Incarcerated Women and Keeping the Bond....

Incarcerated Women and Their Children


  1. This would be an excellent way to help families that are far away and can't make the commute to make a visitation. Family means a lot to those locked up, keeping them connected to their loved ones might actually help them do better while in prison. It gives them the motivation to do well and get out to come home to their loved ones. It is cost efficient and saves time for families with the waiting to visit. Bama678

    1. That is something I didn't think of was the price of this and how would it affect taxpayers. Because nothing is free and this would be a big expense that would need some funding. Also I think it would give them a lot of motivation to get out too.

    2. I agree with you. I think one of the hardest things about prison is the feeling of being alone. Also, the person in prison might have a guilty feeling that they harvest all the way until they get out. This program makes it easier on everyone. cowboy678

  2. Yet another great idea to cut expenses for the families who are caring for the children. This way the children can stay connected to their parent in prison rather it be the mother or father the best interest is for the child. This way the children can continue to match a face with the voice. The guardian whom is caring for the child don't have to travel numerous hours for a 1- 4hr visit. MotherOf4678

  3. I like how this is a thing in prison. It helps the parents and the mother. It helps he parent because it would be very hard to be away from you child for that long of time. You would miss so much of the child’s life. It would bad for the kid because they would not get the attachment to their parent. A child needs it mom for many things. I just like the fact the being with your baby while serving you time is a great idea but only if it’s a short time. The baby will be so young it will not remember being in there at all. If the parent will be incarcerated for a long time then the child should not go because the kid does not deserve to be locked up because of the mom. This program is something they should keep and not get rid of.

    1. I agree with what you are saying completely, the people locked up would miss so much of their children's lives it would be hard to come back to that. I agree that a child needs a lot of things and being away from their mother for that long with no contact would not be good at all. AD678

    2. I completely agree with you. It does help parents communicate with their children and that is what kids need nowadays is communication. They need to be able to talk with their parents, incarcerated or not. Modified 678

    3. I never really thought about how having the baby stay with the mother is like locking up the child itself. You are completely right. Are we not punishing the child for the mother's mistakes. Given that child is just a baby, does it not have rights? This would be an excellent way for that child to be out in the real world yet keep that connection to their mother. Bama678

  4. This here is not a bad idea to keep parents not only connected with the outside world, yet also with their children. The mother will not miss her daughter or son growing up nor becoming an actual teenager or adult. So I do agree with this portion of the system on these terms. However, after being involved with the system so many years while growing up visiting parents and what not, I think that this will provoke children to think that imprisonment among adults has no negative side accept that you are caged like an animal majority of the twenty-four hours of the day. Is this teaching little boys and girls that there is nothing wrong with the prison system? That going to school and earning and education is no longer meaningful because you want to find a way to spend more time, by being incarcerated with mommy. Children of prison inmates are the hidden victims of their parents’ crimes. Like children of divorced or deceased parents, they often show signs of distress caused by the lack of a stable home life and parental separation, such as depression, aggression, poor school performance, and truancy. Many times they also follow their parents’ criminal behavior patterns. To keep mothers and daughters connected and to enhance parenting skills, Girl Scouts Beyond Bars involves mothers in their daughters’ lives through a unique partnership between a youth services organization and State and local corrections departments. Girl Scouts Beyond Bars” may sound like a tabloid headline. It is not meant, however, to convey the notion of a group of Girl Scouts absconding with the proceeds from their annual cookie sale. It designates an inmate mother-child visitation program that began as a National Institute of Justice (NIJ) demonstration project in November 1992. “This is very sad yet interesting for more information to your own knowledge read upon this article. Tricey345

    1. I do not agree with the statement made about how the children will not believe the negative aspects of being imprisoned or having an imprisoned parent. The very strict visitation hours and amount of security and other prisoners I think would be more than enough to make a child hesitate about ever being incarcerated. Also because of the fact that they would have to see their parent through a screen rather than actually being able to hug and hold them would be a deterrent in itself. Scooby345

    2. I see your point, with the idea that making it easier for someone to make contact with the outside world might somewhat glorify incarceration and make jail seem less threatening. It’s a good point. However I still think it is important that a parent can be able communicate with her children even while in jail. And I think video conferencing makes it easier than it’s ever been to be personal while being so far away. Farmer 345

  5. I think this is a really good idea, but has it's draw backs. The child could develop resentment for there mothers and this is a good way to help prevent this. But on the other hand, although I am not a parent myself; I would never want my child to see me like that.Free Thinker345

  6. I think this whole idea of video chatting in prison is a great idea. I do think that face to face visits could be going on but for those who have families far away it gives them a way to talk to their loved ones. I think it would especially help those mothers of children to help keep in their lives so that when they do get out, it wont be as hard. Family is a big deal to those incarcerated, sometimes its the only thing keeping them alive or keeping them sane. I like this idea and I think it should be put into action. AD678

  7. I think this is a great program for children to be able to see their parents without the journey. Children really need their mothers nurture to be able to have a childhood they'd want to remember. I think a lot more women's prisons should use this idea, and maybe even start using it in some men's prisons. I know what its like to have to drive for hours to visit a parent for only a few hours and then have to drive all the way back. So I know what most kids have to go through having an incarcerated parent. It would make it easier on families to be able to use such a program to communicate with their children. Modified678

    1. I agree with everything you have said. It’s very hard for a child to go without his parents and so this program is a very good idea. I also like how you said they should start doing this for men as well. Some children may not have mothers and the dad is all the child has.

  8. To be able to connect incarcerated mothers with their children is an amazing idea. This allows the mothers to rehabilitate themselves for past indiscretions while also playing an active and vital role in their children's lives. This program would not only benefit the children and their future through being able to have contact with their mothers, but also giving the mothers a goal to strive for when making the changes necessary to be reunited. It is already punishment enough that these women and children have to be separated but with how high the percentage rate is of children being out into social services this project should be more than just an experiment. Also this technology decreases the cuts down on the substantial wait times that these kids have to endure just to have a conversation with their families. Although a program like this would cost a substantial amount of tax payer and grant money it would all be worth it in the end because the likelihood of the children who enter the social service becoming criminals themselves is much higher. Scooby345

  9. This article has described a partial solution to a situation that must be very uncomfortable for a child whose parent is currently incarcerated. Communication is key in any successful relationship and allowing a child the opportunity to communicate and essentially spend time with a parent who is in jail is ultimately going more beneficial for a child than the occasional visits. That’s another thing the article also explained that it’s hard for some families to see their loved ones in jail because of the distance, being able to FaceTime you loved on a phone or computer would help eliminate some of that inconvenience. Overall I believe this idea is good and beneficial to the children. However, I can see the concern that this may somewhat glorify the prison experience to young adolescents who are questioning whether or not the consequences for their rebellious behavior are worth going away to jail for. Farmer345

  10. The uses of video chat are endless I know being in the military than many of my friends and myself where able to interact with their kids and loves ones back home from over seas. I can see how this could affect the prison system and how good of an influence it can have on kids with their mother locked up. With the technology today I think it would do good if someone locked up could do a Skype type of thing with their kids. I think it will show the inmate home much they are really missing out of while locked up and try to keep them on the right track when they get out of prison.

    1. Definitely agree if used for good it could pose a great way to interact with families and children outside of prison it could teach a lot of great things to the child and inmate. It could also be an incentive for the inmate to behave in a legitimate manner and positive way.

  11. The technology we could use so inmates can stay in contact with their children would be very nice. Although, I still feel that we could have better programs so kids can still be in actual contact with there parents. Who knows, maybe the system feels that if you break the law you lose the opportunity to see your children as much. The only thing is, that when one parent is in jail it is very possible that the next generation can end up being the same way. I think video chat is a good start to healthy relationships even in prison. cowboy678

  12. I feel this has its pros and cons but I think the cons out way the pros. Reason being is that this opens up for a lot of ways for outside crimes to be setup and inside crimes to elevate. Coordination is key to the operational success especially from two different elements. It almost sounds militarized but it is with high profile criminals they are situationally aware of guard times and patrol patterns. And video chats between anyone connected to this individual can carry out criminal acts in or outside of the wire. it just seems to me to be set up for more bad than good because of the fact that these are criminals and maybe not so much first time offenders but repeat offenders this poses a huge security threat to prisons and society.

    1. I feel that this problem can be eleviated by having the videos monitored in real time as well as recorded for admitance into court as evidence. This would allow for conviction of crimes if they were to be commited because of the telecomunication.
      MEdic 678

  13. I fell that this is a wonderful addition, when most vistiors enter the jail, they are only seen on television screens any way. If this is technology is possible, why can't we have this for remote access. Phone calls currently serve as the main way to communicate with families who may not be able to travel to visit the inmate. This would also allow for group counceling amongst families before an inmates release to the outside. When the inmate has a support group statistics show that they do not reoffend as offten because of that support. With video communications, this would allow the women to start support groups while in the confines of jails and prisons.


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