Show Me Your Prisoners and I'll Show You Your Humanity....

Show Me Your Prisoners and I'll Show You Your Humanity....


  1. Ok first off my thing is why are prisoners in that old jail anyways, no wonder why those escaped because they decided to renovate while having confined inmates if you ask me that's pretty silly, lol i would escape too!!! just kidding, but i know one thing if i was sick with asthma or with any kind of disease that mold and stuff that's on the walls of the cells and lead or mesthelioma laying under the floors will make me leave. and another point why are inmates in that cell under that condition its not fair nor is it safe at all, i understand they could be some bad criminals but really why have them sit and be punished that way that's cruel they should've had that fixed and for the people who shouldnt be in jail serving years for something little its pretty low too and there's no excuses. Its wrong to have tools around when you have inmates especially if he jail is old as ever just because they're in jail don't mean their dumb they were smart to get themselves out. to fix our bloated corrections system as the article stated its time they really stop putting people in jail too that don't belong an d for them to be putting everybody in jail and taking our tax dollars hard earned money i would think they'll use it to fix it up instead of having some rutty poot electrician do it every inmate will make a move. LifeImagine789

    1. I totally agree with everything that you said. This is ridiculous we have to find a way to reduce the prison and also they should not be allowed to house those inmates in that condition. They could get really sick from being in there and who is going to be there to take care of them? They are just going to tell them to suck it up pretty much. This article was very interesting. Green789

    2. Ya, I wouldn't like a bunch of cockroaches running around my cell while I slept. Thinking about it makes me sick. The condition isn't safe at all with exposed pipes and large holes in the concrete someone could step in the hole a hit there head off of something like an exposed pipe. I mean you would think that the prisons would keep up with the maintenance better but the increase in prisoners explain why the prison isn't in tip top shape.Phenom789

  2. Reading this article it really made me think, how can we really have inmates be in those situations? Yes I understand most of them have done wrong and that is why they are there however we can not even keep them safe while they are incarcerated. This prison is so old that they have places that the prisoners can hide things to hurt people. That is scary. Mold in the walls is not good for anyone and they are just sitting there all say 24 hours a day breathing that in. But there is no way for them to try and fix these things because then you have the inmates that are gonna steal the tools and try and escape. We really do need to fix our system and reduce our prisons. This is just sad. Green789

    1. Yes I agree it really hurts me to see how these inmates are being treated even though they may have committed a crime their still humans if we're to hold prisoners ND will want them to sit still then it's best believable to fix it up atleast move them to another facility until that jail has been fixed to proper protocol LifeImagine789

    2. Yes I agree it really hurts me to see how these inmates are being treated even though they may have committed a crime their still humans if we're to hold prisoners ND will want them to sit still then it's best believable to fix it up atleast move them to another facility until that jail has been fixed to proper protocol LifeImagine789

    3. I agree that we need to fix our system and reduce or prisons, but it doesn't seem like anyone can come up with a cheaper alternative. I dont think it is right to have anyone breathe in mold all day no matter what they did, because in turn that prisoner may become sick and would cost us more money to get them back to stable health.

  3. I was shocked by what I have read. These facilities have the inmates living in bad environments and conditions. The prison have exposed pipes where inmates could hit there heads, and holes in the concrete that they could role and ankle. The pipes aren't kept in good conditions and the prisoners have to deal with all the leaking and the newer prisons are having trouble meeting the minimal health and safety standards. Pluming and ventilation systems are most likely to breakdown. The money that the prison has left over maintenance, they have to put it in short falls due to over crowded facilities. The repairs are in need so bad in a California Institution that it stir up little violent attacks on security guards. In 2008 a survey was posted about no improvements of keeping up in prisons maintenances and less than a year later CIM exploded in one of the worst riots in California history. If prisons don't want to see another riot explode in a prison they better start make the prisons up to date standards. Phenom789

    1. I'm amazed at how the government was able to spend all this time and money putting criminals away and building bigger prison facilities that they didn't even make an effort to repair any of the older prisons. I don't see how they could let this happen, but of course it's the war on criminals, and as long as they're behind bars and walls then I guess it doesn't matter to them what the prisoners' living conditions are. If the government is going to have any chance at cutting the prison population in half by 2030 then improving the living conditions in the older prisons might be on rung on the ladder. Flitzy789

  4. I'm appalled at how poor the living conditions are for some these older prison facilities. From leaking pipes that could cause flooding, cockroaches, and holes in walls that could lead to injury or escape there is no excuse for letting these prisons fall apart and decay. Maybe instead of building super max prisons maybe the government should look more into preparing prisoners for life outside prison and have more community based work programs, so they can better understand the society they might join when they get out. Hopefully programs like this will become a reality by 2030 if the politicians live up to their promise.Flitzy789

  5. When I started reading this article I wasn't aware of how many prisons were over a hundred years old. I think that it is terrible that any human being has to live in a place that there isn't proper ventilation and they have to breath in mold. If that inmate has to breath in mold everyday they are in that prison they could get sick and with them getting sick it would cost the state more money to try to get the inmate back to being healthy. Also as stated many times in the article, having the prisons deteriorating makes it easier for an inmate to escape because the walls cant even keep all the extra inmates that are thrown into over crowed prisons. I understand that if we were to build new prisons it would cost the government and tax payers more money so I don’t think building new prisons is the answer. Having hundred year old prisons is a problem for us Americans because we never know if the “bad” inmates are going to break out of prison.

    1. Exactly! This whole situation is just completely baffling. Why would we want to keep criminals in places that they can just get out of? And why would we want to keep them in places that could make them sick, in which we would have to pay to get them better? It just seems like a vicious circle of craziness. Not just those things but it is dangerous for the people that work at the facilities as well. They're health and well being is in jeopardy as well! -NavyAME789

    2. We have new prisons! While in the midst of this get tough on crime idea we had to build massive amounts of prisons to keep up. So unfortunately they too are also at maximum capacity as well. The main solution I think is to reduce the large amount of people being detained for things like unable to pay bail and petty nonviolent drug offenses. If we can reduce those numbers we can open up space in the new facilities and house more inmates in there. Tae Kwon Do Guy 789

  6. Although I do not condone criminal behavior, I do condone humane treatment of all people. Letting prisoners live a in a place that is full of cockroaches, flooding and inadequate heating or cooling is definitely not humane. I love the idea that they have for bail reforming. Not only would that keep people out of prison but using that time to educate and rehabilitate them could only yield positive results. As a criminal justice major, I hope that I get the opportunity to be apart of a project that helps those in positions like this. -NavyAME789

  7. I only got a quarter of the way through the article until I was getting angry because they were talking about how the prison structures are deteriorating. I feel like they have plenty of money to fix those things. What about the 75 billion dollars? You only need 430 million of that! Granted, the place doesn't need beds and television for the prisoners, but they could at least fix it to the point of being sanitary. Yes, the prisons get old just like everything else eventually, so update it! The reason they are falling apart is because they are overpopulated also. Between 60 and 90 percent of jail inmates are incarcerated because they can't make bail for nonviolent offenses. Is it worth it to have them stay in jail? Someone else could be in their place for a much more serious crime. CSI789

  8. It’s crazy to think how bad the conditions are in our correctional system. It’s not just a safety issue for the inmates under the Eighth Amendment, freedom from cruel and unusual punishment, but safety of correction officers and communities alike. A large part it seems to this is the overcrowding of prisons and jails in America. It is unfathomable that these places are operating close to 200% capacity levels. If it were any municipal building it would have been renovated eons ago. However we are forcing theses capacity levels to be so high with our get tough on crime attitudes when it comes to sentencing. Something that only appears to work for a time but then causes unforeseen issues like this years down the road. The solution to fix theses issues is to impose new sentencing reforms. If we can decrease the number of people in prisons and jails we can hopefully put the remaining inmates it the newer facilities we have been building over the years. Tae Kwon Do Guy 789

  9. Maybe I am off topic but I don't think I am.. I feel as if even people in prison or jails have rights.. They are people too, granted some did incredibly bad things etc they still have rights and deserve to be treated fairly. They are not animals. And now speaking on the escapes, they shouldn't of happened. That could also be with officers fault. I remember when I went to the jail for a tour hey escaped basically because the guards didn't check the cells properly.


    1. I believe that we also need to improve the living conditions for inmates. It will cut down on incarcerated violence and other prison issues. However, I do not feel remorse for the violent criminals, ie: murders, rapists, arsons, etc. But I do feel that we should not allow for non-violent criminals, who shouldn't be in prison for what they were sentenced for, to live in poor conditions that are detrimental to their health. -Pack789

  10. Its crazy to think that we spend so much money per year on incarceration but we still have prisons and jails that are literally falling apart. The article does a great job in providing consequences to run-down facilities. For example, how poor living conditions can lead to increased violence and how old buildings are more susceptible to increased risk of escape. One solution, in my opnion, to the poor living conditions in prisons is to, first, cut down on incarceration rates. This will keep us from having to use these run-down prisons because of limited space in the newer facilities. Another reason to improving living condtions is that many of the prisoners are incarcerated due to petty drug offenses and non-violent crimes. We should not have to make these people live in poor facilities. At the end of the day they are still humans and we cannot treat them like animals. That, of course, does not go for the violent criminals. -Pack789

    1. I agree with your comment 100%. It is almost similar to my post . I think it's crazy how we spend all this money to keep these people locked up but yet none of that money has been spent to fix it up . I understand that they are being punished but the government is exceeding their power and I feel as well like they are not treating them like the humans that they are. Jiggers789

  11. It's crazy to see what the government is doing to these inmates. I think they are taking it way too far with the cruel and unusual punishment when they have them in there over capacity and a building that's basically crumbling down . I just watched the video that showed us that we have spent 75 billion dollars over the last 40 years to keep these inmates locked up but that didn't work . Im curious to know where did all that money go and why haven't they been using it to fix up these institutions that have been proven to be able to break out of. Our criminal justice system is so backwards, I mean they are putting the worst criminals that require maximum security in these buildings and still have yet to fix them up. I feel like law is exceeding their power by doing this because they still are human beings with rights. Jiggers789

    1. I agree the punishment in the prison systems is starting to get a little out of hand. For the people who have committed very serious and violent crimes and considered dangerous why would we place them into a facility that is falling apart and allowing them to have a chance to escape. Like you said where has this money gone and why are these prison not spending their money on making the building more up to keep the prisons secured. -Acerunner789

  12. This has to be one of the craziest things I have heard about our prison system. We have locked up so many people that they are overpopulated and they house these people in buildings that are falling apart around them. Also the article talks about inmates using pieces of the broken building to fight others with how does that happen? Everyone knows that prisoners are going to fight at some point but why would they be anywhere to have access to materials like that to use to fight with. I feel like this also relates back to the the subject of over punishment of prisoners. The people deserve to be punished but when they are in a place that is falling apart and only being able to use broken toilets and stuff like that I feel like it starts to dehumanize the people which would make it that much harder for them to make a life once their have served their time and made it to the outside world again. -Acerunner789


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