Aging and Getting Down....Your Thoughts?


  1. This video was entertaining because even though she is 90 years old, she still has attitude and dance moves. This lady must have been a rebellious girl during her teen years if she still acts deviant, meaning she is going against cultural norms for older people. I do not think there is anything wrong with her dancing and having fun even at 90. Even though, as she said at the beginning of the video, she is biologically and physically changing, she still is making her life carefree. I admire her for that. She wants to be relatable to her grandkids and by listening to that type of music, she definitely will be.

    1. I agree with you swimmer001 because she does still have the attitude as if she were a young girl. Also, i belive that what she is doing isn't bad she is just having fun at that old of age and living the rest of her life with potential. At that age there isn't much left to accomplish and not too many more goals for her, so experimenting and have fun is her way of coping. She is setting expectations for her granchildren for when they get older to be somewhat like her. This video opened my eyes a little bit and showed me that older peop;e can still have as much fun.

  2. I thought this video was entertaining and humorous. She is 90 years old but yet still dancing her butt off and not giving a care in thwe world. She must have been the same when she was younger but because of norms she is showing the older people that they can still have fun in private. She isn't out at the clubs or bars getting silly, she is at her own private setting still having fun at this age. She has physically changed but not socially and mentally because she is still doing what she enjoys.

    1. I agree. She probably was a very fun, outgoing person as a young person. And I respect her for not going to bars and clubs, as you stated, because there are plenty of other ways to have fun, like dancing in your home while your grandkid records you. She is having a good time with her grandchild which is important.

    2. I think this lady might actually be demonstrating activity theory, which hypothesizes that high levels of activity help older people to be more satisfied with their life. It seems like dancing has always been a big part of this lady's life, and I don't think that it would be entirely unreasonable to guess that if she has always kept up her dancing, this has helped her to have such a positive outlook on life.

    3. Its funny how a small clip can tell us so much about how a person lived there life. She seems pretty cool, and getting herself up to date with songs teenagers listen to now, that's is coolest. This is a fun factor to have in life, and again what a brave woman.

    4. I like to compare the carefree nature of old people like this woman to the young people of today's society, who are all up and worried about political correctness and not offending anybody and being preoccupied with being offended themselves. This woman could not give a literal crap about what other people think of her as she goes along enjoying life. If more people were like her, a lot of the strife that we experience, for example in stratification, would likely just go away. FreedomUnderGod001

    5. Summer001 I agree the video was entertaining. When do you ever see 90 year old dancing with 2 feet without a walker, cane or any help? She was very inspirational. I feel personally if you can do it and not hurt yourself then there is no harm being done. She was wonderful! LAWS001

  3. First of all, I think I need to sign up for some dance lessons with this lady: she's definitely got some moves! This video is really kind of inspiring because it's really great to see people really just being themselves and staying true to who they've been for their whole life, even as they age and undergo some physical changes. I'm sure that dancing is not as easy for this lady now as it was when she was 7, she's probably got a lot more stiffness in her joints and aches and pains, but the fact that she doesn't let it slow her down just makes her a boss all the more! Our culture doesn't seem to usually dwell on the old people like her, who are still out there grabbing life by the horns. We definitely tend to view aging as something much more limiting and negative. It turns out, that's not always the case!

  4. This is a great video! The lady is getting it, maybe a little slower than when she was younger I'm sure, but she's still got the moves! I don't think there anything wrong with it and she's probably the most social person in her neighborhood. Although she is biologically and physically changing she still feels young in her mind and has the drive of a young person, this lady is setting an example for young people. I can only hope I'm that active at her age.

    1. I agree with you grateful in that we choose how we think. And we can think ourselves into any age we want to be. Even though I'm sure she might not feel as physically fit as she once did, she can push the aches and pains out of her mind long enough to enjoy dancing something that obviously makes her happy. And what else is life about?! Wonder Woman001

  5. Yes the challenges of aging is evident as in maybe our moves might be slower. But this 90 year old lady is amazing in my eyes! I love to see people of any age loving the life they were given. People can have their opinions but it's not our right to live this long. We are given the amount of years we are given and people who appreciate that by living their lives to the fullest are truly an inspiration to me. Activity theory states high level of activity increases personal satisfaction in old age, I would say this video proves that! WonderWoman001

    1. I would agree Its definitely not our right to live that long, hard to think that this video is not inspiring to anyone who watches it just because of their culture and agism. Everyday is a gift and should be lived to the fullest and this lady is clearly expressing that.

    2. I agree Wonder Woman she should be inspiration to all the elderly to get out there and live life to the fullest. Aches and pains are part of life they let us know we are still alive. TooTall001

    3. I agree, it is nice to see a 90 year old women this active. This video makes me want to stay active while I am young so that I can be dancing around when I am that age. I am a strong believer that when the elderly stay active they can prolong their life. That lady has more confidence than me when it comes to dancing! Toby001

  6. This video was pretty cool to watch. Dance moves aren't as shocking that she could dance because it should a picture of her in the very end, it seems she has been dancing all her life. But what's more interesting is the attitude and confidence she carried through the three minutes of dancing she did. It is definitely challenging for her now to dance as gracefully as she could, because the aging is pretty evident through her features. But over all kudos to her.

    1. I agree with you and your post. I think the most important thing to realize is that just because we get old and age does not mean we have to lose our confidence or positive attitude. I love meeting people like this because they give you a sense of the future. I know one day I will hopefully live to be “elderly.” I want to remain in control of my mind and body as well as this woman. It is good to have a positive outlook on life and not such a grim one! SVT001.

  7. Shes got the moves, it reminded me of Napoleon Dynamite. I hope I'm that active if I get to her age but I still wont dance. Even with her physical and biological changes she seems to be mentally strong and keeping the dementia at bay. I'm pretty sure she's going to sleep for a couple days after that dance routine. It's great to see her so active. TooTall001

  8. I really enjoyed this video, this lady reminds me of my Nona. My Nona (grandma) is 78 and goes out and dances every Friday night with her other widowed friends. She also plays the accordion at the German-American club for some extra cash. When I am my Nona's age or this ladies age I hope I have just as much spunk. I do not think there is anything wrong for elderly people to have fun and act like teenagers, if that is what keeps them going then more power to them. I look up to my Nona and other elderly family members for wisdom and I hope the generations to come don't lose that sense of respect. Toby001

    1. That's pretty awesome that your grandma still plays an accordion in a band at that age. When my grandma was still alive she used to walk about a half mile every morning until she died at the age of 86. I think all of these examples of healthy elderly people show that people are getting smarter about how to live long and healthy lives. Elderly people now know that exercise and a decent diet can extend their life a few precious years. This is better information than elderly people had 50 years ago and that wave of information about how to live longer will only get better with time. glassonion001

    2. Your grandma sounds like a precious gem! What a life to live! Dancing, friends, and a musician to boot? Toby001, I just hope that you have sat with her and listened to the life lessons she can teach you. I'm sure she's lived a full life and has some insight that make you appreciate the years that are flying by. I'd give anything to go dancing with my grandparents. Arizona001

  9. This video was so entertaining and I laughed from the minute it started. This young lady is 90 years old. In healthcare we get to see people of all ages. I have taken care of many elderly patients. I would say the first thing I learned was never judge a book by its cover. I have a great example of when I saw “aging and getting down.” It is actually not healthcare related. My grandparents live in Texas during the frigid Illinois winters. I was able to go down to visit them for a week a couple of years ago. They live in a retirement community where I assumed all they did was play cards every night. Much to my surprise when I arrived they were going to a concert the park was putting on. I bet there were 190 people ranging in age from 60-105 in the audience. I was the only person under the age of 60 in the building. I was so concerned that the next hour or two of my life I would never get back. A group of men who were around 70-80 years old got on the stage. The first man stood in front of a microphone, the second man grabbed an acoustic guitar; a third man grabbed a bass guitar, the fourth guy sat down at a keyboard, and the fifth man sat down behind a drum set. They started playing and it was amazing. It was a blues sound mixed with boogie woggie and oldies sound. I play music with guys and am in a band. I have never been so shocked to hear the music like I did. They were so good and they knew it. After a couple songs they stopped and said “well folks we have a surprise for you all today.” I looked behind me and every single elderly person in the room was clapping and whistling. All of a sudden I saw this man in the back of the room. He was approximately 80 years of age. He experienced kyphosis of the spine causing him to be bent over a little bit and had all white hair on his head. I looked over at my grandpa and asked him why everyone was freaking out about this old man. He replied “you will see.” I am not even joking; it took 5 minutes for him to walk from the back of the room to the stage because every person in their was so excited he was here. A guy from behind the stage brings out a saxophone and hands it to the elderly man. The band started playing a song and all of the sudden this old man starts shredding on the saxophone. I mean he made Kenny G look like a beginner. Hands down the best saxophone player I have ever seen or witnessed to this day. My grandpa was smiling from ear to ear and looked at me knowing I was impressed. He said “do you know who that is?” I replied “no, but I should….” He said “that is Del Puschert.” I still had absolutely no idea who this old man was. My grandpa informed me” he played with a lot of old rocking stars, I think you may have heard of one… Elvis Presley.” I was so surprised. This little retirement community who I assumed did nothing but sit in the sun had a ligament concert with a guy who was Elvis Presley’s saxophone player. This concert was free and occurred at like 3 pm in the afternoon. This goes to show that the elderly do “get down.” Below is the link of the saxophone player. If you watch him, you will see what I mean!


  10. Like the old saying goes "age is just a number". This lady has a younger heart than people half her age. This type of action by an elderly person in my opinion is socially acceptable because she isn't being promiscuous or kinky. She's just having fun dancing to a song. This is a lady who's characteristics I think we all want to emulate when we're older. She seems to be aware that she's aged, she doesn't care that she's blind, and she still likes to have fun like she did back when she was younger. glassonion001

    1. I agree with you glassonion001. I hope we all have this perspective at 90. Although, I am 37 and can't dance near as well a this woman. It really reinforced what Professor White said about our personality not changing much with age, after seeing old photos of her dancing at 7 years old. Packers001

    2. That is a great point that you made. I had forgotten that she said she was blind. She was cool, but now she's pretty amazing! To rock out like that, and not lose balance especially when she's lacking senses was neat to watch. Just to be that old and frail, and walk without a cane, or walker is great, but that was amazing. What could be socially unacceptable about a cool old lady keeping it real? Rosebudd001

  11. This makes me smile. My grandmother was famous for saying, "home is where you go when there is no where else to go". She loved to have a good time. She lived to be 87. We all have some form of prejudice against elderly. However, people are living longer and elderly don't always fit the sociological perspective we apply to them. Gerontology gets a lot of jokes, but its a worthwhile area for study. Its also easy to dismiss elderly when your young because you think its a long way away, but with age, comes more respect and admiration for those in their last years of life. I was pleased to hear, in class, that older Americans are making real progress in quality of life. I believe in the activity theory. I plan on staying active in my graying years, and leading a active and extraordinary life. Packers001

  12. How cute!! I like when the elderly are still spunky and have a good sense of humor. This lady, clearly, is loving life. She knows how to have fun and doesn’t care about what you think. When people live like that, it’s such a breath of fresh air to see. If anyone has anything bad to say about people dancing and having fun, then they need to take a good look at themselves and quit being so serious. My grandparents have health problems and my grandmother has Alzheimers. I’d love to see them dance and have fun like this. Arizona001

    1. I was thinking the same thing lol. It's cute haha :) Lot's of confidence she seemed to have.
      I've seen my grandparents dance before at family party's and stuff. It's nice to see them enjoy life. Though I be like be careful now.

  13. Omi word I was hoping she wouldn't hurt herself through the video. Just WOW!
    Plus she was a dancer when she was younger. So, that explains a big part. I think that based on what one liked doing in one's younger life's an elderly person is more likely to try to continue doing. Plus, I think that for some elderly people their confidence boosts up a lot, which can lead to trying different things in life etc.

  14. I'm not even sure how to comment on this post. It was entertaining for the first minute, then it was annoying for the second minute, then it was sad for the last minute as I imagined what kind of a person she has been throughout her life and how she has been physically reduced to joking around about dancing instead of actually being able to do it eloquently. It brings just one of the things we as human beings for certain have in common, we all grow old and die. That process is frightening. For this woman, her love for dancing was prevalent throughout her life, and getting old hindered her ability to do what she loves. My family on my father's side has a record of dementia, my grandfather is going through about his second year with serious symptoms. To me, my brain is my life. My memory, my ability to reason, my inquisitive nature, and my internal visual constructions are an integral part of who I am. My grandfather is trapped in his own mind, his ability to form language and communicate has been reduced to the simplest functions. On his good days, I can look into his eyes and see his intellect working, struggling to get out exactly what he is trying to say to me. My family has been perfecting a questioning strategy we use to figure out what he wants to say, using only his affirmative or negative responses. His body is functional besides the normal aging that occurs at 75 years old. He is trapped in his own mind in his old age. Even before his symptoms began it was always my worst fear to be completely paralyzed but still conscious. My nightmares involve me laying in a hospital bed, getting looked over by doctors and family, and being unable to tell them that I am still there. My day dreams involve working out ways to take preventative action so that I would be able to communicate. This, in part, has driven me towards the field of Neurology. It is too late for my grandfather, I want to help develop a cure for dementia for my own father, who's clock is ticking at 49, and eventually me, who's clock is also ticking. All of us have ticking clocks, it's just a matter of time before you realize that it is ticking a lot faster than you perceive. FreedomUnderGod001

    1. How were you not entertained. Yes, her moves were very simple and I'm sure all of us can learn them but it impressive. I never thought about it the way you just did, and you make a great point. It is very sad to see this lady possibly doing this as a joke, knowing she won't get the same reactions she may have had when she was younger. This brings me back to idea of a role exit. Maybe this is all she has to hold on to. Taylojj2

    2. FreedomUnderGod, that was inspiring. It is painful to see family members ability to communicate slowly deteriorate. In 2010 one of my uncles was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. With in months of his diagnosis his speech was beginning to be affected. It was most painful for his young daughter, whom he had much difficulty explaining what he was going through and express his love for her. He died 9 months later. Having our ability to communicate taken from us is one of the most heart wrenching experiences I can think of. I pray God will prepare you for the road ahead of you and bless you with success. Karma001

  15. Wow ! British flag rock t, and bright red lipstick; and she listens to the stuff her grandkids dance and sing to -she was cool! That's the kind of grandpa, i'll be, wearing a rock t-shirt having fun. She just proved that age is all about what you think, not to mention that she has been dancing since 1928. I can easily imagine her all sophisticated in the 30's and 40's , then rocking poodle skirts, and now Christina! Exercise is a proven bone strenghener, good for your heart, joints and even works out your brain. She has done herself a great service by dancing her heart out. Rosebudd001

    1. I agree with you I find Ithink cool how shes listening to today's youth music l. Then shes 90 and can still move like that it does she exercise is good for you.I wish when I get her age I can still move like that.Player001

  16. This is something I'm seeing more and more of. The elderly are surprising me all the time. First off, I never thought I would see and elderly white lady dancing to usher on beat! I'm very impressed. When a lot of us think of the elderly, we think fragile and slow moving. Most probably out not even know songs that are a bit out of their time. This bring me to my next idea. Did this woman do this because she wanted something to do? This is a great example of activity theory in my opinion. This seems like a planned routine. Just as it would for anyone, it takes thought and effort. Taylojj2

  17. I honestly don’t know what to make of this video. Half of me sides with the majority of responses that say “go grandma, shake your groove thang,” but the other half of me thinks we might be unintentionally patronizing towards this woman. I feel that we are to quick to comment that the video is “entertaining” while not realizing how we are still observing the elderly woman as solely, well, entertaining or humorous. It’s belittling to be seen that way, as an object of humor which cannot be taken seriously. I may be overreacting but it’s better to be mindful of ourselves than absentmindedly entertained. Karma001

  18. I really like this video and find it entertaining how a 90 year old can move so well. before I saw the video I had stereotypes of the elderly and I find it cool how this went against what I thought which was that she gone be old and really can't move make use a Kane. A lot of my stereotypes is based on the older people I know in my life time .how by age 90 they need help getting around and probably couldn't do that With the help. Player001

  19. The 90 year old woman was adorable in the video. I don’t see anything wrong with having fun. Just because she cannot hear or see doesn’t mean she needs to stop living her life. She is still breathing, walking so why stop living? The dance moves she was doing was just enough to entertain herself without hurting anything. I commend her for not giving up and continuing to live her life her way. As you get older body parts do not work like they use to and at 90 most elders would be in bed and being waited on hand and foot but not this 90 year old. Good for her. LAWS001


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