Local Views on Stop and Frisk....Your Thoughts


  1. On this topic I am very skeptical with how I feel on stop and frisk. I really can see both side on this subject I understand that a lot of people thing that cops are being bias and raciest. Cops do target a lot of black and Latinos and I do see why they get offended. I also see how it is good because it takes a lot of guns off the street and has most likely saved a lot of lives. It will help a lot now that cops are wearing cameras on their uniforms. This will protect the people that think their rights are being abused. If anything goes wrong they will always have evidence of what the cop said and what the man said to the cop during theses frisks. So I do think that stop and frisk needs to be think it just needs to be watched over.

    1. I agree with you seeing both sides as i strongly agree. Yes, I believe cops let their views on race show in the stop and frisk numbers. I believe a lot of cops are racist as they perform these stop and frisks on Latinos and Blacks. But the fact that over 90% of crimes are from minorities doesn't help the arguement to stop racial profiling. It goes both ways, which is a burden in a community trying to fix racial tension from the police and minorities.

    2. I also see both sides. But saying that it gets guns off the street and that minorities cause a lot of the crime only goes so far, It doesn't explain why over eighty percent of all stops yielded no weapons or drugs. It also doesn't explain why ninety percent of all stop-and-frisks were of minorities. I do though agree that with some of the new reforms taking place and time, the issues that make the policy wrong will be stopped. TaeKwonDoGuy345

  2. The norm of stop and frisk is typically when a unidentified person approch you while your just casually going into the corner store and throws you up against the wall and draw his gun on you. To me thats an unlawful way of a stop and frisk in New York, your rights are being violated because of your race. Ray kelly beliebes that the stop and frisk tactics are a good police procedure to minimize crime, and I agree but it how the police go about the stop and frisk of individuals in New York city. The NY Times found that the NYPD favors whites over blacks and 80% of blacks agreed, 48% of whites agreed and 64% of all New Yorkers agreed. 57% of whites support the stop and frisk and only 25% of African Americans support it. I do not find this shocking because of course white people in NY do not have to fear of being violated because they are not suspected of doing a crime while the 25% of African Americans who support the cause nine times out of ten are the ones who has never had that feeling of being in the position of a stop and frisk. Since the ruling of the stop and frisk crime has went up in the past two months because NY is still trying to reform the stop and frisk procedur to make everyone feel equal and less labled by officers. In my eyes as long as blacks, latinos, and whites are all suspected in wrong doing then the outcome of a stop frisk will not be so vigerous to minorities and whites can feel how everyone else feel when they interact with a NYPD.


    1. I agree and I also feel that if more whites were stopped and frisked then less whites would support it. It is easy to say its okay for someone else to be frisked if you know you will most likely never have it actually happen to you. I feel that if they are still going to keep the stop and search, the officers to stop being aggressive with it. No one should ever be thrown against a wall out of nowhere and no one should ever have a gun put on them by the people who are supposed to be protecting them.

  3. Stop and frisk has been the most interesting controversial topic of today's society. Which arguments will never be closed until a conclusion is made, and some form of a mutual agreement is reached. I am not sure that stop and frisk is a factor in contributing crime rates. The last current article that I read stated, though stop and frisk has been found unconstitutional that crime numbers are pretty stable, no crime has been on the rise recently. On March 23, 2015 The ACLU found that the controversial policing strategy is “disproportionately concentrated in the black community,” and that African Americans were “subjected to 72% of all stops, yet constitute just 32% of the city’s population.” Even in majority white police districts, minorities were “stopped disproportionately to the number of minority people living in those districts.” “Shocking,” and claimed that in nearly half of the stops reviewed, officers “either gave an unlawful reason for the stop or failed to provide enough information to justify the stop.” What makes you more susceptible to "Stop and Frisk?" If you reside in low income neighborhood, or your style of urban wear leads you to fit such a description of a burglary that just took place or that was in progress, or could it be that you are of an African American descent and regardless of the scenario you will 9 times out of 10 always fit the description? I personally don't agree with Bloomberg's tactics of stop and frisk surely it is mainly directed toward African Americans and Latinos. Which is highly bias, being that Caucasians are rarely stopped or frisked. We all want crime lessened in the best manner possible, yet you shouldn't always fit the description due to factors of your skin color, dress style, or lifestyle. People change all the time, yet if you continue to reestablish a person as they were heretofore. Eventually those old ways will creep back upon their new beginnings and teachings. Not all criminals look to be criminals and are not always dressed in disguise. Tricey345

    1. I agree with you 100% I appreciate how detailed you are in your response it show me that you understand the material we read on a daily and videos we are instructed to watch. I too do not agree with Bloomberg he reminds me of George W. Bush and his views are very derogatory towards minority.


  4. What I understood from this video was the facts we all know, and the hosts debating and going over it. We all by now should realize there are two sides to the story, and there may just be two sides to stop and frisk; but the media are focusing on the negatives. Ofcourse the racial profiling has no excuses, it's wrong. If they are looking to improve the results, why are they making it look like they are just targeting people of different races and targeting fewer white folks? it's a flawed system and buyest is doing it no favors. Free Thinker345

    1. Well like the said in the video, the will not target white people because they are generally more wealthy. With their wealth they have more power and can prevent things from happening. So they said the police pick on the poor black and Hispanic people because they know they will get away with it.

  5. This video contained a lot of percentages that showed how race does place a huge factor in stop & frisk. It all came down to this though, Blacks and Hispanics are obviously against it as it hurts them and white people are okay with it because it doesn’t affect them in a way because they don’t get stopped and frisked nearly as much. Out of 11,000 people that were frisked, only 12 of them were white. But I do see the other sides point. As statistics show, 90% of the crime are done by blacks and latinos males. But that still doesn’t give you the right to stop and frisk no matter what color you are. These numbers are getting ridiculous. When cops interrupt you and back you against a wall and search for you because you look "suspicious". Me being Latino, makes me think if I walked down a New York City street , that I'll look suspicious just because the color of my skin and my preference in clothing as in hats, snapbacks and shoes. I will never defend a criminal, even if it is my own race. But the one-sided stopping and frisking needs to stop.

  6. Stop and Frisk is absolutely wrong. Watching this video just reminds me of the holocaust. I know this is not even close to be as extreme as the Holocaust. However, the holocaust started off with very subtle things such as wearing stars as identification. Also, the Nazi's tried justifying their rules by making it seem like they were only trying to "help" them. I feel like the supporters of Stop and Frisk are trying to justify what is really unconstitutional by saying it helps stop crime. I am all for reducing crime, but this is just wrong. Just imagining myself walking down the street on my way to work and getting stopped and frisked is terrible. I would hate if my brothers were constantly having to worry about being stopped and frisked everyday. That would be so humiliating and regardless of if the person is actually doing anything wrong. Being searched by an officer just makes you feel and look bad. My uncle is a police officer and I know for a fact that if he would hate to have to interrupt peoples lives to stop and search them for absolutely no reason other than the fact that their not white. Picturing myself as an officer I'd feel bad the whole time I stopped them. It is just not right.

    1. I get your point that its not constitutional if done wrong and it has been for years put I have to say that stop and frisk done correctly isn’t unconstitutional. I also think that they need to do it more evenly through each race. But when it humiliates someone who actually doing something illegal I think that is good. Yes stop and frisk has a good side and bad side but everything does
      K9 345

  7. In this video they talk a lot about the numbers of stop and frisk. They also talk a lot about the people it affects the most and that are the black and Hispanic community. They also talk about the crime and who is committing most of it and that is the blacks and Hispanics. I believe that it is not right for anyone to pick someone out for just being a particular race but I also understand why they do though. Another big stat I though that was important was the fact that out of 11,000 people only 12 where white people. Even I think that is ridicules I can’t imagine if what it most feel like knowing numbers are against me like that. I believe that it if people what real change they need to stop putting up the race card and take responsibility for there actions and if everyone did that real change my actually happen.
    K9 345

  8. This video was an excellent example of the media’s perspective on stop and frisk. According to this perspective the approval for stop and frisk is greatly higher than reality. Following this idea that stop and frisk is highly acceptable the video gives statistics showing that stop and frisk has a 57% approval rating, this number of course has a significant difference among the minorities. This video also discusses how minorities are affected/targeted by the stop and frisk procedures. The Black and Hispanic minorities are the ones who are targeted because they’re expected to be carrying a gun. Referencing a video we saw in class: a Hispanic man was unlawfully stopped and searched for anything that the cops could arrest him for just because he was Hispanic. Later in the video we find out that he’s been searched many times before and never found guilty. This racial profiling needs to stop, I personally believe in justice to those who deserve it however it should not come to questioning every person of a minority to get it.

    1. I agree with your response stongly. I also belive in justice and a safe living environment, however, I do not find it acceptable for law enforcement to harass and question a large amount of minority citizens who are doing nothing wrong to crack down on "violence". -AUT345

  9. This video talks about stop and frisk being bias or racial. The percentages that they throw out during the video does show that people do believe that stop and frisk is racial. I can see both sides to stop and frisk. I can understand why blacks and Latinos believe that they are the only ones being pulled over or that this whole thing is about them. But I also do believe that with police pulling people over and frisking them that it is stopping a lot of crime from happening. Stop and frisk has made numbers go down which means something must be working and they are stopping and frisking he right people. I like how the video showed the opinions of the guys talking about the subject. They bring up some good strong points and also let us know exactly how they feel about stop and frisk. I do not believe in stop and frisk. I think it takes a lot of time away from something that police officers could be doing.

  10. I appreciate your post, I myself do not support stop and frisk because even though it does help and prevents some crime ,I think think that it pulls police off of more important tasks like being apart of a community and helping to reduce crime within it. I also believe that the stop and frisk policy is flawed because black and hispanics are the primary people being stopped and frisked repeatedly.Farmer345

  11. This news broadcast brought up a lot of good points. I think the most important point they brought up was acknowledging that yes gun crime and violent crimes are a serious issue within the Black and Latino communities; however, that doesn’t mean that the police have the right to search you because you belong to either group. What it means is that the police must work with, not against, these communities in order to stop it. Making every single minority not trust the police is not going to put an end to these types of crimes, just make it harder to catch the ones that do because the community isn’t going to be as willing to help. This policy is a perfect example of police trying to reduce crime caused by the rational choice model. Under this model, when one weighs the benefits with the likelihood of getting caught, people would be less likely to buy illegal guns because they would know that there is a very high chance of them getting caught. However, the rational choice model only explain crime in a perfect world where everybody weighs every choice they make which doesn’t always happen. TaeKwonDoGuy345

  12. Stop and frisk has been the most interesting controversial topic of today's society. Which arguments will never be closed until a conclusion is made, and some form of a mutual agreement is reached. I am not sure that stop and frisk is a factor in contributing crime rates. The last current article that I read stated, though stop and frisk has been found unconstitutional that crime numbers are pretty stable, no crime has been on the rise recently.This video talks about stop and frisk being bias or racial. The percentages that they throw out during the video does show that people do believe that stop and frisk is racial. lashay345

  13. I thought this video was a great way of explaining the numbers behind Stop & Frisk. Although the numbers projected in the video can be somewhat assumed correctly, I do feel that it puts a little bit more perspective behind the issue. Stop & Frisk, for me personally, is something that should definitely be redesigned. The reason for my opinion is because Stop & Frisk, from a numbers standpoint, has shown to reduce violent crimes however it imposes on citizens rights when they are wrongfully stopped. All-in-all, this was a great video. -AUT345

  14. I am completely against stop and frisk. Stop and frisk violates the rights we have been given by the United States Constitution. An officer should not be able to just stop someone in the streets because he is suspicious that person may be carrying a weapon. Most people that are stopped and frisked happen to my young black individuals. Every year it seems as if at least 80% of the people stopped were innocent. I feel stop and frisk just gives an officer a reason to mess with people and ruin somebody's day. I know it would ruin my day if I was stopped and frisked by an officer as I was walking down the street.

  15. I feel like the video captured a lot of different aspects for the stop and frisk topic. I believe it has the potential to be a great program that could help lower crime but, "only if it's not based off of race" like the gentleman said in the video. But for 64% of New York to believe that the NYPD favors whites over blacks should open some eyes that maybe the stop and frisk is based off of race. It's actually pretty obvious to us when you can have the two gentleman laugh about the example that Frank gave about Dominique getting stopped before the show by the police. It's actually pretty scary being an African American in today society being targeted as a victim for walking down the street. It just doesn't make sense but this honestly could be a great program only if race is excluded. (aphi345)


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