Why Study Sociology in the First Place......


  1. This was an interesting video in that it talked about something that I have never heard before. Sociological imagination is thinking in a different way then you would normally think. So, if I think that this poorer person is lazy just because that person does not have a job, is that correct? Well, not necessarily. That lower-income person could have just gotten let go from his job because of budget cuts. I have to be able to look at his point of view before I can judge. The story Dr. Marshall told about her students not being able to make ends meet is the same idea. However, I partly disagree with what she said because if those students had set up an emergency fund getting a flat tire would not have been a big deal financially. But, getting a flat tire does make one late, so getting fired for being late was out of their control. 'Correlation does not mean causation' would also be the same idea. I have to look outside of the box and not just rely on my own viewpoints.

    1. I think in the big picture we all should take personal responsibility for ourselves period. But society can have a way of keeping certain groups of people down while they are already struggling. I think it's interesting too to think that society has a bigger role than each person individually.
      Wonder Woman 001

    2. I also thought that this was interesting, as it makes you look at all sides of a situation before you act rash. You never know what it's like for someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes. The poorest of people, are usually the hardest workers in society. I can see both sides of this argument too. The student that didn't plan enough for emergencies, well haven't we all been there? What student is able to plan for anything, much less an accident? Sometimes stuff just happens. I do feel that we as individuals have a responsibility to help others, when you are able. If everyone else felt the same way, then we would be working all together with our individual strengths. Rosebudd001

  2. The problem with personal conflict being viewed as a societal issue is that individuals who are honestly in conflict will be drowned out by those who are using the "societal issue" as an excuse. For example: the flat tire issue and being fired should easily be remedied with a receipt for the cost of replacing the tire and perhaps, a phone call to explain what had happened. The problem then lies with the individuals who would abuse the system and lie about why they were late. When looking at this situation from the outside, I can understand both sides of honest person’s conflict plus the side of the company he works for and the decision to fire him. Arizona001

    1. I wholeheartedly agree with you when you said that showing proof of a flat tire should make the employer not fire the person and that some people could use the "societal issue" as an excuse. Using sociological imagination is supposed to help people not feel like all their problems are directly their fault. Just like almost every other thing in the world, however, there are people who try to exploit the system.

    2. I think you hit the nail on the head here. While it's important to see both sides of the picture, the honest person who's doing everything they can that Dr. Marshall talked about and the person who's abusing the system, I think we can also recognize that sometimes life just isn't fair. Stuff like getting a flat tire just happens and it's not really the individual's fault nor is the company totally out of line in firing him. I think the dangerous tendency of blaming the system is that it's almost impossible to reform or change and it's probably more effective (in terms of time and money) to just go out and directly help individuals rather than pouring more efforts into reform.

    3. I had never really analyzed personal conflict using the societal perspective, that is, trying to see generalities in specifics. I think that it's a really interesting way to view the world, but one thing about it really bothers me. It seems like the whole methodology of seeing that individual conflicts are reflected much more broadly across society focuses mainly on social dysfunction, on the problem. Even in just watching this video, Dr. Marshall spends a lot of time showing how some of her students are victims of the system, but doesn't really propose any solutions to the problem. Sure, she says that the victimized students need to speak up, and this would be the first step towards resolving the problem, but she doesn't go any further than that.

    4. I agree with the no solution part Dr. Marshall did make a statement apart affordable housing and school but those are just statements. What can these students do to afford the housing and schooling and still have emergency funds. Some students have others that depend on them once they receive their check after paying bills and buying necessitates emergency funds may not even be in the question. LAWS001

  3. (sorry for the double post, this was supposed to be my comment, not another reply)

    I had never really analyzed personal conflict using the societal perspective, that is, trying to see generalities in specifics. I think that it's a really interesting way to view the world, but one thing about it really bothers me. It seems like the whole methodology of seeing that individual conflicts are reflected much more broadly across society focuses mainly on social dysfunction, on the problem. Even in just watching this video, Dr. Marshall spends a lot of time showing how some of her students are victims of the system, but doesn't really propose any solutions to the problem. Sure, she says that the victimized students need to speak up, and this would be the first step towards resolving the problem, but she doesn't go any further than that.

    1. I agree with you in this case Dr. Marshall has asked many different classes she has had about their social issues but haven't said anything about a solution for the ongoing problems that her students are having. Even if the students have a sports scholarship after practice, working out, going to class, studying and sleeping there isn't enough time for a job. No job, no money, how do they eat?

    2. ^^^ TooTall001
      posted 8:59pm

    3. She mentioned both reducing the cost of education and social welfare programs, but both are fundamentally flawed approaches. I think the problem of how a student should pay for college and all of their expenses is a problem that has been created as a function of our culture. Society emphasizes that a college degree is necessary in order to get a job/start a career. Societal pressure has pushed kids to the point where we are willing to incur thousands of dollars in debt, when instead we should be doing is very simple: If we do not have the money, do not buy it. Be fiscally responsible. If that means that you are like my father and couldn't afford to finish college until his late 20s, then that's just life. If you are like my grandfather and didn't even go to college, yet still ran a successful small business to provide and support for his family's needs and help his children and grandchildren afford college, then it is a responsibility that should be honored. People assume that a college degree means you are smart, when in reality all it is is a piece of paper giving you some Ethos for when someone looks to hire you for a job. FreedomUnderGod001

  4. Mills claimed that Sociological research has come to be guided more by the requirements of administrative concerns than by intellectual concerns. It has become the accumulation of facts for the purpose of facilitating administrative decisions. The sociological imagination is simply a "quality of mind" that allows one to grasp "history and biography and the relations between the two within society". The features of social life have meanings for individuals, and they profoundly affect the the values, character, and the behavior of the men and women who make up that sociocultural system. Dr Marshall stats that a lot of her students try to keep a budget. They try to keep their head above water, she says she tries to look at things as social problems and that its not an excuse they need to do what they can to become more successful. C Mills contributed to sociology letting us view things as social problems. Making education more affordable, a better understanding of housing affordability. C Mills allows us to see that problems we have are sometimes structural. See things from someone elses prospective.LAWS001

  5. Sociological Imagination thought up by Mills is so interesting. If there is a bigger problem that is our society how can we as a community or individual help to change it? I think many people might have ideas on this but how do they get executed and how can we be heard? Of course every single one of us is responsible for our own choices but if we are doing everything in our power to succeed and forces beyond our control become the conflict where does that leave us? I feel like there are options for poor people I've been in a situation where my late husband got sick and passed away, I have access to his Social Security to raise our daughter, I get grants for school, and we both have access to medical insurance through the state. I feel very fortunate for this opportunity and I will not take it for granted. I know many people that contribute to the problem as in they can work and choose not to and/or abuse the system which does have a huge affect on our society nationally. I think states ignore practical ways to fix it when it all comes down to the money thing. This theory puts society up for serving it's own responsibility, us the people have to ensure that change gets made.

    1. I completely agree that the state does not do the best they can to help support poor people that are really trying to better their lives. I also agree that if you work on your priorities like budget and reach out for help that the less fortunate would find some relief. I strongly believe if we really wanted to change society for the better we could make it happen. Toby001

    2. I agree with you WonderWoman001 because society is responsible for making this occur. But it is also each persons responsibility to achieve their goals and to become a better person. Yes there are stuggles when it comes to achieving these goals but what isnt a struggle in lif situations? After a person has bettered them self in some way, it gives them relief and makes them have more self confidence. The more goals they achieve the better they feel about themselves. This will give them more motivation to conquer anything their willing to obtain.

  6. In the interest of playing the part of Socrates, I would like to challenge the ideas that have been introduced in the video. Dr Marshall begins the video pointing out the contribution of Mills and the sociological imagination. She explains in more detail about how sociology had become problematic and guided by administrative concerns and was used for the purpose of said administration (She acknowledged Government as her main example). I find her position on the subject of what should happen to help these people who are in financial distress to be logically incoherent. Instead of introducing the idea of relieving administrative taxes from the financially struggling students in order for them to more easily acquire wealth and use it responsibly and as they choose, she proposes to increase their dependence on social welfare programs. There are two aspects of social welfare that I would like to expand upon. The first is the question of where the monetary aid will come from. Since printing more money will only devalue all existing money and thus further impoverish the impoverished, the only explanation would be to acquire the money from other people. This can be achieved in two ways: Charity or Tax. Charity is dependent upon the individual who has the wealth to give it away, and so the only way to advance that option would be to advise or conduct a marketing campaign to try and increase Charity revenue. What the government can actively do to acquire the money is to tax the people who have money and take it away from them. This means that by attempting to raise one group's economic status, you must inevitably pull the others down. I remember watching an old Soviet Russian Economist commenting on how everyone may have been more equal under their socialist regime, but everyone was also more poor. The Second aspect is that the introduction of an increase in social welfare would create a greater dependence on the administration who is providing that welfare. This is directly contradictory to what Dr. Marshall says was the problem with Sociology before Mills. Other topics that one could expand upon this subject would be the Morality of the process, whether epistemologically we should view the issue of inequality from a purely sociological perspective, and the fundamental Psychology of human/animal behavior as a function of resource availability. FreedomUnderGod001

  7. Personal conflict is an issue because of the unreliable people that lie to get out of anything they don't want to do or why they are late. It is a terrible way to view the world throwing the reliable peoples word in with the unreliable people but an employer can only hear so many excuses before they stop believing everyone that works for them. You can only cry wolf so many times before the employer stops caring and would feel better about firing you then listening to what you have to say or what you can do for the employer. I find Mills very interesting on societies problems and we need to expect the unexpected like a your car getting a flat, be prepared for it. A mini air compressor is $20 and a plug kit is $5 have someone teach you how to use it, it takes about 10 minutes to fix a flat problem solved. Now your just a little late not fired.TooTall001

  8. I found this video very interesting because, everyone can relate to this theory. It has opened my eyes on how to view poor people or less privileged people because if they are not employed sometimes it is not their fault. A person may be poor because they lost their job due to the fact that there was no work needed to be done. Or, perhaps they were diagnosed with a chronic illness sand they spend all of their money toward treatment and hospital bills. The possibilities are endless and the bottom line is, is that if you do not know someone's history then you should not judge them because, one day you might be down on your luck for something you had no control over. Toby001

    1. It is a humbling experience to walk in someone else's shoes. It can show you how fortunate we really have it here in the United States. I think we have to look at the sociological imagination as a good and needed concept. Too much facts for administrative purposes will not fix a sociological problem. You never know what the future has in store. I agree we should not judge anyone because we do not know their personal struggles. STV001.

    2. I agree with you on the not judging other people. It is like the saying goes "don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in their shoes". As I get older I find this saying more and more true. The reason I believe this is that the more people I meet the more I see how lives are not completely controlled by the individual. The life a person lives is controlled by numerous factors including health, genes, and financial status. glassonion001

  9. I don't like this talk because we do not need more social programs. Sociological imagination sounds like an excuse. Are there people who do everything they can and still can't get a break? Yes, but sociology is the general in the particular. If the particular is central Illinois, we have a lot of people out of jobs and struggling. How, many have a cell phone, or multiple cell phone for the family instead of a land line. I know struggling college students who have cable. As we said today in class, our poor are no where near a poor as the other side of the world; but we sure convince ourselves we are though. Packers001

    1. I agree with what you said here Packers 001. Our poor is not 3rd world poor, but it still sucks. Poor people here have to pay for groceries, gas, water and housing that reflect how "rich" our society is when they have a whole lot of nothing to do it with. Arizona001

    2. I dont care for this talk either, I'm sure there is lots of persil conflict but our poor in this country are actually rich because they are given everything they need to survive, from housing and utilities to food and medical. whats the incentive for people to do better if they are giving everything they need to survive?

  10. I found this video interesting, especially the professor talking about her students in class. I like the fact that she was able to explain sociological imagination that Mills came up with. The professor was concerned by the amount of people who were struggling to make it in her class. She is able to view things as a social problems vs. individual shortcomings using sociological imagination. Sociological imagination allows you to walk in someone else's shoes. I think if we are to find problems and fix them within society, we have to be willing to walk in someone else's shoes. I think this should be advocated more in the real world. Society plays a huge role in our lives, more so then my life plays in society. SVT001.

  11. Sociological Imagination, well interesting. Although I don't totally understand or know why one has to understand the story of the opposite side. To be honest, to me my opinion matters only to me, I would like to state my opinion out but at the end of the day it only reflects my personality to people. There is a fine line between what's personal and what's social, one cannot always think about the situation and judge someone. Judging is a free will that's given to one and all and it comes with responsibilities but, at the same time its a personal opinion. Personal opinions according to me shouldn't reflect what you do socially. Socially there are so many forces that forces you to behave a way, and that's how you will, hence when it's personal judging that should be left on individual how they want to take it as.

  12. I like her example, it made me understand the sociological imagination much better. I've never thought of the process when it comes to determining social problems. I've always taken a more individual approach to problems instead of saying that maybe its societies structure that is the issue. This can also tie into though what we talked about in class today too, and that is free will. Believers of free will would say that its the college students job to not spend money or to not go out to eat because its expensive and they have control over their actions. glassonion001

    1. Yep ^.^ same here. I liked how it was explained. To me it is lots to think about and keep in mind. I normally observe people and all that. So, I really like understanding more and more. I get the idea of how to step out of my bubble and get in someone else's shoes.

  13. This video was interesting because it explained a persons sociological imagination was based off each individuals imagination. Not everyone is an intellectual thinker, so for this rsearch it would only be based on these type of thinkers only. Also, it is interesting to know what is significant to each individual. What it is to be human goes for all of us but being human as a whole isnt reasonable enough because being a human can be different for each individual. The main thing here is that life problems,and personal problems that all humans deal with is for each person to solve on their own. Being sucessful relies on the individual and how they come about their goals. Society has a big tole on how people become sucessful because of the stressors to get to this level of being sucessful. These problems are not in our control. If a person can't attend college because they hare living pay check to pay check and the college is tooo expensive for them to afford, then how can they achieve theri goals and become sucessful? This example is one way were socety plays a role on personal achievements and goals. This video helps express what some people go through that are of lower poverty.

  14. Yeah, it is so true how everyone has their own perspective and views on society. So awesome how there are different opinions. It's cool to me to know that we all are unique and different. All the imagination talk is helpful to interpret what the problem could be. To think outside the box. Try to get in other people's shoes to try to understand the situation. Or how to make the situation better or even fix the problem! There is so much to learn from people.

  15. C.Wright Mills wrote the Sociological Imagination to help us understand our everyday lives. The way he interpreted life was that society, not people's personal failings is the main cause of poverty and other social problems. "By turning personal problems into public issues , the sociological imagination also is the key to bringing people together to create needed change". What men need is a quality of mind that will help them see what is going on in the world and what may be happening with themselves---That may be called the sociological imagination. Rosebudd001

    1. I agree with you with people start thinking like this it would bring us together more because a lot of people go off of what the believe. Sometimes it is just people being people that causes problems, but not all the time society has a big role to play to.player001

  16. I think c.wright mills sociological imagination is a good concept.I like it because sociological imagination has you to put your beliefs aside, and look at the world through the other persons shoes to really find the problem. the problem isn't always the people sometimes it's society even though most of us believe it's just people. I think of more people used this concept it might make the world a little better. as they say walk a mile in the other persons shoes to really understand them. player001

  17. What Mills did was great in my opinion. He didn't just take counted facts but he felt that there needed to be a theoretical approach when doing research. Throwing in the sociological imagination was something that allowed people to understand or get their own view of how they and other people experienced the world. hard to believe that these things weren't being taken into account a lot earlier. Taylojj2


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