issue of stop and frisk. Many people, especially throughout New York City, have very negative views on the issue. Many say that the law is unconstitutional. Personally, I think stop and frisk is not the best way to approach law enforcement. Due to the negative opinions from the public, the police and courts are almost hurting themselves with the law. I feel that it increases the number of cases for the courts to handle because of how its unconstitutional. With that said, I think we should take a more efficient and effective approach at fighting crime. Not by stop random people on the streets. AUT345

    1. I totally agree with what you're saying where you're coming from and your hole. There's not too much more to say than that stop and frisk is just not the way to handle things and I'm thinking that we both are clear on that Aphi345

  16. I do not agree with stop and frisk because it's simply ridiculous stopping a random person on the street to be checked its just outrageous. criminals are everywhere where criminals are not walking on the street randomly after murdering or robbing a store there not just going to walk the streets. so you stop and frisking community members will not make us feel safe it only makes us feel interrogated or disciplined there is no way that that situation would turn out good at all honestly. In the police force their just many things that you cannot do when when it comes to asserting your community members with force it shows that the relationship will just never be good nothing in the police department and the community has ever had a great relationship and stop and frisk is no way to start a good one. Aphi345

    1. I do agree with your aversion to this topic, as it seems like you have a solid view of right and wrong. However, the view that there will not be a way to repair the relationship with the community is a little untrue. While it will be hard, I find that anything that people find worth doing takes a lot of time but is possible.

  17. This gives a nice light for the community itself to get in on the thoughts behind stopping stop and frisk, as well as a jump pad for more personal insight. While this is not always the case, a lot of stop and frisk issues seem to stick from predetermined officer bias. While this is not always the case, it leaves racist or gender biased officers pulling over a lot more of the target population than is really needed. I understand if a vehicle is swerving or if someone is acting like they are affected by some substance, but it cannot be guessed by ethnicity, gender, or place of residence. It could be said that they just need to take some classes or get retraining; this cannot reprogram a person out of their rooted beliefs. All this taken into account, it was a failed system with very little that can be done to fix it, leaving the option to scrap it as the most attractive.

  18. The article talks about stop and frisk.I agree with the article in how it said stop and frisk can protect our community.Though i feel it can also do harm to it in the same way. For instance how some people can be targeted by this law.They feel like it was made to put down or make it harder for people it effects. Like how it bases crime on appearance instead of incentive .I feel It is one of the reasons people rebel against authority. For instance referring  to a video showed in class on this subject. Reverend Sharpton basically said people need to feel safe and   not targeted by  officers in order to help them better the community. The article  lets me understand stop and frisk from more than one veiw point though
    WRITER 345


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