Ferguson County and Police Investigations....

Ferguson and Police Investigations.....


  1. It is hard to believe that there are so many crimes in just one town. It is unbelievable that there are more crimes then there are people in the town. In the article it said there was 1.5 crimes for every person in the town. Then to think about how there are over 16,000 warrants for arrest in Ferguson. Another thing that blew my mind is how bad they are dealing with racist police officers. I just cannot get why someone would try to become a cop when they extremely hate on blacks. Not only that but if you happen to not like blacks then why would you take a job in a town of mostly blacks. The whole Ferguson thing is messed up because the more the police crackdown on it the more it will blow up. But if they lay low it will never stop.

    1. I agree with you on this article, why do the officers join just cause they dislike African Americans. I feel in Ferguson minorites do not have their rights and the Fourth Amendment does not protect those in Ferguson who is African American desent. I like how in this respond you can look at it from the other side and not just how FPD is just doing their job and that what they are doing is unlawful and unfair to the residents and non-residents of Ferguson. Thank you for being open minded.


    2. i agree to everything you are saying because that is crazy that there ae that many crimes there in that city. that's not safe at all like then its 16000 people with warrents. i really jut don't like how that the police do not like black people . you should not be cop if you do not like another race BW345

  2. What stood out to me most is when in the article it said "There are no more laws, there are only police. The "rule of law," by which people are supposed to be treated equally according to a consistent set of principles, becomes the "rule of personal whim." I believe this because if there are ruffly about 16,000 arrest in Ferguson (between residents and non-residents) thats way more than the age group that can do such crimes in the city. The police department is only making money off the poor with every arrest that they make. The DOJ said that "the police is not to protect but rather facilitate fine collection". The arrest that are made are not only traffic violations but they consider ervery "conceivable human behavior is criminalized". A man in Ferguson was charged with "destruction of official property" for bleeding on their uniforms. So because he was beaten by four officers he was the one who was in the wrong, you can not stop the blood from spilling from your face or any part of your body because FPD choose to beat this man for what reason we do not know (but nine times out of ten he was black and thats why he got the beating). These officers discretion was unlawful and there has and will not be justice for minorites in Ferugson even with all the officers who has and will be resigned.


  3. As the article say's everyday life establishes a world of unceasing terror and violence. Violence is going to be a continuance thing. its shameful that 16,000 warrants are issued in Ferguson. The most to make up these warrants were most likely the African Americans. Which we all know the Justice system isn't intended for them or anyone else. If so the congress wouldn't have to have votes in so many years to see if us African Americans should have rights and so fourth. As the articles reads there are no more laws so they basically leave it to the police. The courts shouldn't tax the poor as much as they do for court fines etc. If your poor already what makes you think someone have the money to pay off their dept. All this leads to is more arrest and warrants because the system is corrupted.


    1. What you’re saying is correct. By them fining the poor is not going to help anything. More than likely if their poor and you fine them, they’re not going to be able to pay the fine and they will end up in jail. Honestly if I was the man that had they say I would drop most of the warrants because it’s only making things worse.

    2. I agree it is sad that people are racially defined when it comes to violations by the law. I also can see where you are coming from with saying giving the poor tickets is a bad choice because they can't afford them. That isn't really a very good point because you're saying then if I don't hav emoney I can commit a crime nad not be charged fines. If you don't commit the crime you won't pay a fine is how I look at that. I do agree thought with Ferguson being a little different because the fines these individuals are getting are for terrible reasons. Of course they are laws they are breaking, but the they are petty that you shoudn't waste you time on if it's not really impacting the community in a negative way. Now that the entire city is against hte police force, it's not only putting the officers in danger but it's also putting a negative impact ont he community as a whole. They really need to work hard on gaining the trust back from the citizens of the community, and dropping all the petty warrants/charges they have actively out on people. General012

    3. I agree with you. But by reading this article this issue never came out so I think if the law enforcement officer issues the ticket to poor or any person, think of as an corruption like officer can pull the person over for traffic violation but instead writing a ticket they can make a deal and officer can ask the person if he can give me cash he won’t issue a ticket. Mostwanted012

  4. While reading this it really makes the Ferguson Police Department look bad to the public. Having 1/30th smaller of a population than Boston and having way more in warrants and violations given to residents and citizens that enter the city compared to larger cities also looks bad. Police officers are of course to serve and protect, but there is a fine line of doing so with milking money out of everyone who lives in the community. Another problem I see with this is the public needs to trust that the police department is on their side and not worry about being fined every time an officer is in eye sight of them. When the investigation was being done they found all the arrest warrants, which many were for petty crimes such as motor vehicle traffic violations. One was for when four officers beat an individual and he bled on their uniform he was charged with an offense. Over 80% of all warrants and crimes that are documented are African Americans. The courts also said you can surely see this is racially bias. General012

    1. When you talk about the police milking money out of the public is a very true and something that can lead to public mistrust and that is huge black eye for the police. I also think that what they did to the man who was charged with a offense when the police beat him up as a horrible misuse of power.
      k9 345

    2. They say Ferguson has more crimes than people. How is that possible? What is really going on in this city that people are going around committing at least 1.5 crimes or more per person? Could a city really be that corrupt? I don’t think so, there is a deeper problem here than the citizens of this town. I feel the real issues branch from their Criminal Justice system. To also point out some of the charges these people are getting is ridiculous! “Manner of Walking in Roadway," "High Grass and Weeds," and countless parking violations. The law enforcement are picking petty offences to arrest someone over. Just by reading some of the offences I can tell this maybe a greedy money hungry system. The article even states “The Ferguson courts appear to work as an orchestrated racket to extract money from the poor.” Ferguson sounds way out of whack, not sure if it really is racism. Media can depict anything and make society see it the way they want brainwashing everyone from the real truth but at the same time it does not help when they beat an innocent man and charge him with destruction of official property for bleeding on their uniforms. There is obviously no order or structure with in this city. The law enforcement needs better direction and officers. If it is racism then they need to start with a clean slate, put more minorities on the force to show no racist bias and have the people more comfortable. Erza-012

    3. I completely agree with everything that you said. I honestly believe that Ferguson is making the whole United States look bad to other countries that watch the news. The fact that about half of their population got an arrest warrant is outrageous. Boston is 30 times the size of Ferguson and they had far, far less warrants in 2014. I think that Ferguson is trying to be their own lie elf country. They do not give people their rights, and they are giving tickets and arresting people for the most ridiculous reasons. Some of the stories in the department of justice report are so stupid, it would only make sense to happen in Ferguson. They blocked in an African American man sitting in his car after playing basketball because they thought he was a pedophile because of the presence of children. The police made that man lose his job. Ferguson needs to get their act straight and stop making the untied states look bad. FBI-012

  5. The fact that the Ferguson police department try’s to go after every single offense is quite ridiculous. They could really could benefit from community policing that positively impacts the community especially now with the spotlight on them. When you have more arrest warrants than residents is problem because that is never true in a given area. I know that a city may have more people of one race but certainly doesn’t mean they are committing over ninety percent of the crime of that city. I can see maybe sixty percent or seventy percent but I still think that is high because most people don’t want to commit crime. Even when you arrest that many people of one race you are going to tell me that then you are not going to drop not very case against that race for no good reason that seems a little unjust I ask me.
    k9 345

    1. I agree with your statement about community policing.Rather then helping cops find REAL criminals. they will now hide every bit of information from the police, Cops should grow to be respected. NOT feared. Their department isnt helping a troubling community just by throwing citations and tickets at everyone for petty things. They might be way in too deep now to ever have community policing. The ferguson police department has left a scar to ever gain trust.

    2. I agree that it is very interesting the number of things they are going after. They are basically able to arrest anyone they want and pull some random charge out of nowhere in order to arrest them. Your solution of community policing is a fabulous solution and I agree with you completely. It is important at all times, but especially when the spotlight is on you to try your very hardest to help the community in which you were sworn to protect not to abuse and have your way with. Tae Kwon Do Guy 345

  6. I don't find any findings of this analysis a least bit surprising. African Americas have been through enough (400 years of slavery, brought into America against their will) mistreated, abused, beaten, raped, starved..etc...etc. Yet you are telling me that they constituted freedom for "ALL" in which the 13th Amendment by abolishing slavery. Next, the Fourteenth Amendment constituted on July 28 ,1968. Stated "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, are citizens of the United States and the state of which they reside." The amendment then reaffirmed the privileges and rights of all citizen, and granted all citizen the "Equal protection of the laws." Lastly the Fifteenth Amendment gave African American men the right to vote. So much for "Freedom for All!" Terrorism is happening right now in America, against foreigners, immigrants, more biased directed toward African Americans. I mean let's be realistic you go into a grocery store and from the time I walk in until the time I walk out I'm being followed and watched, because I'm black. Yet caucasians and many other ethnicities commit crimes of theft frequently yet are never followed watched or caught. I see it happen all the time. Did slavery actually ever end? Or did they just find a legal demonstration of how to keep it in progress without it being recognized? However, all the wrong doings and illegal acts of law enforcement, toward African Americans are beginning to come to the light. Tricey345

  7. How many of those arrest warrants are for non-citizens of Ferguson? Every arrest warrant doesn't have to be for Ferguson residents. I'm sure there are a lot of people that got tickets driving through Ferguson and never showed up for court and got an arrest warrant. It's not just Ferguson.. I bet if someone looked at the entire county, dare I say the entire state, they'll find towns like Pine Lawn MO, with a population of 3,216, that as of June 2013 had 23,457 arrest warrants pending in their Municipal Court. Or how about Cool Valley MO, pop. 1,194, has 7,869 outstanding warrants. That's 6-7 outstanding warrants per resident. I still don't know if systems like this, as described in were intentionally setup to target black people specifically, or they were setup as a product of greed - to suck as much money they can out of anybody, and it just happened that many of the people caught up in this either due to inability to pay or ignorance of how the system worked (or both), are black. I'd like to think that when it comes to money, the only color people see is green, but you never know. Mostwanted012

    1. I agree with you! Most of those warrants are probably from people who are not even living there and those stats get applied to the people living there and gives them a bad reputation. Another thing that they did not address was what they spend the money for. Is it for pointless trips that got miscalculated like Aaron Shock or is it for better school food for kids or roads? It never tells us so maybe they have a good agenda that we just don't know about. detect27D-012

    2. It makes sense that not everyone who lives in Ferguson would have gotten an arrest warrant. There are obviously many people who travel daily that could have come through and could have got a ticket and didnt show up to their court date. Or people could have gotten stopped and searched and the police could have arrested them there. Hunter012

  8. This article makes some facts about the Fergason policing vary clear. One, the racism is out of control and needs delt with. Two, the crime rate is beyond through the roof. But it did look over the fact that the criminals most likely are not all adults and there are worse off places in regards to policing issues.
    Free Thinker345

    1. This article was just meant to show just how bad Ferguson was. I do wish they would have put it in a list to compare to other high crime cities, but we just have to take their word that is it very high. As for the racism, I don’t think there is any better way of saying it than ‘it’s bad, m’kay’.

  9. The first thing that came out to me was the population being 21,000 and that over 16,000 people being wanted by the police. That's nearly 76 percent of the city! I believe this is a tactic to receive revenue in a great amount as they give citations out for petty crimes such as "high grass and weeds" and "manner of walking on the roadway". Over 92 percent of these arrest, were on african americans. How does someone be close to the community if all they do is scare? Being a good cop is being respected, not feared. When does the chief of police there realize that what they are doing is setting a racial bias in which past leaders, tried to prevent. How can you live in a community where the very same people who protect us, will turn on us and stamp us as criminals because of the way we walk or if we do not cut our grass. How does one community keep their sanity? A question that I might have is how come the state hasn’t revised this department and question arrest or racial bias. I believe state should butt in if they see a smaller department creating more problems rather than alleviating them.


    1. I agree with Rugby345 a community with as much problems as this one should be deemed unlivable. I feel like it's unfair to the citizens that live in Ferguson as well as most of the people with arrest warrants. Over three fourths of the city has arrest warrants. Police officers wouldn't even have to racially profile them they could simply walk down the street and pick a group of people and arrest them.

  10. The article shocked me honestly. I wouldn't think that many people living in a city could even receive a arrest warrants in this great of a margin. This could be brought up as a big problem for racial profiling simple because "every single person's freedom is dependent on the mercy of individual officers" aas stated in the article. This could be a big problem because it can cause problems between the community and police officials who supposedly are there to keep order and serve the community. If i was a resident of Ferguson i would feel constant unease and as if i was being targeted.I feel like this should be against the law for police officers to propose so many arrest warrants. It is a even bigger problem because the courts are almost working with officers by approving so many arrest warrants for what seems to be petty crimes. In closing i feel like alot of these arrest warrants should be looked into or even wiped out of the system completely. It shows racial profiling and to a higher extent shows that police have a vendetta against the community to be honest.

    1. I completely agree with you on how this city is living their life and it blows my mine how many arrest warrants there was. I think you make great points on this article and how there is a miscommunication on how the police serve the community. Which needs to be reevaluated for this town and most likely for other areas as well. I noticed you mentioned racial profiling as well and I find it very interesting that it plays a huge factor in this community.

  11. I found this article very interesting. The numbers that showed up for the crimes in the town was very ridiculous. I can not believe the "rule of law" is not being done in the right matter. It seems like the community is not being served correctly from the police officers. I am very shocked by this article and would not feel safe in this town. Racial profiling seems to play a huge factor in this article and it is just crazy how racism is still continuing when the law should be changing to redirect to a safer community.

  12. The way this post describes the town of Ferguson, it almost sounds like the fictional city of Gotham from the Batman series. Where crime is rampant and can only be stopped by a rich kid with a fear of bats. The only differences between these two towns are that there are no super villains in Ferguson, and that the police in Gotham actually try to keep the city in order. In all seriousness, the issue with the amount of warrants is just staggering. The fact that the population is all wanted then there are more people who got ticketed while passing through is astonishing. That mixed with the fact that the law enforcement system is said to be horribly racist makes for a very bad town to try to stay in and keep to yourself. This system now only needs fixed, but it almost needs a complete overhaul to be something that the city can trust.

  13. This article, I believe, gives a good depiction of how deeply rooted racism and prejudice can be in some places in not only the United States, but also the entire world. Not only are we as a people finding out that the police force as a whole had racial bias, but the entire judicial system of the city of Ferguson had bias, even as far what the DOJ’s most shocking fact was “at least one municipal employee thought electing a black president was laughable”. What this also shows is that even though racism is a big issue in our country, but when portrayed by the media it can take hold and diminish what I believe is a bigger issue, and also bring into question that if the court system in a city of approximately twenty-one thousand people is this biased and discriminatory what are other judicial systems like in other cities that have hundreds of thousands of people? Are they this biased or is this just a single case study that has shown a city with extreme prejudice and racist underlings in the minds of officials and supposedly “just” people? This article is definitely a head turner and something that gets your mind going and questioning the morals of the people in the judicial system, more so than they already are questioned. CSI012

  14. One of the biggest things I noticed about this article is that it theme was not that of the racism in Ferguson, but that it is simply illegal to be alive there. When people can have warrants for all kinds of things, like "Manner of Walking in Roadway" and "High Grass and Weeds," and when there are is more crime numbers than people who live in this town, it says something about how the police department is run. Like the article pointed out, it allows for the police to pick and choose who to arrest and whose cases to pursue farther. This is an abuse of power that allows for racism to crawl from within the force. So when people wonder why racism was allowed to fester and grow within the police the answer lies in the fact that the police could pick and choose what to do about the warrants and when to give them out. Tae Kwon Do Guy 345

  15. The first sentence jumped out at me that nearly everyone in that county is wanted for some reason or another and most reasons, it is just for something petty that really no other county would charge or ticket for. A question I have is, why, if 16,000 people have warrants, why aren't they already in jail for being wanted? Because it would not be hard to pull someone over and arrest them for their warrants because the chances that they have one is high. Another thing that jumped out was when a guy got a ticket for bleeding on a police officer's uniform when the police were the ones that made him bleed. I guess I could see how this got skipped over because it does not seem like big of a deal. The main thing that Ferguson is known for is their racism in light of what happened and most people are set on that from what I can tell. They do not care about the stats or if people have warrants. It is all about black versus white and what happened. I found this article informative about the fact that has been missed, but is it really something that people really care about in this case? detect27D-012

  16. . In 2013, 32,975 offenses had associated warrants, so that there were 1.5 offenses for every city resident.That means that the city of Ferguson quite literally has more crimes than people.after hearing that statistic is embarrassing for me to even decide on Ferguson's behalf. I would never consider any of the problems Ferguson has until the task at hand is taking care of there are sixteen thousand warrants in the city of Ferguson issued to the 16 of the 21 thousand people in the city which is a ridiculous statistic.I have the solution for the city after hearing such wild news about the city I have no hope the police have completely destroyed any type of relationship that could ever come about between the people especially after such a tragic event happening for them to decide to create 16000 petty warrants. Aphi345

  17. Honestly, I'm not surprised by this article. Ferguson, Missouri is so corrupt, I'm surprised people are still living there. I know I would get out of these as soon as I could. How could a town have more crimes than people? That is just mind boggling. The town only have 21,000 people in it and out of that 16,000 people have arrest warrants. How? The police in that town will issue anyone a ticket. Oh, a grown man is walking in the street because some children are playing on the sidewalk. A police officer will saying that he is a pedophile because he was "watching" the children. Police officers in ferguson do not care about people's rights. They just want to meet their "quota". The officers do not care about anyone but themselves. They want to make sure that they are still going to have their job so they make ridiculous charges for people who have not done anything wrong. The town of Ferguson should not have so many warrants issued in one year. 2014 they had 9,000, for a city that is not very big, that is a little smaller than half of their population that had a warrant issued to them in 2014. Boston, on the other hand, is about 39 times the size of Ferguson, only had 2,300 warrants issued in 2014. That is like a little speck of the population that had arrest warrants issued to them. Ferguson, Missouri needs to get a huge fire and rehire in their police force. Then maybe the citizens would get to live a normal life and stop worrying about getting a ticket for just walking outside.

  18. Let me start off by saying that the further I read into this article the sickening I became. How do a town with 21,000 people have over 16,000 warrants? Not to mention the fact that over 92% of the arrest were African American. These statistics alone speaks volumes! Also the fact they have more crimes then people? Who is taking the ownership for such an horrible representation? There is clearly racial profiling going on but not just in Ferguson, but many other towns and cities. It's as if the citizens of Ferguson can't do anything without being charged with a crime. Crimes like "high grass and weeds" are in most cases unnecessary. This is the perfect example for abusing authority. This is the perfect example that racism is still alive. Not just in the U.S. but in are criminal justice system. Were is the justice for African Americans, and other minoriies. I know that the community policing in Ferguson is terrible. This is an issue that has to be fixed. The people of Ferguson is free but confined. There needs to be some more racial balance in this police department so that the community could be more comfortable. And last but not least they have to throw away a large amount of the pointless crimes. -Ajones345

  19. This article was very interesting in the fact that they have proven evidence of racial discrimination happening in Ferguson and this isn't even the worse place that this happens in. The most shocking fact about this article was that 92% of people who receives warrants for their arrest were African American obviously showing some bias in the police departments area of work. And also that these tickets and citations are assumed to be only given out to collect the fine money. The most disturbing part of the article was that more warrants were active than there were people who populated the area. This means for every man woman and child that resided there in some way obtained a warrant which is ridiculous. For this to only just now be brought to the light begs the question of what else has been hidden from public view. Scooby345

  20. It is shocking with how many people have warrants out for their arrests. It is also shocking to me that almost everyone in the city has a warrant. It isn't surprising that these are not reported. There happens to be a little of non honesty in situations like this one. It is interesting that they have proven evidence of racial discrimination. They gave the statistic of 92% of African Americans were arrested. The things these people have warrants out for absolutely absurd. For instance, high grass and weeds, and also manner of walking in road way. I am not shocked by the article as a whole, I am shocked at the amount of people and the statics.

  21. Its crazy to think how Ferguson has so many problems and how racism is a huge factor in alot of these arrests. It is also sad that racism is a big issue not only in Ferguson but in other parts of America too. Its hard to imagine that out of the whole population of Ferguson that 16,000 people were issued arrest warrants. Even the courts in Ferguson are bad by issuing arrest warrants that way they can make more money. A big problem in Ferguson would be that the police department have police officers that are racist. How can you do a job that consists on seeing multiple types of races and do your job honestly if you are racist. It seems like they are out to get African Americans in Ferguson because they have the power to do so. They go out and try to find someone doing the tiniest thing wrong so they can bust them. Hunter012


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