Incarcerating to Our Peril? Your Thoughts.....


  1. Incarceration in America has the highest rates 2.2 million inmates, all incarcerated for drug possesion, small property crime, prostitution and any other survial crimes. A person who steals a can of beer can land themselves 300 days in jail. Here in America i see that the justice system would rather worry about small petty crimes than murders, rapes or any other violent crime people commit. Cook county jail is always over capacty at all times all because the more inmates you have the more money the police officers are paid. Its all about the money in their eyes. Cook county jail is made up of 30% of mentally ill people, and they hold the most asylum people in America. Instead of putting them into a mental hospital. Because people mentally ill people could not get the right medication they need they turn to recreational durgs to help cope ewith the illness they suffer from. People in the jail system loose their homes, jobs, and relationships all because the crimes they have committed were not that serious and was held up in jail for 4 or more months, so they go out and commit more survial crimes or use drugs because they have nothing else to call theirs. Met Carzell has been arrested 83 times in cook county, all for non violent crimes. He was a herione user of 30 years, got caught with one bag of herione and got one year for one small bag. In America the police would rather let the more harsher crimes walk and get parole then the ones that we can handle with in our communities. If you ask me there is no real justice in America.


  2. I can’t believe that there are so many people in prison with a mental problem. This is something that people need to recognize and do something about. Those people don’t need to be behind bar. They need help and to try to get fixed. If you putting people with mental issues behind bars it is only going to make them worse. They do not need to be punished they need to be shown what is right or be on medication. If we take them out of prison it will lower our number and we can help them instead of them getting worse. We can give them meds or teach them and maybe they can go back into the community and they could be a successful member of society.

    1. I completely agree with what your saying about the mentally ill people being locked up. I think they shouldn't be getting locked up either they should be getting help instead. I agree with you saying locking those specific people up wont help them, it will just make them worse. AD678

    2. I agree with you 100%. Treatment should be the solution. Not getting locked up. It ruins peoples lives. They cannot get a job, lose significant other, lose home. The system needs to see to fix their agenda and lead by example. What does it say too people when they see we lock-up civilians who have mental illneses.

    3. I agree with you on how it is crazy that there are so many people in prison for mental illness. I feel that it should be a red flag for the criminal system to notice the numbers of people who are in prison have a mental illness. I think they need to take care of this issue and come up with solutions.

  3. I think it is amazing how many people get thrown in jail in Cook county alone. I think its ridiculous because most all of these people are locked up for non violent offences, like drug offences or trespassing for the goal of just staying warm at night. Along with this the video said that there are a lot of mental health problems with a lot of the inmates that are being incarcerated. I think its wrong that we just keep locking these people up and not actually helping them so they can stay out of prison. With locking up all these people, yes the cops may be getting a little extra money in their pockets but we are costing so many people more money on taxes its crazy. I think instead of locking up the mentally ill, we should give them support and treatment to help them get through the problems so that they do not end up back in jail. These actions need to be put in affect as soon as possible because cook county jail is only getting more and more packed as we speak. AD678

    1. Its sad how cook county proceed to lock people up in Chicago. I can honestly say most people incarcerated in cook county is in there for petty crime and the fact that I know for sure at least 10% of shooters they let go with warning but make these people sign there freedom over if get caught with another weapon of some short. They would rather incarcerate those who they believe are harmful but yet they are just looking for a way to survive and stay out of harms way.

    2. I agree with you on how many people get thrown in to jail at Cook county. I think the incarcerated rate needs to get under control because we are running out of places for convicts by filling them up with non violent offenses. Than rather worrying about the violent offenses.

  4. What we have to realize is that this is happening in our state. What police have to realize is that not everything we do, deserves to be put behind bars. When arresting someone for sleeping an abandoned building, they have to see that that person is just trying to survive because he/she is homeless and is scared of sleeping in the streets and cold. How about just helping the person or leaving them alone? It is not hurting anyone. Its ABANDONED, NON-OCCUPIED! How does someone who is unfortunate get stamped with being a criminal just because they are trying to survive. People with drug charges should be dealt with at an easier charge. Rather than incarcerating them, throw a ticket on them and if It is an over abundance of drugs, put them in rehab. No one with mental issues should be locked up. Depending on what the charge, they should be sent to counseling or some other type of rehabilitation. They need help, not to just sit there in their own thoughts. It ruins someones life to just be thrown in there for petty crimes because someones life has to be screwed over because of a stolen milk jug. Rugby345

    1. You took the word right out of my mouth. It is so important for police to figure out that not every act some people do is criminal. These people are breaking into ABANDOND buildings they are trying to find a warm place to sleep for the night not to rob the place. These people are doing what they have to do to survive; therefore, locking them up for it just makes it worse. TaeKwonDoGuy 345

  5. The first thing that stuck out at me from this video was the multitude of mentions on how the prison system creates this never ending cycle. You get arrested for minor possession, you then serve time, damaging connections with god people who could help you, you lose your home, and then when you get out you are suppose to become a functioning member of society but have no way to take care of yourself. This then leads you to start getting involved with the stuff that got you arrested just to make ends meet. Then you get arrested and the whole cycle starts a new. The second thing that stuck out was the number of incarcerated people in Cook County suffering from mental illness. The guy only said thirty percent but in Cook County that is over three thousand people. These people should not be locked up in a place like this but should be in a facility that can adequately treat their disorders. TaeKwonDoGuy345

    1. You are totally right. When people are locked up it is almost impossible to get back on your feet when you get out. Things most likely get worse after you get out than it probably was before you went in. we need to stop incarcerating people for small charges.

  6. I think it is very interesting how the system has been focusing on putting mental illness people in jail because of drug addiction.I think the criminal justice system could come up with better solutions for just charging people for multiple drug arrests than just throwing them in jail or prison. I do not think it is the best decision to let all the cases of drug arrests or smaller arrests make the number of people in prison go up because they have to do time. I think people who are incarcerated should do time but the judges should take a closer look at the sentence that people recieve for just committing a crime just for drugs versus a murder. I feel the sentencing for certain crimes need to be reevaluated.

  7. The number of people incarcerated is still continuly increasing and I feel the criminal justice system needs to take action becasue prisons are filling up and that is not a good sign. The crime rate should be decreasing slowly but is not due to multiple drug arrests that keep accuring. I think the system needs to find better solutions for the minor crimes. If a treatment center was avaible it could help benefit the ones who need help with drug addictions or other issues. Then that would open up more space in jails and prisons for the more severe crimes. Overall, the jail and prison system needs to be looked at a different direction for putting convicts in what location and decide better solutions for the different sentences. If they built facilities that just involved recovery or even minor like prison rules for the drug crimes it could help lower the rate of people in prison.


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