Reducing Recidivism

Reducing Recidivism - Key Areas....


  1. This study can work only if the offender is not aware of them being tested. Think about when we are taking surveys we as human beings are bias. We're going to answer the questions the way we want to be seen as. In the case of the recidivism if you get a smart offender that can make it seem as if they have a mental disorder get off or if caught again, say this is the reason I am committing these crimes. By observing the offender in his domain say while in the yard or different activities they are allowed to do. Develop questions that don't come off as trying to understand them. At the end of the day a person rather having mental illness or not will do what they want to do. You may never know why they do it MotherOf4678

    1. I definitely agree with when you say people will do what they want to do no matter what at the end of the day. I think it would be good to observe them in their domain when they don't know it like you said as well. I agree with the fact that if you get a smarter offender they can out smart you and answer questions as they want not in their true state. AD678

  2. I don't really think this would work only because I think prisoners would find a way to alter the test results, especially if they already know they are being tested. Prisoners will always find a way to out smart us and get what they want. I think prisoners will answer the questions how they want and this may cause them to be classified as having a mental disorder. This may also be exactly what they want at that time for some specific reason. The only way this would work is like someone else said is to observe the prisoners when they don't know you are observing them, like in the yard or just in their everyday things they do. This will lower the possibility of a faulty result. AD678

    1. I do enjoy your thoughts on how the inmates can mess with the results of the tests, as that is something I learned from a recent class. I don’t know if they are doing it intentionally, however, as these tests could help with how inmates are cared for while institutionalized. They might not know to what extent, but they would very well know it.

    2. I agree with what you are saying. I believe the same thing would happen with the prisoners lying or being fake. I also agree that in the yard is a very good spot to do this. There they are being there selves and would not expect it. I do like your blog.

  3. This study not only violates the rule of any good research posting in the fact that it doesn’t list how it tested the inmates, but also looked to oversimplify the population into too few categories to ever be possible. While the concept of it does make sense, without knowing how the test took place it is not repeatable or able to be analyzed by the general public. As for the numbers themselves, they do make sense to a degree. While the percentages can’t be determined by us, we can appreciate that if minimum risk inmates are not cared for they may escalate while incarcerated. This may lead to them becoming higher risk prisoners in the long run, but as they just come in they do not need as much attention as a maximum security inmate. I do like the thought of this study, but I wish they would give us more information on how they did it and what they set their null values at.

  4. I think that this will only work if we go through many different prisons and we do it with out the prisoners knowing. This is the only way to make sure that we get the best data . You don't want them saying that they have a discorded when they have nothing. The best way for this to work is for us to observer the behavior over time in different security level prisons. Someone in low level security may not have anything that will affect them unlike someone who is in maximum security and will be there for a long time and will have to deal with the stresses. Gt_racer678

    1. I like the fact that you said that you have to test multiple prisons and not only go off of that one prison and the data collected from there, because as we know prison in different locations do things differently and although they may be the same as maximum or minimum, prisoners aren’t even close to being the same in these facilities. GFM678

  5. I don’t think that the risk of offenders have anything to do with their needs. Many offenders try and do things that will help them get what they want, especially after already losing their freedom. Some inmates are labeled high risk when some of them have just made a bad decision during an emotional state, yet they are the ones that need “extra help.” I’m not saying that for every high risk person, because some of them really do need more help than the person next to them, but not all of them need all that help. There could be a low risk person that needs more help than a person that’s at high risk. I feel most low risk people eventually make their way to the top of the list and are labeled high risk, that’s the main reason I feel that low risk people need the most help is because those are the ones next in line and the quicker we can stop them and help them the more likely we can reduce recidivism. GFM678

  6. I think this study is very interesting. It will be very hard for this test to be accurate and true. Obviously most prisoners will not be honest and will fake or say what others want to hear if they know it is going on. So this test will be very hard to go through with and be accurate. They will have to do this test without the prisoners knowing. They will have to secretly go through with it. They will have to do it while the prisoners are not paying attention or are distracted. In the article they should have been more informative about this test. It was very hard to understand this article after reading it several times. It is to see if prisoners without as much destabilizers will eventually get worse and will need more after going through the prisons system. So they want to study to prevent this from happening.

    1. I agree, inmates will definitely try to put on a different persona if they know they are being tested. We see it in almost every case they're tested in. Definitely needs to be done in secret to ensure better test results. There should have been more information to support the article it did get confusing and leave me with a lot of questions. Spartan678

  7. I didn't really understand the article. It didn't show any examples from their test. Also, the article did not inform how they would even do such a test. I think that a prisoner would do the test based on what they want others to think about them. It would be easier to study them in some other psychological way that they don't even know what to say or do except there instinct. Cowboy678

    1. You're not the only one who didn't fully understand what the article was trying to say . But what I got out of it was they Want to do test and I don't think they should be running the test on Any one .

  8. No test is 100%! But if any body wants to act and believe in something they can make it happen. Just like any test that is new it will not be perfect and will have to be fix so befor they are for sure the test will do its Job correct every time I don't think they need to test any one . To get lease time any person will fact being crazy .


  9. I feel like the biggest flaw is honesty in this sense. Between inmates and the testers the results can be alter or fabricated to any side. For this to work it would have to be completely unknown to the inmate and the tests must be taken without any bias. With everything that is act stake with the inmate many people would do anything to get out of a sentence or prison. Again the article had a lack of details on the testing which leaves many questions. between the risk factors I don't really thing you can "triage" a persons mental health risk as high or low they all need to be taken into account with the same priority. just different ways of treating it. Spartan678


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