Columbine and What We Learned...


  1. The Massacre sparked debate over gun control laws, the availability of firearms within the United States and gun violence involving youths. Much discussion also centered on the nature of high school cliques, subcultures and bullying, in addition to the influence of violent movies and video games in American society. The shooting resulted in an increased emphasis on school security, and moral panic aimed at goth culture, social outcast, gun culture, the use of pharmaceutical anti-depressants by teenager’s, teenage internet use and violent video games. In July 1999, the FBI’s lead Columbine investigator and several psychiatrists published their conclusions in a news article. They said Harris was a clinical psychopath and Klebold was depressive. They believed Harris had been the mastermind, having a messianic level superiority complex, and hoped to demonstrate his superiority to the world. The attack was the culmination of more than a year of planning, firearms acquisition, and bomb building. Harris’s journal, in particular, shows methodical preparation over a long period of time, including several experimental bomb detonations. The massacre was anything but a failure of impulse control. The Columbine Massacre was something that they are basically stating was impossible to determine due to the knowledge and preparation after the massacre took place. If officials could have searched the home prior the Columbine Massacre could of possibly been avoided. LAWS012

    1. I agree there was certainly a debate about gun control laws when this all happened. I can see both sides to this had a teacher had a gun would they have been able to save lives? I would assume yes, they would have been able to. I also think one other change that we see more and more now a days is police officers or school security on campus’s I feel this is the best way to go to help control gun violence. The officers on duty at the schools should be doing random searches. You can’t put a cost on a child’s life. Having officers who are the ones that have the guns is more than likely going to be a better bet because they are trained in these types of scenarios. Teachers are generally not going to receive the level of training an officer will. General- 012

    2. The biggest response I have to this, is where were the parents? You stated that "If officials could have searched the home prior the Columbine Massacre could of possible been avoided." You're right, however they couldn't have possibly known that these two kids, who were about to graduate high school, were going to do what they did. But, why weren't the parents in their room? How did the parents not notice all that their kids were doing? How did these two high school boys hide that much arsenal in their rooms and the parents not see it? I have a teenage child, and you had better believe that I am in their room constantly. As long as they live with me, I will give them the privacy they deserve, but I also know the inside of their room better than they do. So, perhaps if their parent's would have done their job, then the massacre also wouldn't have happened.

    3. I agree with what you're saying about where are there parents. I know kids what privacy but like you said I would be watching my kid too to see what there up to. But it was hard for them to tell because like they said one was good at manipulating people that he was a good kid. The videos clearly showed how they were using those guns and showed how they had problems. They didn't care about killing other people and they weren't afraid to die clearly since they did all that then killed themselves. The kids seemed to not of been doing so much at there house since they weren't caught but also the parents weren't doing there job by noticing something was up with there kids because parents know there kids and see when something is wrong with them if there sad, or worried, which the boys were bullied, and depressed. The parents should've of helped there kids feel better and it would of indeed prevented the massacre that happened. I agree with the response where were the parents?. Soccer007

  2. The Columbine was day that would be forever remembered by not only the community that the incident happened in, but the entire nation. This impacted families across the county. This also had huge impacts with law enforcement. Law enforcement was greatly impacted because we realized training for these types of scenarios need to be taught. Having better reaction times is key to help assist in emergency situations. Not all police officers or investigators in their career are going to experience these types of scenarios as the ones experienced at the Columbine High School. Schools have changed the way they operate since the Columbine shooting too. Schools now are required to lock their doors during in session hours. Schools prepare for these types of incidents by having drills during school hours while students are in session to help prepare them for this kind of scenario if the time were to ever happen.
    According to the video this was planned out for more than a year. Investigators saw a diary from Eric Harris which showed his anger that he had deep down. He always wrote how he wanted to do permanent physical harm to his school, students and faculty in the school. It was also known that Eric and Dylan were bullied at Columbine High School by the jocks. The two teenagers made videos which included violence with their guns. The two boys on the day this happened went to the school and set the bombs in the cafeteria, the bombs were in backpacks so it wasn’t really out of the ordinary to see them in the cafeteria. The boys planned this to have them go off at an exact time where it would do the most harm. When the bombs didn’t go off Eric and Dylan went ot plan B and began to open fire on everyone in the cafeteria. Dylan and Eric even shot at the timed bombs, in hopes to have them go off.
    Investigators did finally catch wind of who they believed committed the crimes and went to the homes where Dylan and Eric resided. Investigators did find part that proved they made the home-made bombs. On the news it was released by the media that the two gunmen had on black trench coats. There were snipers set up outside the school with other emergency staff that was even being shot at by Dylan and Eric. The sniper during the video even stated they had approval if anyone came out of the school with a trench coat, they were to be shot dead. General-012

  3. After the events of the massacre at Columbine occurred, law enforcement realized that they had to reevaluate their current tactics, and they needed to change. In 2001, North Carolina was the first state to make active-shooter training part of their police academy curriculum. Nationwide, different jurisdictions have adapted their own training and protocol to help stabilize and intervene in active-shooter situations. No longer are they to only secure the perimeter and wait for elite teams, they are the elite teams. They are to quickly assess the situation, and step in, they are trained to quickly step over and around victims and how to identify and attack the active shooter. Officers receive special weapons training, and are equipped with better weapons and communication devices. Many teams also have visited places where an incident may be likely to occur, such as public schools and malls, and have created plans to help minimize loss of life in these places. While first responders are now the ones who intervene, the elite teams have also received their own training. Many of them are now equipped to help move and rescue victims. gogetit012

    1. I think the training was the most important thing that was missing during the time of the shooting. When the shooters were inside the building all the officers were doing was standing outside the school and didnt enter the school until the shooters had shot themselves. They had many wounded that were just left in the school. If they had the proper training at that time i think they could have saved some of the lives that were taken that day. Hunter012

  4. The shooting that occurred on April 20th 1999 in the small suburban town of Littleton, Colorado was a shooting that most people will never forget. A lot of lives were changed after this event occurred. Fifteen lives were lost counting the two boys that did the shooting. There were many signs that the two boys were unstable and could have been capable to doing harm to other people but nothing was ever done. After this shooting happened it raised questions with law enforcement agencies. What kind of lessons could be learned from this tragedy? A big lesson learned from this disaster was that schools need a detailed emergency plan that they can practice. Emergency notification systems would be helpful in schools to contact the police. And with digital surveillance growing it will help out in the long run to keep a better eye on things in schools. Another problem from the columbine shooting was the police response, the lack of training caused for more students to get injured or killed. Will this type of training and new technology help keep kids safer is a big question. Hunter-012

    1. An Emergency plan is important and should be available to all schools, day cares ect. When Columbine took place no one knew what to do just hide and stay as quiet as possible but in the video some children did not know if they were inside or outside until the boys came in contact with the students. Now a days there are ways to try to prevent these horrific things from happening, good training for everyone. I feel as if the dispatcher was receiving so many calls from so many people that she didn't know what to tell emergency response all she knew was that there was shooting going on around the school area whether that mean inside or out. Not knowing where the shooters were coming from was a big problem as well. LAWS 012

  5. The lesson is really one that we have unlearned, which is that there actually isn't a distinct psychological profile of the school killer. Pre-Columbine, teachers, parents, journalists, and the general public were pretty clear on where we thought the danger lay: loners and outcasts, troubled misfits who could not figure out how to fit in. Harris and Klebold were mistakenly tagged with all those characteristics in the first hours after their attack. The third key lesson of Columbine: We need to prepare students and teachers better for an emergency. Harris and Klebold caught their high school unprepared. We're less naive now. Most kids and their teachers are now drilled on lockdowns and evacuations. Police departments have up-to-date floor plans and alarm codes. At Columbine, SWAT teams were hampered by ear-splitting sirens and searched for the library on the wrong end of the school building, unaware a new wing had recently been added. The final practical lesson of Columbine is a revolution in police response tactics. Cops followed the old book at Columbine: surround the building, set up a perimeter, and contain the damage. That approach has been replaced by the "active shooter protocol. Police should have done better because the school was huge and there was only two shooter and they can’t cover all the entrance. Lucky for the police and other students in building that both shooter committed suicide otherwise think of the number of student get killed because all police were doing is standing outside. Recently in Dunlap an African American post and video online holding two handguns and threaten the school. Police responded quickly and take the threat seriously and arrested him so compare to columbine shooting police now learned lot from it and they are getting better at preventing the shooting from happening. Mostwanted 012

  6. The Columbine shooting in Colorado is one of many tragic events to happen in the United States history. This shooting has effected many people from the victims involved, the schools and law enforcement. Two students Eric David Harris and Dylan Bennet Klebold went into Columbine high school and went on a killing spree sniping, shooting and bombing injuring and murdering students and teachers throughout the school. I think there are countless lessons to be learned from this. This two Students were weeks form graduating high school with bright futures of college and the military with wealthy family’s but no one really knew that David and Dylan were being bullied and had some of their own personal issues that caused them to be enraged with anger and did not know how to cope with their emotions which I believe made them mentally and emotionally snap changing their outlook on how life was. Both of them were feed up with people and couldn’t stand living amongst society anymore causing them to also take their own lives. I know this shooting brought more attention to bulling. Making programs to help expose the bullies and help the victims to overcome them bullies and have counseling available to students. School also take more time to pay attention to suspicious behaviors with students and have officer with in the schools to have more safety precautions protecting their students. Erza-12

  7. Columbine was one of the worst mass school shootings in the U.S. It is also known for being the deadliest episodes of school shootings. On April 20, 1999, Dylan and Eric began their killing spree at about 11:17. They had killed themselves along with one teacher and thirteen other students and wounding more than twenty. They began to investigate why these two young adults would want to kill hundreds of people. They never came up with something specific, but maybe plenty of good speculations. After this tragedy, many schools began to enact the “zero tolerance” rules when it came to disruptive behavior and threats of violence from students. Some victims and families of people who were killed or injured filed lawsuit against the school and the police; most of them were later dismissed.
    Because there were so many police officers coming from all directions, it became to be a problem of communication. Radio frequency and the media were all on different channels. Most family members were not happy with how the police officers handled the situation. Were they better off to move into the school sooner? Would it have prevented more casualties or caused more? Columbine is something that allows for police officers and law enforcement agencies to improve on in the future for things to come. CSI012

  8. after the massacre at Columbine High School the police had no choice but to renew and enforce new tactics to make sure that the safety of students and community would one day be at an all-time high. 15 students died that day two of which killed the other 13. Columbine High School will never be the same after the crazy massacre of April 1999. one great thing they learn is that there is not a distinct psychological profile of a school killer. before they were looking for signs and traits of a quote on quote psychological school killer which set them back big time because when the parent of a student went to the police they treated this situation as minor and Columbine High School's Massacre is nothing close to minor. They also learned a policy called leakage which is now put in schools as a zero tolerance policy. Any signs of a dangerous student is to be taken very seriously. (aphi012)

  9. Eric and Dylan then went to the cafeteria where they calculated the most students would be in at the first period of lunch which was at 11:17am. That’s when they planted and set the bombs to go off but they failed to do so (Jennifer Rosenburg). Upon walking around and shooting everything in sight the duo unleashed terror upon their classmates. The two set out to the library above the cafeteria where they began to shoot more students. In a video I watched in class called Killing Spree, a student vaguely remembers hiding under a table with his two friends one who was black and the other white. The duo shot them in front of the student leaving him by himself. Upon running out of the school that same boy noticed his sister shot and left for dead in the hallway. For 45 minutes these boys took the innocent lives of many of their classmates. At 12:08 PM, Harris and Klebold killed themselves with gunshot wounds to the head (CNN Library). They killed 12 students, 1 teacher, and themselves. (lowkey012)

  10. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were two young teenagers at Columbine High School in 1999. They were both part of the 'Trench Coat Mafia'. They did not seem to be of any threat when someone would take a first look at them. They just looked like outcasts that did not really fit in. Were there warning signs that this might occur? Just one year before this tragic accident, two district security officers were worried something like this might happen because of the recent shootings that occurred in Paducah, Ky. and Jonesboro, Ark. They came up with a plan in the event of a school shooting, but Columbine did not follow that plan. Not only did the officers seem to foresee this, but the school authorities had already been alerted that Harris might be a threat and dangerous! A warning sign that also was passed over was the fact that they specifically wrote on their website that they were building and making plans to use arsenal. Also on the website was the statement that Harris was not only wanting to kill Brooks Brown, but was actually threatening to do so. On the website, Harris said he was going to blow Brown up and use pipe bombs to do it. All this information points to that horrible day in history that will not be forgotten. The signs were there, only had someone taken it seriously this would not have happened. army27D-012

  11. The tragedy that unfolded on Tuesday, April, 20 1999 in Columbine, Colorado will be

    forever etched into the minds of Americans, including law enforcement officials. The events that

    unfolded on this day changed many things. From families to those who were the first responders,

    teachers, students and the practices that will be put into place. One question that will forever be

    asked among the law enforcement community is simple, yet very complex. What lessons can be

    learned from the shooting at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado? In addition to

    the shootings, the complex and highly planned attack involved a fire bomb to divert firefighters,

    propane tanks converted to bombs placed in the cafeteria, 99 explosive devices, and bombs

    rigged in cars. The perpetrators, two senior students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, murdered a

    total of 12 students and one teacher, injuring 21 additional people before committing suicide.

    The first lesson that can be learned from the tragic shootings at Columbine High school

    is that there is no distinct psychological profile of the school killer. According to Dave Cullen

    of SLATE magazine; Before Columbine, teachers, parents, journalists, and the general public

    were pretty clear on where they thought the danger lay: loners and outcasts, troubled misfits

    who could not figure out how to fit in. Harris and Klebold were mistakenly tagged with all those

    characteristics in the first hours after their attack. SamDavid012

  12. My response to this video is feeling that they could of prevented some of the kids being killed and hurt if they had a proper plan for if something like that were to happen. I still don't understand why the swat team and officers didn't go inside to stop the boys. It was two of them and many of the "trained" officers. They should be trained more in situations like that but this was a good way to open their eyes and see what they could've done to now prevent it in the future. I also don't understand how the parents of these kids didn't notice that the kids were up to something if they had been planning it for a year. It had said that one of the kids fathers was an ex military, so you would think the kid would be on check. Them building home bombs, and other dangerous things. I don't understand how they weren't caught by the videos they made as well. I feel that video games have a big influence on what they did, and also of how they were treated in school didn't help their anger or depression they had. Teachers should help prevent bullying. The one kid named Eric had showed threating towards Brookes and his parents noticed and had said they were going to tell the police but did they? if they didn't they definitely should have so the police could suspect him and watch him. I think teachers should be trained to have access to guns but it is better for the officers to have them since they are trained but it never hurts to have back up. I think there is definitely ways some of the kids deaths could of been prevented with more training and emergency guns. Soccer007


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