Juveniles and Arrest Trends....

Juveniles and Arrest Trends....


  1. This is good information it teaches your things you would of thought the opposite of just by watching the news or reading the paper. But it is encouraging to see the big drop in how many juveniles are getting arrested each year. But its sad to see how young kids are and still commenting horrible acts of violence or non violent crimes that a full grown adult wouldn't even think twice about doing. For a kid to be that young and doing those sorts of things is just irresponsible for the guardian of the child or if he/she doesn't have anybody looking out for them and guiding them than that community should reach out and help. Those sort of little things could help a lot.


    1. Media is definitely at fault when it comes to having people think that crime has risen in the youth. It felt great too see how crime rates among juveniles has greatly plummet. Trust me when I say it really got me down when I saw the "murder" and "Force-able rape" chart. I couldn't ever imagine what that kid had gone through his whole life to think that it is okay too commit such a crime. I wonder if the parents have something to do with some of it, or if they even have "parents". My thoughts are still around what is the cause of the decline in the violence. Maybe the court system being less lenient on the juveniles has something to do with it. Kids also might be more aware of the consequences that it scares them to even think in a violent way. The news should definitely do a segment on how crimes among youth have lowered as it'd probably give the people more hope in our youth rather than giving us the wrong idea and putting more fear into the people. But hey, showing good things on the news doesn't make them money so what am i thinking!

    2. When I look at the list of crimes, I also am surprised. It brings up the question of Nature vs Nurture. What had that child seen or what enviroment have they grown up in, to make them come to the conclusion that forcing sex upon someone is ok? What has caused them to have that learned behavior? Furthermore, how much of this is based on genetics? Do there parents battle with violent acts such as these? And if so, have they exposed their children?


  2. When seeing all the graphs and statistics. I noticed how badly some crimes that these kids commit. I see forcible rape, murder, assault, etc. My first thought was that I hope those kids got tried as adults and sent to jail. But I come to think they may have not ever had that parent figure to teach them from right or wrong. From the first blog post, I kept wondering if it has gotten worse or better. The graphs and stats showed me that juvenile violence was declining majorly. But very happy to see that the two main crimes have declined substantially (Murder, Rape). As I saw in the beginning, it showed a column for “kids under 15”. It blew my mind to think kids at that age and below would think about murder, and rape. The percentages are low, but one murder is more than enough! Now the question I still have is what might be the reason for the decline? Media definitely does not help in this situation as the news always makes it seem like that there is a rise in crime in youth.

    1. I think the children are committing these crimes and getting away with them can be a reason why the crime rate is low. Different movies and shows are showing how to get away with murder "How to get away with murder" a hit tv show. Rap songs and the fear of telling a parent of an sexual assault these all could be reasons that the crime rate is deceasing because the crimes are definitely being committed. MotherOf4123

  3. I don't take into any reports such of this type. They are false bias and cant be proven to be true per how cirmes are committed and how arrest are made. On the other hand it does give us a better understanding of how the juveniles think and the different crimes they commit. It shocked me to see that the crime rate has decrease due to the fact all these children are in juvenile detention over and over again. Today a juvenile took another mans life they both were so young. If only he had guidance of some sort this may have not happened. MotherOf4123

    1. I see what are saying also believe that if we support and guide young people they are less likely to go to a life of crime or even do one stupid mistake. I believe that yes they may be a little false in their information but I think they are mostly accurate.

  4. As I was going through this article I started to see some trends. Not all of them are good. The first one I picked up on was that how many and serious the crimes that these kids were committing. The next pattern I saw was that even though the crime seems so high in reality it is starting to come down and continues to. I am very shocked that children so young are committing murder and assault. As I continued to read this article I also saw that females had some high numbers but unlike the males it hasn’t decreased as much. It looks like the decline is across the board, which is a very good thing. There are always some things that we can do to help the trend go down but if we continue to support and teach youth to do the right thing I believe it will continue to do so.

  5. After reading the article, it occurs to me that in 2012 everything is declining. I find that the difference in female and male juvenile arrests are interesting because some serious offenses have higher percentages for females or vice versa. According to these statistics, females have a higher percentage change. For example, weapons and motor vehicle theft are higher than males. Gender and race are a big factor in the past and today's society of committing crimes. In 2012, the statistics show that all the categories like juvenile arrests including property crimes, violent crimes, female and males, and minorities were recorded at an all time low. Hopefully statistics show that in the last three years they are still on the decline. CSI123

    1. I like how you pointed out the difference in arrests by gender when it comes to more serious offenses. It's crazy to think that these statistics can really take someone by surprise from misconceptions on the issue. That is pretty much the main reason why I was so interested in the article. -Pack123

  6. Seeing the information in this article is rather surprising to me. With as much crime that is commited in the US by juveniles, I would hardly expect that the crime rate would be going down. If anything, I would've expected a rather rapid increase. Seeing this article really opens your eyes to how society has changed. How the mentalities of juveniles has change. Different crimes such as arsons are being commited, when just a few decades ago, the crimes you saw from teens were things like shop lifting. Although it's said that the crime rate is decreasing with juveniles, the severity of the crimes is increasing and I personally think that is a relationship that should be focused on.


  7. According to the data, it shows how juvenile arrests are down in comparison to past years. It really is shocking to see the seriousness the offenses are that juveniles are committing. However, it is crucial that this information gain publicity because it places a different perspective on where society stands and how their efforts are in this matter. One thing I really took an interest in is how detailed these statistics really get. All in all, this is really valuable data that easily displays the juvenile delinquency issue we face today. -Pack123


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