This is all a big case of people not realizing how much good the police were actually doing for them and their city. What happened with Gray in Baltimore, whether it was the police officers fault or not, is a shame and it caused people to over react. Mob mentality gave them all an excuse to go crazy and destroy their own town for no good reason. They attacked police officers and blamed them for ruining the city. In reality they were the ones ruining it and were to blind to realize it. Now that they got what they wanted and the police are gone they are begging for them to come back. Criminals took advantage to the lack of police officers and are running wild. Whether the people want to admit it or not the police kept them safe. They have no one to blame but themselves.
I agree. People's taxes are going to the police department. You would think that they would want them to protect and serve. I don't know when in this time of world when people think that the police are bad but that is just not right. People should be running to the police asking them for help instead of pushing everyone away and not trusting people. Bodybuider456
I agree with this statement. without police officers crime may increase and then all of the people who were complaining about there being too many officers, will now want help and want them to save them from the crime.
Why is this world trying to get ride of police. They are good! Don't people get that. If this world did not have people like police, firefighters, emt's then who would help the world become a better place? We would be stuck. We would run out of people to run to when were in need. The world would be a sad place. Then people and the media would be complaining that no one is taking the time to help out other people I'm sorry for the people that have got done wrong by the police department but sometimes only sometimes its not there fault. bodybuilder456
The police make it so its safe for us to go outside. Without them around there would be anarchy and total chaos. People need to understand that most cops do care about them and are not violent and racist. The police force need to also be present more in this chaos happening after the freddie gray incident. The lack of police enforce the laws is what is causing the widespread crime in the streets.
its all about the person behind the badge. whether they abuse their power or not. personally I think all of the mobs and riots are from police not using their common sense and abusing their authority. I like your point on the media and society wanting people to help them out, When honestly they are pushing away the people that help out the most. KLICK456
What happened in baltimore is a shame and i think people are thinking that police are bad because the news and media give them that bad reputation. They do that by tilting news stories something like white cop kills black male and that makes several communities worried because of racial profiling and they think that for say white cops are out for them. There will always be those bad and dirty cops but the good majority for the police do care and are there to serve and protect the community other wise there wouldn't be police if they did care about there community. -Savage456
Very true. That is why I want to be a police officer. To protect my community in anyway I can. That's why most people become police officers. However that is very hard to do when you are essentially chased out of a area. Police are there to protect you. But they can't do that when they are chased out of an area. Craig456
It is very interesting how people call upon the police and then get mad when it isn't going the way they believe it should. When the police come regardless of the situation they have to protect and serve the community if they like cops or not. If a cop is "dirty" he will be found and then have to own what he/she has done. Though majority of the time it's the person trying to get a cop in trouble or fail to comply. Anymore as you stated about the media, that honestly is the reason why they are being scrutinized so much. If you look back a few years back the police weren't the talk amongst the average joe, but now you see them being downgraded in comments, threads, videos, news, and in person. Majority of the cops do care about their community and life. I know if you ask a cop why they became a cop you'd get the answer "to serve and protect my community."
What happened in Baltimore was terrible and it really gives the police a bad reputation of hating black people, but that's just not true. While, yes there are those cops who do hate black people, but a huge majority don't. After the Freddie Gray incident it seems that people want to think that they would be better off without police officers. All this rioting and spike in crime is even worse than a dirty cop injuring a innocent person. Shooting four or five people because your mad that one cop killed one person is just people over exaggerating and not thinking properly.
This article just goes to show how much much police officers are needed in today's world. Today's society only focuses on the negative side of police officers actions. However when the police are gone you see just how bad things can go. Just like the common phrase "you don't know what you got till its gone" is so true and that is so prevalent in Baltimore and in this article. Policing and police officers were brought about for a reason, to maintain order and ensure safety. If we lived in a world were everyone obeyed the laws set in place, we wouldn't need police officers. Until then, police officers are a necessity to maintain peace of mind and safety for many people. Craig456
De-policing is not the way to go. Without law enforcement there is no order in a city. I think each police force has to adapt the way they do their job by the way society changes. You're not going to deal with people the same way based on where you are at and how comfortable you are doing your job. the officers that killed that man were obviously not comfortable dong their jobs or the death would have never happened. Its sad when people don't feel comfortable in their own community. Its up to local law enforcement to help those people feel safe and secure. KLICK456
I think de-policing an area is not the most practical way of solving the problem. I believe if there is more police patrolling a certain section of town at given hours of the day there would be less room for homicides to occur. Look at the wealthier neighborhoods, there isn't any problems over there with shootings. I'll give an example, look at Grandview Dr. That part of Peoria gets a fair amount of police traffic. I always see a cop or two patrolling. When I drive through the rough parts of Peoria I may see one or none, majority of the time I would say there is none. I feel if the police want to step up their approach they would. Peoria for an example has had more cops patrolling now than they were in the past. If the job is all about protecting and serving, you must support protecting and serving all life because a poor person won't get . These people from the video appear to show a need for more policing. Another approach could be having two officers in the car instead of the car to promote an extra eye. Very interesting article, as it shows that we need to do more for our communities that don't have the best incomes. Without law enforcement, there is no order and only a trail of brokenness.
What I don't understand is why so many people are against the police? If the police, fire department, emts, ext were not there this world would be chaos. As pastor weah says in the article "without law enforcement there's is no order." I don't think de-policing is going to solve anything. If anything it's going to give more room for crimes to occur. It's up to police to make the citizens of a community to feel safe. What happened in Baltimore was a tragedy but we shouldn't let one crime define police men and women as a whole. -dicaprio456
I completely agree with you. People will sit there and hate on the police all they want, but who do they call if they need help. They try so hard to catch an officer doing something bad instead of looking at all the good that they do. without them there would be no order in this country at all. Like the article said ,and you said this perfectly, there really would not be any order. People need to be put in an officer's shoes, and see what they go through. dance456
I like that you used a quote from the article to support your statement. It is a very true statement and quote too. Without law enforcement, we would have people committing crime everywhere. De-policing is not going to do anything, the people need more cops. Most people think all cops do is give speeding tickets, but really they do a whole lot more than that to protect society. They keep order and they keep us safe. -Eclipse456
I think that just because there was some police brutality does not mean that police should stop patrolling. It makes crime rates go up. It also makes citizens feel unsafe in their own homes. no one should ever feel unsafe in their own home. At the same time no officer should feel like he can not do his job because their afraid that a bad situation will make them loose their job. Their also are afraid that they might get recorded making one mistake. People fail to realize that police officers are human. They make mistake. I'm not saying that there are not corrupt officers. In every profession there will be corrupt people, but society should not stand in the way of a good officer trying to make where ever they are patrolling a safer community. I do believe that by de-policing that it will cause crime rates to rise. dance456
Police shouldn't have to be worried about losing their job if they are truly doing the right thing. I agree that instead of cutting down on the number of officers in a small neighborhood, we should hire a few more to partner up so they have backup and don't feel threatened or scared when given a bad situation. I support that idea 100%, it not only makes the citizens feel safer, but it also helps the other cops feel more supported and less outnumbered. As long as officers can keep situations under control, they shouldn't have a problem doing their job the correct way. More officers in a squad car makes people cooperate more than they would if there was just one officer. Cities could increase their surveillance to intimidate criminals from committing a crime. More officers and better technology would help control neighborhoods bring down crime rates. -Eclipse 456
I strongly agree that more officers could make officers and citizens feel better about their workplace and homes. Also better technology could help significantly with police doing their job. If the technology is not abused it could make a tremendous difference in the way the police operate. ~caz456
Exactly! If there are more cops within a community, not only is safety promised to the residents of the neighborhood, but criminals are intimidated and crime is less likely to happen. The more cops there are in a community, the more controlled the environment is. If de-policing continues, then absolute mayhem, even worse that Baltimore is experiencing right now, may occur in the near future.
I agree with you that police officers should not be scared to do their job, because if they do the right thing, there should not be anything to worry about. I also really liked your point about hiring more officers and putting more than one officer in a squad car. That way you have someone to back you up immediately and give you a second opinion. Broncos456
I think de-policing would not be a good idea anywhere, especially in a big city. If an area is depoliced it will increase all types of crimes. It would especially increase violent crimes. More violent crimes in an area would cause residents to move away to look for safer neighborhoods, eventually causing the city to go under. If an officer is using his power strictly for the law and not for personal gains then he/she wouldn't have to worried about losing their job. If anything should be done they should increase policing and patrols in the most crime stricken areas, and be consistent in all areas of the city. It would eventually decrease the crime rates in areas. In the end if depolicing areas happen the crime rates would more than likely rise in all areas. ~caz456
Big cities like Baltimore, who seem to be prone to violent crime, cannot afford to not have police officers patrolling. Not having the police in this neighborhood is literally killing the city and its people. How many people had to die for the citizens to realize they actually need the police. I just hope people remember this time the next time they think about trying to get rid of police officers.
This article truly shines above all of the hatred towards police officers. There is so much animosity and antipathy towards police officers nowadays but after situations such as those that happened in Baltimore, it is realized that police officers are those who are needed in every community. It is their duty to keep the community safe. It has been shown in Baltimore that with de-policing, crime rates have done nothing but incline. Of course, police brutality should not be condoned, but it needs to be repeated over and over again that not all police offices are bad. Police officers are the ones who have the strength to stand up against those who cause crime. Without them, who would we have to protect us? It was even stated in the video before the article by the woman that she NEEDS police officers for their protection. There are families and individuals who need police officers patrolling to be able to do their duties and keep the community safe.
De-policing is not a good idea anywhere,most areas in my opinion need more. In Peoria, all you hear about is another murder that has occurred. Clearly something needs to happen, by adding more police officers on the streets that could prevent these fatalities. I also think it would be a great idea to put two officers in a squad car. That way the officers always have back up, and can get a second opinion on what the right thing to do is and how to handle the situation. Police officers put their lives on the line every time they respond to a call, the least we can do is make their job easier and let them have a partner. The more secure they feel, the more they will patrol the worse parts of town/the city, which will most likely cut down the murder/crime rates. Broncos456
My opinion on the De-policing issue, is that it is not a good idea at all. Just because people believe that crime is increasing because of police brutality is not true. Police help protect everyone around there and serve as a person to run to instead of going against. It is the criminals idea and free will to do the wrong thing and they choose to do the wrong thing; Police are there to help and with less police it will just bring more crime around.
This is all a big case of people not realizing how much good the police were actually doing for them and their city. What happened with Gray in Baltimore, whether it was the police officers fault or not, is a shame and it caused people to over react. Mob mentality gave them all an excuse to go crazy and destroy their own town for no good reason. They attacked police officers and blamed them for ruining the city. In reality they were the ones ruining it and were to blind to realize it. Now that they got what they wanted and the police are gone they are begging for them to come back. Criminals took advantage to the lack of police officers and are running wild. Whether the people want to admit it or not the police kept them safe. They have no one to blame but themselves.
ReplyDeleteEarthquake 456
I agree. People's taxes are going to the police department. You would think that they would want them to protect and serve. I don't know when in this time of world when people think that the police are bad but that is just not right. People should be running to the police asking them for help instead of pushing everyone away and not trusting people. Bodybuider456
DeleteI agree with this statement. without police officers crime may increase and then all of the people who were complaining about there being too many officers, will now want help and want them to save them from the crime.
Why is this world trying to get ride of police. They are good! Don't people get that. If this world did not have people like police, firefighters, emt's then who would help the world become a better place? We would be stuck. We would run out of people to run to when were in need. The world would be a sad place. Then people and the media would be complaining that no one is taking the time to help out other people I'm sorry for the people that have got done wrong by the police department but sometimes only sometimes its not there fault. bodybuilder456
ReplyDeleteThe police make it so its safe for us to go outside. Without them around there would be anarchy and total chaos. People need to understand that most cops do care about them and are not violent and racist. The police force need to also be present more in this chaos happening after the freddie gray incident. The lack of police enforce the laws is what is causing the widespread crime in the streets.
its all about the person behind the badge. whether they abuse their power or not. personally I think all of the mobs and riots are from police not using their common sense and abusing their authority. I like your point on the media and society wanting people to help them out, When honestly they are pushing away the people that help out the most.
What happened in baltimore is a shame and i think people are thinking that police are bad because the news and media give them that bad reputation. They do that by tilting news stories something like white cop kills black male and that makes several communities worried because of racial profiling and they think that for say white cops are out for them. There will always be those bad and dirty cops but the good majority for the police do care and are there to serve and protect the community other wise there wouldn't be police if they did care about there community.
Very true. That is why I want to be a police officer. To protect my community in anyway I can. That's why most people become police officers. However that is very hard to do when you are essentially chased out of a area. Police are there to protect you. But they can't do that when they are chased out of an area. Craig456
DeleteIt is very interesting how people call upon the police and then get mad when it isn't going the way they believe it should. When the police come regardless of the situation they have to protect and serve the community if they like cops or not. If a cop is "dirty" he will be found and then have to own what he/she has done. Though majority of the time it's the person trying to get a cop in trouble or fail to comply. Anymore as you stated about the media, that honestly is the reason why they are being scrutinized so much. If you look back a few years back the police weren't the talk amongst the average joe, but now you see them being downgraded in comments, threads, videos, news, and in person. Majority of the cops do care about their community and life. I know if you ask a cop why they became a cop you'd get the answer "to serve and protect my community."
What happened in Baltimore was terrible and it really gives the police a bad reputation of hating black people, but that's just not true. While, yes there are those cops who do hate black people, but a huge majority don't. After the Freddie Gray incident it seems that people want to think that they would be better off without police officers. All this rioting and spike in crime is even worse than a dirty cop injuring a innocent person. Shooting four or five people because your mad that one cop killed one person is just people over exaggerating and not thinking properly.
This article just goes to show how much much police officers are needed in today's world. Today's society only focuses on the negative side of police officers actions. However when the police are gone you see just how bad things can go. Just like the common phrase "you don't know what you got till its gone" is so true and that is so prevalent in Baltimore and in this article. Policing and police officers were brought about for a reason, to maintain order and ensure safety. If we lived in a world were everyone obeyed the laws set in place, we wouldn't need police officers. Until then, police officers are a necessity to maintain peace of mind and safety for many people. Craig456
ReplyDeleteDe-policing is not the way to go. Without law enforcement there is no order in a city. I think each police force has to adapt the way they do their job by the way society changes. You're not going to deal with people the same way based on where you are at and how comfortable you are doing your job. the officers that killed that man were obviously not comfortable dong their jobs or the death would have never happened. Its sad when people don't feel comfortable in their own community. Its up to local law enforcement to help those people feel safe and secure.
I think de-policing an area is not the most practical way of solving the problem. I believe if there is more police patrolling a certain section of town at given hours of the day there would be less room for homicides to occur. Look at the wealthier neighborhoods, there isn't any problems over there with shootings. I'll give an example, look at Grandview Dr. That part of Peoria gets a fair amount of police traffic. I always see a cop or two patrolling. When I drive through the rough parts of Peoria I may see one or none, majority of the time I would say there is none. I feel if the police want to step up their approach they would. Peoria for an example has had more cops patrolling now than they were in the past. If the job is all about protecting and serving, you must support protecting and serving all life because a poor person won't get . These people from the video appear to show a need for more policing. Another approach could be having two officers in the car instead of the car to promote an extra eye. Very interesting article, as it shows that we need to do more for our communities that don't have the best incomes. Without law enforcement, there is no order and only a trail of brokenness.
What I don't understand is why so many people are against the police? If the police, fire department, emts, ext were not there this world would be chaos. As pastor weah says in the article "without law enforcement there's is no order." I don't think de-policing is going to solve anything. If anything it's going to give more room for crimes to occur. It's up to police to make the citizens of a community to feel safe. What happened in Baltimore was a tragedy but we shouldn't let one crime define police men and women as a whole. -dicaprio456
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with you. People will sit there and hate on the police all they want, but who do they call if they need help. They try so hard to catch an officer doing something bad instead of looking at all the good that they do. without them there would be no order in this country at all. Like the article said ,and you said this perfectly, there really would not be any order. People need to be put in an officer's shoes, and see what they go through.
I like that you used a quote from the article to support your statement. It is a very true statement and quote too. Without law enforcement, we would have people committing crime everywhere. De-policing is not going to do anything, the people need more cops. Most people think all cops do is give speeding tickets, but really they do a whole lot more than that to protect society. They keep order and they keep us safe. -Eclipse456
DeleteI think that just because there was some police brutality does not mean that police should stop patrolling. It makes crime rates go up. It also makes citizens feel unsafe in their own homes. no one should ever feel unsafe in their own home. At the same time no officer should feel like he can not do his job because their afraid that a bad situation will make them loose their job. Their also are afraid that they might get recorded making one mistake. People fail to realize that police officers are human. They make mistake. I'm not saying that there are not corrupt officers. In every profession there will be corrupt people, but society should not stand in the way of a good officer trying to make where ever they are patrolling a safer community. I do believe that by de-policing that it will cause crime rates to rise.
Police shouldn't have to be worried about losing their job if they are truly doing the right thing. I agree that instead of cutting down on the number of officers in a small neighborhood, we should hire a few more to partner up so they have backup and don't feel threatened or scared when given a bad situation. I support that idea 100%, it not only makes the citizens feel safer, but it also helps the other cops feel more supported and less outnumbered. As long as officers can keep situations under control, they shouldn't have a problem doing their job the correct way. More officers in a squad car makes people cooperate more than they would if there was just one officer. Cities could increase their surveillance to intimidate criminals from committing a crime. More officers and better technology would help control neighborhoods bring down crime rates. -Eclipse 456
ReplyDeleteI strongly agree that more officers could make officers and citizens feel better about their workplace and homes. Also better technology could help significantly with police doing their job. If the technology is not abused it could make a tremendous difference in the way the police operate.
Exactly! If there are more cops within a community, not only is safety promised to the residents of the neighborhood, but criminals are intimidated and crime is less likely to happen. The more cops there are in a community, the more controlled the environment is. If de-policing continues, then absolute mayhem, even worse that Baltimore is experiencing right now, may occur in the near future.
I agree with you that police officers should not be scared to do their job, because if they do the right thing, there should not be anything to worry about. I also really liked your point about hiring more officers and putting more than one officer in a squad car. That way you have someone to back you up immediately and give you a second opinion. Broncos456
DeleteI think de-policing would not be a good idea anywhere, especially in a big city. If an area is depoliced it will increase all types of crimes. It would especially increase violent crimes. More violent crimes in an area would cause residents to move away to look for safer neighborhoods, eventually causing the city to go under. If an officer is using his power strictly for the law and not for personal gains then he/she wouldn't have to worried about losing their job. If anything should be done they should increase policing and patrols in the most crime stricken areas, and be consistent in all areas of the city. It would eventually decrease the crime rates in areas. In the end if depolicing areas happen the crime rates would more than likely rise in all areas.
Big cities like Baltimore, who seem to be prone to violent crime, cannot afford to not have police officers patrolling. Not having the police in this neighborhood is literally killing the city and its people. How many people had to die for the citizens to realize they actually need the police. I just hope people remember this time the next time they think about trying to get rid of police officers.
DeleteEarthquake 456
This article truly shines above all of the hatred towards police officers. There is so much animosity and antipathy towards police officers nowadays but after situations such as those that happened in Baltimore, it is realized that police officers are those who are needed in every community. It is their duty to keep the community safe. It has been shown in Baltimore that with de-policing, crime rates have done nothing but incline. Of course, police brutality should not be condoned, but it needs to be repeated over and over again that not all police offices are bad. Police officers are the ones who have the strength to stand up against those who cause crime. Without them, who would we have to protect us? It was even stated in the video before the article by the woman that she NEEDS police officers for their protection. There are families and individuals who need police officers patrolling to be able to do their duties and keep the community safe.
De-policing is not a good idea anywhere,most areas in my opinion need more. In Peoria, all you hear about is another murder that has occurred. Clearly something needs to happen, by adding more police officers on the streets that could prevent these fatalities. I also think it would be a great idea to put two officers in a squad car. That way the officers always have back up, and can get a second opinion on what the right thing to do is and how to handle the situation. Police officers put their lives on the line every time they respond to a call, the least we can do is make their job easier and let them have a partner. The more secure they feel, the more they will patrol the worse parts of town/the city, which will most likely cut down the murder/crime rates. Broncos456
ReplyDeleteMy opinion on the De-policing issue, is that it is not a good idea at all. Just because people believe that crime is increasing because of police brutality is not true. Police help protect everyone around there and serve as a person to run to instead of going against. It is the criminals idea and free will to do the wrong thing and they choose to do the wrong thing; Police are there to help and with less police it will just bring more crime around.