Race, Women and Prison

Race, Women and Prison


  1. To be honest, I did not really understand how that article dealt with race and women. It only mentioned it in the first paragraph by saying the disparity between black and white women has declined. It bounced around a lot and talked about drugs a few time. I am glad the disparity has declined, that means that the laws are being dealt with the way they should be. The drug laws with drugs in how crack cocaine is mainly used by blacks and is punished more severely compared to powder cocaine that is mainly used by rich white people. It said that those have also declined and trying to be dealt with more appropriately. Bama678

    1. There really want enough information to go on. Yes it is a good thing that the disparity has declined. All crack rather it be crack or the powder should of been weighted the same. Its all illegal drugs. How the state will get more money is what it comes down to .MotherOf4678

    2. I agree how they hardly even talked about race and women in prison. I just talked about how African American where going down in numbers per year and whites were going up in general. I do like how the numbers are going in the right direction though.

    3. I agree with you, I didn't really see how the title of the article matched up with the actual information in the text. I am also glad the disparity has declined, it makes things better for a lot of people. AD678

  2. I use to think and hear that jails and prisons were build for black men. For a while i believed it because that's all that I seen get arrested and or go to jail. I believe African American know that they have a purpose in the world now. More blacks are furthering their education. As I read in the article less blacks are getting arrested. I want to say it has a lot to do with the President. Things are turning around for the black community. For blacks to see that there is a black President gives them hope and maybe they see that they can be anybody. They don't have to sale drugs and rob others. There is the same resources out her for education as it is for anyone else. Motherof4678

  3. To start off this almost had nothing to do with race and women in prison. It barley even talked about it. It was just mainly about how African Americans are going down in number for going in to prison and white are on the rise in numbers of going in to prison. But Hispanic men is going down, and Hispanic women is on the rise. I do have to comment that it is great that the total number of people are going down in prison, compared to the other years. Crimes all around are getting smaller and smaller, and this is a good thing. I really hope one day we get down in numbers so we are not the highest incarcerating county in the world any more.

    1. I completely agree with you. It does not take an understanding of the female correctional institution to know that the article got a little off point. While I am not discrediting the information it does give, it seems like they could have given a little more information regarding to the title of the publication itself.

    2. Yes, this article did nothing. Bounced around way to much and did not have a clear agenda at all. Made it very difficult to even write a response that was long enough to fill in the length requirement. Race was mentioned one time and then it completely went off topic. Bama678

  4. I found that this article did not really follow the title with the facts it gave. We got no real facts about race, rather just getting just basic comparisons in rates between men and women of a race. We did not compare rates between Hispanics and whites; we compared white men to women and Hispanic men to women. We also got some silly numbers involving drug crimes where that would have little to nothing to do with this. The article could have given some statistics on non-violent or way-of-life crimes and included drug violations in there for a more believable study. It also didn't really involve the prison aspect in any way except incarceration statistics. I was expecting a little on what they experience differently from booking, sentencing, and getting placed in jail. Overall, while I do like to see the numbers varying, I was kind of disappointed with how this article came across.

    1. I agree, the stats are out of date as well. 2009 statistics are no longer relevant, we can not see the changes over the years. Seeing what types of crimes are being committed would help dramaticly in showing the causes for the declines in numbers.


  5. I was a little confused with the information given in the article compared to the title of the article. However I think it is a great thing that the incarceration rates have gone down a little bit for African American men and women, but it has gone up for whites. Either way people are getting locked up for petty non-violent drug offences which I think is wrong. I am glad the arrests for that race have gone down and maybe some communities have been changed but the drugs are still a problem, no matter what race you are. AD678

    1. Yeah this article was a little confusing for me too. It only showed a few numbers on what was going on I think that if it showed the types of offenses and where the changes where made that this article would have been a little more informative. But in the long run I believe that it is the types of drugs that are being used.

  6. I feel that one of the major reasons for the shift in races getting arrested is that the type of drugs that are becoming more and more popular. With the shift from crack to meth along with immigration, as they said in the study that Hispanics are labeled as whites in the study, are the reasons for the shift.

    1. I agree with you I feel drugs has a lot to do with it. Especially since seventy five percent of women are being arrested for non- violent drug crimes. Wreked678

    2. Yes drug offenses I do feel is a big part of it. I thought it was odd that they labeled Hispanics as whites when it is a totally different ethic group. Article was a little shaky.

  7. The article had its good and bads. But I do think the reason for blacks being incarcerated more over white women would be the type of environment they are in and there home life. And the fact that it has dropped would probably because white women have increased do to the use of drugs.Wreked678

  8. I think the issue isn't race related but more these subcultures and "families" I see that as the reason the race issue has declined because the head of these families know who they can and can't manipulate mentally to get what they want in a non violent way. I also see this being an issue because of the fact that these "families" can have rival families turning it into a gang violent situation. I feel like this could cause a very racial issue.

  9. I do not agree with this artical as the stats are so far out of date. The shift is so minimal that I do not feel that this accurately represents the population shift. While it is nice that some of the rates dropped, others have increased. I feel that this is is just shifting. The problem is not in WHO we incarcerate but HOW MANY we incarcerate. We are not fixing the real issues at hand, we are simply doing a slide of hands trick to skew the numbers and statistics of those incarcerated!


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