Sexuality, Gender and Assigned Expectations....Your Thoughts


  1. This video was very interesting and funny. Typically girls wear yoga pants so when these people would walk by and not know the gender they figured it was girls butt. I thought it was funny that some of these people got mad because they were expecting this person wearing the leggings/yoga pants to be a girl. This is how society has shaped us by saying only girls can wear these pants. But when they see a guy wearing this they dont like it. Typically girls wear them to be comfortable, but most males like girls to wear them to check their butts out. If guys were to wear these more on a regular basis, sooner or later it would be okay for them to wear it and the appeal of lookking at girls butts would slowly fade away because the majority males and females would be wearing them.

    1. Did you notice that the women took notice too. I imagine their thought bubbles contained inner dialogue that was different from the men, but they were just as guilty. This Youtuber has a future in active participation sociological research. In all seriousness, we should be more cognizant of unwelcome attention cast in other peoples direction, but lets not lose the courtship of relationships in the name of being politically correct. Packers001

    2. I noticed the women noticed too but their reactions weren't as drastic as the men. The men are used to seeing women wear these pants everyday and getting a chance to look at them. So when they saw that a man was wearing them they kind of got defensive and guilty. So i do agree with you on that because both genders felt just as guilty.

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  2. This was HILARIOUS. How is that people are so quick to anger? I know people are insecure, but they were ready to fight. The guy was really pushy, and that, most likely, caused the heated reactions. I think there is a large percentage of women who wear leggings because they want to be noticed. Unless, it happens to be a person they do not want attention from, and then women get angry. I also don't think most women will admit this is the case. Men are hardwired for perpetuation of the human race, and we are going to look because its in our nature and our nurtured socialization. You know what other pants are comfortable? Fleece pants, silk pants, and no pants. Men will take notice in all instances. Packers001

    1. This was hilarious to me as well, but even more shocking was the last time I was in Chicago I seen guys wearing them! I think most males can tell just but the way they walk because it in our nurture socialization, but if they are bent over in a trunk or getting something out of a car it could be hard to tell.

    2. There is a destruction of common sexual structures, especially in fashion. Men are portrayed more and more effeminate in mass media, defining how we view masculinity. Popular society is beginning to blur the lines between sexes, which is not necessarily wrong. Deconstructing these lines can open opportunity for social change and gender equality. Karma001

    3. I totaly agree. Men are lookers and appreciaters of beauty. I like that it is not lost on you and you bring a different side to this by being real about it. As much as we can try to blur lines and immasculate men, I'm pretty sure that those who are comfortable with their sexuality would still be offened for being tricked into staring at the wrong end of the wrong sex. Arizona001

    4. I agree I found this video very funny. It is in our nature to look but not touch. Who would've been more offended if any one of them would have grabbed it walking by? TooTall001

    5. I can agree with you I am not a male but I know just because of what I have experienced most men do look at butts. Most of the time I never see men looking because I am in front of them but if I was to catch someone I would let them know its not okay and butts are not EVERYTHING grow up! LAWS001

  3. The first time I seen this video a few years ago I almost cried with tears, and its still just as funny as when I watched it the first time. The guy that got offended and tried to chase him down got offended because he was tricked and he fell for it. This is kinda like wearing a dress, you know when you see someone in a dress thats it most likely a female so its safe to look and admire her, but the 1 percent maybe 2 now the turn around and you suddenly notice its a male you, feel like you've been tricked.

  4. Agh, this was incredibly awkward to watch which only demonstrates how the unconventional can be humorous while commenting on social issues such as constructs of sexuality. The responses of the unsuspecting passersby demonstrate the shock and confusion individuals experience when social folkways or sexual constructs are disrupted. Also the responses of the individuals all reflect Goffman’s dramaturgical analysis as they attempt to “save face,” either by denying that they were looking at the man’s butt or by blaming him for not abiding by social norms. Some of the male passersby showed acts of aggression in response to agitation, almost to present their masculinity. Karma001

    1. I completely agree with you. For the most part the men were so insecure in their own "manhood" that they felt anger or showed aggression. Even when we don't know people are watching we still care what people think! It is that ingrained in us to constantly worry about what people might say about who we are...maybe people need to work on being comfortable in their own skin and some of these silly insecurities wouldn't exist. Wonder Woman001

  5. This was hilarious. I love the challenge by his girl-friend to wear leggings because she was tired of men staring at her butt. She probably hasn’t stopped wearing leggings no matter how tired of it she is. On the other hand, this guy was having too much fun putting his booty out there and then calling people out on it. One guy was so bothered by it that he was angry for being put into that situation. Another guy was just wondering why he was even wearing it. What would be really interesting is to ask why it was ok if it was a female butt and why that doesn’t drive us to anger or wonderment at why these men gawked in the first place. Is it a social role? On the dramaturgical side of things, I wonder if these guys were seeing themselves through the eyes of their homophobic friends and we’re immediately judgmental about them staring? Arizona001

    1. It is sad to think that men think it is okay to stare at a girl's butt but not at a man's butt. I agree with you that it shows that it could be a social role. They feel like they are better than girls so they think it is fine to stare at a women's behind. Part of me thinks though that girls can't complain when men stare at them when they are wearing yoga pants or leggings because they chose to wear that type of tight-fitting clothing. Girls are kind of asking for men to look at them when they wear those types of pants, which could be why girls wear them anyway.

    2. I kind of disagree where swimmer001 said that girls were asking for men to look at them but I do agree with the gist of the idea. If women want to wear tight pants in public that's their choice. But they should also remember they are in public. If they were so adverse to people looking at their butt then they shouldn't wear clothes that fit so tight around it.

    3. I also found the prank video funny and entertaining to watch. It gave insight to how we as men and women stereotype the type of clothes that are worn. It is not appropriate for men to wear leggings in public, but it is completely acceptable for women to wear them. The root of the video is that every single person that was shown in the video stared at the man's butt. Maybe it shows that our society is so obsessed with sexuality. SVT001.

  6. Society can have some control over what people think is proper attire for men and or women. It is all about caring what others think. Some men don't want to look or feel feminine some do. A man wearing yoga pants to me isn't such a big deal but obviously the men in this video were embarrassed. Why? Because men "are not supposed to be feminine". Or even the man who got angry I think was more embarrassed because he wasn't alone and didn't want his friend to think he was checking another guy out. It's all about worrying about what others think. This video proved how some people are so insecure about themselves or who they are or are not and why is being feminine bad in men's eyes? Because they were taught to be that way in our society? It's pretty ridiculous, it's a pair of pants. WonderWoman001

    1. I think your post really strikes at the "presentation of self" that the guy who got really angry was demonstrating. He acted angry and defensive trying to prove his manliness to his friend. Like you said, he was evidently really concerned about what his friend might think about him. He was feeling embarrassment at the whole situation, that here he was, a tough guy, staring at some other guy's butt. I think that appearing feminine is really bad in most men's eyes who are heterosexual because in their eyes, to appear feminine is what gay guys do. For any homophobic male, they want to avoid this at all costs.

  7. This YouTuber definitely has some guts. His funny prank really does say something about how we as a society perceive gender. I guess it shows that guys in general are pretty used to being able to check out girls' butts. If one looks at this issue through the lens of the social conflict theory, one can see how this is degrading to women and demonstrates inequality between men and women. The men just assume that the butt they are looking at belongs to a woman because of the leggings. Since it's a girl's butt, guys get some satisfaction at checking it out, which more or less reduces the woman to an object which they can use to get pleasure. It's interesting that once they find out it's a guy, they try and deny the whole thing. Presuming most of the guys who looked were heterosexual, they felt really awkward when the truth came out. I think this evidence demonstrates the gender inequality which exists in our culture: the guys caught looking are more concerned about being manly and showing respect for the YouTuber in that they deny checking his butt out, but if it had happened to be a woman I don't think they would have tried to deny it so hard. no such respect would have been shown.This YouTuber definitely has some guts. His funny prank really does say something about how we as a society perceive gender. I guess it shows that guys in general are pretty used to being able to check out girls' butts. If one looks at this issue through the lens of the social conflict theory, one can see how this is degrading to women and demonstrates inequality between men and women. The men just assume that the butt they are looking at belongs to a woman because of the leggings. Since it's a girl's butt, guys get some satisfaction at checking it out, which more or less reduces the woman to an object which they can use to get pleasure. It's interesting that once they find out it's a guy, they try and deny the whole thing. Presuming most of the guys who looked were heterosexual, they felt really awkward when the truth came out. I think this evidence demonstrates the gender inequality which exists in our culture: the guys caught looking are more concerned about being manly and showing respect for the YouTuber in that they deny checking his butt out, but if it had happened to be a woman I don't think they would have tried to deny it so hard.

  8. Symbolic interaction theory states that sometimes people construct very different realities and our understanding of sexy can and does change over time. I can't blame them I would of looked too and when he said to touch it I would of broke my hand off on his a** just for a good laugh. TooTall001

  9. This video was honestly funny but sad. I know guys are visual people, but I wish they would not look at girls wearing yoga pants so much. And I also know that girls wear yoga pants too much or inappropriately, too. I would like to see gender roles change. It would be nice if girls would not give themselves so willingly to men and men would be more careful about where they look and what they do. I think this is what is helping to ruin marriages in America. Pornography is helping to fuel the divorce rate as well. Both men and women need to save themselves for their future or present spouse. Teen pregnancies would go down as well if girls and guys saved sex for marriage. Abstinence is the only full proof plan for not having a child. So, I do believe sex outside of marriage is wrong, but those people who did have sex outside of marriage can still be forgiven and saved and good can come out of the situation as well.

    1. I completely agree sex before marriage is wrong. And if it were practiced and done so much can be prevented from the sexual transmitted diseases to the young teens getting knocked up. Dignity is a lack in our society by many women. All it does it make a man more of a cheater,have a vice for pornography, or a player. Like you said marriages have been destroyed as well. I myself wear leggings and yoga pants but, I just wanna look good not cause harm or anything. Everything just leaves me thinking what should I wear then. Because I also, think that regardless what a woman wears a guy will tend to look at a girl anyway. I'm a little frustrated. I wanna be able to feel free to wear what I want you know. I'm not worried about me and what i do because I hold my ground but, other woman though the things they would do. I often wonder about them. Because I somehow care for them even if I don't know every woman. Because I know that there is a reason for a woman's actions. I mean they may not have been taught to have respect for themselves. Whatever the case scenario is i guess. Even including men as well but, in this case my concern would be the women.

    2. HollaGurl001 posted at 10:25 pm on May 18 replied to swimmer001

  10. This video was very awkward for me to watch. I thought that peoples reactions to finding out that it was a guy wearing yoga pant would kind of freak them out a bit due to gender stereotyping but most of their reactions wouldn't be so angry or big if he didn't antagonize them. Any guy when caught looking at a girls would feel embarrassed. Most of the time when they are caught they would say sorry or something and the girl would most likely have some tact and then the guy would walk away. However in this situation as the guy had a lack of tact which embarrassed them further is when they started to get angry. I don't think that all the guy were so angry at seeing a guy wear yoga pants as much as they were at his lack of tact.

    1. I agree, I feel like the more the pranker provoked the men, the more upset they got. If the pranker would have just simply acknowledged the men with a wave or a short comment maybe the men would have not gotten so upset. I know that when I personally get called out about something embarrassing I tend to get defensive and aggravated. Toby001

  11. That video was very funny! I can see now what White was saying in class. When females wear leggings it is known that males look right at the butt but I feel like in this generation that is all the males are looking at first unfortunately. When the males In the video realized that it was a man wearing leggings there whole mood changed no longer did they want anything to do with the individual same as if a female was in her trunk bending over with leggings on and the male is looking right at her butt and she looks up and he realizes she is not very cute but has a nice butt then more likely they are not even going to try to pursue anything, that is just how this generation is set up. Even women were looking at his butt for I don’t know what reason but I feel like gender does play a role maybe the 2 ladies knew it was a man or maybe they like looking at female’s butts who knows but this was a very good example. LAWS001

    1. I agree with you when you said this video was a good example of expectations of sexuality based on gender. The men walking by saw the leggings and instantly assumed that it was a woman that was wearing them. This isn't a bad assumption especially with today's contemporary wardrobe for women. But this assumption made them look like fools when the man in the car revealed that he wasn't a women. Its a great field experiment that shows the sexuality of today's clothes. glassonion001

  12. I have seen this video prior to this class and I also thought it was very funny. If I was a male I would be too timid to pull a prank like this because, I know if you offended another male by accusing of them being homosexual then, it can cause severe consequences. As a female, I believe that we should be able to wear what we want within the limitations of being modest. However, if other countries do not believe that showing their private parts is socially unacceptable then, they should not be judged either. Men should also be able to wear what they want, if a man can feel comfortable in leggings or yoga pants then more power to them. Toby001

    1. I have also seen this video numerous of times. This is definitely a bold thing for a male to do unless they are naturally comfortable with their sexuality. I'm glad you pointed this out because I now wonder what the reactions would be if a female did this to other females. I would imagine there would be a lot more laughs about the situation. The men in the video felt so violated, which made it even more hilarious. I do think men and women should be able to wear what they want, speaking from my own perspective, if someone is attractive I'm gonna look. Maybe even speak. If I was ever fooled the same way, I would only be able to laugh. It goes to show how predictable guys can be. Taylojj2

  13. This video is very entertaining to watch. Women and men in our society have assigned expectations. Men should not and most of them never wear leggings. On the other hand women wear leggings quite frequently. I think this video shows that we (men and women) have an expectation that a women would have been wearing leggings in the video. When the man turns around every reaction is the same. It is confusion and disgust. I think this video though intended as a prank gives us insight into the minds of our society. We all have expectations of one another and it is clear that sexuality and gender play a huge roll in today's society. SVT001.

    1. I agree with you, of course sexuality and gender play a major role in our society. You are living on another planet if you haven't seen a hundred images of beautiful women in all aspects of media. Video games, billboards, commercials, not to mention public t.v. It all sets a mental image of how women should dress, and you just have that natural expectation of that. The same is to be said about the way men behave toward women, media play out that it's ok to belittle women publicly. Rosebudd001

    2. Obviously sexuality and gender play a major role, it would be illogical to think otherwise. Although Rosebudd001, your comment about how women are portrayed in the media makes me believe you think that men only like what is considered beauty because of the social forces that drive them towards it. This completely ignores the extensive research that has been done on the attraction of males towards females. Facial symmetry, relative height, leg length, hip width, hair color, weight, have all been confirmed to be objective, natural measures of beauty in women. The social construction comes in when people say that the traditional view of beauty is not actually beautiful. Media also is just a single part of the image of how women should dress, which is a completely different subject than beauty. FreedomUnderGod001

  14. This video had a lot of examples of the sociological things we have discussed in class. One of the most obvious examples was when the men were caught staring at the mans butt. They were caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing so this caused the men to be embarrassed. Some of the men showed their embarrassment in different ways, one just kept walking while another wanted to fight the guy for embarrassing him. Another example from class that appeared in the video was the humor in it all. We find this situation humorous because it is out of our cultural norm for a man to wear leggings. It is also humorous because the people being filmed didn't know they were staring at another man's butt, and that is against a cultural norm because most straight men aren't purposefully staring at another man's behind. glassonion001

  15. As of today I am a yoga pant girl who also likes wearing leggings. To be honest I do it to look in shape. I think leggings and yoga pants are comfy to wear and practical. I think that guys will be guys. I mean as long as they don't touch I think its cool. Because regardless of what a girl wears they will look, if they find a girl attractive in one way or another. I do not appreciate their comments at times but I'm not gonna lie sometimes it makes me laugh, blush, and like the complements. It would be respectful for a guy to respect a woman and look at what is inside but, in our society it is different now. Guys are not the same as they were back then ....let's say like back in the fifties or something. It's just not the same now. I mean for example a girl asks out a guy these days. Back then guys were the ones to have the responsibility to ask the girl out not the girl to the boy. Also, guys were more of gentlemen like now its all about the hood and what's popping, whats cool, don't want to loose their face for being a sucker for a girl. All of this and so much more. Don't get me wrong woman have changed as well. Not just men. Were all in this together one way or another.

    1. I agree with you on the part that guys are going to be guys. There is not much that can be done. Although when we say guys are going to be guys, such passing comments and all has been continuing from ages. So this is no different from how it used to be earlier too, it's their nature their norms. Not much can be done.

  16. I think the video was hilarious, it was pretty daring of that guy to do such a thing. The surprising part was some of the other guys passing by getting angry about it once they found out it was a male gender in yoga pants. I did not understand the reaction at first, but when I think about it more now. It occurs to me that whenever your mistakes are pointed out to you and a reality check is given to offender reactions like these are prone to happen. It is not something that human nature's used to, be it male or a female when the ego's are irked and mistakes are slammed; it forms embarrassment and comes out in anger.

  17. I think that this video is a eye opener as to what women go through on a daily basis. Although funny because of the reaction of the passing marks. But to be honest, if a girl chooses to wear showy clothes, then she must have the expectation that she's going to get hit on, or oogled. That's If that's not her goal, then maybe wear more appropriate clothes.This is just one example of gender stereotyping , along with how women are treated in the workplace. Hot chicks may get the job first, but guys generally are promoted before women. I also think that this video proved that men look ridiculous in yoga pants, and should never ever wear them. The total reaction that the yoga pant guy received , wasn't just embarressment of the pedestrian, it also seemed to be average anger for being pranked. Rosebudd001

  18. This was something pretty hilarious that I can actually see getting out of hand. In class today we discussed it's pretty "normal" for a heterosexual males to check out a female with yoga pants. It's considered creepy to some if that male is caught. In this case, which made it so hilarious, were some males instantly becoming the victim because they were deceived. Wouldn't the person wearing the yoga pants be the victim? Also, wouldn't this mean that for a spilt second all these men were gay? They were attracted to that male for a split second. Sexuality truly get complicated in this situation. Taylojj2

  19. This prank was entertaining to watch, but at the end of the day we cannot use it to draw scientific conclusions from the sociological perspective. The way the "study" conducted, if one could even call it a study, was uncontrolled and primitive. Too many variables were not considered in the making of the experiment. It should also be noted that the purpose of the video is to entertain, not to conduct an actual experiment. Although it may be spreading awareness of gender stratification, it in no way offers enlightenment upon the subject. There have been dozens of Youtubers who do pranks similar to his, in which they actively defy the social norms. One prominent example is Vitalyzdtv. This guy has a whole archive of videos about how easy it is to pick up girls by doing the stupidest things. He's done things from straight up commanding girls to put their numbers in his phone, to asking them if they would like to spread Nutella on his booty, to walking up to girls and getting their numbers without even speaking a single word. Although all of these instances are hilarious and interesting to watch, we cannot base a scientific conclusion on them. FreedomUnderGod001


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