The Graying of American Prisons

The Graying of American Prisons


  1. Good grief people have some heart cause I barely see it. We all know their still criminals but wow their old and sick, fragile, and just old why keep them they served almost all their time especially if their serving a life sentence and just because their serving a life sentence doesn't mean let them die in jail ,that's so wrong heartless and cruel it's sad to see people die in the way they did. It makes no sense why put old people through that LifeImagine789

    1. I dont believe that age should define whether the person gets help or not. I think that if the sick person no matter they age committed a crime like murder they shouldn't be given the luxury of getting help to save their life. They deserve to die for taking someone else’s life. Imagine someone who killed someone that you know and the person who killed your friend was sick, would you want someone to help them to get better?

  2. When reading this article all I could think of was what crime did that person commit to even be in prison for all their life. I think that if the person committed crime like murder than I don’t believe that they deserve the attention to stay alive because if they took someone else’s life why can’t we take theirs. But I also think that if the person has terminal cancer and only had a drug crime then yes they should get help because they probably don’t even deserve to be in prison, they are just in their based on old drug laws. I think if they are going to do wings for sick and old people the should have strict guidelines as to who gets help because it is going to cost the state even more money to construct that new wing. I have a heart for people who deserve my sympathy but I dont have a heart for people who hurt other people that caused them to be in prison for so long.
    - Barcelona789

    1. Don't you think that if they should die, they should just be given the death penalty rather than letting the prisoners suffer? Yes, they are criminals but they are still human beings who deserve to be treated humanely. -NavyAME789

    2. Honestly, I think that no matter what crime you committed or what you have done in the past shouldn't effect how you should be treated when you get old and can no longer take care of yourself. Eventually, the people that are older and have issues are going to die anyways. So if they committed a murder and got life in prison they will be in prison with all the vicious gangs and have to fight back eventually they will end up older and have to be taken care of and then die. CSI 789

    3. I do agree with you that there should be line somewhere that says whether or not a person "deserves" to have the money and time to keep them healthy. One idea I talked about was setting a maximum age limit instead of for life, then any crime where someone would see life sentencing should just be the death penalty. This would make people think more about how punishable a crime really should be I think because if someone hasn't done something bad enough to have their own life taken then they deserve to be released at some point in their life.-Acerunner789

    4. First off I don't care if their old for one their old secondly if they don't get the death penalty then they shouldn't if the court didn't say it while they were being prosecuted. No way in hell should a person be treated like crap. I wanna say this if God can forgive so can families nd others it may hurt but as long as you know justice was served.LifeImagine789

    5. I almost typed something similar. If someone gets life prison it has to mean they've done something terrible especially if it is without parole. i feel like regardless of their age, if their sentence is life without parole they aren't getting out anyway so why are we spending the money to help keep them alive when we need to be budgeting. Jiggers789

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  4. This article is very eye opening. I didn't realize that vast amount of prisoners that were elderly. It definitely makes sense though with the high rate of life sentences that have been handed out over the past several years. Although I would like to say that they don't deserve to live, that is not my call to make. If we, as a society, are going to incarcerate these prisoners, it is our responsibility to care for them in a humane matter. This is from the time they are locked up, to the time that they get out, or die, which ever happens first. -NavyAME789

    1. I am in totally agreement with you it is going to be our responsibility to care for these inmates because we are the ones that have put them in jail for the life. Yes they are the ones that really have out themselves here they committed the crime however we can not just let them deteriorate to nothing and us not help them at all. Green789

    2. It is true that if we incarcerate these people we have to provide for them. That if we didn't take care of them why did we incarcerate these people. It is surprising how many elderly people are incarcerated. It is good that the elderly men are getting there own building where they can rest and die peacefully and not worry about other people trying to take advantages of them. Phenom789

  5. In this article, I find it very interesting because even though we worry about all the people we have incarcerated that are still fairly young; we have to take into consideration the people who are elderly or older, but also the people who have a health condition that isn’t treatable. Yeah, they may have committed a crime, but what did they do to put them there? Drugs? Murder? People are going to get old and have serious health issues like dementia and cancer. I feel that we should be prepared for that especially if someone is serving a life sentence that they have no way out of that. CSI 789

  6. 40,000 inmates will never be released from being incarcerated and this is just the numbers for California. These are the offenders that are going to die in prison. Of course we are going to have people in prison that are going to become very ill and possibly not even be able to take care of themselves. I believe that we should open up a facility that could help the inmates that are in need. I would only expect the facility to be for those that are unable to help themselves. There are going to be inmates that can not wash their own bodies or even can not control their ability to use the bathroom on their own. These are the people that should be able to receive care while they are incarcerated. It would be wrong of us to just leave them in a cell and not help them in their time of need. So I strongly agree that we should do something like this for our offenders. Green789

  7. This aging issues to me seems to be a harder problem to deal with than a lot of other issues within the prisons. I would like to say the we could connect this to the aging out process where kids get to a certain age where they just stop committing crimes can the same be for the older people to? Could we instead of giving life sentence just give people a sentence until an elderly age of 65 or 70 because I wouldn’t think that too many people at that age would be going around doing things they once did at the young age they went in. The problem then would be how would this elderly get income, they would be too old to be doing most jobs that a recently released inmate could get, and I could only imagine how people would think if they let this people live of tax money. This issues really gets me and I couldn’t come close to thinking of a way to fix this issues but I hope someday we come up with something that could help this issues. -Acerunner789

  8. I don't understand how prisons can justify housing prisoners who pose no threat to society when they are wasting away in their prisoner warehouses. Like what was said in class on Tuesday holding a prisoner for 20 years costs well over $100,00 when right now it costs $50,000, so holding a prisoner well into their 60's would cost taxpayers millions of dollars. I see no problem in placing them in nursing homes if they're bed ridden. Of course people would be hesitant about this since if the prisoner was a convicted murderer which by placing him or her in a nursing home where they're not monitored could be dangerous. But there comes a point in time where there is simply no good reason for housing senile and mentally frail senior citizens when they don't belong in an overcrowded prison of murders and nonviolent offenders. Flitzy789

    1. I like how you brought up taxpayer money in your response. Like I stated, I think we need to have more interest in taxpayer money then keeping these old dying inmates locked up. Hopefully, this trend will spread and become more common than not. -Pack789

  9. Yes, they did commit a terrible crime if they're that old in prison. However, I believe that if an inmate is sick, bed ridden and pose no physical threat to anyone I do not think we should be spending the money to keep virtually incapacitated inmates locked up. Yes, what they did was terrible but we need to look after the tax papers more favorably than keeping dying inmates locked up. With that said, I hope to see the more rehabilitated side of corrections bring about policies that put old dying prisoners in nursing homes.-Pack789

  10. I think it is a good thing that they make a part of the prison just for old people. I wouldn't mix the old people that are weak and vulnerable, with young people that are having a lot of issues or mental problems. The young will take advantages with the weak by taking there food or do worst to them. Getting these old men or women their own building they can rest peacefully and die without worrying about other inmates. There is also a bad thing. We are trying to reduce the population and the money that is put into prison from tax payers. With these new building with old people, we need people to take care of them and equipment to help the nurses to take care of the inmates. That is going to take a bunch of money to keep up. I was talking about spending money to keeping up with individual. Now we are going spend money to keep up with medical equipment and paying for nursing services. If the tax payers were complaining about paying to much now. They will have a rude of wakening. Phenom789

  11. I feel like we find new ways to reduce cost then we find new ways to spend more money everyday. Ido agree that these inmates should be taken care of but if these inmates are no threat to society why are we trying to build a nursing home for them. I feel as if they are incapable to live a normal life and will need constant care is that not punishment enough. If they're proven to not be shown a threat to society then why put money towards it? I feel like the inmates who get life & go into prison with so many different people its inevitable that they wont get sick or catch or develop something that could me fatal or life threatening. I again feel like this is something that should have been done in the past because it would have saved a lot of money. Jigger789


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