2014 Violence and Property Crimes......

2014 Violence and Property Crimes......


  1. Lots of things come into play when discussing this type of topic. We must remember that those numbers are based off of reported crimes. For every 1000 crimes, only 500 get reported to law enforcement officials. The media makes us think differently. Typically society receives all their information and "facts" about crime from TV News stations, such as CNN or Fox news. They don't actually do their research and find out the real facts of a situation. They desire high ratings, so they throw a story out there to grab the people's attention. Since they do this, it effects society by making us think there is so much crime in the world and crime rates will continue to rise. In all reality, if you compare crime you see on the news, to how many people there are in the world not committing crime, the numbers of crime are very small. According to the article, there was a slight drop in crime rates, we really can't know that for sure because the only thing they can base there information off of is reported crime. There is no telling how many unreported crimes took place that year. It is good to hear from a reliable source (FBI) that crime rates are decreasing, but we don't know for sure if that information is true, until we know about unreported crimes that took place. -Eclipse456

    1. I agree completely with everything you said, I agree that they are not taking the unreported crimes into thought when they publish that crime rates are going down. I also agree that they aren't doing the research when they make broadcasts about crimes. The media is trying to twist our thoughts on the police and making us want to continue to watch following broadcasts for follow up reports on certain accidents involving Law Enforcement. - Broncos456

  2. Many different things could effect this topic. One thing that could effect the topic would be media. They make it seem like crime is happening all over all the time just so they can attract more viewers. All media cares about is getting more viewers so they don't get all of the facts before the put a story out their. So since they are putting the story out before they have all of the facts they are making people think that the country is this violent place with crime being committed all over wen it isn't. Even though the article said that crime rate is dropping we cannot prove that entirely because only half of crimes committed get reported. We can make a good guess on about how many unreported crimes their are and base are numbers off of that but it won't be completely accurate. But in the crimes that are reported it is good to see that they re declining. dragons456

    1. I agree with you when you see that many different things could effect this topic. There could be a difference in the behavior of the person that is doing the crime. Such as if the person is having a bad day. Let me give you example. A guy walks into his house and realizes his wife left him. The man's reaction is going to be hurt, it might even feel angry. Now this man might go out into the world and take out his anger and frustration that he has about his wife leaving him. bodybuilder456

    2. i agree, the reason that media talks about crime and crime rates is because they want to attract viewers. Even if the the information that they have is not 100% correct they are still going to talk about it to get their ratings up. The media worries about what the viewers and audience wants to hear that is why crime is a big topic when it comes to media.

  3. This can be a very deceiving topic when it comes to crime rates and how many crimes actually get reported. Society has to remember that these are statistics and not a dead set 100 percent amount of crime that is being reported. The number of crimes that actually take place and the number of crime that is reported is a big difference. As stated in the article, violent crime rates along with the property crime rates dropped in 2013. This could possibly be a factor as to not enough reports to go along with them to show that they are rising or dropping. It also stated in the article that with violent crimes there are a lot that aren't reported or are left out that are inflicted by law enforcement. They are encouraging law enforcement to make a report of all the shootings they encounter along with others. This may have a big role into the crime rate report leaning towards violent crimes.

    1. I totally agree with you on the statistical standpoint of your argument. They are not accounting certain factors when telling the public these logistics. People do not consider the crimes that aren’t reported at all! Violent crimes aren’t sent in because people are too afraid to say anything about them. This has a very influential role into crime rate leaning towards violent crimes. Taggswag456

  4. Most people who only watch the news on tv and social media have no real idea of what is happening in the world around them. The news media will report these articles in an attempt to scare its readers. They do this because people soak it up. People seem to love to hear negative stories over positives. I do not blame the news teams for doing this, their main goal is to get the most viewers and make money. If people did not show interest int his and unknowingly support it then they would not report the way they do.


  5. I believe that everyone is trying to find something that will stop people from committing crimes. This report has to be said that to many crimes are happening and we need to find a way to stop it. It said that there were an estimated 8,277,829 property crimes, including burglaries, larceny-thefts, and motor vehicle thefts. Murders are the most accurately reported crime because that would be what we would call a "serious" crime happening. The murder rate went down 15% since 2004. That's a good start. bodybuilder 456

    1. I agree that everyone is looking for ways to stop people from breaking the law but the answers to the problems are right in front of our face. Community policing would show the people and the media that the cops are making an effort to fight crime and later in they will realize that it is working.

  6. The media is twisting the truth to make things seem crazy and chaotic all of the place when really those crimes come from certain focal areas called hot spots. If the media didn't pay any attention to the hot spots and what crime rates they are racking up the news would have no topics to talk about. It seems like nobody wants the honest truth anymore, its all lies and what sounds cooler to the viewer. When dealing with lowering crime rates I think Sir Robert Peels ideas on community policing would help greatly. The views from that man are what helped mold the criminal justice system today and if people would all use his ideas and concepts the rates would then stay down, not just go down but stay down.

  7. After reading this article, one thing I noticed was when it stated that there was a slight drop in crime rates. One thing that most people,including me before this class was adding in the crime that was not reported, otherwise known as the dark figure of crime. Another thing to think about after reading this article is that when people hear that crime is going up, the only crimes they are used to is what is shown on TV, which includes homicides, rape, and other dangerous crimes. So the viewers of the news think that is the only thing happening. We have no possible way of finding the dark figure of crime, but by building trust between the communities and the police we can shorten the number of unreported crimes. Media and the news are not helping close that gap, but I believe that if we can get more videos of the police doing good and and not wrong on the news, then that will send a positive message to communities regarding Law Enforcement. Broncos456

  8. Crime is decreasing majorly all around the United States. I really can’t think of an explanation for this happening. Especially with government budget cuts there are less cops on the streets than there were before 2008. Maybe with all the media attention that tragic crimes are receiving nowadays people are less likely to commit crimes than they were. Honestly, I think with videos people taken of police officers shooting more and more suspects this scares away those who are more likely to commit crimes. For instance let’s say a sixteen year old boy is getting pressure into committing a crime by a local gang. After he gets done hanging out with them he goes home and watches television about the news that day. In the news he watches about how a kid with no weapons on him was shot by a police officer that day. So watching this greatly frightens him and makes him not want to commit crimes. I know this sounds like a long shot but this is the only explanation that I would have when reading that crime is decreasing across our country. Taggswag456

  9. Crime may be decreasing but does America really know that? Media tends to exaggerate on what goes on around the world because that is what people want to hear. I also think that the statistics about crime is not all true because there are a lot of crimes that do not get reported and that causes the statistics to not be 100% correct. If there was a survey to see what crimes are going on that are not being reported then it would be easier to find out the correct crime rate.

    1. It is important to take all the crimes that remain unreported into consideration. Maybe the only reason crime rates have gone down is because more and more crimes are going unreported? Although this may be a possibility (unlikely, but still possible), there is absolutely no way to make sure every single crime gets reported. It is for this reason that statistics do not claim to be 100% correct. Statistics are just an educated answer based on data provided. It's an average or approximation, which try to be representative of the entire data.


  10. This is good to know that the violent and property crimes are on the decline. 15% drop of murders in the last 10 years that great. It does not give a definite reason in this article. But I'm sure that technology has something to do with it. Almost everyone has a cell phone on them now a days However technology is a double edge sword. While everyone has their phone with them that can deter crime. They also have their phone to see that there was just a murder half way across the country in a big city and think that is happening everywhere in their little towns. But that is not the case, crime is on the way down and it is nice to see a article confirming this from a reliable source like the FBI. Craig456

  11. This article shines a light on actual crime statistics that are relevant to society today. Society is being fooled into thinking crime rates are increasing due to the media "catastrophizing" everything. They make crime seem much worse than it is when in reality, it has been decreasing at a steady rate over the years. The article stated that "crime rates are now about half of their 1991 peaks and have fallen to levels not seen since the late 1960s." These statistics are fantastic, but the media makes it seem much worse than it is. Personally, I am even surprised with these statistics. Although I have known that crime statistics have been steadily lowering, it seems that every week, something goes wrong, especially with corruption within the justice system. It is extremely important to look at all the facts and statistics before creating an opinion.


  12. This article shows crime statistics that are relevant to society today. For every 1000 crimes, only 500 get reported to law enforcement officials. The media makes us think differently. The crime rates have fallen to levels not seen since the late 1960's.

  13. its nice to see a decrease in violent and property crimes but in the article it says that it doesn't contradict crime rises after figures released after the post was published and although this shows that crime has decreased the post is only referring to the crime that was reported> Most murder reports are accurate but not all violent crimes mean murder so not all these stats are correct. Jiggers789


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