Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Task Force Report.....The Recommendations

President Obama's Task Force Final Report


  1. I think that recommendation 3.2 about the use of the right technology for the nation as well as the community was good because the technology needs for one city may not be the same for another one. For example a small town such as washington might not need as much technology as chicago. I also think that recommendation 3.5 is good as well which talks about implementing nonlethal weapons. I agree with this because tragedies such as Ferguson may not have happened becasue shooting them with a nonlethal weapon wouldnt kill the person but could still hurt them a lot and would still make them stop whatever they are doing. Recommendation 5.2 talking about having the community members in the training process was good because the civilians can learn what they have to do and why they have to do it. Also they can give some insight onto how to do something better.


    1. I agree with you! It doesn't make any sense to use more power than you really need. That would just be wasting it. Why would someone want to waste power. There are people out in Africa and Afghanistan that really need that power but aren't getting it like they should. I think that instead using the power for ourselves we should find some way to help one another in this power crisis that we are having. bodybuilder456

    2. Your point on using nonlethal weapons makes a lot of sense. Their are a lot of incidents that could be resulted in using nonlethal weapons over deadly force. It would indeed stop all of the problems with people rioting. I think it could have its pros and its cons. if officers have a weapon that
      didn't kill people they would use it more. therefore the people would end up rioting and posting picture of bean bag welts on social media to turn people against police once again.

  2. This article made me think of a lot of things. Things such as why are we doing what we are doing? Why are we as people of america going around shooting people when we feel like it? What happen to the olden days were we all just worked out are problem instead of putting them on other people? I could never imagine hurting somebody in the way that people hurt one another. Let's talk a little bit about the technology power thing that we are going threw. Having a small town vs a big town. Obviously the bigger town is going to need more power. Stop wasting power on smaller towns and the world would be a better place. Simple as that. That solve a little bit of the problems that this nation is having. bodybuilder456

  3. This article made me think of a lot of things. Things such as why are we doing what we are doing? Why are we as people of america going around shooting people when we feel like it? What happen to the olden days were we all just worked out are problem instead of putting them on other people? I could never imagine hurting somebody in the way that people hurt one another. Let's talk a little bit about the technology power thing that we are going threw. Having a small town vs a big town. Obviously the bigger town is going to need more power. Stop wasting power on smaller towns and the world would be a better place. Simple as that. That solve a little bit of the problems that this nation is having. bodybuilder456

  4. In the article I focused on a few main points that really intrigued me and made me think about how the recommendations made a lot of since. The first one that got my attention was Pillar four (Training and Education). With the world changing into a dirty place I think is very important for officers to be trained and education for every possible encounter. most of the problems with law enforcement is that most of the officers are not doing what they are trained to do. They act out of fear and it makes a huge problem for those who do their job correctly. secondly Pillar one (Building trust and legitimacy) also has tons of well thought out plans. If the community your serve trusts you and believes that they can rely on you then people wouldn't be hating the police. If they had no doubt that the police were going to help them instead of victimize them then they would start so many problems. In 4.2.1 action item builds right off of the forth pillar in the since that the police need to build relationships with their community's. I feel like people think all cops are out to get them in trouble or put them in jail. If they actually understood that cops are people to they would understand that they are just doing their jobs and that it is not personal. Finally the one that I think is most important is 6.1.3 Action item where it discusses how all officers should get a full check up once a year. For mental health, fitness and nutrition. I feel like doing a mental health check up would be a good way to save the community from people that should be carrying a weapon at all times.

    1. I agree with your viewpoint on police needing to be educated and trained for any circumstance due to the way that the world is paneling out. Police should be more intensely trained for these specific circumstances because they do, in fact, act out of fear which exaggerates the problem and causes even more problems for everyone.


    2. I also think the officers should be trained more thoroughly for every type pf situation. If the police officers aren't trained it can cause a lot of fear and make them act in an unprofessional way because they were not trained correctly. This is possibly how cases such as Ferguson happened.


    3. We fear the unknown, and when decisions are made and the officer is not trained well enough this can create more problems. I feel though training can only be done so much before it is "training," since you can't train for everything you can only get the big idea across. I feel that there would leave less room for error since you have the big idea under control the details will change and then the officer would have to make the decision.
      The mental health check up is good because carrying a gun and not being mentally stable is a scary thought. This would be good for everyone, even the officer.

  5. I agree with section 1.3.1 talking about how there should be a system available that locals can go on and write reports, both bad and good, about their experience with a law enforcement officer. I believe that in doing this, it will give more people a voice and they can write good about an officer and compliment them on how great of a job they're doing and if they feel uneasy about something that happened, they can post it on the website and get feedback and let it be known what happened. I also agree with section 1.4 and how it states that agencies should promote legitimacy internally by applying principles of procedural justice. I believe that it is very important in the system that things be legitimate. If things are being pushed "under the rug" and things are not being handled fairly and as they should, they should not be happening at all. Finally, I agree with section 1.5.3 which states that communities should host nonenforcement actives in schools and in the community which, in my opinion, will engage the trust between law enforcement officers and children which would benefit the community because the children would know that if they have a problem or concern, they have a trusting adult that they can go to for guidance and help.


    1. I agree with you on a couple of the sections you selected. I think its a good idea for agencies to create a website that educates the public on what is going on in their community and they actions the coos are taking. I also agree with you on that their should be interaction with cops in non-enforcement ways to show the community that cops are not bad people are are their to help them whenever they need it. I think its a good idea they teach the kids they can trust the cops and go to them whenever they need to. dragons456

    2. I agree with you on that topic that Police interacting with the community in a non-enforcement ways. By having police officers being involved with different events in the community, it will show people that they are just like everyone else. The stereotype that people think a lot of cops think that they are better than everyone else and above the law would go down if the officers and the department would put on events to get the community involved. for example, Washington has a citizen police academy where one day a week they host a class where citizens can learn about Law Enforcement and what they do. Just by doing that, it can change the way those people attending the class view police officers, then by word of mouth they share what they learned to other members of the community. Broncos456

  6. I agree with many sections of the article. One section I agree with is 1.3.1 which talks about how their should be a website or some source of department page that posts about any arrest or stops are anything that the department did. I think its a good idea because it informs the public on what is happening in their town and the actions that the police department is taking to make the city a safer place. I also agree with section 1.4.1 which says departments should involve employees in developing policies and procedures. I think its a good idea because it will allow employees to have say in the policies they have to follow and it could also allow people to enjoy their job more if they get to help develop the procedures they will have to follow and and take during their career. I think section 1.5.3 is a good idea, it states agencies should create opportunities in the community or schools for people to have non-enforcement interaction with cops. I think its a good idea because it will show people that cops are good people and aren't out to get them. It will also show people that cops are there to help them anytime they need it and will help people change their view on cops and show them they are good people. dragons456

    1. I agree that law enforcement employees should have some sort of input into policies. The police officers see the streets and what is going on more than any diplomat has, they know how they work and the best way to combat them. It's easier to enforce a protocol if you had a part in making it. If somethings not working they will be the first ones to realize it, and likely the first to come up with a solution.


  7. In pillar one they discussed how to make the community and the police more compatible. Police need to be seen as respected protectors of the people. Anything they say or do should be for the betterment and protection of the people they serve. Unfortunately, for some reason in our culture they are seen as "the man" simply trying to rule over them with unjust authority. Pillar three discussed how new technology and social media affect the police force. A main new thing to the police are body cams. They are effective about showing what really happened in an altercation. They see everything the police officer does, which will draw conclusions when cases involving police, are his word vs another's. Pillar 5 talked about new training techniques and classes for police officers. I support this, because time's and our culture are always changing and some things need to be updated. The police need to police for our current time, not what it was like 50 years ago.


  8. Policy and oversight(building trust between police and the community) is great. 2.1 days law enforcement agencies should get together with community members to develop policies and strategies in communities and neighborhoods effected by crime. That's brilliant, if we did this more often I feel more people in certain communities would have more respect for cops & the hate crimes against cops would reduce significantly. 4.7- communities need to affirm and recognize the voices of the youth. This is something that is so important as a teenager. I know what it's like feeling like no one hears you! Like it says youth leadership training and life skills can be built on police/ youth communication. If kids at young age are influenced positively by the police, it could change their whole outlook on the way they perceive the law. 5.2 I'm not really sure if I agree with letting citizens in on police training. This could be good and bad. Letting citizens in on police training could give them more reasons to point out what we are doing wrong. But on the other hand it does make some very valid points. Dicaprio456

    1. I agree with you wholeheartedly about point 4.7! Children are our future and if we want a better one, then the majority of our attention should be focused on our youth. If we teach kids at a young age that police officers are to be respected and trusted, then all of the animosity that has been created towards officers will be decreased. We have the power to reduce future criminals and it's definitely a main focus when reforming our system.


  9. In Pillar 1, it talks about trusting the police and them having authority. Police only have authority when we believe that they have it. I feel like police are here for a reason, to help us and protect us from criminals. And if a cop tells you to do something, you should do it, simply because he is a cop. Now i'm not saying if one tells you to start doing jumping jacks, you don't have to do jumping jacks. Let's be serious, if they have a reasonable cause to pull you over, or pull you the side away from everyone to ask you a few questions, then so be it. Don't be one of those guys that is a smart ass all the time. Because that's what makes cops mad and then they do stuff that gives them a bad rep.
    In Pillar 3 the report talks about the technology the police should have and learn how to use. 3.1.1 says that the Federal Government should support the development, and the training of new and improving technology to officers. And that is right. We live in a society that runs and thrives off of technology. Giving the police the technology to better them at their jobs will provide more protection and hopefully bring down crime rates.
    In Pillar 4, they talk about improving the relationship between the police and community. Right now, those two are world apart from each other. People see the police as the "bad guys". The criminals are the ones getting away with the crimes because police don't want to end up on CNN or Fox News because of doing their job. We need really need to strengthen our police relationship and put trust back into our officers. They are here to protect us.

    1. i agree that it is hard to have authority if that person is not trusted. You also really should listen to officers, They are here to keep us safe. I also agree that officers need to be up to date with technology. This is a generation that everyone has the most up to date technology. Lastly I agree that the relationship between officers and the community are going down hill, Criminals are getting away with more because the pull the victim card. It is hard for officers to do their jobs and that is not right. They are suppose to protect us.

  10. In Pillar one it talks about trust between officers and the community. I think this is the biggest issue. I agree when it says that if people do not trust who enforces the law it is harder to obey. I think the idea of having non enforcement activities really builds a better trust. I agree that in Pillar two that the policies should reflect on what is going on in the community. All communities are different. So policies that work with one community will not work with another. The last point that stood out is pillar five. Education is the most important part of being in the police force. Times change so officers always need to be educated on the new technology, and other things that are very important on the police force. dance456

  11. The first point that I believe is important is 1.9. This point is especially crucial to our government because it discusses the importance of trust between immigrant communities and our nation. Immigrants come from all over the world to have a chance here in the United States. They come here to achieve goals and dreams of freedom and a chance at a successful life. If immigrants are treated poorly by the government, this may drive them to be disrespectful and disobey the many rules and laws we have enforced to our country. Having a healthy and loyal relationship with immigrant communities will ensure the safety of our pre-existing citizens and will decrease the chance of the immigrants of becoming future criminals. The next point that is crucial to our system's reform is 4.4.1. This point discusses something as little as using respectful language between police officers and individuals. Although it may seem insignificant, small things like this may make an incredible difference to our system. If police officers and citizens use appropriate language towards each other, then trust and respect levels will increase, leading to a more united community. Also, words have the power to inflict serious pain on other people. When inappropriate words are used, people can get incredibly offended. Using tasteful words may decrease the amount of crimes that got out of hand because of something as silly as name-calling. The last point and also the most important point is 4.7. This point describes how crucial it is for communities to implement programs that help our nation's youth grow into proper adults. The children are our future and if we focus our reform on them, then we will ultimately decrease the amount of crime in the future. Morals are developed at a very young age, so with the correct attention and education, children who live in at-risk areas will have the chance to grow as morally correct, successful adults.


  12. I was digging in on the mental health portion of this document because mental health is a field that isn't really talked about by anyone. One sentence really stuck out to me and that was, "Hurt people can hurt people." Looking at the text again, it mentioned there is no such thing as the "bullet proof cop," and I feel that the officers are told to behave in a mentality and have no where to turn to.
    Purpose of this section was to address screenings where the officer would have a check up to see where they are at mentally as police officers can and are exposed to many scenarios that will leave a stain they cannot remove. As of now the general populous of officers get checked for anger management or substance abuse. This will only overlook the reason for these problems.
    Covers individual tactical first aid kits, with the intent to save officer lives and civilian lives. The price of these kits could run up to $50. The idea sparked from the military, as these are meant to aid in controlling hemorrhaging. The training only takes about two hours, which is really short as the time it takes to use the kit would be only seconds. Another point that was touched on was expired vests. Vests need to be a priority, as a helmet should be for a motorcyclist. With having adequate protection you increase your chances for survival. If I gave you an expired bullet proof vest your chances of survival would go down as the kevlar over time doesn't keep its strength and like wise could get the officer killed.

  13. One of the first ones that stood out to me was 2.6, that mentions how Police officers should go over data from a certain period of time that contains arrests and reports. I feel like this would give police officers a good idea of what types of crime needs more attention and what does not. If police officers do not know what types of crimes are being committed, then they don't know where to focus their attention. Another topic that struck my attention was 2.9, stating that agencies should refrain from issuing a certain amount of tickets, citations, arrests over a certain period of time. Law Enforcement should be angled more towards protecting the community and maintaining a safe place for society, not writing a certain amount of tickets to meet the months requirements. If for example, the end of the month is approaching and a officer is not close to his "goal" set by the department, he will be more focused on writing tickets and not his or her other obligations. The other topic that I was intrigued by was 3.6 which states that Federal Gov. should support the development of new "less than lethal" devices for police to use. A lethal weapon in most cases is the last thing he or she would want to use. If the officer had more options for a less lethal weapon, they would not have to use their gun. The tazor gave police officers the ability to refrain from using their pistol but maintain order and control of the situation without having to fight with the suspect. Technology today is advancing quicker than we can imagine. By creating weapons that allow for the gun or tazor to be the only option we can cut down the number of fatalities involving Law Enforcement. Broncos456


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