Juvenile Waivers...Your Thoughts....

Juvenile Waivers


  1. When speaking of murder trials in children and kids. It all depends on the actions of the murder for it to determine if young kids should be tried as an adult. When the action happened, was it on purpose? Was the kid aggressive? How old was he? Weapon? Those are the main factors that should determine if they should tried as an adult or not. In my opinion, yes kids should be tried as an adult on the cases of murder. Everyone should be taught from the day 1 that killing someone else is a horrible thing, and that you must face the cosenquences if you do kill someone. Some may argue that the brain is not fully developed and he does not know right from wrong. Well doing harm and hurting someone should not require an age limit to start getting punished by. So therefore everyone who commits murder should be tried as an adult.

  2. I believe murder is murder. I see it as if a teenaged person has the ability and chooses to murder someone they are automatically considered as adults. I do however see the point that the law is a bit harsh and in certain cases such as if they're not mentally fit, an acception can be made. Judges should be given a bit of descression in these kind of cases. Free Thinker345

    1. I agree with you murder is murder. But I do not agree with the fact teens are automatically consider adults. If there was never a movie or pictures or any of that nature was accessible for them then they would never know what murder or any other crime is.

  3. When we are talking about kids at the ages 14 and 15 murdering people then it’s really hard on what to do with them. If we put young kids in to prison without parole that is literally a waste of life. Literally nothing could possibly get accomplished with them in prison. They cannot do anything positive to this world while in prison. In the article it says that kids are more impulsive and do not think about what they do before they do it a lot of times. This is proven to be true. Kid can make a huge mistake and after they did it realize they messed up. Kids have the ability to get help and to change their mind thought. Rehab can help kids way more than adults. There’s no reason to give up on a kid because of one mistake. Prison will not help him it will only make it worse.

    1. I agree with you on that prison will not work and make things worse. I feel it will not be beneficial in the way courts think it will be. I think there is better punishments for children to help learn from their mistakes. I think we need to invent more secure programs that will help redirect children in the right direction and help them get back on track.

  4. I agree with Free thinker345 murder is murder regardless of how old you are or how young you are. But I believe children still should not be tried as an adult because even though they know what they have done they do not know what they are doing like adults know exactly what their actions can cause him/her or their victim. Children are like monkey see monkey do they only act out because of what the see around them. I don't think society should be easy on children but I feel it should be a law specifically for adults and a law specifically for children even if they commit the same crime.

  5. Yes I agree with that the action that were taken in the murder should determine weather they should be tried as an adult or not. If they stabbed someone 20 times for no reason then yes they should. But if they were abused physically by their parents and they did it then maybe not. This is a 12 to 14 year old kid and maybe his only way out was murder. Those kids may not think twice because they were not raised right and they can get help by a rehab.

    1. You said something very awesome! What if these teens feel like there situation is so bad that the only way out is murder? Situations like these are the factors I was talking about in my post. We have to pay attention to factors, because at the end of the day their not adults . Ajones345

    2. Exactly! I agree as life at home, hormones, developing brain, are all factors that one must consider when dealing with an issue like this!

  6. This article and topic is very controversial. However in law there's one side that rules. When I was 14 years old and everyone that surrounded me we were all fully aware of our actions. Therefore I believe that teenagers should be trialed as adults. However I do not believe the life without parole ordeal. Yes all murders are absolutely terrible however we have to look at the factors of things. Was the murder planned? How gruesome was the murder? What provoked this child to do such a thing? What was the child childhood like growing up? These are just many of the factors that we need to pay attention to with the juvenile cases. Murder is murder no matter who does it, if we make the laws too lenient then we will really see what most teenagers can be capable of because they wouldn't be afraid of being penalized they would look at it like okay I'll commit this murder but I only have to do 30 years in prison. 14 year olds have the brain sequence to think like that. So to sum it all up I agree with the Supreme Court parole should definitely be included. Ajones345

    1. Scientifically we are not fully developed at that age. I do not agree. Children should be tried as children think about if it was your child. (Aphi345)

  7. Rather the actual act is Actus Rea or Mens Rea should determine how to sentence he or she. While also tying in the factors of age, intent, aggression and also the weapon and trauma caused. Yes murder is murder, however where did this childs learn to produce such behaviors? Laws are stricken based on most acts of adults. Yet when teenagers and children come into play, yes we still have to charge he or she. Yet let's find a solid solution as to why did it come to this point. Tricey345

  8. I believe murder is murder if a kid or grown person does it. I think If a kid commit a crime such a murder they need to sever time. in my family we dealing with something like that a 14 year old girl killed my cousin and they trying to trial her as a kid which is not fair. I think if you older enough to make decision to take a life you need to be in jail serving time for that crime. murder is murder regardless that's my opinion. you older enough to do the crime do the time that comes along with crime. lashay345

  9. I do not think children at such a young age should be sent to prison as an adult because I feel like it won't be beneficial. I think they should be punished but not necessarily that kind of punishment. I think that children at the young of an age can comprehend what they are doing and need to learn from their mistakes. I feel at that age there is time for change and redirection can happen. I think more programs should be out there and not have the punishment strictly sending children tl prison with adults because I feel like it will put more damage to the child.

  10. The jail system to my understanding was to deter citizens from commuting crimes. The psychiatrist explained that the frontal lobe of a juveniles mind is not fully developed by the age of 14. So sending a juvenile to serve life in prison will not prevent such crimes because juveniles aren't developed enough to be deterred from commuting these crimes since they are committed on impulse. President O'Keefe seems to have this urge to charge juveniles as adults rather than hoping to rehabilitate them in hope that they improve. I do not agree with the way they are discussing juveniles they speak of children in a sense that they commit these crimes with a mature mind. I feel as though we must improve our juvenile facilities in order make sure kids get treated as kids not adults. I believe 17 is the age where adult sentences can be discussed but only in rare context. Life sentences should be completely off the table. Great article, very informative, but I do not agree. (Aphi345)


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