Inmate Reductions and Robust Conversations....

Cutting Prison Populations


  1. There are a lot of unanswered questions, how can our system be fixed, does the non violent criminals have to pay in the worst, if not how can we help, not just saying the government but as a society because we've lost most of it to jails, family, friends, anything we need to get them back for the most part.all I want to say is that there shouldn't be a bigger incarceration population then the world population cutting the prison populati9means giving backs lives that weren't suppose to be interrupted just from some little mistake I'm sure their sorry but for those people who wanna live normal just wanna make it in life jail isn't normal on any level LifeImagine789

    1. I agree with you when you said that they should not be a bigger population in the jails than in the world. That is ridiculous and we did take away lives that now they will never get to get those years or months back. The system destroyed families for some of the inmates that just could of been at the wrong place at the wrong time. Hopefully one day we will get these prisons reduced. Green789

    2. The incarceration rate and population is unbelievable. For being the land of the free it doesn't seem like that for a lot of people in prison. One mistake and they are sentence to prison for 20 years. That is a long time to be locked and life as you know it is passing you by and your stuck in this cell waiting to press play on your life again to be re-united with friends and family and they are 20 years older now, than you went in. I wouldn't like to waist my life away sitting in a cell. I'm glad that they are doing something about this population. To many non-violent people serving to long of sentences.

  2. Numerous things stuck out at me from this article. The first thing is when the author quoted Travis saying “We are here because we chose to be here.” I believe that this is something that people need to hear when address this topic. The rise in crime rates does not follow either a rise in crime or result in a drop in crime. Instead it results and causes a mixture of both to happen. This boom in prisons is not something that just happened over night either it has been going on for decades. Our policies led us to be at the point where we lead the world in incarceration rates. Another thing that stuck out at me is when Travis said with less inmates in prison we can focus on more rehabilitation programs rather than just warehousing. Programs geared at getting a convicted person back into society safely should be at the forefront of all our institutions but we just don’t have the money now due to over incarceration. If we are able to cut the prison population we can change our policies from just warehousing them. Tae kwon do guy 789

  3. When this article stated that the U.S. incarcerates 25% of the world and it is a home to about 5%, that is really sad that we have this percentage. When they were talking about "three strikes and you're out" I have heard this before if we have an inmate that is going to keep committing the same crime over and over again the third time they get convicted it is going to be the worst sentence that they have got. However this is going to run into a problem when we are trying to reduce our prisons. I believe that we should follow the four principles that Travis was talking about proportionality, parsimony, citizenship, and social justice. Travis had praised Germany for how they were using this system. We need to try and focus on getting programs out there because it is ridiculous that 1 in 10 people get in trouble related to drugs. So if we had programs to help them maybe our systems would reduce. Green789

  4. In this article, it states that nation’s prison population is not strictly related to crime rates which I find that interesting. Then, Travis says, “We are here because we chose to be here. We have arrived at the reality of mass incarceration through a series of policy choices.” We have choose to put people in prison for a long time. This is something that has been happening forever. It has just finally caught up to us. There are other ways that could help besides giving someone life in person for something petty that they did. In the four principles, I don’t agree with the citizenship principle. It says to create environments in prison that resemble as closely as possible the environment in free society. I feel that there should be a difference between the two environments because you are not going to prison to be comfortable. CSI 789

    1. Expanding off your first sentence on crime rates and prison populations, I think it makes sense. One of the reason we implement three strike rules was logical it makes sense that if we get criminals off the street crime will go down, and it might do that for a bit. However, when you look at organized crime with distribution of drugs, there is always gonna be someone there to take the place of the now imprisoned person. Until we can start doing more programs in and out of prisons to help people crime rates won't always go down. Tae kwon do guy 789

    2. At the end of the article it says that,"We need to create new relationships between those who work in our prisons and those who are held in our prisons." and I agree. I have been raised watching movies that have inmate being abused by the prison's guards and I watch television shows that the inmates are all evil and that isn't true. Ya, we get some guards that get power tripping and think since they got the law on their side they can do what ever and we do have inmates that all they do think about is killing and think evil ways all day but you have those inmates that screwed up and ended up in jail. Those inmates that screwed up are being labeled as harsh criminals and the guards act crappy to them and when they have to deal with other inmates trying to stab him to death and they have no one to really go to but to matters in their own hands. If they can't trust the guards to protect them in the prison, then they cant trust the police outside the walls to protect them either. Prison is a place for punishment and to get treated so they don't do the same crime again and their is a lot more punishment than treating. Phenom789

  5. "We need to reimagine our prisons and reinvest in our prisons" I highly agree with. I used to just think that prisoners who went to prison were easily rehabilitated and would eventually get out of prison and rejoin society, but I was wrong on all account. Now we're just warehousing prisoners instead of taking the time to invest in rehabilitation programs to help them fit into society when they get out. All we're doing is slapping lengthy mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent offenders whose problem can probably be fixed in 2-5 years, and is costing us millions in tax payer money. I"m glad that somebody like Travis is speaking out, and with the recent bipartisan push occurring in Congress, hopefully we can solve this problem by 2030. Flitzy789

  6. it's to many people in jail as of today they need to come up with a way to fix our jail system it's over packed in the jail anyway they need to come up with a way to punish people other than putting them in jail for simple things. At the end of the article it say they need to come up with a way to build a relationship with the the prison guard and imate but I don't think it can happen because other imates think they are telling on them or things like that- cashes789

  7. There are million people in jail so I understand that we want to reduce incarceration but it wont be as easy as it seems like said in the article. I like the idea of reimagining the prisons so they can be set up to help the inmates get out of prison and be able to transition to society better when they do get out. I think by not treating them as if they are not human beings will not help them progress. I like the fact that the government can finally come together on an issue that has gotten so out of hand and work together. Its sad that it has taken so long but mass incarceration has become a major problem that if they don't take action now it will only set us back more as a country. jiggers789


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