Sociology....Simply Explained

Sociology....Simply Explained


  1. I found this video very helpful and educational as a beginning student in Sociology. The speaker is very well spoken and easy to follow. I like his example of the Simpsons as a society in explaining the definitions as I grew up watching this show. His example of obesity in our own society (being the United States) is a great example not only as a problem as a whole but also how it is and will affect each one of us in so many ways even if as an individual we are not overweight. It is a good example of using sociological imagination. I also found his examples of tattoos and how they have different meanings in different cultures very intriguing. I've often talked with friends about the fact tattoos have become so much a source of identity in our country. Myself, I have no tattoos but appreciate them on other people. I often say soon that will make me the most unique person around. Finally, I can appreciate the difference of regions within our own country. I once traveled to Texas with some friends and, in the process of trying to impress some girls got scolded. The reason being you say "ya'll" in Texas instead of "you guys" like in Illinois when ladies are a part of the group.Camp012

    1. This video really did have excellent examples. It made me realize the amount of consideration that is possible to have towards other people. To truly be culturally competent today is a challenge since there are so many cultures in the world. Yet, we all have the potential to be so unique from one another. In a way it is a shame that society sets parameters that we feel the need to follow. Also, I enjoyed your Texas example because it shows just how different culture is within our own country.

    2. *farmgirl012 ^^^^^^

    3. I agree. The examples are what helped me grasp the concept of sociological imagination. I take pride in myself in trying to see things from the other persons' perspective. There are many cultures in this world that I do not understand and probably will never understand because it has no impact on my life. It is sad to say it that way, but it is true. That is why I try to always look at things differently. I think everyone in the world should take a Sociology class and then maybe the world could be a little more tolerating of other cultures. Kane012

  2. This video provided a clear and simple explanation for what sociology is and how it is apart of the world. I found it very useful and enjoyable to watch. In the video, society was describe as a large group of people with the same geographical territory among other things. I believe this to be an accurate definition, but still I have to challenge it. With advancements in technology, social networks have taken over. In there own way, aren't these sites their own societies? After all, they bring individuals together in once place where everyone is participating in a common action. Social networks might not be a true society, but to me they are defiantly a sort of cyber society and a big part of how we interact with people today. And that social interaction is a key point in understanding sociology. Another part that struck me in this video was the bit about how sociology describes why we want to connect to the world around us in the first place. We all want to fit in. In my own experience, this is quite evident from my high school years. Football was THE it thing to be apart of which explained the student body and community's obsessive preoccupation with it. If you weren't on the team or did not at least go to the Friday night games, you were on the outs. As much as there is a desire to be apart of groups, it is still amazing how different we all are. farmgirl012

    1. I think you are correct about the internet and how it is changing things. An example is how we now communicate with family members and get a glimpse into their lives and the regions they live in even if they are in a different country. I think that technology is advancing so quickly that sociology along with many other thing such as politics haven't been able to keep up with it. Anymore people are learning that their are more truths to be discovered on the internet than you can find on your world news channels which are turning out to be untruthful and one sided.Camp012

    2. I agree with you on the internet as well. I feel as if they would be their own society because it is separate from verbal communication. It is the way people connect and feel comfortable without having to move from their couch or bed. It will soon be the only way that we communicate with others besides our own personal clique or family. P.O012

    3. Like all the others replying to your post I also agree with your insight on the internet. Great read on picking up on the internet having its own society and being able to reach out and interact with other settings and cultures. To experience from your own home. Get a visual and taste of friends, relatives ,or maybe random person life and surroundings. compassof4012

  3. This is by far the best video of the three. He is very concise on definitions and his examples bring it down to a much simpler level. I do have a problem with the definition of "society" that he gives as it relates to the world we live in now. Society has changed so much over the years and the internet has had the largest impact on it. My children do not truly understand how to be social. No one likes to talk face to face or even on the phone anymore. Everyone texts or posts to communicate. There is no way to put in or receive emotion from this type of communication. Ten people could read the same text from someone and all ten would most likely read it differently. This also changes the way people can be studied. The inability to interact socially and share emotion has such a negative impact on people, therefore impacting society. I do like the four reasons he gave for studying Sociology. I have made some positive personal changes in my life lately and this class couldn't have come along at a better time. I will refer back to that slide many times because it will help "bring me back to center" as we move forward in this class. Kane012

  4. How he describes society in this video is interesting to me. With society rapidly changing all the time is there really a way to define it? Computers, phones, and tablets have put a sour side to communication. If somebody is coming over to your house they don't even knock on your door anymore they just text you. A big group of people who actually communicate with one another by verbally talking is real communication to me. The reasons why people study psychology are interesting as well. It says learning how to view the world through others eyes but I believe it should be to see the truth by yourself. Professor white even said that sociology is to see the truth in the world. To "find your place both within society and history" I agree with. Asking the 'why" question will get people very far in the world. I think asking why is the reason people have advanced so much as a whole. If nobody asked why we would still be behind in a lot of medicines, technology, and even fashion. He talks about tattoos and how they have an influence on society. Having tattoos I have seen how people react when they see a younger kid who is tattooed. They are changing the way people look at one another who looks different from then. This would be a new beginning of finding your place in society. America sees tattoos on faces as a no job, no future, and not a productive lifestyle. But in places such as Brazil they embrace tattoos on faces and the more you have the more respected and well-off you are. This video has given me a different look on how we view things and a better understand on sociology. P.O012

    1. Very well put! What got me is that I never personally never stopped to think about how I look at these comparisons. When seeing a man (or woman) with tattoos on their face, neck, hands, I wonder how it will impede them from getting a decent job. Never once thinking about how somewhere in this big world it would be socially acceptable. momtoM.L.M.012

  5. Out of the three videos, this gentleman explained things very clearly. I did not have a hard time becoming interested or following the message he wanted to deliver. The comparisons to obesity, the simpsons, and tattoos are something that sparks a familiarity with most of us. It brought me in to understand what he what saying. Almost immediately I was picturing how these things related to me or how I felt about them. I also realized that I hadnt stopped to think about how increased obesity has affected so many others things in our society. I hadnt realized that tattoos could be seen a status symbols to another culture. I guess I knew them, but my mind wasnt geared to think that way. That is what is intriguing to me. How many people actually stop and really analyze an issue that affects our society. It makes me wonder how much I am missing by thinking only on a surface level. So maybe Mills was on to something after all???? momtoM.L.M.012

    1. Yes I like this video the best he gave good information. I never really thought about that some cultures are with having tattoos but you never know until you start learning about other cultures. And the part about obesity was good I knew it was a problem but just like you said I didn't know the impact it has on our society. I guess my thinking was since its not my problem why should I care and I need to stop doing that. Horatio012

  6. This video was really informative and I like how he used the Simpsons as an example of different cultures. I am more interested in sociology than before, looking forward on learning different behaviors and cultures and how sociology lets you see the different perspective around the world. When he was talking about the tattoos on how for some cultures it is a symbol for adult hood and for some it could make you an outcast from your culture. To me something that little just seems so harsh but that is just what I think but someone else it could mean a whole different thing. After he talked about how we talk to people different because of who they are and what status they have in life, I know to well because where I work I know the different ways I have to acted and talk because of the group presidents, vice presidents and CEO. Horatio012

  7. This is probably my favorite video of the three so far. I think that this video had a very clear, easy to follow speaker. I also enjoyed the definitions and example of the Simpson's. I grew up watching that show to it was great to see a relatable example. The example of obesity was a really good one as well because I think it is something that we still see and struggle with in this day and age. Its changing health cost plans and also makes other cultures look down on the U.S. Tattoo's are also a huge thing in this generation you don't realize what is normal to us may be frowned upon in other cultures. This video was an eye opener and was something very useful to a student who has never taken Sociology courses before. newmommy2be012

  8. Again agreeing with my fellow sociology bloggers I to loved this video. Full of knowledge and clear points. With me having tattoos I love the examples he used about tattoos and the meanings they have in different societies. Growing up with the Simpsons great example as well showing the diversity. I loved how he explained clearly then definitions of key terms needed to know and how he broke them down. Explaining how we are linked to our surroundings rather its people and the pressure they can put on us to be like them, authority telling us what's right (guidelines), or what is offered to us within our reach. Made me think more on this topic and how ever connects and different ways to view different circumstances. I'm very excited to go further with this learn more and hopefully have a better understanding of different social outlets. compassof4012

    1. I found the example of tattoos and their differences in different societies to be interesting as well. I agree that his clear explanation of key terms and emphasis on some was a major benefit to this video. I enjoyed his perspective of how even in America there are differences in societal influence based on location. lilo012

  9. In this video I can say that the speaker in more detail explained how sociology is to become and what affect it as on us as a whole. They gave us more explanation on how the opinions and cultural experience can have an effect on how society is coming together. The speaker was completely correct saying that cultural experience plays a massive role in how society is to become and how it makes or does not make a society. He also says something about the sociological imagination like the second video, saying how it can change certain aspects to how society forms and when it can form if people do it as a society. The thing I can say is that the different types of societies are confound to one big society, even thinking a group of similar people or opinions create a society. If you use those societies and make it into a big one then maybe come together to make people realize that there shouldn't be such harsh negative out looks on things but to come together and think towards a positive society all together. Molly012

  10. Sociology help us how to understand how people, from different culture around the world behave , act, interact to each other and different manner why they do things in specific way. Sociology study human being as whole group in the society how they relate each other and share common values. Sociology help us to be more tolerant to other culture make the person more wiser and comprehensible to others, this video show us the important of sociology in our daily lives. Explain how things were different in the past in our society, and how are different today what factor did happen to experienced those changes. it is one of the six social sciences specific to study human as a whole group political, economic, and cultural. futbol012

  11. I have to agree with my fellow sociology classmates, this video is the best out of all three. The gentleman teaching the sociology class in the video. I was much more interested and enjoyed his slides that simplified the breakdown of sociology. He made a great point about how society changes, even on a linguistics side of things. As people part of modern society, we adapt/change with times. We make abbreviations for phrases in texting, abbreviations that would have confused many people a decade ago. He also brought up obesity and its effect on society as whole, providing health care and work environment as examples. His examples for everything, made the video much more interesting. Especially the example of his own life, growing up in the northeast part of the United States and then attending college in the southeast of the U.S. The significant difference in society even in the same country is something that has always interested me. This video made me more excited about this upcoming semester. lilo012

    1. I agree with you, I like how you brought up how he said that society changes even on a linguistics side. We do adapt with the times, more so now than ever it seems that every couple years something changes. I also find it interesting how much society varies here in the united states. You could move to another part of the state and be confused with how people interact differently. ces012

  12. Out of the three videos I found this one to be the most helpful. The person making the presentation is a very good public speaker, and was able to explain things in a way that I could understand. I thought the part about peer pressure being a good example of how society affects how we act and how it is more important at a younger age when we are still forming the person that we will grow up to be. I also enjoyed how they used the Simpsons to explain what a society is. I also like how they brought up the part about tattoos. How in one society a tattoo is a write of passage, and in another one you would be shunned for having the same tattoo. I also thought they did the best job of explaining sociological imagination, the ability to see the relationship between the individual and the larger society. ces012

  13. Learning sociology is very important when getting into a criminal justice related career. This can help police officers on how to talk to different types of people. With being a cop one will have to deal with poor white trash to the middle class and even the wealthiest people in the area. Therefore cops will need to know how to properly communicate and handle them. The video itself talks about influence to from the clothes you wear to the music you listen to. Meaning if you are around bad people you are most likely to make bad decisions. And typically if you are around positive people you will make better decisions than the other guy. Society around a person will inference how they live too. For example, a child growing up in the inner city is suddenly placed into the wealthier suburbs. Most likely he will not live up to the norm of that area. Vice versa this situation by sending a kid who grew up in the suburbs to the inner city. He will be much intimated and frighten. Where and who we came from impacts who we become tomorrow. Taggswag456


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