This video was very interesting to watch. I was very shocked that he just randomly got out of his car to just talk to them. I feel that is was werid for him to do that; I felt it was not necessary for him to that. Overall it seemed irrelevant but I guess the police officer has the right to do that and for them to record the conversation with the police officer. I found it interesting that they were asking for the police officer to break one of the first five amendments because I felt like they were trying to start a problem with the officer. Overall, I thought this video was very different but interesting to watch and to see how the officer felt he was doing community policing. JoJo345
I Definitely agree with you. I did find it a little odd that the officer drove past the guys, stopped, and then got out of his car to just randomly talk with the guys walking. We don't really see much of that anymore, unless it is a really small community where that would be the only thing to do. Also why would the guy recording ask the officer to break an amendment. Very interesting I thought. With all the hate in the news coming from the community these days, the guy only said that to try and start trouble so we would have a national unrest against the Police. Great job to the officer with his community policing. Alex345
If a officer drove past me and then just randomly decides to get out and have a "conversation" I am going to think something is going on. Either he is looking for something or actually trying to connect with the community. We will never know unfortunately. The officer handled it in a professional way I thought. When the kid said to violate one of his rights, that already gave away the kid was trying to start some trouble. It was an interesting video. Bama678
I dont feel it should have been a shocker. This is an everyday thing for minorities. I believe the conversation went very well between the two. Yes the officers was getting upset and the young men had every right to react the way he did. I dont think he asked him to break the first five amendments to start a problem but actually make a statement without being killed. Just like any other person these men had the right to walk down the street without being harrased by an officer because of their skin color because if they were white the officer would have never stopped and got out of the car in fact he would have simply just wave at the three white boys. Everyone has to see where this kid is coming from because if you were in his shoes you might have done the same thing with everything thats going on between police v. African Americans. but then again the officer also held his ground very well. Rebel 345
Wow great video. I really felt sorry for the officer. With all the police being in the news this day in age, people are wanting to test and push the police. Or trying to keep them in check. All this officer was trying to do was talk to his community to see how they were doing. The guy recording saw it as the cop was trying to violate his rights by trying to force him to tell his name and talk with him. Again as stated in the video the officer was just trying to do some community policing. I thought it was also interesting that the guy knew so much about the Amendments that he couldn't name one of them. He also said 10 "commendments" as if he was taking about commandments from the bible. He also stated that he knew there was more than 10, but knows for a fact that only the first 5 are important. This guy was an example of someone who knows just a little part of their rights and thinks that they are an expert on the whole. Don't get my wrong there are bad and corrupt police out their, but the officer in this video is far from it. I really wish that the guy who was recording it could also see it this way, instead of coming off that all Police Officers are bad. Alex345
I agree how people are trying to video tape the police to keep them in check witch is a good thing. But this kid was just ignorant about everything he was trying to prove. The cop did nothing wrong here. If anything the officer was doing the right thing. Wrestler345
really understand what you mean by feeling for the policeman when their own community members do not budge to have a conversation with you. Just shows how the distrust between the cops and the community is. Maybe bloomington police department have a history of being crooked. Maybe their is a background story to why they are opposing to not speaking with authority anymore. Rugby345
This video shows the level of distrust the community has for the criminal justice system. Although some of the precautions the young man took may have been encouraged through past experiences , the level of disrespect expressed towards the officer was completely uncalled for. It was obvious that the police office was just trying to get involved with his community, but whether or not he had underlying intentions will never be known. Resistance similar to what was shown in the video only inhibits the Community Police's overall goal of building a better relationship with the ones they put their life on the line to protect. I find it ironic that this gentleman scrutinizes the officer now, but probably wouldn't hesitate to call him if his life was in danger. We need more officers like this to interact with the public and show us as a society that not all police are like the slim few we see on the news targeting minorities. Scooby345
To me this video is very funny. There has been a lot of videos going round with people taping the police and catching them doing something there not supposed to be doing. Like the video of the cop shooting a man in the back. That’s good he videotaped that. This video has no point to it beside that the kid has no idea what he is talking about. There some videos of people that know there rights and will get out of some sort of ticket but this kid just seems like a punk kid trying to make this officer look bad and failed. The kid did not know “his 10 amendments” when there is actually 27. This also prove that not all cops are bad. This cop was trying to strike a conversation with this kid and doing community policing. He was just wanting to kind of have a relationship with the community. Wrestler345
I agree with you. I think this video is very interesting. I felt the kid did not know his amendments either, which to me seems like he should figure out what to say before speaking. JoJo345
The kid in the video clearly is just being difficult and causing a problem, BUT I do understand why he got a little upset. A cop doesn't just drive down the road and see some people walking and make a stop to do some "community policing". The officer said he just came from talking to some kids at a stop sign. A stop sign I can understand stopping and talking to them, but to stop and talk to some people while they walking down the street, of course they are going to be a little suspicious. The officer did handle the situation in a good way. He made the kid look very dumb and then left the situation alone. I'm sure the officers intentions were good but to the public it might seem a little off the way he did it. Bama678
I completely agree with your response. The individual was being difficult but was mad that he was approaced. On the other hand, the officer approached them in a kind manner and was not asking any incriminating questions. They both were just going about their day. Like I stated in my response, there needs to be more understanding between both parties. -AUT345
This video was most entertaining. I shared it on my facebook page when It first came up. Ignorance is bliss as this guy did not even understand what he was saying. I felt sorry the cop as he was just trying to talk to someone from his community. The cop meant no harm as he was just asking for his name. The guy didn’t have to get defensive because the cop was just coming to have a conversation with him. The guy needed to realize that yes he doesn’t have to answer to the police officer, but to not be so pushy and dis-respectful. How is a cop suppose to help you and protect your community if you channel him out like that while making yourself sound stupid. Don’t claim to be educated on something that a professional can obviously school you on.
Yeah this kid had no idea what he was talking about. People like this is what frustrate the police because there basically egging it on for a cop to get mad. This kid is most likely a punk and looking for trouble. Wrestler678
This guy just wants to start something. This clearly does show the mistrust in small communities of police. He is a nice cop trying to reach out and do good; and this guy is trying to act all intelagent. But clearly he doesn't not what he's talking about. haha. Free Thinker345
To me this video is very funny. There has been a lot of videos going round with people taping the police and catching them doing something there not supposed to be doing. Like the video of the cop shooting a man in the back. That’s good he videotaped that. This video has no point to it beside that the kid has no idea what he is talking about. There some videos of people that know there rights and will get out of some sort of ticket but this kid just seems like a punk kid trying to make this officer look bad and failed. The kid did not know “his 10 amendments” when there is actually 27. This also prove that not all cops are bad. This cop was trying to strike a conversation with this kid and doing community policing. He was just wanting to kind of have a relationship with the community.Wrestler678
I agree with you because this video was pretty funny. Just by the way how it started out with the officer trying to be nice and communicate. But in the end the people who were recording just made a fool out of themselves. Which was pointless because they had no idea what they were talking about. JoJo678
I think this video just gives a great example on how people are willing to do stuff that could actually make them get in trouble. Just by the way the kid was trying to start a fight with the officer. The officer was just trying to communicate with the community and it ended up going in the wrong direction. JoJo678
This video just shows that minorites will always be targeted in a stop-question-frisk by police. The young men in the video had the right not to speak to the officer. He said is he detained or under arrest and that he do not answer questions of a police officer. Why dont this officer have a badge number? I love have this young man is holding his ground. I dont like how the officer was an A hole, he couldnt do anythign but walk away from the crowd of the three young men because of the fact that the man recording knew too much and officers do not like an educated black individual. He did a really nice job holding his grounds when it came to community policing. Rebel 345
I have never in all my time seen an officer, pull over and step out of his vehicle to introduce himself within the community, especially one such as this. Yet this is not just interesting but by far relatively new. It's hilarious how the guy attempts to out smart the cop, though he can't justify facts to back any of his amendments up. I felt that he was ignorant and I do mean very ignorant for asking the cop to break one of his amendments. Some people seriously think they are so intelligent, they're unintelligent and sound inarticulate when he/she speaks. All in all we have good cops and bad cops. When things break bad you never know who will be to your rescue. That guy may need that cop to save his life one day in a fairly serious situation. Yet the young fellow let ignorance take over while showing out in front of his guys. Once you intentionally step outside the box of your normal thinking process, you actually begin to see people and things for who they are. I must say some aren't as bright or intelligent as they pretend to be, indeed! Tricey345
I can see both sides to this situation. For one, the man is minding his own business by casually walking down the road. Secondly the police officer is patrolling his community like he is supposed to. The sole reason for this situation to arise is due to misunderstanding. Maybe the police officer wasn't trying to issue citations or arrests. Maybe he was just being social. On the other hand, the man is minding his own business and might not want to be approached by a police officer. I feel that the community and the police, to combat these trust issues need to have more understanding between each other. -AUT345
In this video, i can see both sides of this type of situation. The fact that the police officer made his appearance a big deal and introduced himself to everyone as a whole instead of just showing up and doing business is something that every police officer should take note of. The civilian was causually walking and the last thing he probably wanted to happen that day was to be stopped by a police officer for being innocent. He was innocent until he started acting up and trying to throw facts that he knew nothing about back to the police officer. That is when it became a problem. There will always be bad cops and good cops anywhere you go. HRH345
This video was very interesting to watch. I was very shocked that he just randomly got out of his car to just talk to them. I feel that is was werid for him to do that; I felt it was not necessary for him to that. Overall it seemed irrelevant but I guess the police officer has the right to do that and for them to record the conversation with the police officer. I found it interesting that they were asking for the police officer to break one of the first five amendments because I felt like they were trying to start a problem with the officer. Overall, I thought this video was very different but interesting to watch and to see how the officer felt he was doing community policing.
I Definitely agree with you. I did find it a little odd that the officer drove past the guys, stopped, and then got out of his car to just randomly talk with the guys walking. We don't really see much of that anymore, unless it is a really small community where that would be the only thing to do. Also why would the guy recording ask the officer to break an amendment. Very interesting I thought. With all the hate in the news coming from the community these days, the guy only said that to try and start trouble so we would have a national unrest against the Police. Great job to the officer with his community policing. Alex345
DeleteIf a officer drove past me and then just randomly decides to get out and have a "conversation" I am going to think something is going on. Either he is looking for something or actually trying to connect with the community. We will never know unfortunately. The officer handled it in a professional way I thought. When the kid said to violate one of his rights, that already gave away the kid was trying to start some trouble. It was an interesting video. Bama678
DeleteI dont feel it should have been a shocker. This is an everyday thing for minorities. I believe the conversation went very well between the two. Yes the officers was getting upset and the young men had every right to react the way he did. I dont think he asked him to break the first five amendments to start a problem but actually make a statement without being killed. Just like any other person these men had the right to walk down the street without being harrased by an officer because of their skin color because if they were white the officer would have never stopped and got out of the car in fact he would have simply just wave at the three white boys. Everyone has to see where this kid is coming from because if you were in his shoes you might have done the same thing with everything thats going on between police v. African Americans. but then again the officer also held his ground very well.
DeleteRebel 345
Wow great video. I really felt sorry for the officer. With all the police being in the news this day in age, people are wanting to test and push the police. Or trying to keep them in check. All this officer was trying to do was talk to his community to see how they were doing. The guy recording saw it as the cop was trying to violate his rights by trying to force him to tell his name and talk with him. Again as stated in the video the officer was just trying to do some community policing. I thought it was also interesting that the guy knew so much about the Amendments that he couldn't name one of them. He also said 10 "commendments" as if he was taking about commandments from the bible. He also stated that he knew there was more than 10, but knows for a fact that only the first 5 are important. This guy was an example of someone who knows just a little part of their rights and thinks that they are an expert on the whole. Don't get my wrong there are bad and corrupt police out their, but the officer in this video is far from it. I really wish that the guy who was recording it could also see it this way, instead of coming off that all Police Officers are bad. Alex345
ReplyDeleteI agree how people are trying to video tape the police to keep them in check witch is a good thing. But this kid was just ignorant about everything he was trying to prove. The cop did nothing wrong here. If anything the officer was doing the right thing.
really understand what you mean by feeling for the policeman when their own community members do not budge to have a conversation with you. Just shows how the distrust between the cops and the community is. Maybe bloomington police department have a history of being crooked. Maybe their is a background story to why they are opposing to not speaking with authority anymore.
This video shows the level of distrust the community has for the criminal justice system. Although some of the precautions the young man took may have been encouraged through past experiences , the level of disrespect expressed towards the officer was completely uncalled for. It was obvious that the police office was just trying to get involved with his community, but whether or not he had underlying intentions will never be known. Resistance similar to what was shown in the video only inhibits the Community Police's overall goal of building a better relationship with the ones they put their life on the line to protect. I find it ironic that this gentleman scrutinizes the officer now, but probably wouldn't hesitate to call him if his life was in danger. We need more officers like this to interact with the public and show us as a society that not all police are like the slim few we see on the news targeting minorities. Scooby345
ReplyDeleteTo me this video is very funny. There has been a lot of videos going round with people taping the police and catching them doing something there not supposed to be doing. Like the video of the cop shooting a man in the back. That’s good he videotaped that. This video has no point to it beside that the kid has no idea what he is talking about. There some videos of people that know there rights and will get out of some sort of ticket but this kid just seems like a punk kid trying to make this officer look bad and failed. The kid did not know “his 10 amendments” when there is actually 27. This also prove that not all cops are bad. This cop was trying to strike a conversation with this kid and doing community policing. He was just wanting to kind of have a relationship with the community.
I agree with you. I think this video is very interesting. I felt the kid did not know his amendments either, which to me seems like he should figure out what to say before speaking.
The kid in the video clearly is just being difficult and causing a problem, BUT I do understand why he got a little upset. A cop doesn't just drive down the road and see some people walking and make a stop to do some "community policing". The officer said he just came from talking to some kids at a stop sign. A stop sign I can understand stopping and talking to them, but to stop and talk to some people while they walking down the street, of course they are going to be a little suspicious. The officer did handle the situation in a good way. He made the kid look very dumb and then left the situation alone. I'm sure the officers intentions were good but to the public it might seem a little off the way he did it. Bama678
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with your response. The individual was being difficult but was mad that he was approaced. On the other hand, the officer approached them in a kind manner and was not asking any incriminating questions. They both were just going about their day. Like I stated in my response, there needs to be more understanding between both parties. -AUT345
DeleteThis video was most entertaining. I shared it on my facebook page when It first came up. Ignorance is bliss as this guy did not even understand what he was saying. I felt sorry the cop as he was just trying to talk to someone from his community. The cop meant no harm as he was just asking for his name. The guy didn’t have to get defensive because the cop was just coming to have a conversation with him. The guy needed to realize that yes he doesn’t have to answer to the police officer, but to not be so pushy and dis-respectful. How is a cop suppose to help you and protect your community if you channel him out like that while making yourself sound stupid. Don’t claim to be educated on something that a professional can obviously school you on.
Yeah this kid had no idea what he was talking about. People like this is what frustrate the police because there basically egging it on for a cop to get mad. This kid is most likely a punk and looking for trouble. Wrestler678
DeleteThis guy just wants to start something. This clearly does show the mistrust in small communities of police. He is a nice cop trying to reach out and do good; and this guy is trying to act all intelagent. But clearly he doesn't not what he's talking about. haha. Free Thinker345
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteTo me this video is very funny. There has been a lot of videos going round with people taping the police and catching them doing something there not supposed to be doing. Like the video of the cop shooting a man in the back. That’s good he videotaped that. This video has no point to it beside that the kid has no idea what he is talking about. There some videos of people that know there rights and will get out of some sort of ticket but this kid just seems like a punk kid trying to make this officer look bad and failed. The kid did not know “his 10 amendments” when there is actually 27. This also prove that not all cops are bad. This cop was trying to strike a conversation with this kid and doing community policing. He was just wanting to kind of have a relationship with the community.Wrestler678
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because this video was pretty funny. Just by the way how it started out with the officer trying to be nice and communicate. But in the end the people who were recording just made a fool out of themselves. Which was pointless because they had no idea what they were talking about.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteI think this video just gives a great example on how people are willing to do stuff that could actually make them get in trouble. Just by the way the kid was trying to start a fight with the officer. The officer was just trying to communicate with the community and it ended up going in the wrong direction.
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
DeleteThis video just shows that minorites will always be targeted in a stop-question-frisk by police. The young men in the video had the right not to speak to the officer. He said is he detained or under arrest and that he do not answer questions of a police officer. Why dont this officer have a badge number? I love have this young man is holding his ground. I dont like how the officer was an A hole, he couldnt do anythign but walk away from the crowd of the three young men because of the fact that the man recording knew too much and officers do not like an educated black individual. He did a really nice job holding his grounds when it came to community policing.
ReplyDeleteRebel 345
I have never in all my time seen an officer, pull over and step out of his vehicle to introduce himself within the community, especially one such as this. Yet this is not just interesting but by far relatively new. It's hilarious how the guy attempts to out smart the cop, though he can't justify facts to back any of his amendments up. I felt that he was ignorant and I do mean very ignorant for asking the cop to break one of his amendments. Some people seriously think they are so intelligent, they're unintelligent and sound inarticulate when he/she speaks. All in all we have good cops and bad cops. When things break bad you never know who will be to your rescue. That guy may need that cop to save his life one day in a fairly serious situation. Yet the young fellow let ignorance take over while showing out in front of his guys. Once you intentionally step outside the box of your normal thinking process, you actually begin to see people and things for who they are. I must say some aren't as bright or intelligent as they pretend to be, indeed! Tricey345
ReplyDeleteI can see both sides to this situation. For one, the man is minding his own business by casually walking down the road. Secondly the police officer is patrolling his community like he is supposed to. The sole reason for this situation to arise is due to misunderstanding. Maybe the police officer wasn't trying to issue citations or arrests. Maybe he was just being social. On the other hand, the man is minding his own business and might not want to be approached by a police officer. I feel that the community and the police, to combat these trust issues need to have more understanding between each other. -AUT345
ReplyDeleteIn this video, i can see both sides of this type of situation. The fact that the police officer made his appearance a big deal and introduced himself to everyone as a whole instead of just showing up and doing business is something that every police officer should take note of. The civilian was causually walking and the last thing he probably wanted to happen that day was to be stopped by a police officer for being innocent. He was innocent until he started acting up and trying to throw facts that he knew nothing about back to the police officer. That is when it became a problem. There will always be bad cops and good cops anywhere you go.
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