Developmental Theories and Delinquency......


  1. A lot of Rowe's work seemed to deal with the biology of a human and how that may have affected them to commit crime. He claims that low serotonin levels may play a factor in one's desire to commit crime, which may help them feel more "normal". He also looked at the pre-frontal lobes of the brain, and concluded that murderers may have less activity in those areas. All of this seems convincing, yet these are all physical characteristics and not emotional. I tend to agree more on what the Gluecks had studied, which is there are many different factors that lead to delinquency. It combined both biological and psychological factors. Some kids are born with mental disabilities or setbacks, and this may be a cause of delinquency in some areas of one's life. They didn't take the social factors into count when doing most of their studies, which I highly disagree with. I tend to believe that one's social life may be the cause of how they will turn out, but their work is still very convincing. When it comes down to it, biological and psychological factors do play a huge part in a child's development, and this could be a huge factor in how they will view society as a whole. BenRoethlisberger123

  2. The development theories can be explained through the biological and psychological aspects of juvenile delinquency. Rowe studies talks about the brain and how the low amount of chemicals need for good brain function can lead to antisocial activity. Rowe also speaks on how fear and sweat and lead to delinquency. This explains the connection between biological and psychological traits make a person become delinquent. The two Gluecks explained how the intelligence and social as well as physical attributes matter to understand the reason juveniles do delinquent acts. They did a great study of figuring out this out and they did this by the studying identical people placed in two opposite environment. Moffit explained her theory with two different out looks the first adolescent limited and the life course persistent. Life course states that people will a have a criminal career and never grow out of it. And the adolescent limited states that delinquents will eventually grow out of committing crimes.

    1. I like how you pointed out the study the Gluecks conducted. I found their methods of getting their data interesting. I also found it interesting that criminality can be traced back to low chemical levels in the brain. -Pack123

  3. I find interesting that some people have a lack of fear which means that it is possible for them to become involved in crime because it is exciting. They also made a comment about the shows on television like law and order and criminal minds. Personally, I don’t know if this is true, but I feel like criminals could get a lot of ideas from things like that. The Glueck’s examined the physical features of people who commit crime, and they found that people with solid or muscular bodies are more likely to commit crime. People are extroverts or more assertive and they have less verbal intelligence. One thing interesting about the Glueck’s theories is that social factors were not as much of a cause in the way that biological and psychological factors were. Life course theory is also about abnormal brain development which may occur through pre or postnatal care like drug use, injury, and poor nutrition. She also argues that there are some teenagers who don’t commit delinquent acts, but it is described that those children’s personalities make them unattractive to teens. We have been talking about the social factors like families and school which are all reasons for delinquency, but it also has something to do with the development and functions of the brain. CSI123

    1. I agree with what you have to say here. Although, I would lean towards saying that a child's development is impacted more by their upbringing. I do think that the biological and psychological factors play a huge role, but I believe that if a person has a loving family, he or she can overcome almost any setback. BenRoethlisberger123

    2. I personally think that the body type has nothing to do with committing crime unless they mean people that are going around beating folks up or something the muscle you need to commit a crime is your brain so your body has nothing to do with it i think, and also the criminal minds and law and order are shows that put people minds at ease, it shows that crimes are committed but they are also solved. When a person commit a crime i think its more or so a crime they have been planning to commit and has nothing to do with watching tv and see something that interest them on law and order like hey i can do that and get away with it if i dnt make the mistake the person on the show made or whatever the case maybe. I think people come up with all these excuses for people that commit crime when at the end of the day i believe they do it because they want to and thats whyMotherOf4123

    3. I like how you think that people can get ideas from criminal shows on tv. I have always thought the same. I agree with your comments and theories. But I don't understand why the Glueck's could say that being more muscular causes you to have a higher possibility of being a criminal. If you look at most police officers and other authorities, they have more muscle mass and don't have a criminalistic bone in their bodies. I think the brain has just as much to do with delinquency as the other factors around them do.

  4. I never realized how much biology plays a part in committing a crime. The Development theories can also be included in the "biology of criminology". Lowe states that many issues including anti-social behavior and criminal acts can be traced to low amounts of chemicals in the brain, as well as high testosterone. He also makes comparisons with fear and serotonin levels that help indicate delinquency. This, as a whole, connects the biological aspect of criminology to be true. The Glueks also conducted research and found that able-bodied men and intelligence and social levels as indicators of future criminals. They conducted this study by examining two identical individuals in two separate environments. This is all evidence that backs Lowe's research. -Pack123

    1. I thought the same thing. Surprised me to think biology plays such an important role in the making of a criminal. They talked about how being an infant and not getting enough nutrition could lead to crime, that amazed me the most or saying someone well built and muscular is more likely to commit crime. Some of the ideas seem out there but others were well thought out and not so stereotypical.

    2. An interesting study would be that of inmates that are currently in prison, do they fall under this category? What about sociopaths, do that also fall under the same category as psychopaths? Biology plays a major roll on how someone perceives things and the location, your family, your status, and your friends will determine how you take your emotions out. A person can have high testosterone and not turn into a delinquent. For an example, an individual has high testosterone, good friends, plays sports, is involved! Never commits any crimes. Then you have an individual that has high testosterone, doesn't play sports, sits on his coach, does drugs with his friends, and doesn't have a job. That person is more likely to be delinquent because he isn't doing anything with his self and someone with high testosterone needs to direct that in a positive way.

  5. I thinks all the theories have a little bit of truth to them a few ideas from all of them seemed kind of way out there but if your took bit of each you could have a solid theory. Biology I thought a little bit about but not as much as your surroundings, I didn't think of all the affects it could have on you from not getting enough nutrition when your an infant to not being afraid of anything is a way someone could commit crime.

  6. I think any and everything causes a person to commit a crime. If i was to go commit a crime right now somebody would try to tie a theory to why i did it, but in reality I did it because i wanted to not because of anything else. Not saying other people don't commit crimes because of them being poor or they were born with it in their blood or genetic. I am a 29yr old woman I have never been sexually abuse, I grew up with my mother and father, I don't have any murderers in my family,I wasn't a delinquent as a child. I am wondering what theory would i fall under. When you think of things of this short you realize that crime is committed on impulse and needs not mental stability unless you are mentally ill of some short. Also with the chemical in the brain, this theory would have had to been preformed on all criminals to know if it is true. MotherOf4123

  7. The development theory is one that involves biological characteristics and psychological characteristics to form its approach. I understand many of the biological theories they explained in the video. One of the first biological characteristics they used as an example that could lead to delinquency is the serotonin and a low heart rate. Of course individuals that have a low heart rate and low serotonin aren't all delinquents. What is factored in in the individuals social class, who they hang out with, and the situation they are in. People with low serotonin are primary depressed and need to do things to raise their serotonin. If the individual lives with delinquent people he or she is very likely to commit delinquent acts, because as stated in the video crimes can increase heart rate and increase serotonin. The same person could work out and achieve the same greatness in serotonin increase but because of the situation they are in, they participate in delinquent activities.

    1. I found it very interesting that he found that people with low serotonin and low heart rates are more common in delinquents. They just want to feel normal, or at least normal to their minds. I find Rowe's theories and findings interesting. Exactly what you said, they play video games in stead of working out. They can get the same feel like from working out instead of playing video games or committing crimes.

  8. There are a lot of theories on why juveniles become delinquent, and I think that most of them all play a part in why people become choose to commit crimes. The biological theories where very interesting and made sense for the most part. I believe and know that mental defects can be inherited from parents. Genetics would play a large role in how someone could act, for instance someone may have ADD or ADHD. People who have ADHD tend to be more hyper, and therefore harder to control. These people who can't be controlled or influenced as effectively as others would tend to commit more crimes. Many biological theories could explain some reasons why children choose to be delinquent or why others become criminals. In all reality though, not one theory can explain why everyone commits crimes. That would be ludicrous. Whether it be biological, social, or environmental factors that cause crime and delinquency, we need these theories to explain and describe why people commit these acts because there is no such thing as a solution to all problems.

  9. The developmental theories can be explained through biology and psychological aspects. Rowe's theories are very interesting. He says that there is an association between low serotonin levels and violence. Also, people with low heart rates are more likely to become criminals. I find this very interesting because they are both common in people. People commit crime to feel "normal". He also looks at the pre frontal lobes in the brain. He says that murderers have less brain activity in this part of the brain. The Gluecks argue theories of crime should focus on more than sociological factors, and they are more likely tot be extroverts and assertive. The only think i do not like about their studies is that they did not include social factors. I personally believe that social factors play a big part in finding out why someone is a criminal. With watching this video, it is very clear that biological and psychological factors play a huge role in juvenile delinquency.

  10. I find all of this interesting, to be honest. He said that the delinquents were most likely born into not wealthy families and the parents probably did not have the resources to help them. I do not believe that is totally true at all. Part of it is, but the kids that are handed everything to them and have to work for nothing and get everything, in my eyes, they also have a high chance of being delinquents as well. He also said that some of the non delinquents might have something wrong with them because the other juvenile delinquents might not be attracted to them that is why they are not delinquents like their peers. That is also something I do not think is true. Everyone has their own mind, my best friends do stupid activities, but I choose not to. That proves that theory wrong. I let them do their thing, but not around me. We are still friends because they respect that.


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