Just How Bad is It? Your Thoughts?

Just How Bad is It? Your Thoughts?


  1. It's overwhelming to see officers out there taking advantage of their position in law enforcement. There are too many officers that let the job get to their head, when they should be doing opposite and trying to improve the community by helping those people instead of fighting with them. I understand it doesn't help that officers have a bad reputation already, in which not a lot of people like them anyway, but an officer is an officer and they should have respect for the people in the communities no matter what, to where the people can feel safe every time an officer is around and not have to feel scared. I just look at it if you want respect you have to give it. The officer in the video was just plain brutal. What he did to that guy was just corrupt and that's reasons why the people look at officers the way they do instead looking at them in a respectful manner. In the end people should be able to look up to officers not away from them. -GFM678

    1. I agree with you on how the job can get to the cops head. Cops are not focused on helping other or making the community safe anymore. I feel like to help this situation with the job they should make cops set goals so they do not forget why they became a cop in the first place.

  2. Not all those who wear the uniform are police officers - At least in the True Spirit of the profession. I believe he should be held to even higher standard because he was trained to do so. We all have biases - all of us. But, when you put the uniform on - All our detrimental attitudes must be put in check or suspended from entering into action. That play cop should get the death penalty but sadly he won't.

    1. I agree with you that cops should be held to a high standard and be trained to maintain professionalism and how to do your job properly. And I agree receiving the death penalty would be a lot cheaper but your right he wont get it. wreked678

  3. It is sad but true to see another white guy attacking an African american guy because of his skin color. It is racist in my opinion but you will have that. Some people are just raised morely to be racist not all cops are bad and he isn`t necessarily bad ether it could be that he is not trained enough or hasent been mentally evaluated the right way.But it went to extremes with this guy so I do believe he intentionally tazed and dragged an innocent kid out of his house also along with that shooting a kid five times in his back for very unnecessary reasons. wreked678

    1. I agree with what your saying about how he might have not been trained enough to handle a area with a diverse population. I feel that for part of training that all officers must take an internship in a diverse area and be trained on how to handle all situations no madder the racist. Maybe if the office in question had been trained to handle an area with a population like these that maybe he would have handled things different then not be the trigger happy cops that you hear of. Gt_racer678

    2. Agreed, not all people are raised the same way. He could have just been one of those officers that grew up not to like African Americans. It's not his fault if his parents raised him that way but there comes a time where you need to break that cycle, sorta like the poverty cycle we talked about, you might have grown up poor but doesn't necessarily mean you have to continue to stay in poverty your entire life. GFM678

    3. Usually someone that hates one group does stop at that one group.

    4. I agree with you that this man should be put away in prison for a long time. I don’t know if I think this was racial concern at least from what I took out of it. I think this man is just crazy and want to hurt anyone if could weather there white black or Hispanic. Wrestler345

  4. This cop deserves to go to prison. This man is a psychopath and needs to be put behind bars. I feel as if he craves the feeling of hurting people. He is not out to seek justice what so ever. He is out to hurt others and he knows he can get away with it because he has the law enforcement on his side. I am glad that he has been caught now. Things could have gotten worst. He could have killed more people and I know he would have. When he shot that man he knew it was not the right thing to do. That’s why he planted his taser on the dead body because he thought he would get away with it. Witch he probably would have if no one recorded it. The cop thought he was in the clear but luckily a by stander decided to tape it off his phone.

  5. I feel that this officer was in the wrong and that he should have to face the punishment in front of him. As an officer of the law we are suppose to be the role models for those of the community, but if we let him get away with murder what does that say to the community. For what the video talks about how police stand by one another that is true. i cant speak for what i would do but i feel that if someone i worked with was making the police look bad because of his actions i would want to take action to make him change his way or to let him go. The way i see it is that we work for the law and the community and if we can't up hold the law and we can't make the community feel safe then how good of a job are we really doing. I do realize that adrenalin gets pumping and anything could happen in a madder of moments and you have to be able to react, because some times it could mean your life. But from what we all saw on this video these officer could have gone after him on foot and not had to use force. If he did have to use force why did he have to shoot 8 times at the guy. if he had to use force i could see him firing a couple at his legs to slow him down to the point where he is apprehended. Gt_racer678

    1. I agree that this was wrong 100%. Police Officers give themselves tough guy I do what I want type of attitude and it shouldn't be like that. Police Officers are to protect and serve and they are losing sight of that. They shot first ask questions later and that landed a innocent man dead. Tazer should be worn on opposite sides. If your a trained officer you should be able to determine if its a gun or tazer by the weight and if you glance down at it the colors on it. This how's back to Fruitville Station when an innocent kid was murdered. Shot in the back by a Police Officer that said he thought it was a tazer. That officers got no time for his actions.

    2. the officers excuses do not match what occured. He killed in cold-blood and will bring fear to any surrounding community there. Did you really have to shoot someone 8 times to feel safe? If you think they have a weapon , shoot them in a non-fatal area and not 8 times. This cop will need to face his consequences and hopefully it is prison time.

    3. No officer is going to face punishment because in the Police Departments eyes he did what he had to do even if it is wrong because of mistaken identity. Officers need to be trained to use another forces before using a deadly force it seems that is the first and only thing they know how to do. Never not once have an officer killed a white man but its always black people and for officers feel that all blacks are guilty of something that is said bceause if you look at it the officers are the ones thats always guilty of murder, rape, theft or any other crime they just do it legally because they have a badge on their chest.
      Rebel 345

  6. This story is sad but its life. The problem with this officer is that he didn't listen. I don't know if he just wanted to arrest someone so hurry along the issue or not. There is a power trip that some people with authority go one and its hard to bring them back down to Earth. Police Offices sometimes react first and ask questions later when that just caused a life. I understand that its their life before anyone's else's while there are in the line of duty. To protect and serve means protect others also. the women said it was him, you got the wrong guy. The officer having tunnel vision and blocking out the sounds around him, he murdered a innocent man. That osny the first and it won't be the last time

  7. Racism in police departments is there. It's everywhere. The video showed some statistics about the population and then compared it to the population of the police departments. There is a huge under representation of blacks in the police departments where blacks are most prevalent in such areas. It is not always true in some towns but it is still happening. I very much liked when he talked about how the police ban together and protect their own even when they know one of them has messed up. Brotherhood is a great thing, but you as a person have to stop and ask yourself, "Am I really doing the right thing by keeping my mouth shut?" If you have the wrong guy and you KNOW you have the wrong guy and yet you continue to watch as your fellow police officer continually tases a man, then that needs to be stopped immediately. Givens was right when he said the shooting could of been prevented if the police had listened to his side of the story more. Truth of it is, who are they more inclined to believe? A citizen or a person of the law? You got your good cops and your bad cops, and you got good people and bad people. Things happen all the time, prevention is also able to happen. Bama678

    1. I completely agree with you on everything! I think it is crazy that the knowledge of knowing that they had the wrong guy and just kept going. It is so sad that we have police officers out there that are not correctly serving out country the right way. I feel like this issue needs to be fixed and should never have this happen again.

  8. I think that the police officer deserves this punishment because if you do the time you do the crime. It should not matter who commits a crime because if you break a law then you should have to recieve the punishment. I think it is sad that there are police officers out in the world who is not serving and protecting the community properly. I think it is crazy that he knew that the wrong guy was involved then they should have stopped but didn't. By having this happen just gives america another reason not to rely on the criminal justice system to serve their community correctly. Which is sad because the goal is to keep improving our system but it seems like more corrupt crimes are happening more often than needed. This video gives some great view points on how certain issues need to be fixed and I completely agree with majority of these issues.

  9. Unfortunately this is an everyday reality for minorities all over the country. It is obvious that racism is very much alive and that is to the discretion of the individual, but when you represent not only a city or town, but an entire nation where most officers do what they're supposed to be doing this has an astonishing impact on the public. My personal belief is that although the officer in question may not face his just deserts in this life, he will reap what he sows in the next. Hopefully men like this will not become the standard for officers everywhere and their vow of protection over the people comes before any racial prejudices/preferences. A problem like this will not simply be swept under the rug anymore. The reform of the criminal justice system is the only way to weed out those similar to Michael Slager men and women unworthy of calling themselves officers. Scooby345

  10. This cop deserves to go to prison. This man is a psychopath and needs to be put behind bars. I feel as if he craves the feeling of hurting people. He is not out to seek justice what so ever. He is out to hurt others and he knows he can get away with it because he has the law enforcement on his side. I am glad that he has been caught now. Things could have gotten worst. He could have killed more people and I know he would have. When he shot that man he knew it was not the right thing to do. That’s why he planted his taser on the dead body because he thought he would get away with it. Witch he probably would have if no one recorded it. The cop thought he was in the clear but luckily a by stander decided to tape it off his phone. Wrestler345

    1. I agree. I think the cop should go to prison for what he did because it is not acceptable at all. Especially, since this is not his first attempt to break the values police officers have. I just find it ridiculous that this happened and I hope extreme measures will be taken.

  11. I find this video very interesting and made some valid points. By watching this video it just shows that the police need to maintain the same values in protecting the community and not just have different officers do certain things. I feel officers try to get away with different things, like this issue, which is not alright. It just shows that our system needs to reevaluate everything and get back on track.

    1. I agree that this video is interesting and showed different view points but very good view points. I also agree with you that police officers need to keep a wide view point on their acts and how they treat individuals.

    2. I agree with you on this issue. I believe officers like this need to be a better job with policing their areas and treat people with equal respect. They need to treat everyone as if their innocent and hopefully that will create more trust between the police and the community. -AUT345

  12. This is true in most aspects. THe guy was wrongfully harmed because of ignorance and mst likely racism. But he is giving a vary jaded view; not really telling anything good. He shows the people at least what it seems to me, that cops are the bad guys and don't care about anyones safety but there own.. Free Thinker345

  13. Power will get to the police officers head. All the bad cops are getting fueled by seeing the bad officers do bad things and not getting in trouble for it. They need to send a message and send this man to life in prison. Racism should never be a fear as a human being, and if you allow a person of law do what he wants when it comes to race, humanity as a whole will revolt one day against the police. They need to send this guy to prison to show that they do not support this message as he killed a african american. Cops get away with too much too often and they need to put their foot down sometime and show them that their actions are not approved. A man who kills in cold-blood should be sent to prison and not allowed to pass by just because he is a cop.


  14. Mistaken idenity is always one of the top reason why most people go to jail or die in America today. Slager made up a reason to taze this man. when there is no video in most to all cases officers will say anything to save the behind. The girlfriend who gave SLAGER the discription told the press that the discription she gave them did not fit the young man who Slager claims resisted arrest, after the fact Brown was yelling "you have the wrong man" Slager should have stopped right then and there but he did not. Wrong guy, right guy who cares he is black, is not the right way to do justice. Police protects Police they do not protect the community. Most cops do not turn against each other. I believe the partner of a police officer is just as guilty as the cop that shot the gun because he could have stopped him or reported him.
    Rebel 345

    1. Sad to say that mistaken in identity is true. He should have been more aware of the situation and controlled it to his fullest ability. Instead of becoming incapable and letting the situation take full control over him. Tricey345

  15. No matter where you go or who you talk to, people will always believe that police officers let their power over rule them. I do not believe police officers are always wrong. But in this case i believe he is definitely wrong and deserves the same punishment as if a civilian would of commited the same crime. The situation could have been more serious and would of ended up with more people hurt and or killed all because the police officer let the thought that he is a cop go to his head. I believe that they are both guilty in this situtation beceause the partner watched the other shoot the gun and did nothing about it. They could have reported or talked some sense into the other police officer.

  16. It's stories like these where I just shake my head. The man originally mentioned in the video had no reason to be tased for the fact that he put his hands in the air. The officer didn't have the right to tase him if he was cooperating. They didn't even get the right guy. These issues are what cause major distrust throughout the community and need to be addressed more often after they occur. -AUT345

  17. Stories such as this hurt my heart dearly. What happened to serve and protect the community as a whole, instead of abuse and lose trust. Our community is beginning to direct the "What is Happening Now” attitude toward law enforcement. When bad things happen, people no longer want to speak up, and when someone needs help of an officer they're afraid to ask. Not knowing if they'll make it out of the situation alive or not and perhaps, the story will change. So sad yet in America there is said to be Freedom and Justice for all.... Yet just as any other disclaimer advertises you are lost if you don't read the FINE PRINT. I pray that justice will be served for the innocent young man. Tricey345

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