Sociological Research - The Basics.....

Sociological Research - The Basics.....


  1. This video was not the greatest but he did point out the 7 steps that are need to do research. It is very important that the researcher is done right so that research can be used to help others. If sociologist don’t gather good information we wouldn’t have a very good ideal on any of the research they do. The more they dig deep and all the home work they do for their research makes up the hypothesis that becomes the meat and potatoes of the final outcome. When he talked about the way they conduct a survey it makes me think about the ones that I take at work that they give to all employees. Horatio012

    1. I agree with you that the video was not the best. I guess I missed the seven steps. I only recall four that were outlined. But it does show that there is a lot more work going into these sociological studies than we really know. I am used to just question and answer, but when you really look at it, the way the question is asked can have a major impact on the answer given. I am sure a questionnaire can be laid out in such a fashion to get the results that the sociologist is looking for. When, in fact, the sociologist study needs to be unbiased. Kane012

  2. The instructor in this video was very detailed, but it seems as though he did not thoroughly explain the seven steps (unless I missed them all). It could have been just a little longer and had more information to share. This video did make me think of how different sociological studies of the same subject can take so many different directions. There are so many factors that can influence every study / experiment. From different upbringings, to a person's heritage and even simply being male or female. I would be interested to see results of studies conducted at the same time on the same group of people. It would be very interesting to see differences and even similarities of the results. That is what I love about this class so far. I have always tried to think differently or from someone elses point of view, but this class will take that to a whole different level. Even if the same seven steps are followed, many different outcomes will happen. Kane012

    1. I did not catch all the seven steps either! I love what you noted about all the influences that can effect sociological research. It truly shows just how in depth societal studies have to be. The world that has been built impacts everyone so differently since all of our personal situations are unique. Thank goodness we have people out their that are willing to sort through the data so we can enjoy the intrigue these studies bring. farmgirl012

  3. I do like how he listed the seven steps of sociological research, I believe it is important and it will be beneficial for my papers and study in the future. He goes into deep detail about some of the topics and is very vague about others. I like his suggestions for how to categorize and compare the methods by definition, advantage and disadvantage. I think that will be helpful for myself in future parts of the class. Though this video is dry and his humor is a bit dry he did have some solid points and information. Just wish he had gone into finer detail about other topics. newmommy2be012

    1. I too though the person in this video was dry he could done a little more to get people interested. But the information that he did give was good to know to use towards our own research. I also think it will be interesting to read others research and to see all the different opinions. Horatio012

    2. I agree with you both. He was very dry. His presentation was a little flat and monotone. I found it difficult to stay engaged but did take away some key points that will, hopefully, help me in the future. PoeticLB012

  4. Overall, a pretty basic video, but of course good review. In listening to the narrator talk about the job of a sociological researcher and the seven steps they all use in their work, I got to say that the job sounds like a lot of work! To truly get results that reflect the truth of their research topic, researchers have to dig and gather. What tedious work! The job must not be that satisfying until the researcher gets to the trend. Even then though, if their work can not be replicated by another sociological researcher it may have been all for nothing. It is interesting how causation and correlation connect many concepts in society. Just not my cup of tea. farmgirl012

  5. This video reinforces the importance of the 7 steps for sociological research. I did find it difficult to really engage and had to play it again. I did learn that the process requires time, dedication and the willingness to dig deep. The research has to be done in a way that can be replicated by others under the same conditions. Using a combination of research methods may be useful. I'm not sure which method will be most useful for me. I like the idea of using participant observation. The fact that it is time consuming and difficult to replicate may cause me to shy away from it. Sociologists invest a lot of time in their research. I had no idea that this was the case. Hopefully, this will all come together for me and I find the method or methods that suit me. I would hate to have done research that can't be replicated.PoeticLB012


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