Death Penalty and Your Thoughts

Death Penalty and Your Thoughts.....


  1. I can see why the death penalty in America has become less and less popular. Seeing in the article how there is such a difference in who is on death row. How males are more likely to get the death penalty than a woman. And how if you murder a wealthy person you will more likely get sentenced to death but if you murder a poor person you will get 25 to life. So that says poor people’s lives don’t matter. So all the numbers too me just don’t make sense. Along with that the numbers of all the innocent people that where put to death. With all this technology we have you think they would be able to prove they where innocent, but some people today just want to head on a stake.

    1. The disparity between race and death is pretty upsetting. Poor people's lives do matter. Everyone deserves a life and despite the color of their skin or the size of their bank account they should get the same punishment. A murder is still a murder regardless of who committed the crime and the fact that the victim was rich, etc. should have no bearing on the punishment. Bama678

    2. I agree with you Tex678. No matter the status of the person if its the law states that you get the death penalty you get the death penalty. Rather the victim is a rich man or a poor homeless man. That law is placing a price on someone life, or saying someone else life is more important than another. Rather rich or poor they have family that loves them no matter what. That is something I definitely don't believe in.MotherOf4678

  2. The death penalty was put in act for a reason. The people of the world thought that there were crimes committed that deserved it. I feel that the death penalty doesn't deter people from committing crimes. When someone commits a crime they don't plan on getting caught and if so , they don't plan on getting convicted. Republican and democrats have their different views on the death penalty mainly because more blacks are set to death by execution. The problem with the death penalty is there are innocent people being put to rest. If someone is to be executed there should be a confession for the person. If there has to be an ongoing investigation the person convicted should be sentenced to life in prison, just because the benefit of a doubt still exist. MotherOf4678

  3. Why the death penalty is still in existence baffles me. With how many people we find innocent after we put them to death and the fact that we kill people to show them that killing people is wrong, it just makes no sense. Life in prison is a much worse punishment. They can die on their own instead of by the various ways the prisons use. I can't fathom who came up with the whole idea of killing people anyways. How is it right for us to kill someone if they killed someone? It's just a cycle that has no purpose. It is not right to do that, and how they only pay the executioner $150! Who wants to be the person to end someone's life? It's almost like solicitation of murder for hire, which is illegal. Bama678

    1. I agree with totally. They should just pretty much get rid of it because It has killed many innocent people and this needs to come to an end. The people that were innocent and executed could have been anything. They could have become police officers or scientist and did something for this world. The death penalty did not give them that chance.

  4. The death penalty is a pretty big topic in this world and it should be. The death penalty can hurt others a lot by taking away their loved ones. There’s things I agree with and things I disagree with about it. I do like it because there are some seriously awful people on this earth that literally do not deserve to be on this planet. The death penalty will happily take them away. But there has been many occasion where innocent people have been killed by it then later proven guilty after there already gone. This is a big deal because someone’s life is gone now because we thought they did something. This penalty should only be a thing is someone is 100% prove guilty. There has been an incident were they were about to execute someone and they proved they were innocent right before they did the execution so the man lived. The death penalty should not be a go to thing. This should be last resort thing.

  5. When it comes to the death penalty question some people really don't know how to answer that question. i see both sides to why we should or shouldn't have it. we could kill the wrong person, they should have to stay in person for life to learn and think about what they have done, or its wrong to take someones life. I think that there is those people out in the world that should be put down for there crimes and those who should have to have the rest of there life's to reflect on what they have done. I don't really think one side is better then the other i just think it comes down to the case and what has happen. Gt_racer678

  6. There is a legal and illegal demonstration of deviant behavior. Just as there is moral and immoral justification to justify such acts. Murder (immoral justification) against another human being is considered illegal. Yet, the death penalty (moral justification) is deemed legal? Sadly society has a way of making unjust activities legitimate. Men are more likely to get the death penalty than women. Sickening that if you murder a wealthy person you are more likely to get the death penalty, yet if you murder a poor person you will get 25 to life. No life has more value than another...... No matter the dollar amount that life values. Fairness and equality isn't a right for everyone. The laws that we have are surely unjust. How can you justify murder with murder? There's no way! In entirety the death penality should be completely eradicated, it is useless. Tricey678

  7. I believe the death penalty isn't talked about enough. People completely ignore it because it's not in the state of Illinois. In my own opinion I think the death penalty is a easy way to cheat a life sentence. Some murderers rather died than to sit in jail for the rest of their lives even when they deserve it. The death penalty doesn't scare people anymore especially in the states were its practiced. So what's the point of having it. Lashay678

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