Crimes Rates and Reality....Simply Explained?

Crimes Rates and Reality....Simply Explained?


  1. I have said before that as a society we focus on the negatives. I think though if crime is happening somewhere else in the country, even if it does not directly effect me, I should still have a right to know about it because it is happening in my country. The only way we can get the media to show more positives stories is to actually show interest in them. The medias real goal is to make money and get viewers or readers. If negative stories about murder and rape are what people read, I do not blame them for continuing to write about it. We as a society have to make the change to want to see more uplifting stories along with the negative. I feel that local news is good at showing positives in today. If you read your local paper compared to watching FOX News, you can see the tone differ. Many politicians will also constantly bring up the bad things that are happening now and days, because they want to scare you, so they can come swoop in and save us. They want to be elected or liked and who are people going to like more, the guy who says he is going to keep everything the way it is, or the guy who points out a bunch of problems and how he is going to fix them.

    Earthquake 456

    1. I agree. All of these politicians are trying to say what they are good at instead of telling america what they are going to do with the world. I am still waiting for a president to change up this world for the better of the people. I'm getting sick and tiered all these moncho guys trying to impress america. They are just in for it for money. bodybuilder456

    2. Money is what runs this world, sadly and we will never find any satisfactory in life because there are so many broken people and what society does is tell us if we have, the bigger house, the nice car, and have the perfect things life will be good. The sad reality is that it isn't, and we are all becoming brainwashed at what the media tells us. They run our lives and tell us what we should fear and accept. We are administrating the consensus model because we all to some degree believe what they are saying and acting out upon it making it acceptable and the norm


  2. I agree with this article. These politicians are manly in it for the money. What is this world coming to. Everyone wants money now a days. I would be absolutely amazed if someone would come in to this world and fix all the dept all the suffering. Now I am a firm believer in god. This world is going to end some day and I'm afraid that when we finally get out of dept that that world will end. It's the sad truth but it's the truth. bodybuilder456

  3. The media plays a big part in how the modern society views crime. Someone living in Wisconsin will not be affected by a murder in Florida. The media picks the crime with the best story behind it and the most controversy to improve ratings. Like the video said crime rates are lower now than 25 years ago, but because of the media they make it seem that crime rates are high and still rising. The media typically pick minorities to blow it out of proportion to improve their ratings. In the end media plays a big part in how modern society views crime rates and different crimes. It has changed modern society's views significantly.

    1. I agree the media does play a large part in societies views. News channels are going to do whatever they can to boost their ratings and make more people watch them. Although I do not like that they do this, I do not blame the media. If I owned a news company and the number one selling thing was what mayhem was happening, then I would be selling that too. It's us a as a society that need to stop looking for the negatives and when we show more interest in positives so will the news.


  4. This is a very interesting topic, because we are a society dominated by the media. Majority of the things I have seen on local news can be broken down through ethnicity: African Americans are either associated with murders and majority of the crimes that get reported, though they are located over the river (Peoria). The Caucasians are associated with drugs and paraphernalia. This isn't my belief obviously, just an observation.
    This video has made me re-think of all the news articles I have seen, because I have been under the impression that crime rate has grown, though in reality it has not grown it actually has lowered. I sometimes question when I leave my humble abode if should carry something for my protection. Though I have never really felt threatened. If you look at our times and ask people how the crime rate is doing, you'd hear a lot of people saying that it has grown. In reality we have half as much crime committed in the US right now unlike 25 years ago. All in all, the media relies on scare tactics for ratings and manipulating their audience to believe the fears that aren't really affecting them.

    ~ Palmdaddy456

    1. I agree with what you are saying on how blacks are getting the attention of media and news stations because for how many black are getting involved in crimes. I heard one time from a comedian named Chris rock said "that there is a difference there are blacks and n#$%*# and the n#$%*# go and rob stores, kill people, and do gang violence the rest of the good black community wouldn't get a racial profiling from the rest of the community if the n#$%*# didn't f#$% it up for the rest of the good black community.

    2. I also agree with what you are saying. The media does tend to racial profile people but it is the people doing it to themselves. also I think the whole world relies on scare tactics to keep people in line. What if the media just made it sound like the crime was growing so the people would be alert at all times therefore protecting people in a kind of way by opening there eyes up to what is really out there in the real world.

    3. I also think the media does tend to racial profile people but if you think about it its the people doing it to themselves. Also I like the way you used the words "Scare Tactics" because I think the whole world relies on scare tactics to keep people in line. What if the media made it sound like crime was on the rise just to keep people alert at all times because the people think they are walking around in a crime filled world. What if the media is just trying to open the eyes of the people to what happens in the real world.

  5. This topic is a good topic because it happens everyday the media and the news stations get good stories and when another story comes along that they can twist and sound more sensational they will do the story that is more sensational for the ratings and viewers. I think that it not fare how they could just throw out good story for a rape or murder rather than the story of an old lady turning 108 years old i would rather here more about that that how someone got murdered when the news stations just make it seem all important when it really isn't. Like its important to go over those things but not so much to twist it to make it sound better .

    1. I completely agree with you. The media is ran by greedy people who just want money and high ratings. I also wish they would show good news as well as the bad news. I would rather see a story about a police officer helping somebody rather that an officer killing somebody a thousand miles away that doesn't affect me. Although, I would like the news to be this way it would never happen. If a news station who reported on the good thing and the bad things came out. It would be popular for a little while and then gradually fade out because people actually like being scared. Its the reason why we see scary movies and watch the news.


  6. The media is all about the ratings and the money. The media wants you to hear what THEY want you to hear and know. They choose crimes that put fear into EVERYONE. They don't show good things, they only talk about all the problems in the world. And it makes people think that that's all there is in the world we live in today. Good things do happen. Not all black people kill other people. Not all white police officers are corrupt and criminals themselves. You can't rely on media to tell you the truth, because you hear and see what they want you to hear and see.

    1. I completely agree with you. I honestly think I'd watch the news more if the showed more positive things. They want to put that fear in everyone which really isn't right. They focus way too much on ratings and money. There is some stuff that I do think we should know, but there is some stuff that doesn't need to be on the national news. Maybe local, but not national.

    2. What you said is very true. While not all media outlets are bad and manipulative most are. Those news shows people watch are just in it for the money. They give you that story that will interest you so you keep coming back. They will not broadcast that a police officer just helped someone. Because that is what police are here to do. News programs show you the bad things about crime and the criminal justice system so you keep coming back and they keep getting money. Craig456

    3. I agree with you 100%. The media loves putting out stories that incite hatred towards groups of people. There has been a multitude of stories that have been released recently that only show one side of the story or fail to share every detail. Criminalizing every single police officer and African American and only releasing negative stories that are happening nationally is the way they keep society in a constant state of disagreement. It the way they get society to continue to watch the news. If they have society debating against each other, then they stay in business.


    4. I completely agree with you on this statement. it is hard to watch the news or read newspapers because it is mostly focused on the negative and not much on the positive. Hearing about all of the bad things going on in the world just makes people want to rage. I think having media be more positive would be better.

  7. It is true when they say that there is not as much crime as we think there is. That is mainly because the media takes one topic and blows it way out of proportion making us think that there is a lot of crime. people do not realize that crime is actually going down. Before I started this class however I thought crime was going up. That is because the media made me think that there is so much more crime than there actually was. It is also true that we think this because we have more technology now. way back before technology people never really saw the crime all the time. Now people can get on their phones or social media and it is all over the place. I honestly think that there should be a limit as to what the news makes stories about. They can have negative things, but they also need to show more of the positive. They need to balance out the negatives with a positive. that would honestly get me to watch the news more.

    1. I completely agree, before I started taking this class I was as what some people would say is clueless as to what the crime rates were actually doing. I had no idea as to whether or not the rates were actually going up or not. I was just another person who believed what the media was saying. this video definitely was an eye opener.

    2. You are exactly right, the media and news stations lead all of their viewers to believe that crime is on the rise and growing, but in reality crime is going down. I also was in belief that crime was increasing. News stations have the ability to share inspiring stories and help spread awareness, they should use that ability for good, and not to spread stories that mislead us in the wrong direction. Broncos456

  8. The media plays a huge roll in our society especially in today's world where our lives are basically run by technology. It only shows us want they want to show by picking the most random and violent crimes to show. A great movie that shows this very well is the movie Nightcrawler starring Jake Gyllenhaal. In the movie he goes around to different crime scenes and films the victims and whats going on. He then sells the tapes to a news station and they will show it on air. As he does this more and more he gets picky about what he wants to film and so does the news. At one point they even reject one of his videos because it wasn't interesting enough. He would also manipulate the crime scenes sometimes to make them look better for TV and hit home with the viewers watching. This movie accurately portrays the media through the use of satire.


  9. Out of all of the articles I have gone over this one definitely makes the most valid points. The media is filling everyone up with negativity so they think that they live in a negative place when really the crime rates are going down. Looking at this from a cops point of view the media is basically giving them the short end of the stick, instead of praising the cops for having been apart of the crime rates going down the put all of these crazy stories on the news making people think that the world is a terrible place. I think it would be good to see more positive things in the news and the media actually telling the truth to the people at home watching. Society believes what is most believable which would defiantly be that crime is rising, if the media started giving the people real facts I think the people wouldn't be so scar4edk to walk to their cars after work.

    1. I agree with what you said about the media. Social media makes everyone think that crime is happening everywhere but really it isn't. If you just compare the total population of the world, and take the people who actually commit a serious crime, the numbers are not so big after all. Especially with all the new technology police have to catch criminals, it is nearly impossible to get away with a serious crime today. You are being watched everywhere by people and cameras, its so easy for police to get your fingerprint and use facial recognition to find you. -Eclipse456

  10. Out of all the topics I have gone over I think this is the most eye opening. the way the media makes the world sound is all a lie. Crime is lowering but if you turn to the news at any given time you will find something about violence and negativity. The media is changing the way society views there surroundings. if you watch the news and say you see something about robbery's you are more likely to be aware of your surroundings the next time you are out in public. I think the news should show some good things on the news, something a little less negative and depressing.

  11. I feel as if this video was on point. They talked about how the crime rates were not as high as what the media and or politicians make it out to be. It seems these days that the media has to always be negative about things or show all of the negative things going on in society. As the video stated, the media is all about getting more viewer's and or ratings so they blow everything that is not as important way out of proportion. This is effecting society as well because people are not realizing how far this country has actually came just to reduce crime rates. The media will pick out a murder that happened in the U.S when something way more serious is going on in a different part of the country all because they have gotten bored with what they have been covering. If people would actually do some research about the crime rates in America and the levels they are actually at, then they might find themselves quite surprised.

  12. This video couldn't be more true everything the talk about is everything that we are dealing with right now. Social media has completely consumed our generation, and most people now a days believe everything that they hear on the Internet. The news itself has everyone running in fear of every cop that they see. All you see the in news these days is everything negative a cop does. What you don't see on the news is all the good cops do for everyone. Not only is there negative news about cops but, 90% of the news you see is negative all by itself. Why don't we report about all the good everyone is doing in the world. The media shouldn't always focus on every thing depressing. Though the world is filled with violence there are many positive things still happening all around us. -dicaprio456

  13. Once again, going back to the media influence on society beliefs about crime and the criminal justice system. They touched on some very key points in this video. Almost everyone has a smart phone now where they can watch videos. And "breaking news" of the latest murder or armed robbery half way across the country when it just happened not even an hour ago. That is the time most people would look at the video. And believe everything in it. When the news station that just released the video doesn't even have all the facts correct yet. Even if you don't have that new smart phone that can get the news video right away. People will talk about. You could see it on television or even a computer. The fact is electronics are changing the way america sees and is informed about just about everything. While there are definitely good things this new technology brings it is not without its downsides. Craig456

  14. The topic focused on throughout this video is something that Americans have struggled with for years. For the most part, social problems are blown out of proportion. For example, in the past few years, teen pregnancy has been seen as a huge problem that has grown out of hand. If one look's at actual statistics from recent years, they could see that teen pregnancy rates have actually dropped dramatically and has been decreasing steadily. The reason most Americans have this misconception about teenage pregnancy is because of all of the TV shows and mainstream attention it has gotten. Because people are being exposed to every case of teenage pregnancy due to all of the recent technology and social media advances, they are more aware of what is going on in their country. This was mentioned in the video. The luxury of having new updates in the palm of our hands is leading to the misinterpretation of actual statistics. People are becoming more aware of what is going on in the country and since the news reports horrible stories of murder, burglary, and rape just to get higher ratings, the public is becoming misinformed on stories that have been blown out of proportion.


  15. According to the video, there is half as much crime as there way 25 years ago. I believe that that is true, considering that we as a nation are more advanced in technology than we were a couple decades ago. This pertains to all of the six categories of crime as well, not just one particular division, all crime is down in rates since the 1980's and 90's. One factor that plays a role in this is that it is typically much harder to get away with a crime today than it used to be. We have fingerprinting, cameras, and even facial recognition, which just makes it much harder to get away with committing a crime. Another factor that we have today that plays part into crime is social media. Social media makes us think crime is getting committed everywhere, which could make some people think its more acceptable to commit a crime. The media makes you think crime is consistent because its all around the world, but in reality, it isn't. Just compare how many people are in the world and how many people actually commit a serious crime, because there isn't very many. I think crime is going to continue to decline in time with all these new methods police can use to catch criminals. -Eclipse456

  16. Crime is definitely becoming a form of entertainment almost. They were joking around in the video about how they would rather hear about baby pandas being born, and although this was funny it's actually very true. The media doesn't publicize encouraging, uplifting events very often, instead chooses to focus on solely the negative aspects of our country. It's almost as if we're a masochistic society, enjoying hurting ourselves over bringing ourselves upwards. Crime rates are nowhere near as high as they were 25 years ago. We've brought them down, but in retrospective we're lifting them up and putting them on a pedestal.

    1. I agree that crime should not be publicized in any way. But in todays society all the media and big news stations is more views and better ratings. People sadly aren't as entertained by happy uplifting events any longer. so the only way to get more views is to blow crime way out of proportion and make it seem worse than it actually is.

  17. Media and News stations today are all about ratings. They will make a headline say whatever is necessary to turn heads. So they figure out a sensitive subject (racism for example) and blow up a story to get ratings and viewers. Personally I feel as if media has had a huge part of creating one of the biggest profiles today, that police officers are all racist and target African Americans. Although that may be true with some police officers, it surely isnt every officer. What I have trouble understanding is how you hear/see some African Americans complain that they get profiled by the police for looking like they are in a gang, but they profile the police by assuming they are racist. This fire was fueled by the media and news stations and is becoming bigger and bigger. There are countless occasions where police help and keep the public safe and do good deeds, but those just aren't nearly as entertaining as crime and arguments. Broncos456

    1. I agree with your statement about police officers and being profiled as racist. Cops just do there jobs like any other normal American. There will always be the bad apple out of the batch and those are the bad ones that deem the rest of the good cops racist.Number1whiteguy456

    2. I completely agree. If the world quit profiling everyone, there would be nothing to talk about. People always find a negative way to keep busy. For example, crime, hate, racism. More recently, it seems that police officers are constantly taking hits by citizens. We need more good deals in this world. KayaJ456

  18. Crime in America in my opinion is a very good topic. Is it truly going down? The media thinks so. With access to media from anywhere in the country for any news station in the country. With hard facts like what they presented in the video how can you not argue with how crime is going down tho. Some might say that there is hidden crime still happening in the U.S.A like vanadium and drug lords still out on the streets. That is still considered crime just not reported crime which is how they can gauge crime as they don't know what crime is being committed if they don't know about it. 25 years is a big gap however to say that crime is truly going down currently. Maybe if the gap was shorter to more 10 years or 5 years was could view the decline more accurately. The example they gave in the video witch would represent the thought of increase in crime is very accurate. We view serious crimes that are committed in other states far from us as though they were local and that we should fear for our own community.

    1. Correction the media thinks the media is going up

  19. There are a lot of things deliberately wrong with the media. The number one issue with the news is that they are biased. They pick and choose which story should be covered, who should be spotlighted, which would the community care about the most, and how it would effect the city or town. Location and impact create a beneficial factor for a news team. Would the residents find this interesting? If you stop to think about it, why would you want to hear about something going on in a different country if it would not effect ours? The real issue with the media is their perspective. News stories today are always so negative because that is what citizens feed off of. While viewing the negative events occurring, it makes everyone feel less secure which in turn, would make them feel the need to stay updated. I believe that if the news was less biased, less discriminatory, more factual, and more positive, the realization of the crime rate would decrease. KayaJ456

  20. Crime is decreasing but us Americans believe it is increasing. The media points out specific stories that try to make us believe that there is more crime now then there ever has been. In the video it stated that crime has gone down in the last 25 years, but there is not way anyone would be able to tell that because of the media coverage. Media point out certain stories that will be hard to cope with and will effect the nation as a whole instead of the city where it occurred. I think if the news pointed out things that are positive instead of the negatives, people would realize that it is not as bad as they think it is.



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