Stop and Frisk and Courts....


  1. This video really shows how bad stop and frisk has become. To see the people of New York City that deal with stop and frisk daily talk about really made me realize that it has gotten bad. It’s just crazy that they only pick on black and Hispanics because other black and Hispanics comment crimes more often. Its not fair to the law abiding black and Hispanics. Another think I took out of this is how cops only pic on the poor people. The man in the video said that there is no way they would pick on people on Wall Street because they have too much power. So they pick on the weak poor people. Cops really need to stop doing this stop and frisk the way they are. Its not fair because 88% of the people they do this to was not guilty of doing anything.

    1. I strongly agree. The numbers speak for themselves! Low-income and minorities should not be picked on so much. How does a community create trust between the civilians and the police if civilians fear and hate the police? No trust will grow if this continues to be a trend.

    2. I agree with your reasons completely. It amazes me how much stop and frisk has become an issue in New York City. This video makes it very obvious that racial profiling is a big part of this area and needs to be fixed. It makes it look like the police are very bias and are not properly trained. This topic really needs to be fixed before it really gets out of hand.

  2. How do you reform stop and frisk?? Federal judge Shira Scheindlin dont want to get rid of stop and frisk. 90% of stop and frisk happens to miniorites and 10% on whites. 88% of the time when a black or Hispanic is stopped by police, the police are wrong for the reason of stopping a induvidual.

    "This might be a vaild comparison if the people stopped were criminals. To the contrary, nearly 90 percent of the people stopped are released without officers finding any basis for a summons or arrest." (Shira Scheindlin)

    No one (taxpayers) wants to have to come home from a long day at work and be harrassed by NYPD all because they are black or Hispanic. People in New York walk on eggshells not from criminals but are worried of being violated by police. Kaluza commissioner in NY and Bloomberg the mayor preety much said F the constitution. Assuming black and latinos are more gulity than whites is beyond a racial comment. Cenk Vygur explained Bloomberg in his interview said minorites commit more crimes and they do not stop enough minorities so they have to stop them and they will continue to stop them. And this New York this is the kinda of person you want running your city????? That to me tells me that since more then half of New York have some type of criminal background because of the stop and frisk do not have the right to vote for who they want to represent their city. Shira Scheindlin commented in her 195 page court decision, stop and frisk is "demeaning and humiliating experience." The police pick on the powerless and would not dare go on Wall Street and stop and frisk them.


    1. In believe what the judge saw was how it can be used properly like in Terry v. Ohio, and instances like that where reasonable suspicion is present and can be used to stop a serious crime. One of the things that was suggested a person to look over the policy for the police and to make sure that it was being used right. She also suggested a reform of the training and to reeducate the cops on how to use it properly and how I can help. I also know that the current police chief is not telling the cops to use the practice as often as Kelly was having them use it. The thing to understand is that these reforms can’t just happen overnight and fix all of the issues. It is going to be a very slow process that will take time but will eventually fix the problem. TaeKwonDoGuy345

  3. As stats show, the stop and frisk ordeal is not working. I agree with judge Shira. Do not take away stop and frisk, but mend it. The numbers are out of control as 90% are Latinos and Blacks, also out of the 90% over 88% are failure as they were not able to find anything on the subject. That is such a horrible failure to success ratio. I also agree with Judge Shira when she commented it being a policy of indirect racial profiling. It must honestly be humiliating to get frisked in your neighborhood because people will actually think you are a criminal and that you are the offender. It violates the 4th and 14th amendment, so why was it ever established? Law abiding minorities are getting put to shame and make them feel like criminals just because of suspicion. This needs to be corrected in the form of way that no one will ever have to worry about being searched just because of skin color. It should be done equally!

  4. The first thing I would like to point out is that this article is extremely bias and one sided; however that does not stop it from making some very strong points about how bad stop and frisk has become. When doing research and I first found out that eighty percent of all frisks yielded nothing I was shocked that the percentage was so high. I had assumed that a majority had yielded nothing but had not pictured it being so drastic. If any other business were to try and make a new product and eighty percent of people don’t buy it and sales and trust in the company plummet a high up executive would pull it immediately, not ramp up production of the product. The fact that Kelly and Bloomberg would allow such a thing to go on for so long and to then publicly defend it when the people cried for it to stop will now be what the people of New York will always remember them for. TaeKwonDoGuy345

  5. This video gives great background information on how stop and frisk is a big issue and needs to be fixed. It is crazy the amount of people have been stop and frisked and they were innocent. That just shows that are police men may need to be retrained on this area. I understand that the police have the duty to protect the community but I feel that america might not think this is helping the community feel safe because multiple people are getting stop and frisked for no probable cause. Overall, this topic really needs to look at the statistics and figure out solutions to help rebuild our criminal justice system in this area.

    1. I totally agree. Forget all the opinions and what could work or should work. Let's look at numbers, numbers don't lie! Not to mention on top of numbers we have all these personal stories coming from law abiding citzens that have been violated. Isn't government for the people? Throw out the "reform" idea and simply trash stop and frisk. Ajones345

  6. Every time the topic stop and frisk is brought up I think about how was this law even passed? No law that goes against the constitution should be passed. NYPD can add their fancy terms, and phrases to make stop and frisk sound better than it is but in reality it is unconstitutional, the constitution was made for a reason. Stop and frisk is clearly infective with racial profiling, and bias. 90% of the arrest were Lationos and blacks. Of those people arrested 88% are failures. So as we all can see, not only is stop and frisk prejudice, but it's also ineffective! Stop and frisk should be demolished. Shira can suggest that we "reform" stop and frisk but in reality we're still going to have the same problems we have now. Some things cannot be reformed. The citizens of Newyork isn't looking for criminals outside their homes, their looking for police officers. The one's that are suppose to serve and protect. But in reality all their doing is making people lives a living hell. Ajones345

  7. I wasn't until I began to research stop & frisk that I realized how broken the system is. Targeting minorties just because they "look suspicious". However I do belive in justice and I believe the stop and frisk system needs to be redesigned. For example, not stopping someone who are minding their own business and no causing any problems. -AUT345

  8. I feel like this video did a great job of pointing out how corrupt our government system really is and, this stop and frisk policy is only just the beginning. This policy needs to be restructured in a way where race isn't a reason to pull someone off to the side and frisk them. From viewing the reactions of the people of New York its obvious there is a group of people both white and black who don't agree with the stop and frisk. It makes people feel degraded, uncomfortable, and it's obviously racial profiling going on within this policy. It has the potential to actually lower the crimes if only they weren't targeting the people they are currently targeting because, it hasn't helped them that much since the NYPD was wrong 88% of the time. We need to sit back and think on this America who is the policy really here to help? (aphi345)


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