Minimum Wage and Micky Dee's...Your Thoughts....


  1. This speaker, obviously, has tremendous bias toward his point of view, but i do agree with many of his examples. I have actually hung drywall and laid tile for less than $15/hr. Isn't the collective social understanding that this is entry level, not career jobs. This is for high school and college students, retirees and developmentally challenged individuals who are content or temporary. I do not agree with the speaker assessment of the lifestyles of these workers. Its ludicrous to think they all smoke weed. However, i assume that the majority have a cell phone, and many have cable television; some of their despair is self imposed. Can fast food give these people more money and keep prices competitive? Yes they can. Will they? No they won't. Does McDonalds offer tuition assistance? Do they offer promotion incentives? I don't know, but the responsibility to solve this problem lies on both of their shoulders: McDonalds and the workers. Obviously, the workers don't understand that McDonalds is becoming less formidable in fast food service and losing market share, which is a poor time to ask for twice the wage. Packers001

    1. I agree with you on the responsibility lies on both sides for sure. People need to take personal responsibility as well maybe not feel so entitled. I know a lot of younger people feel as though they should get to live like their parents do...not even considering how hard or how long it took for them to get where they are in life. I definitely think different cultures and families have certain influences within their groups. What can we do as your average person to change the way things are? How do we get giant corporations to care about their workers and not always put profit at the forefront? I myself would like to add I do not support fast food of any kind, mostly because it's poisoning us but that is a different story. WonderWoman001

  2. Wowza. Talk about a scathing review. This guy really is really, REALLY, prejudiced against the McDonalds workers who protested (and McDonalds workers in general). It's totally unfair for him to stereotype these people as wasting their money on cell phones, TV, sneakers, buying weed, and being overweight. He offers absolutely no data to back up any of these claims. I'm hesitant to pass judgment on what I think about the $15 minimum wage that these workers were fighting for. However, I think most people would categorize a McDonalds job as belonging to the secondary labor market, a job that's not supposed to provide a lot of benefits or high pay. I think I would be much more sympathetic towards and supportive of skilled laborers (tile layers, drywall hangers, carpet layers) who were asking for $15/hr. I personally think it's only fair that wages be scaled to the degree of difficulty/skill level of work. This at least seems to have been the norm for the US for a long time.

    1. I agree completely with what you said. Working at McDonalds as a cashier or a cook is not a career. It's not a skilled enough labor to be paid a 100% higher wage than where it's at currently. The multinational conglomerate that the McDonalds cooperation is, they can afford to pay the wage and still make a ridiculous profit but because it shrinks their wealth and the wealth of their shareholders, of course it won't be approved. I'm interested to see the response of the company to the strike. Arizona001

    2. I agree with you thestig001 because the wages should be based off the skills and performances these workers do on a daily. This job is not supposed to be some high may job with benefits every where. I see this job for younger people in highschool or younger people in general because to them a job is a job and money is money. Most younger people aren't worried about not getting paid enough because its some type of income for them. The older people with kids and bills do work at Mcdonalds but the pay doesn't help them pay everything. That is their responsibilty to find a better paying job to support them and their family. $15 and hour is just ridiculous for a Mcdonald worker to be paid.

    3. I agree with you stig when you start all of your sentences with probably then nothing you say holds any water. I believe we should be paid what we are worth, if you don't work you get fired. If these people want more money they need more responsibilities, more responsibilities means you find a better job then McDonalds. I'm assuming only one person was upset and dragged the rest of them in on the idea of a strike. The only way I see the conglomerate getting out of this is firing them all and hiring teenagers to work for minimum wage like it should be. TooTall001

    4. Yes, I think this guy sounds like a true jerk to these protesters. In this world, there are people who do take their jobs serious. I’m sure many people waist money on things consider fashionable, trending, and more. That’s in almost every job. If you want something and you can afford it, why not purchase it if you can. So I agree it isn’t fair for his to stereotype them the way he did. In the secondary labor market, it is usually not the best to rely on. I look at this occupation being more suitable for teenagers who don’t have to work about certain types benefits just yet. I’m sorry to say it, but I don’t see anything wrong with Mc Donald’s pay to its employees. Taylojj2

  3. The person who is “reporting” with such disdain and outright prejudice is probably forced to fill the airwaves with hot air until it’s time for the network to get paid by the commercials. So, with that said, his argument for why they don’t need fifteen dollars an hour, I could agree with. He doesn’t make it easy for me to sort through the verbal garbage that he’s thrown out there, but I agree to some extent with what he was so slow to articulate. Workers need better pay and if these corporations have full time employees who qualify for government assistance after 40 hours of work, then the corporations should be responsible to make changes that the American people don’t have to pay for. Arizona001

    1. McDonalds could be more pro active about the wage inequality of much of its workforce, by offering slightly higher wages than its competitors. Thus, Burger King, for example, may decide to equal or best what McDonalds is offering, in order, to stay competitive with labor benefits. Fifteen dollars an hour is too unreasonable for the work performed. Maybe management makes that wage, because they have greater responsibility, but not the general workforce. Packers001

    2. I like the idea that maybe the management can make $15 an hour. I think if that was to happen then we would see the employees maybe work hard in order for them to receive enough promotions to attain the desired wage. It almost creates a little competition in the work environment too, and that has always been good for businesses. glassonion001

    3. Arizona001 I can agree with that I don’t believe they should bump up the pay to 15$ an hour that is unreasonable but at least meet them in the middle. Every time I go to McDonald’s I see kids working there and I’m sure that is because kids never speak up on how they feel or how they should be getting treated. I have never worked fast food but I have heard it can be tough but 15$ an hour that’s a bit much. LAWS001

  4. One I do not believe that a mcdonalds worker should get paid fifteen dollars an hour because CNA's have a liscense for their job and do not even get paid this much. Close but not fifteen an hour. Obviously the speaker is very bias towards this subject but I for the most part agree with him. Some of his comments I don't think he should of said but its the truth people. Because you do have to bust you butt to even think your getting paid liked this.Some people might say whats busting your butt mean. Well to bust your butt during a job means to be doing some type of labored job, a job that you have skills and education in and I'm sorry but Mcdonalds workers don't have the skills you would need to help you with a better job or to even make fifteen an hour. Now if Mcdonalds was a resturaunt that served healthier, grill made burgers like a nice sit down resturaunt then making the wages could be close to fifteen an hour for them. Because I had a friend who worked as a cook at a 5 star resturaunt and he did make fifteen an hour but he was doing more then heating up burgers in a microwave and making fries and putting the sandwhiches together. He made meals for the customers and the foods was way healthier and better. This is a person who is more skilled and educated with cooking and should be paid what he was being paid.

    1. I totally agree with your points. Mcdonalds workers just don't do enough skilled or backbreaking to warrant having a 15$ wage. That amount is a ridiculous amount of money for a job that honestly doesn't require much skill. I work as a lifeguard which is a minimum wage job that requires a class that you have to pay for that needs to be renewed every two years which costs more money and i have never heard someone say that we should get payed more even though we have peoples lives in our hands.

  5. Yes this guy was massively generalizing we can all agree with that. I didn't agree with a lot of what he said. I do believe that ideally McDonald's could meet people in the middle, if they had proven themselves to be hard workers they should get a raise. They could offer education tuition refunds. I highly doubt they would do that because paying their workers minimum wage and some people are happy to get that. So why would they change it's working for them? As far as the workers go, they should know that those types of jobs will not ever be enough to pay regular living expenses, either they could build on their skills or go to school to find a better job, readjust their living choices, live more simply, or they could get a second job. I do believe people should earn as much as they work for, however as a business owner they are coming from all sorts of angles, they are not in business as a charity...they want to make money. Who gets to say what jobs get paid what? We are lucky there are laws like minimum wage period, who knows what we'd be getting or have to take just to eat! WonderWoman001

    1. I agree with you McDonald's should meet them some were in the middle because minimum wage now is not enough to live off of. But some pexpletive can only get jobs like at McDonald's because u hey make be felonies or something. People take a lot of times about people with government help but how do you expect them to get of when most jobs are paying so low. Player001

    2. I'd like to respond to your reply Player001 that if you have a felony you can still have a degree and get a better job. And sometimes places hire you because you are a felon because they get a tax break. I don't agree with people only being able to work minimum wage jobs I think some people choose to only do that. Most people know that minimum wage will not be enough to cover surviving expenses. WonderWoman001

  6. I hate to say it but I agree with him. The fast food restaurants in the U.S. aren't helping with obesity and unhealthy children in this country and the parents should know better. Working at McDonald's is a job for a teenager that still lives at home and they should only work during the summer not a career for an adult. By the time the adults buy their cigarettes, weed and alcohol there isn't anything left on a minimum wage job. However not all poor people smoke and drink. I do find it disturbing that the rich get richer by serving us poison, I think we should boycott and stop eating there all together. Capitalism has become a disease in this country and the conglomerates love it. Federal laws prohibit a monopoly but the 1%ers already have it. TooTall001

    1. I agree with most of what you said. Fast foods chains are not helping Americans stay healthy. And working at fast food chains is a job for a teenager needing extra cash, not an adult. Many of my friends, who either just graduated high school or are still in high school, work at fast food restaurants. It is a great job for people in that stage of life. People with kids or a spouse should not be working there. They should be managers of the fast food place or having an even higher paying job. But, I disagree that capitalism has become a disease America.

    2. I think we as a society need to stand up for the correct things. I think that if you want to be able to eat a hamburger whenever you want, you should be able too. People in our society need to recognize that jobs that require education and special skill deserve more money. Unfortunately for people wanting 15$ an hour McDonald's might not be the right place of employment for you. SVT001.

  7. I found this video somewhat funny and a slap to the face of the protesters wanting $15 an hour. I do not believe raising minimum wage to $15 will solve their problem. If minimum wage is raised that will only leave more people unemployed and the prices of goods and services will rise. Everything is proportional to each other. If minimum wage is raised so will prices. Really the only way for those people to solve their problem is to work harder and get a better paying job. I do not blame McDonalds for threatening their workers by saying that machines can take over their job. It could potentially save the company millions of dollars.

  8. I do agree with the video to a certain extent. He shouldn’t sound so insulting when talking about those who work there. This is all some people may be able to get for employment and that I can relate to. Thankfully I have been able to find a much better job, but not all are as fortunate. I don’t think that this was the right way of going about wanting a raise as high as 15 dollars an hour. There isn’t any type of difficulty to the job in my opinion that’s close to being worth that amount. I do think managers should be paid a bit closer to that amount, but that’s even pushing it. Many workers could have the same feeling as wage labor workers. Maybe the company doesn’t really care about them. Mc Donald’s is this big company that gets so much money; workers may feel obligated to a share of it. We have to be reasonable here. Unless you this place turns into a five-star restaurant, they can kiss the 150% raise good bye. As the guy in the video mentions there are many more skilled occupations that deserve higher pay. Sadly, Mc Donald’s isn’t one of them. Taylojj2

  9. As several of us have pointed out he is very biased and is coming off as a jerk. But he does bring up valid points, It doesn't take much skill to be a McDonalds employee,that's why it is a easy job to get during high school. He shouldn't have assumed that all of the people who wanted their wages raised smoked weed. That was an asinine comment that he could've kept to himself. The stratification of the U.S. though is a problem. I don't necessarily know if raising the minimum wage is the answer or not, but what these Mcdonalds employees are doing may be something that we continue to see over the next few years if the government doesn't do something about the distribution of wealth. glassonion001

    1. I agree, like you said he should not have assumed the majority of the employees smoke weed or cigarettes or even spend too much money on food. Also, yes I do agree he made some very valid points it does not take many skills to become a McDonalds employee so raising their wages is almost unfair. It is also sad that in the next few years they might be getting replaced with little computers to take orders and other various jobs. Toby001

  10. Throughout this entire video the speaker was nothing but negative. You can defiantly tell he is against raising the wages of the McDonalds employees. Honestly, I found him rude but deep down inside I have to agree. There are people busting their backs and not making fifteen an hour so if you ask me flipping burgers does not necessarily deserve that type of salary. There are the exceptions of the managers or employees that have been there for many years but, other than that maybe increase the salary a little. However, I do think this was video was very bias towards McDonalds workers especially when saying they spend much of their money on food, drugs, or cigarettes. Toby001

    1. Exactly, I felt bad with the tone he chose to speak against raising the minimum wage. But yes I agree with what he said hundred percent. Yes and I also think the he was so biased with the way he said where the money of employees go. Its really sad that to not increase wage they are using drugs and cigarettes as one of reason on why increase in wage shouldn't happen. It's being highly prejudice without knowing much. khush001

    2. Well you can tell that the speaker didn't care a lot for the workers. And yes he was kinda nasty, but really, who can blame him? The thought of the McDonald's ,snotty window girl or fry guy making as much money as someone who has a learned and apprenticed skill , makes me want to video blog about them too! I think that the reason he referred to the workers as using their money for sneakers, cable, drugs,etc. is probably because all of those behaviors are that of teenagers- and that's about the iq level of those people fighting for something they don't deserve, or din't earn. If they were really worth $15.00/hr, they wouldn't be working at McDonald's in the first place. Rosebudd001

    3. To add to how displeased we all are about his prejudice, he wasn't even providing any new information or insights from his video. All that he commented on was his reaction to the ridiculousness of the protesters demands. Either way he has his right to voice his opinion on the internet, and we have our obligation or privilege to watch and respond to it. Karma001

  11. The person giving this review obviously has a lot of disdain for the workers who are striking for 15$/hr and I agree with many of his points. It does seem a bit ridiculous thought that Mcdonalds workers are trying to get that much for just themselves. They work a job that is fairly easy to automate and would save the company a lot of money fairly quickly if the alternative to pay that much per hour. If the mcdonalds employees really want more money then they should either get another job or try to find a higher paying one. I'm sure there are other jobs out there that offer more than minimum wage but they might have to work a bit harder.

  12. I don't agree with raising Mcdonald's minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour because its a job for high school students and no high students need to be making $15 an hour when not even CNA's make that much as mentioned above by a mate. Although another contra argument can be that because the economy is low, and there are not enough jobs open out there too many skilled people are taking on jobs like working at fast food restaurants. I see that normal people above the adult age who work there, it can be hard on them to keep it going with the minimum wage. At the same time, it can be downward and bad for the company, so I see it how efficient it would be for companies to replace their employees with robots.

    1. Exactly man they need to get they head straight. There aren't any more important than the rest of the workers in all over the country. They asking to be replaced by robots with all that striking and whatnot. I'm pretty sure the company are going to be cool with that because they are going to make tons of more money than what they were by paying their employees. With robots no more worries... more money for the owner and more money to make McDonald's better. Many people going to loose their jobs. What's going to be of them? They are not even going to be able to make that money they were receiving by working in McDonald's for minimum wage.

  13. If you ask me that speaker must work for McDonalds.The way he talked about the workers, makes you think he's feeding some vandetta or something. But still, I can't help to agree. Have you ever hung drywall, and plastered? Have you ever tiled? It is not a fun thing to do. Not to mention it really needs to be done by a skilled laborer. I myself , have worked at a hot bakery, doing almost everything thinkable, and didn't get paid nearly enough after almost 9 yrs. Don't these people know were in a recession, and jobs are getting outsourced to other countries, and computers? How many people with college degrees can't get hired for what they are worth? While high school kid mentality is ignorant enough to think they should be making that much money. Maybe after they all get fired, they can use this new opportunity to go school, and learn something. Rosebudd001

  14. HAHA say hello to your new replacement....a robot. I can see robots replacing us to be honest. It is insane., Our technology is advancing as I type so is possible. I believe so. I think that raising the money fro employees is a no no. In Cali its already done uh no they need to take that back. Other people who work in companies and so many other jobs are not even getting paid 15 dollars an hour. These people need to think. To think about what they are asking for and what the consequences of that will be. If they are striking imagine how many people in other jobs will want to go on strike to get more payment.

  15. This person is very biases and I disagree with him .because McDonald's jobs aren't all that easy you have to deal with rude people all the time . The pay I person receives should be based on the cost of living . Yes a lot of other jobs don't get paid as much but that should change to . I have worked with heating and cooling and a lot more so I know it's harder jobs out there then McDonald's but as they say people got to eat. Like Marx said alienation at it best people are just tools to be used and throw away . I think some people are the real robots like in the wizard of Oz heart less. Player001

    1. Wages used to be based on the general cost of living, the companies used to have to keep their employees loyal so that they wouldn't defect to the competition. That is up until the introduction and proliferation of a minimum wage. Once that was introduced by the government the companies were able to justify giving their employees that small of an amount of money because it was based on what the government defined as the cost of living was at the time. Consider this thought experiment: If the minimum wage was abolished, companies could start paying people in the US abysmally small amounts of money for work. As a result, the workers will do one of two things in a free market. They will either unionize and negotiate a minimum wage with the company itself, or they will leave the company for the one down the block who are paying slightly more for their expertise. This also allows companies to reward a certain division of their work force who are doing exceptional work with a higher wage and justify it based on their merit, instead of keeping the wages the same and justifying it by calling it fair to everyone. Companies would better be able to boost the economy in times of need also, coordinating with private community businessmen for the fair exchange of goods and employees. All Companies are is a group of people who band together and pool their resources and then specialize and give incentives for success. With the minimum wage in effect, you do a bad job you either are left alone, which ruins efficiency and slows economy, or you are fired. In a world without a minimum wage if you do a bad job you are most likely only going to receive a pay decrease. That is a lot better than just plain losing the job or slowing other people's growth. If you do a good job with the minimum wage you are either promoted or given a raise. In the current system you can only get a maximum of so much money for a specific job because of the economic limitations that the minimum wage accounts for. In a economy without minimum wage the companies could pay a person a lot more money for doing a better job than everyone else. Imagine if you were the best darn burger flipper McDonald's ever had, so they gave you a 6-figure salary. That's a hyperbole, but you get the point. An economy without a minimum wage actually promotes productivity. The only people it would hurt are the lazy and the incompetent. For the lazy it would be their own fault, nothing much to say there. For the incompetent the private industry can deal with this in two ways: Charity and Training. Imagine if companies were allowed to pay people how they want, they could actually create a useless job out of thin air, attach a wage to it, and give it to someone who doesn't have the ability to do any other kind of work. If any of you have read Algernon, his job before he became intelligent is a prime example. Economies would be so much more robust without the minimum wage. FreedomUnderGod001

  16. This dude is a perfect example of how a good message can be presented in a terrible manner. I've watched a lot of this guy's Youtube videos, specifically the ones where he goes around as a news reporter and interviews people to see how much they know about anything political. The results are always a stunning amount of ignorance from the American people. What you guys also neglect to take into account is that his target audience isn't moderates or leftists that he wants to persuade. It's the people who already see this stuff. He has a book Illuminati: Facts and Fiction, that outlines exactly what he has found as truth and what he speculates to be true and the misconceptions people have about it. It's not that hard of an intellectual leap to make if more evidence is presented. After all, the conspiracy theorists are always the crazy ones until they are proven correct. He uses rhetoric very heavily in his presentation style. This is an effective way to win over the general populace, but when we are talking about a college level course it is useless to examine this video in the Dialectic. We should be considered above just a simple emotional reaction to what he says. As human beings, we have a tendency to follow our hearts before our brains. What he really does is illuminates (pun) the absurdity of people protesting to double how much money they are being paid. His expressed outrage at this probably stems from his frustration that (from his perspective) almost everyone are completely ignorant from the important things in life. I similarly hold the position that MPI. Most People are Idiots. To put it less rhetorically, Most People don't care enough, have been lied to, are sheltered from, or are intellectually incapable of understanding the truly important things we should be centered upon. It's not like this has a bad connotation either. It's what would be called a Truism. Hard to swallow? Maybe. How about you go and job shadow a small claims court judge and try and refute me after that experience. This doesn't mean that some people are innately superior to others based on their intelligence. That would be foolish to conclude. Especially when there are so many other sociological factors that come into effect when we are talking about a large population of ignorance. FreedomUnderGod001

  17. I think it sucks for Americans that make less than 15$ an hour right now. Everything is so expensive and life right now requires a lot of money to have a decent life. I think it is insane to pay a McDonald's employee 15 dollars an hour. I don't care if they decide to do that, but I want a twenty dollar raise. It took me 2 years of school and a tone of time and dedication to earn my Paramedic license. Do you know what a Paramedic can do for you? Most people in our society have no idea what people can actually do to "save your life", when they call 911. The general public just dials 911 and expects you to be able to help them in whatever situation they are in. Do you know how many possibilities there are for 911 calls? There are way too many to count. I have advanced training in airway management, cardiac life support, and the knowledge base to take care of a child at the time of delivery to a 110 year old end of life patient. Most Paramedics start out at an hourly rate of 10-15$ an hour. I am not saying Paramedics are better people then McDonald employee's. I am saying that people in the country have really messed up pay scales. Careers that matter for life and death I feel like should be a calling. I don't think anyone should go into the medical field for money. I just think it is not fair that I work crazy hours, do not get sleep, have over 4 certifications that need continuing education, minimum 2 years education with over 700 hours of actual patient care, and the possibility of becoming sued every time 911 is called. Lets as a nation come up with better options for distribution of wealth. SVT001.

  18. I cannot agree with what this guy was saying at all it was all prejudiced. Some people yes are irresponsible but a lot of people live off of these minimum wage jobs. I know plenty of people that work at McDonald’s so that they can pay their bills and take care of their kids. Some people yes spend their money on WHAT they want but that is their money they work for it, no one should be judged off of what they buy. Now do I think employees at McDonald’s should be getting paid 15$ an hour no but at least meet them half way and stop the madness. The people that he was telling to pick up a book might just have degrees but a lot of the times when you do finish school there are no jobs available at the time and you do what you have to do, to make sure the bills and your family are taken care of. LAWS001


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