Dramaturgy and Goffman.....Thoughts?

Dramaturgy and Goffman


  1. This is eighteen minutes of my life I can never get back! In order to comment and publish on this video, I have to prove I'm not a robot. Yet this is obviously some computerizes talk to text thing you can barely understand. I kept waiting for a button to press 1 for English! Anyhow, I do not agree with Dramaturgy at all. The truth is we all do what we are supposed to do and act how we are supposed to in our "institutions" because we don't want to deal with the consequences if we don't. A waiter treats customer's nice so she gets a decent tip and doesn't get fired for treating the bad customers with what they deserve.Even on the higher education standpoint, it's all about not losing the license or degree and bringing home the paycheck and that's why we all act our parts. There are occasions where people are doing careers not for the money but because they are passionate and want to make a difference. To these people I tip my hat, but if people could "perform" like they really wanted to, most lower end jobs wouldn't have workers. And there are some people out here that refuse to act the part. I prefer these people. It's called being "real"!Camp012

    1. I have to respectfully disagree with you, I think dramaturgy holds water. I don't think the take home message was meant to be whether or not we're are acting but rather the way we react to the situations presented to us in everyday life. You can't tell me you always act the same way with everyone you meet, and furthermore, the concept of being real and being fake is up to the people who are in the situation itself. I don't think this is meant to represent dramaturgy as a scientific concept. Firedancer012

  2. Dramaturgy is a new concept for me and after learning more about the concept the more I agree with it. I personally just like the idea that the world is a stage. What a great analogy! In really thinking about it, we do all fix ourselves up to play a part. It is not like we are acting though. Dramaturgy is genuine and subconscious. No one goes out and says, "I'm going to act like a nurse today and later I'm going to act like a wife and mother" It is just something that we DO. Each of us play our part in the world to get through day and achieve what we set out to whether that be a paycheck or satisfaction in a job well done. But not everyone necessarily performs right within our institutions some people play bad guys or villains. Either way it is all part of the performance or rather all part of life. The video was little monotone, but still I enjoyed the message. farmgirl012

  3. I think the video was terrible. It wasn't monotone. It was a computer generated voice that at some points I couldn't even understand. Anyway, I respectfully disagree with you and think dramaturgy is a false concept. I think you have your "real" people in the world and your "fake people in the world and dramaturgy is a way of describing the fake people who always wanna please everyone. Either that or they want to hold on to a paycheck or a job so they play by the rules. And some people are just plain good and some people are just plain bad. Mainly I picture dramaturgy along the same lines as people who take selfies all the time and post their pictures on facebook all the time. You know, the people who swear their lives and relationships are perfect everyday but when you see them out in public they do nothing but argue. Camp012

  4. I think dramaturgy has some weight to it, the guy in the video said that the concept of dramaturgy isn't about pegging people as "fake", rather it looks at how we interact with others and attune ourselves to different situations. The whole point of the video was to explain that we don't always act the same way all the time in every situation we encounter. People act differently around their mom then their friends, different around their grandmother than their husband or wife. If you want to get a job, don't you dress nice, smell nice, and act professional in order to make the best impression on the interviewer? I think it's an interesting concept to draw attention to, considering it to be something that's easy to overlook. I really liked the analogy of "all the world being a stage" as well, maybe Shakespeare was ahead of his time and knew something we don't? Firedancer012

  5. This video was slow and did not get my attention much as it went on but it seems like we use this in every day life and there are people who get paid good money to do this as a career. And it pointed out how we act in different situation towards people. Every one will have different behavior around their family and friends than they would behave like in church or at work. Horatio012

  6. This was an interesting video to watch, I like how he had the definitions up there to follow along with versus just listening to what he was saying. I'm not sure how I feel about this theory, I don't want to say that I disagree because a lot of what he said makes sense. I think I don't like the word sections he used, "acting" though he did stress it wasn't saying someone is fake or real. I generally think that a person is going to be who they are in their own way. Depending on the situation they are presented with will dictate their behaviors. I think that people adapt to the situation they are in and play the role that they know they should. If you are in front of your 85 year old grandma I do believe you will behave differently than you would around your friends. If you are around a child or children you will behave differently than you would around adults. But I think that there is logic to everything this theory suggests, I just don't believe it is acting, but more or less adapting and behaving. Which I suppose some people would argue is the same thing?! newmommy2be012

  7. I think everybody plays roles throughout his or her life. Real or fake has nothing to do with this. The reason I feel like this is because I'm mixed so I have two different cultures I go through. I act "white" around the white side of my family and act "black" around the black side of my family. That would be considered playing a role right? Even around different friends people act differently. Is it a role that you play or do you just "know" how to act because of how you've been taught? I think this perspective more than definitely backs itself up. People will always have to play a part in life in order to get by. P.O012

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  9. I think this video was kind of boring but it was cut and dry. What he said makes alot of sense as far the world being the stage and we're "actors" . But I have to agree with a few other posters. I dont really think we're acting. I think we are just adapting to our environment. Like I wouldnt talk to my boss the same way I talk to my friends or even my parents or my children. I dont act the same way I would at work, at home. Its not that im being fake, or not myself, im just changing my behavior to adapt to my environment. When im in student mode, is different than when im in mom mode. You get what im saying. I do like the concept of what Goffman is trying to say, but like I said, I dont think we're acting so to speak. We're still ourselves, just a different part of ourselves in a certain environment. KingOli1016


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