I really don't know what to say about this topic. Is increasing college success of women due to the social evolution of gender integration; resulting from feminism? Or, men are choosing the work force, as a preference, over school? I personally chose work over school, as a young man, because i started a family in my early 20's. I am returning to school now, after beginning more than 15 yrs ago. However, my wife chose school after we finished having children, graduated, and has followed it with a successful career. Regardless of gender, I think people seize the opportunity when it arrives, and this is clearly the great time for women. I believe in gender equality, and we practice it in our home with shared responsibilities across the board. Packers001
I appreciate a family that works together it only makes sense and will help you get to where you want to go. The fact is Packers your wife was successful because she worked hard but also because she had your support at home. And now it's your turn. I think that's awesome. If we could work together more as men and women we could go so much farther than we are now. Wonder Woman001
I appreciate what you said about seizing the opportunity when it arrives, Packers. I think it's really important to always be on the lookout for opportunities and to try and seize them whenever they present themselves. If you're never caught sitting back on your heels, you can seize the day! It's also really great that you have modeled your family in such a way that you share the load with your wife. I'm sure working together has strengthened your marriage and helped you to be more fluid in the roles and responsibilities you share so that you can both succeed! thestig001
I think if all the families in the states lived this way the united states would be in a lot better shape than it is right now! Although I am now happily divorced and going back to school, my ex of 20 yrs was able to graduate with her bachelors degree from bradley because we worked together and catered our lives around each others schedule to get ahead as much as we could so that we would each be successful. grateful001
It is important to seize the opportunity of education when it arises. I think women in our society today have a stronger will to seize the opportunity. I am not saying that men do not want education just as bad as women; the stats just show that women are doing a better job at attaining the goals. I think this is pushing our society even further towards gender equality. Women in the future should be able to make the exact same as men if they are doing the same jobs at the same functional level. SVT001.
I agree with what you said Packers001 because this day in age more people are attending college than they ever have so far. It might be because people have more opportunities now to attend and some women are expected to get a career and attend college. This might have to do with the fact that there are many single moms now that they need to better themselves to set better expectations for their children and to better support them. This video was interesting but kind of a hard topic to talk about because there can be so many different views from it. Summer001
I agree with you totally, that whenever an opportunity comes up for education one must grab it. My mom joined back school after 15 years now and she got this chance now to complete her education. Regardless of woman or man I think all paths should be equal for everybody. khush001
Packers001 your plan seems to be working great! Good for you guys to come together and have a plan to make it work. I believe that is the problem in this society many people do not have a plan and continue to push their education back until they feel it is the right time but never do they go through with what they say. Continuing with minimum wage jobs is fine if that’s what they want to settle with but for some people that is not enough and want to go farther and make a career. LAWS001
I would take a guess that after referring to the table in our book showing how women and men think women should be spending their time in the home caring for the family, the gap is closing this might be why women are becoming more successful in our society. Basically as a woman the one who gives birth, has to make a choice between having a baby and/or going to college. I've seen it a million times. You make a choice and you live with the consequences. The women who stay at home with the children since they are one income family they can't afford childcare for her to go to college so she's stuck at home until the child is in school full-time, generally speaking. And then the woman who chooses to go to work and then later in life might deal with having kids but is she then going to throw her career away that she worked so hard to build to stay home or will someone else raise her children while she keeps moving up? Since men in our society today do way more to help raise children and keep the house women have more opportunity to get out of the house to go to school on top of the different ways we can further our education like going online for instance. I definitely think that the support you have while going to school is HUGE! It's very difficult and support is needed especially when you add in bills, work, kids, life etc. WonderWoman001
I completely agree with you on this subject. Men need to step up and join the team or get the H out of the way. If both partners put in 100% there is nothing stopping them. TooTall001
Interesting video. Ms. Ewert's research really seems to have uncovered some pretty common sense reasons as to why the shift occurred from more men graduating to more women graduating, mainly academic success, attendance, and being socially integrated on campus. It's cool to see how her research draws on some of the same terminology that Durkheim's research produced and seems to correlate. Durkheim's research showed that people who were more socially integrated were less likely to commit suicide, and in this case, people who were more socially integrated on a college campus were more likely to graduate. I also think part of the reason more women graduate now is a result of the feminist movement, which has helped to break down some of the stigma's which society gave women, especially the stigma that says women are not good at science. At the college I attend during the school year, most of my science classes have at least as many girls and guys and in many cases, my female friends outperform my male friends! thestig001
Good point about women and science, showing that you see the trend for a correction in the research, in a tangible first hand observation. Why are we pushing women toward this field though? Do we have to have equal proportions in all fields of study? Maybe women aren't always drawn to these studies. I have not reservation that they are more than qualified and smart enough to be successful in those fields. Maybe its not all about inequality and more about free will in some instances. Packers001
I liked how you said Ms. Ewert "uncovered some pretty common sense reasons" about why more women are now graduating than men. To me, and I am assuming you, the reasons she stated were common sense. My parents have taught me how to manage my time, encouraged me to get involved, and show up to class. For some people, they were not taught that or just don't want to do that. I also liked how you connected Durkheim's study to Ms. Ewert' study. It makes sense though. When people are connected to other people, they tend to live longer. swimmer001
I don't think this study was very revolutionary at all. It supposedly uncovered some pretty common sense reasons, but you don't need to do an extensive scientific study to understand common sense. The qualities of successful graduates that she speaks of echoes almost directly what was advised that I should do by my family while in college. FreedomUnderGod001
Through Ewerts research it has shown that in general people who were earned better grades graduated. It was also found that people who were in sports were also more likely to graduate. The video explained that in our society today women are more likely to graduate college than men. I think that women develop quicker than men. As you are graduating high school if you asked the high school population what they wanted to be after high school, I bet women would know what they wanted to do more so than men. It is important to emphasize the importance of education in high school. Most high schools are now offering college credit classes so individuals can get ahead. It is clear there is a difference in genders and college education. I am a firm believer that higher education will open doors for you as a person in society. If you put the work in weather you are a man or women you will have a greater chance at financially and socially succeeding. SVT001.
I do think that this is great research done but I'm not surprised by any of it. I've seen this throughout my life. Students who were disciplined in sports were also great students. It was a requirement in order to play. I have also always seen my sister do better a me throughout life academically, so seeing Ewarts' research really makes me feel a lot better. I do like that high schools are offering college credit courses. It gives kids a way to be prepared for college courses in order to succeed. I will say that being a male, I still bust my tail to try and stand out from males and females academically. Taylojj2
In the past the man went to work while the wife stayed at home, as more women have entered the work force males haves not had to carry the full load so to speak and could be slacking off? At the same time women are gaining more rites than they ever had and could just be taking advantage of something their generation has not been able to do in the past fews centuries. grateful001
I agree that women have been stunted in education, and in industry in the past. Because of civil liberties, they are finally accepted as equal counterparts. And now are surpassing men in education. I believe that it is because women are braver and take advantage of opportunities. However, the reason that sports and social clubs are a factual benefeit to college graduates, is because if you don't maintain a good grade average, then you'll be inelligable to participate. Kinda hard to play football when your benched or cut from the team because of failing grades. Sports and clubs are usually made up of a group of organized, and competitive people. It wouldn't be a streatch to assume that someone dedicated to an activity, would put equal energy into school to succeed. Rosebudd001
A woman succeeding in college because of stronger ties to her community makes sense after covering the statistics about suicide and weak ties in those communities. If we have a community that surrounds us with similar goals and who make life more enjoyable along the way of meeting those goals, then, absolutely, success should be expected. I don’t know if I agree with this being the only factor to their success. Perhaps the expectations have shifted and too many children have seen the poverty that their mother provided and choose to do something about it before they have children of their own to provide for. Arizona001
I thought that it was interesting that women graduated and attended college more than men. Typically men go to work whike women stay home and do housework and watch the children. If a family can afford day care then the mother could attend college while the father is working and the chldren are at day care. Ones who are more physically active tend to graduate college because they have priorities and this helps them stay focused and have better expectations. Yet again, you don't have to be in sports to graduate college if you have your priorities straight. For example, my cousin graduated college about two years ago and she was not involved in any sports. There are many people who do graduate college without being in any sport. So I don't know if agree with that part but it does make a little sense. Also, I have noticed in majority of my classses that there are more women than men in the classes. Summer001
I thought it was interesting that she said how the gender who is more involved in sports or other activities are more likely to graduate from college. This makes a lot of sense because those people have learned commitment. They know that once they start something they finish it. Also, it makes sense that because men took more time off of college to take a part-time job or something that they would be less likely to graduate. The men that did that then maybe realized how much they wanted to be done with school and then just quit. I thought it was interesting how she talked about how she recommended showing up to class will increase the likelihood of graduating. To me not showing up to class is not an option. But for some people that is not the case. It may look as if the college system is being sexist, but really women are just working harder to graduate from college. Because of this, men are now starting to become a minority in college graduation ceremonies. swimmer001
I thought it was interesting as well that the students who were involved in sports had a high graduation rate. It makes sense though because now more than ever coaches are not just being evaluated on what they do on the field, but what they do off of it as well. Part of the of-field evaluation is the teams graduation rate. Also it makes sense because if your'e on a team and are getting bad grades the athlete isn't just letting themselves down, but also letting the whole team down. This sense of embarrassment can be a motivator to many students. glassonion001
I'm glad that women have changed the tide so to speak and now more women are graduating college then men are. It sounds like men have become lazier now that we share the work load. We are in a society now that the more stuff you have the happier we think we are and by splitting the load we are able to buy more stuff. Real men need to split the load at home, it's a teamwork that gets us closer to our financial freedoms. TooTall001
I think it's really nice that women are becoming more independent and breaking out of norms from staying at their home and doing household chores. To add up, the economy and the way everything is moving faster it demands for each and every individual to put their best foot forward and get where they want to. I am not sure what exactly must be causing men to drop out of college or not graduating but for women, Feminism is so strong in today's world that to prove to males it is important for them to secure themselves. Khush001
I agree, I love hearing these findings because I believe that getting an education is the best thing you can do for yourself. When I graduate and potentially get married I want to be able to contribute to my family. I also find that having a good career is fulfilling, I want to feel like I am helping society out in some way. Toby001
I agree with all of her findings, I think that everything she listed off is essential to graduating. I was at an advantage when I began college because I had an idea of what the course load would be like due to my sister being in college at the time and my parents both having degrees. I'm a little surprised though that more women graduate college than men. I guess it is surprising to me because a lot of the men that I grew up knowing and looking to as role models all had college degrees of some kind. But this is just my experiences and clearly the general trend would say otherwise. glassonion001
I liked how this video talked about how women have surpassed men in graduating from college. However, I think this video was steered more towards just the topic of how to increase a students likelihood of graduating. The speaker suggested taking preparation classes before even attending school which, I agree it could help. Perhaps women are more likely to graduate because women are known for being able to multitask better than men. So, with that being said maybe it is possible women can work a job and get through school faster and more efficiently. I know there are studies saying that all of that is just made up but maybe there is some truth to it (I'm not trying to say women are better than men, I believe we are all equal). Toby001
I agree with you she never really told way women are graduating more then men . She more she stated why people are graduating from college. She doesn't go in to much detail and all about the reasons they graduate .
It is interesting to me to think of this as a true fact. When education turned into universities in the 1930's , women were rarely allowed to attend. Then the workforce didn't even trust women to use their skills, as they were severely defeated by male prejudice. And now women are surpassing men in academic successes. I believe that it is still up to the man to provide for his family, which is why I just automatically worked where the job was steady w/ insurance benefeits. I put off my college to work. I WAS a prime example of why men aren't completing degrees. Women may have the time to complete a degree if their spouses pay the bills. Another probability why women are gaining academic strides, could in fact include social activities as an important tool during college years. Women are more apt to design a study group, and rely on friends for support. Rosebudd001
I agree with your opinion how many men are still expected to be the breadwinners of the family. While this is slowly being changes and it is more likely to be both spouses working it is still the men who are expected to pay the bills. If there is a family and the dad doesn't have a job then he is seen as lazy. However in the same family if the women doesn't have a job it isn't seen as bad as the man without a job. Delta001
Men in the 1980’s were more likely to graduate college before woman and now it is reversed which I can see due to woman taking care of the families at home and the men getting educations to support the families. I do feel like that is a precise study the ones who do better academic are more likely to graduate I mean why would you not graduate when you have the good grades right in front of you. I always tell everyone when you graduate high school go straight to college taking that break from school will make you push it back when it comes time to go. Social integration is also very critical to graduating students getting involved will help them with graduating study groups, taking classes with people you may know. LAWS001
I think this makes a lot of sense because as we have learned in class women are better in social areas. Then there are a lot of new women sports that how been coming out and as it said in the video sports tie in to graduating. going in to the social aspect I think women are more likely to ask for help to improve there grades. Then you have the better grades you get the more likely you are to graduate. I think that one is just more common since if I'm getting good grades I'm gone graduate more than likely. I also think we are just more mature boys like to do stupid things a lot of the time and are not really thinking about college. Player001
I also thought it was interesting that she brought up sports in her research. Having that social structure can be critical in an individual's college career. I wonder if there is any correlation between women surpassing men in graduation rates and the 1972 Education Amendment called Title IX, which meant women had to have an equal opportunity to men for participating in sports. That would be an interesting study. Karma001
It seems to me that a lot of the reasons that she uncovered were common sense. It would seem pretty obvious to me that the reason more and more women are attending college is because of the fact that women aren't expected to stay at home anymore. With more opportunities open in the workplace many women want to have more than just a job and to have a career. These are much easier to come by with a college degree. The reason that I believe that more women than men are graduating is that women can adapt to change of social environments better than men in my experience. Delta001
I do agree with this each graduation I go I do tend to see a lot more female walking across the stage. In the study done by the speaker, women are more involved in organizations and activities on campus which make their likelihood of graduating higher. I also l would like point out that at my job, a lot more men have exhaled in the company without a degree. Women have had to prove themselves by having that degree and experience when getting high paid jobs. I think it's very unfair and needs to be changed. Taylojj2
The observation of social isolation common among males is what really fascinated me in this podcast. It reminded my of an episode in This American Life (another podcast) which recounted the experience of a reporter's investigation in college dropouts from a particular area in New York city. Of the the stories shared was that of an African-American man who had received a prestigious scholarship yet was still expelled after his sophomore year due to his failing academics. The reporter reports how the young man was intelligent and quite able to handle college courses. The reason he struggle so much in school was that he could not afford books so he could never keep up in classes, and since he did not want to stigmatized as unintelligent for his race he stopped going to classes entirely. He isolated himself and did not reach out for services at his college specifically designed to aid people in his situation. This man’s ex girlfriend had a similar experience, only she reached out to one of her teachers and received aid. It’s like the age old conflict of men stopping to ask for directions: sometimes isolating ourselves to figuring things out on our own will only get us more lost than when we started. Karma001
I argue that the reason that the gender inequality in colleges have been equaling out in more recent times has not been because of the liberation or hard work of the female population. The female potential has always been there and has been mainly focus on civilizational growth instead of individual society growth. Traditionally, women have put their time and effort into raising the best children possible to give them the best chances to succeed at anything they wish. This has perpetuated over the last couple millenniums, resulting in a massive boom in global civilizational growth. The dichotomy of the sexes allowed human beings to specialize into the specific roles that provided the more efficient route to success. The reason the gender inequality in colleges has changed so dramatically is because of the systematic targeted destruction of both traditional civilization and masculine specializations. It is no secret that the public school system in the US has become toxic to the average boy. The old adage "boys will be boys" is no longer accepted in today's society. The result of this backward civilizational regression has not led itself to the enlightenment of our society, instead it has led to the destruction of every empire and country that adopted this strategy. We are currently seeing the effects of this ideology in the modern US. There are many reasons why we have lost economic, world political, military, and moral global dominance. History has recorded the results of these empires and their inevitable conclusion if they are not shifted away from it's self-destruction. If the US continues on this path of equality in all aspects of life, we will stand no chance in comparison to other world powers. That's why I want to learn Mandarin and invest in China. Assuming that the US is collapsing under itself and that there will be no major global warfare, they will be the most successful civilization throughout this next century. If you open up your eyes and notice, they still hold a core family unit that specializes efficiently. FreedomUnderGod001
I really don't know what to say about this topic. Is increasing college success of women due to the social evolution of gender integration; resulting from feminism? Or, men are choosing the work force, as a preference, over school? I personally chose work over school, as a young man, because i started a family in my early 20's. I am returning to school now, after beginning more than 15 yrs ago. However, my wife chose school after we finished having children, graduated, and has followed it with a successful career. Regardless of gender, I think people seize the opportunity when it arrives, and this is clearly the great time for women. I believe in gender equality, and we practice it in our home with shared responsibilities across the board. Packers001
ReplyDeleteI appreciate a family that works together it only makes sense and will help you get to where you want to go. The fact is Packers your wife was successful because she worked hard but also because she had your support at home. And now it's your turn. I think that's awesome. If we could work together more as men and women we could go so much farther than we are now. Wonder Woman001
DeleteI appreciate what you said about seizing the opportunity when it arrives, Packers. I think it's really important to always be on the lookout for opportunities and to try and seize them whenever they present themselves. If you're never caught sitting back on your heels, you can seize the day! It's also really great that you have modeled your family in such a way that you share the load with your wife. I'm sure working together has strengthened your marriage and helped you to be more fluid in the roles and responsibilities you share so that you can both succeed!
I think if all the families in the states lived this way the united states would be in a lot better shape than it is right now! Although I am now happily divorced and going back to school, my ex of 20 yrs was able to graduate with her bachelors degree from bradley because we worked together and catered our lives around each others schedule to get ahead as much as we could so that we would each be successful.
It is important to seize the opportunity of education when it arises. I think women in our society today have a stronger will to seize the opportunity. I am not saying that men do not want education just as bad as women; the stats just show that women are doing a better job at attaining the goals. I think this is pushing our society even further towards gender equality. Women in the future should be able to make the exact same as men if they are doing the same jobs at the same functional level. SVT001.
DeleteI agree with what you said Packers001 because this day in age more people are attending college than they ever have so far. It might be because people have more opportunities now to attend and some women are expected to get a career and attend college. This might have to do with the fact that there are many single moms now that they need to better themselves to set better expectations for their children and to better support them. This video was interesting but kind of a hard topic to talk about because there can be so many different views from it.
I agree with you totally, that whenever an opportunity comes up for education one must grab it. My mom joined back school after 15 years now and she got this chance now to complete her education. Regardless of woman or man I think all paths should be equal for everybody.
Packers001 your plan seems to be working great! Good for you guys to come together and have a plan to make it work. I believe that is the problem in this society many people do not have a plan and continue to push their education back until they feel it is the right time but never do they go through with what they say. Continuing with minimum wage jobs is fine if that’s what they want to settle with but for some people that is not enough and want to go farther and make a career. LAWS001
DeleteI would take a guess that after referring to the table in our book showing how women and men think women should be spending their time in the home caring for the family, the gap is closing this might be why women are becoming more successful in our society. Basically as a woman the one who gives birth, has to make a choice between having a baby and/or going to college. I've seen it a million times. You make a choice and you live with the consequences. The women who stay at home with the children since they are one income family they can't afford childcare for her to go to college so she's stuck at home until the child is in school full-time, generally speaking. And then the woman who chooses to go to work and then later in life might deal with having kids but is she then going to throw her career away that she worked so hard to build to stay home or will someone else raise her children while she keeps moving up? Since men in our society today do way more to help raise children and keep the house women have more opportunity to get out of the house to go to school on top of the different ways we can further our education like going online for instance. I definitely think that the support you have while going to school is HUGE! It's very difficult and support is needed especially when you add in bills, work, kids, life etc. WonderWoman001
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you on this subject. Men need to step up and join the team or get the H out of the way. If both partners put in 100% there is nothing stopping them. TooTall001
DeleteInteresting video. Ms. Ewert's research really seems to have uncovered some pretty common sense reasons as to why the shift occurred from more men graduating to more women graduating, mainly academic success, attendance, and being socially integrated on campus. It's cool to see how her research draws on some of the same terminology that Durkheim's research produced and seems to correlate. Durkheim's research showed that people who were more socially integrated were less likely to commit suicide, and in this case, people who were more socially integrated on a college campus were more likely to graduate. I also think part of the reason more women graduate now is a result of the feminist movement, which has helped to break down some of the stigma's which society gave women, especially the stigma that says women are not good at science. At the college I attend during the school year, most of my science classes have at least as many girls and guys and in many cases, my female friends outperform my male friends!
Good point about women and science, showing that you see the trend for a correction in the research, in a tangible first hand observation. Why are we pushing women toward this field though? Do we have to have equal proportions in all fields of study? Maybe women aren't always drawn to these studies. I have not reservation that they are more than qualified and smart enough to be successful in those fields. Maybe its not all about inequality and more about free will in some instances. Packers001
DeleteI liked how you said Ms. Ewert "uncovered some pretty common sense reasons" about why more women are now graduating than men. To me, and I am assuming you, the reasons she stated were common sense. My parents have taught me how to manage my time, encouraged me to get involved, and show up to class. For some people, they were not taught that or just don't want to do that. I also liked how you connected Durkheim's study to Ms. Ewert' study. It makes sense though. When people are connected to other people, they tend to live longer.
I don't think this study was very revolutionary at all. It supposedly uncovered some pretty common sense reasons, but you don't need to do an extensive scientific study to understand common sense. The qualities of successful graduates that she speaks of echoes almost directly what was advised that I should do by my family while in college. FreedomUnderGod001
DeleteThrough Ewerts research it has shown that in general people who were earned better grades graduated. It was also found that people who were in sports were also more likely to graduate. The video explained that in our society today women are more likely to graduate college than men. I think that women develop quicker than men. As you are graduating high school if you asked the high school population what they wanted to be after high school, I bet women would know what they wanted to do more so than men. It is important to emphasize the importance of education in high school. Most high schools are now offering college credit classes so individuals can get ahead. It is clear there is a difference in genders and college education. I am a firm believer that higher education will open doors for you as a person in society. If you put the work in weather you are a man or women you will have a greater chance at financially and socially succeeding. SVT001.
ReplyDeleteI do think that this is great research done but I'm not surprised by any of it. I've seen this throughout my life. Students who were disciplined in sports were also great students. It was a requirement in order to play. I have also always seen my sister do better a me throughout life academically, so seeing Ewarts' research really makes me feel a lot better. I do like that high schools are offering college credit courses. It gives kids a way to be prepared for college courses in order to succeed. I will say that being a male, I still bust my tail to try and stand out from males and females academically. Taylojj2
DeleteIn the past the man went to work while the wife stayed at home, as more women have entered the work force males haves not had to carry the full load so to speak and could be slacking off? At the same time women are gaining more rites than they ever had and could just be taking advantage of something their generation has not been able to do in the past fews centuries.
I agree that women have been stunted in education, and in industry in the past. Because of civil liberties, they are finally accepted as equal counterparts. And now are surpassing men in education. I believe that it is because women are braver and take advantage of opportunities.
DeleteHowever, the reason that sports and social clubs are a factual benefeit to college graduates, is because if you don't maintain a good grade average, then you'll be inelligable to participate. Kinda hard to play football when your benched or cut from the team because of failing grades. Sports and clubs are usually made up of a group of organized, and competitive people. It wouldn't be a streatch to assume that someone dedicated to an activity, would put equal energy into school to succeed. Rosebudd001
A woman succeeding in college because of stronger ties to her community makes sense after covering the statistics about suicide and weak ties in those communities. If we have a community that surrounds us with similar goals and who make life more enjoyable along the way of meeting those goals, then, absolutely, success should be expected. I don’t know if I agree with this being the only factor to their success. Perhaps the expectations have shifted and too many children have seen the poverty that their mother provided and choose to do something about it before they have children of their own to provide for. Arizona001
ReplyDeleteI thought that it was interesting that women graduated and attended college more than men. Typically men go to work whike women stay home and do housework and watch the children. If a family can afford day care then the mother could attend college while the father is working and the chldren are at day care. Ones who are more physically active tend to graduate college because they have priorities and this helps them stay focused and have better expectations. Yet again, you don't have to be in sports to graduate college if you have your priorities straight. For example, my cousin graduated college about two years ago and she was not involved in any sports. There are many people who do graduate college without being in any sport. So I don't know if agree with that part but it does make a little sense. Also, I have noticed in majority of my classses that there are more women than men in the classes.
I thought it was interesting that she said how the gender who is more involved in sports or other activities are more likely to graduate from college. This makes a lot of sense because those people have learned commitment. They know that once they start something they finish it. Also, it makes sense that because men took more time off of college to take a part-time job or something that they would be less likely to graduate. The men that did that then maybe realized how much they wanted to be done with school and then just quit. I thought it was interesting how she talked about how she recommended showing up to class will increase the likelihood of graduating. To me not showing up to class is not an option. But for some people that is not the case. It may look as if the college system is being sexist, but really women are just working harder to graduate from college. Because of this, men are now starting to become a minority in college graduation ceremonies.
I thought it was interesting as well that the students who were involved in sports had a high graduation rate. It makes sense though because now more than ever coaches are not just being evaluated on what they do on the field, but what they do off of it as well. Part of the of-field evaluation is the teams graduation rate. Also it makes sense because if your'e on a team and are getting bad grades the athlete isn't just letting themselves down, but also letting the whole team down. This sense of embarrassment can be a motivator to many students. glassonion001
DeleteI'm glad that women have changed the tide so to speak and now more women are graduating college then men are. It sounds like men have become lazier now that we share the work load. We are in a society now that the more stuff you have the happier we think we are and by splitting the load we are able to buy more stuff. Real men need to split the load at home, it's a teamwork that gets us closer to our financial freedoms. TooTall001
ReplyDeleteI think it's really nice that women are becoming more independent and breaking out of norms from staying at their home and doing household chores. To add up, the economy and the way everything is moving faster it demands for each and every individual to put their best foot forward and get where they want to. I am not sure what exactly must be causing men to drop out of college or not graduating but for women, Feminism is so strong in today's world that to prove to males it is important for them to secure themselves. Khush001
ReplyDeleteI agree, I love hearing these findings because I believe that getting an education is the best thing you can do for yourself. When I graduate and potentially get married I want to be able to contribute to my family. I also find that having a good career is fulfilling, I want to feel like I am helping society out in some way. Toby001
DeleteI agree with all of her findings, I think that everything she listed off is essential to graduating. I was at an advantage when I began college because I had an idea of what the course load would be like due to my sister being in college at the time and my parents both having degrees. I'm a little surprised though that more women graduate college than men. I guess it is surprising to me because a lot of the men that I grew up knowing and looking to as role models all had college degrees of some kind. But this is just my experiences and clearly the general trend would say otherwise. glassonion001
ReplyDeleteI liked how this video talked about how women have surpassed men in graduating from college. However, I think this video was steered more towards just the topic of how to increase a students likelihood of graduating. The speaker suggested taking preparation classes before even attending school which, I agree it could help. Perhaps women are more likely to graduate because women are known for being able to multitask better than men. So, with that being said maybe it is possible women can work a job and get through school faster and more efficiently. I know there are studies saying that all of that is just made up but maybe there is some truth to it (I'm not trying to say women are better than men, I believe we are all equal). Toby001
ReplyDeleteI agree with you she never really told way women are graduating more then men . She more she stated why people are graduating from college. She doesn't go in to much detail and all about the reasons they graduate .
DeleteIt is interesting to me to think of this as a true fact. When education turned into universities in the 1930's , women were rarely allowed to attend. Then the workforce didn't even trust women to use their skills, as they were severely defeated by male prejudice. And now women are surpassing men in academic successes. I believe that it is still up to the man to provide for his family, which is why I just automatically worked where the job was steady w/ insurance benefeits. I put off my college to work. I WAS a prime example of why men aren't completing degrees. Women may have the time to complete a degree if their spouses pay the bills. Another probability why women are gaining academic strides, could in fact include social activities as an important tool during college years. Women are more apt to design a study group, and rely on friends for support. Rosebudd001
ReplyDeleteI agree with your opinion how many men are still expected to be the breadwinners of the family. While this is slowly being changes and it is more likely to be both spouses working it is still the men who are expected to pay the bills. If there is a family and the dad doesn't have a job then he is seen as lazy. However in the same family if the women doesn't have a job it isn't seen as bad as the man without a job.
Men in the 1980’s were more likely to graduate college before woman and now it is reversed which I can see due to woman taking care of the families at home and the men getting educations to support the families. I do feel like that is a precise study the ones who do better academic are more likely to graduate I mean why would you not graduate when you have the good grades right in front of you. I always tell everyone when you graduate high school go straight to college taking that break from school will make you push it back when it comes time to go. Social integration is also very critical to graduating students getting involved will help them with graduating study groups, taking classes with people you may know. LAWS001
ReplyDeleteI think this makes a lot of sense because as we have learned in class women are better in social areas. Then there are a lot of new women sports that how been coming out and as it said in the video sports tie in to graduating. going in to the social aspect I think women are more likely to ask for help to improve there grades. Then you have the better grades you get the more likely you are to graduate. I think that one is just more common since if I'm getting good grades I'm gone graduate more than likely. I also think we are just more mature boys like to do stupid things a lot of the time and are not really thinking about college. Player001
ReplyDeleteI also thought it was interesting that she brought up sports in her research. Having that social structure can be critical in an individual's college career. I wonder if there is any correlation between women surpassing men in graduation rates and the 1972 Education Amendment called Title IX, which meant women had to have an equal opportunity to men for participating in sports. That would be an interesting study. Karma001
DeleteIt seems to me that a lot of the reasons that she uncovered were common sense. It would seem pretty obvious to me that the reason more and more women are attending college is because of the fact that women aren't expected to stay at home anymore. With more opportunities open in the workplace many women want to have more than just a job and to have a career. These are much easier to come by with a college degree. The reason that I believe that more women than men are graduating is that women can adapt to change of social environments better than men in my experience.
I do agree with this each graduation I go I do tend to see a lot more female walking across the stage. In the study done by the speaker, women are more involved in organizations and activities on campus which make their likelihood of graduating higher. I also l would like point out that at my job, a lot more men have exhaled in the company without a degree. Women have had to prove themselves by having that degree and experience when getting high paid jobs. I think it's very unfair and needs to be changed. Taylojj2
ReplyDeleteThe observation of social isolation common among males is what really fascinated me in this podcast. It reminded my of an episode in This American Life (another podcast) which recounted the experience of a reporter's investigation in college dropouts from a particular area in New York city. Of the the stories shared was that of an African-American man who had received a prestigious scholarship yet was still expelled after his sophomore year due to his failing academics. The reporter reports how the young man was intelligent and quite able to handle college courses. The reason he struggle so much in school was that he could not afford books so he could never keep up in classes, and since he did not want to stigmatized as unintelligent for his race he stopped going to classes entirely. He isolated himself and did not reach out for services at his college specifically designed to aid people in his situation. This man’s ex girlfriend had a similar experience, only she reached out to one of her teachers and received aid. It’s like the age old conflict of men stopping to ask for directions: sometimes isolating ourselves to figuring things out on our own will only get us more lost than when we started. Karma001
ReplyDeleteI argue that the reason that the gender inequality in colleges have been equaling out in more recent times has not been because of the liberation or hard work of the female population. The female potential has always been there and has been mainly focus on civilizational growth instead of individual society growth. Traditionally, women have put their time and effort into raising the best children possible to give them the best chances to succeed at anything they wish. This has perpetuated over the last couple millenniums, resulting in a massive boom in global civilizational growth. The dichotomy of the sexes allowed human beings to specialize into the specific roles that provided the more efficient route to success. The reason the gender inequality in colleges has changed so dramatically is because of the systematic targeted destruction of both traditional civilization and masculine specializations. It is no secret that the public school system in the US has become toxic to the average boy. The old adage "boys will be boys" is no longer accepted in today's society. The result of this backward civilizational regression has not led itself to the enlightenment of our society, instead it has led to the destruction of every empire and country that adopted this strategy. We are currently seeing the effects of this ideology in the modern US. There are many reasons why we have lost economic, world political, military, and moral global dominance. History has recorded the results of these empires and their inevitable conclusion if they are not shifted away from it's self-destruction. If the US continues on this path of equality in all aspects of life, we will stand no chance in comparison to other world powers. That's why I want to learn Mandarin and invest in China. Assuming that the US is collapsing under itself and that there will be no major global warfare, they will be the most successful civilization throughout this next century. If you open up your eyes and notice, they still hold a core family unit that specializes efficiently. FreedomUnderGod001