“The general consensus or stereotype about a commission report, especially one that is charged by definition to be focused on policy recommendations, is that it’s going to be wonky and dense and not interesting and hard to read,” said Nicole Hudson, a public relations consultant retained by the commission. “So we wanted to make an intentional choice to use the language in which we are spoken to and reflect that as much as possible back to the people.” I feel that all of this is stating that people shouldn't judge anyone or they might get themselves into trouble. Being racist isn't a cop either because then you can have different thoughts about someone from a different race. bodybuilder456
I agree that a cop can not be racist in their line a work. All it does is call problems like we can see in Ferguson. They made a lot of good points about racism and they have a lot of good solutions to fix what is happening around the United States. KLICK456
I believe that this issue is more of a concern of racism, it seems to me that more people are staying focused on the fact that white officers shot down a black man. A great deal of this trial does focus on whether this was some sort of hate crime. The report even says. “We believe that if we attempt to skirt the difficult truths, if we try to avoid talking about race, if we stop talking about Ferguson, as many in the region would like us to, then we cannot move forward". In order to move on from this case, all the facts must be discussed in detail. -Eclipse 456
I agree that people are viewing this issue as racism. People are viewing it as a hate crime when it really isn't. Officer Wilson was doing his job and defended himself when he had to. Hopefully since all the facts are out people will see the truth and can move on from this event and stop destroying the city over protests. dragons456
I agree with your comment. Racism is the biggest issue in this case because it what white cops v. a black male. Cops cannot be racist in their line of work because if they were, the the diversity in their own line of work will not work properly because of the issue of racism. bball456
I agree with your point on this being considered an act of racism by the public. But what they do not understand is that Officer Wilson was just doing his job, and making a split second decision based off of the training he has received. It is going to take time to fix the problem that seems to be getting bigger and bigger. But by gaining trust from the community and making a strong relationship between society and law enforcement officers we will be closer to mending the gap. -Broncos456
People are saying officer Wilson shot Michael Brown because he was racist but in reality his was defending himself because his life was in danger. Many thought he killed Brown as a hate crime which let to all the protests and events that happened. People reacted before they knew all the facts about the event. If people would of waited till all of the facts came out before reacting all of the events in Ferguson could have been avoided. Also it could of changed all of the views on cops in the nation. Due to Brown being shot by officer Wilson people think that cops are bad people and are racist when they really aren't. Hopefully with this report coming out it will change people views on cops and show that officer Wilson had to downhill he did to defend himself. dragons456
I agree that Ferguson was not an issue of racism. Most cops are not racist, but there are definitely some that are. Not everybody knew all of the facts of the event and the media didn't tell us all of the facts also. This report should help others know that officer wilson was just doing his job. Hopefully officers are trained to handle heavy situations and make split second situations better.
I agree with your statement, people are so quick to jump to conclusions because they love the attention, but they do not pay enough attention to the actual facts on what really happened. If people would look at what really happened there would be no debate as to if Officer Wilson was racist, it would be obvious that he was defending himself. tiger456
I believe that this report will confront a lot of the main problems with what is going on it Ferguson. All of this has caused a lot of problems and it is a time for it to come to an end. The police in the area are going through more than I could imagine dealing with everyday. Everyday walking outside with a target on your back because you're a police officer is no way to be treated for truly trying to make things better. Yes I believe that some police officers have made some pretty stupid decisions but that is the person acting out not the cop. KLICK456
It always blows my mind how quick people pull the race card. People in the US have a problem and it's that, we must always complain and never count the blessings we have. Being a police officer is just a job with a title like anyone else, but that job is crucial for everyone's safety. Going off of what Klick456 said, it's the person acting out not all the police. I also want to tie this with the race debate. Don't twist my words, I've heard this, there are the good kinds of (insert race) and bad kinds of (insert race), why is the bad out weighing the good. Why do we look at the speck that is in our neighbors eye, but do not notice the log that is in our own eye? Palmdaddy456
I don't think that Ferguson is an issue of racism, but in fact an issue of poorly trained police officers. Officer Wilson was just doing is job, but he could have done it better. He didn't have to shoot Michael Brown. He could have done something else like use a taser or something else. I do however think that racism is a problem in several other areas and occupations. Therefore, the Ferguson report is useful, because there are racist people in this world and there needs to be better ways of preventing it.
I agree that there is a lot of racism in other areas as well and they may be leading to giving cops a racist stereotype. However, their training along with other law enforcement agencies should begin more strict and intense training to avoid tragedies like this one, It would better prepare them in situations like this Sparks456.
I think that racism within cops is an issue, however, i do not think that what happened in ferguson is strictly an issue with racism. Officer Wilson could have done some things better if he were more intensely trained, but he wasn't. Everyone makes mistakes, it just so happened to be that his mistake and the way he handled things took the life of an african american boy, and for that reason alone, there is a big uproar that he must be racist, but that is not true. In my opinion, if you are racist, and not willing to treat everyone 100% equal, you do not deserve to be a cop and protect the citizen of the United States. tiger456
I think it's so sad that we still live in a world full of racism, especially in this day and age. I know racism is never really going to be abolished but I can't even stand the fact that it's still a major issue. I think everything that has happened in Ferguson is a major tragedy, but all those people looting and setting businesses on fire are not changing anything, and certainly not helping their image at all. I don't think what happened between Mike brown and that officer was a racial issue, I think the media portrayed it as racist. I believe in justice for all no matter your ethnicity or beliefs we all bleed red no one is better than the next. If your going to become a police officer you need to put all judgment aside and treat everyone as an equal because we are all equal. I think if your racist you have no business being a cop in the first place. I think a lot of these things are going to change the way we police. -dicaprio456
I agree, I feel as if everyone should be over the fact that we all do not have the same beliefs or skin color. However, we are all the same people, we are all human. The media has a large impact on the community, so of course if they see it on the news they are going to believe it. In order to effectively steady the crime rate, race and all judgement has to be put aside. KayaJ456
I feel as if though the events that took place in Ferguson would not of happened if the people would have known the whole story along with all of the facts instead of assuming that the officer was a racist. I do feel as if though this reform will help policing in Ferguson along with the people in Ferguson with the fact that the consensus report is drawn up in a way that everyday people are talked to, It may be treated with a little more respect and be understood more efficiently. Sparks~456
In most cases, society is ill-informed by the media and is deprived of necessary information. We are infamous for making assumptions when it comes to crime reports. Once the public is sufficiently informed of every detail of a crime report, maybe they will better make a decision that is based purely on logical evidence and not previous bias or opinions. This reform will surely help citizens understand the events and repercussions in Ferguson, especially with its adjusted vocabulary.
I am absolutely in love with this commission report. Not only does it acknowledge that ordinary people will be reading this report, but it adjusts its content to fully educate its readers and get the most out of it. Whether you have a doctorate or not, you will be able to read this seemingly society-changing document. The content of the document, from what the article revealed, was extraordinary. This report proposes things that should be addressed as soon as possible. From ending hunger in impoverished families to consolidating the metro area's police departments and municipal courts, this report tackles all of the major problems that inner-city areas face. The recent events in Ferguson we tragic, but when it comes to this report, all opinions on whether Officer Darren Wilson was in the right or not are disregarded. All that has been proposed in this will ensure positive change and progress in cities and urban areas such as Ferguson. Hopefully these action calls will be heard by government leaders so the proposals with have the opportunity to be implemented.
Even though cops are not supposed to be racist and biased during their line of duty, it is oblivious. All cops have gone through at least one moment while on the job and they discriminated someone. I agree when it was stated that not everyone is treated equally. There is a lot of discrimination between races. After 9/11/2001, there was a lot of discrimination towards Muslims, Islams, and other races that could possibly be targeted for the tragedy on 9/11. I do agree, Ferguson was awful and so were the events that occurred. I believe that the proposals stated in this report have a lot of logic and sense written into them and it will help gain racial equity, not just in Ferguson. KayaJ456
I agree, no matter how much an officer is not suppose to be racist it happens. Racial profiling happens on a daily. But that is human nature. Humans judge each other no matter what. I am not saying what has gone on is excusable because it is not. Officers are suppose to set examples. Many of them do not. dance456
I believe the events that took place in Ferguson could of been prevented if the general public didn't explicitly take actions into their own hands without knowing 100% what happened. It was wrong what happened but take this into the perspective of the officers on duty that day. They used their best judgment and took action as they thought was appropriate. A commotion report done to prevent racism in the future I believe is just a band-aid for the general public to feel safer. I believe that they will also use this against to officers if force is needed to handle a situation. It's neither bad or good and everyone ( including officers) need to stop being racist and stop stereotyping all together and just do their job. Number1whtieguy456
I agree, the people who do not know the facts think they know how and why it happened based off nothing. All they see is a white man who shot and killed a black man. They did not stop to ask why he did it, or what was going on during. None of them were there, but yet they all "know" that it was because the cop is a racist and that Brown was just an "innocent bystander" being abused by the power of the evil white man. Honestly, the people who assume this and believe they have right to do whatever they want because of it disgust me.
One thing that stood out to me was the the government is going to have to take action as well as the community. There is no way this problem is going to just go away. It is going to take some serious time, and some serious help to fix the racial problem today. it's not going to be easy, but it can happen with the right help and guidance. rose456
I cannot say I personally know many police officers in Ferguson, but I feel that throughout all US police forces, racism is not a serious problem. What happened at Ferguson is a shame, whenever a police officer or anyone is forced take another persons' life it should always be a last resort. However, peoples reaction was inexcusable. To many people want to be a victim. That mixed with the already distrust of police officers blew everything out of proportion. People were to bust blaming all police officers for what happened, without even knowing the full story of what happened. They immediately assume that any time a white man does anything to a minority that there is racism involved. The entire reason of civil rights was so that men and women of all race could stand side by side as equals. But people are to high on hatred to let that happen.
I do think that something needs to be done about the race issue. There are a lot of racial profiling that has been going on. The problem is a lot of it is human nature. I is not excusable by any means, but we are all humans. The problem that has been coming up a lot is that officers are too quick to use their guns. instead of trying to control a situation officers are shooting. A lot of times it is easy to talk a person out of what they are doing. The situtation with Ferugason was taking way out of hand way too fast. With racial profiling it loses trust between community and police. People do not feel like they can live in peace. People do not feel safe when they do not trust the officers. But the problem is people think all are bad just because a handful are not when that is not the case, dance456
Everyone is human but I feel if you're committing to being a police officer and committing to protecting everyone, then you need to protect everyone. But I definitely agree that the first approach should be to talk someone down, to get a handle of the situation and not let your personal biases into the situation. -sf135
The events in Ferguson were tragic, but part of being a police officer requires the ability to make split second decisions under extreme amounts of pressure. Since it was a White officer and a African American victim, the nation immedialtly assumed that Officer Darren Wilson made his decision to use his firearm based on Michael Browns race and the stereotype associated with it. Without hearing the true/whole story and based on citizens reports who "witnessed" the whole thing, community members responded from the medias explanation. This event made the topic of white officers targeting African american citizens blow out of proportions. We do need to fix the problem that is preventing productive police work, but like any national problem, it is going to take time and a lot of work.-Broncos456
Racism has been an issue for ages. Many people like to use the racism card when it is between a white person and a black person. Yes, there are still racist people but in this case i do not think that racism is a factor. I think that the situation could of been handled in a different manner instead of the way it was, but you cannot take back the officers actions. When being a police officer you cannot be racist because there are many different ethnicities working in the police departments so if there are racist people then that would just cause a commotion among the other officers. bball456
I like how this document focused on all the elements of what all went wrong with Ferguson and even called out the media as well. I find it interesting that document said "certified member of the media" can be there without being threatened with an arrest. I think if a shooting occurs, there should be a document available to the public, but this is supporting mentality of them against us and is only a band-aid to the bleed. Weighing out the possibilities the good part is, there is accountability. Following the good, the "bad" is that the news already does this and people won't really look at the record. The ugly, could be another race card mentality could brew up more hate and distrust. Our hearts are hardened and we need to understand that there is malpractice in all fields, but there are repercussions. There are shady doctors, cops, teachers, judges, paramedics, fast food workers the list keeps on going. The document even said it was not final, but its a foundation. Palmdaddy456
I like the approach they are using in making it more understandable to normal people. By avoiding the use of complicated words, people can actually comprehend and read through the report. I appreciate that they are taking steps to make sure the city and policing in Ferguson is better and situations like that of Michael Brown occur less and less. Some people like to spin it around and say it wasn’t about race, but the racism in this situation is pretty blatant to me. The report also stated that the events that occurred in Ferguson “represent a collective awakening to the issues that many in our region knew and understood, but for many others were invisible,” and that “path to racial equity demands time and persistence, risk and resources.” This definitely won't be an overnight fix, but it's good that they're bringing attention to the issues. This happens in cities all over the nation. It is a problem that needs to be addressed, needs to be fixed, and I'm happy to see Ferguson at least attempting. But I do have to agree that we need a better system when it comes to policing in general. 843 people have been killed by the police so far in 2015 with 175 of them being unarmed and with black people being twice as likely to be a target. I understand the job of a police officer is no easy thing. You have to risk your life everyday. But officers need to be tolerant and they need to be trained better. -sf135
“The general consensus or stereotype about a commission report, especially one that is charged by definition to be focused on policy recommendations, is that it’s going to be wonky and dense and not interesting and hard to read,” said Nicole Hudson, a public relations consultant retained by the commission. “So we wanted to make an intentional choice to use the language in which we are spoken to and reflect that as much as possible back to the people.”
ReplyDeleteI feel that all of this is stating that people shouldn't judge anyone or they might get themselves into trouble. Being racist isn't a cop either because then you can have different thoughts about someone from a different race. bodybuilder456
I agree that a cop can not be racist in their line a work. All it does is call problems like we can see in Ferguson. They made a lot of good points about racism and they have a lot of good solutions to fix what is happening around the United States.
I believe that this issue is more of a concern of racism, it seems to me that more people are staying focused on the fact that white officers shot down a black man. A great deal of this trial does focus on whether this was some sort of hate crime. The report even says. “We believe that if we attempt to skirt the difficult truths, if we try to avoid talking about race, if we stop talking about Ferguson, as many in the region would like us to, then we cannot move forward". In order to move on from this case, all the facts must be discussed in detail. -Eclipse 456
ReplyDeleteI agree that people are viewing this issue as racism. People are viewing it as a hate crime when it really isn't. Officer Wilson was doing his job and defended himself when he had to. Hopefully since all the facts are out people will see the truth and can move on from this event and stop destroying the city over protests. dragons456
DeleteI agree with your comment. Racism is the biggest issue in this case because it what white cops v. a black male. Cops cannot be racist in their line of work because if they were, the the diversity in their own line of work will not work properly because of the issue of racism.
I agree with your point on this being considered an act of racism by the public. But what they do not understand is that Officer Wilson was just doing his job, and making a split second decision based off of the training he has received. It is going to take time to fix the problem that seems to be getting bigger and bigger. But by gaining trust from the community and making a strong relationship between society and law enforcement officers we will be closer to mending the gap. -Broncos456
DeletePeople are saying officer Wilson shot Michael Brown because he was racist but in reality his was defending himself because his life was in danger. Many thought he killed Brown as a hate crime which let to all the protests and events that happened. People reacted before they knew all the facts about the event. If people would of waited till all of the facts came out before reacting all of the events in Ferguson could have been avoided. Also it could of changed all of the views on cops in the nation. Due to Brown being shot by officer Wilson people think that cops are bad people and are racist when they really aren't. Hopefully with this report coming out it will change people views on cops and show that officer Wilson had to downhill he did to defend himself. dragons456
ReplyDeleteI agree that Ferguson was not an issue of racism. Most cops are not racist, but there are definitely some that are. Not everybody knew all of the facts of the event and the media didn't tell us all of the facts also. This report should help others know that officer wilson was just doing his job. Hopefully officers are trained to handle heavy situations and make split second situations better.
I agree with your statement, people are so quick to jump to conclusions because they love the attention, but they do not pay enough attention to the actual facts on what really happened. If people would look at what really happened there would be no debate as to if Officer Wilson was racist, it would be obvious that he was defending himself.
I believe that this report will confront a lot of the main problems with what is going on it Ferguson. All of this has caused a lot of problems and it is a time for it to come to an end. The police in the area are going through more than I could imagine dealing with everyday. Everyday walking outside with a target on your back because you're a police officer is no way to be treated for truly trying to make things better. Yes I believe that some police officers have made some pretty stupid decisions but that is the person acting out not the cop.
It always blows my mind how quick people pull the race card. People in the US have a problem and it's that, we must always complain and never count the blessings we have.
DeleteBeing a police officer is just a job with a title like anyone else, but that job is crucial for everyone's safety. Going off of what Klick456 said, it's the person acting out not all the police.
I also want to tie this with the race debate. Don't twist my words, I've heard this, there are the good kinds of (insert race) and bad kinds of (insert race), why is the bad out weighing the good.
Why do we look at the speck that is in our neighbors eye, but do not notice the log that is in our own eye?
I don't think that Ferguson is an issue of racism, but in fact an issue of poorly trained police officers. Officer Wilson was just doing is job, but he could have done it better. He didn't have to shoot Michael Brown. He could have done something else like use a taser or something else. I do however think that racism is a problem in several other areas and occupations. Therefore, the Ferguson report is useful, because there are racist people in this world and there needs to be better ways of preventing it.
I agree that there is a lot of racism in other areas as well and they may be leading to giving cops a racist stereotype. However, their training along with other law enforcement agencies should begin more strict and intense training to avoid tragedies like this one, It would better prepare them in situations like this
I think that racism within cops is an issue, however, i do not think that what happened in ferguson is strictly an issue with racism. Officer Wilson could have done some things better if he were more intensely trained, but he wasn't. Everyone makes mistakes, it just so happened to be that his mistake and the way he handled things took the life of an african american boy, and for that reason alone, there is a big uproar that he must be racist, but that is not true. In my opinion, if you are racist, and not willing to treat everyone 100% equal, you do not deserve to be a cop and protect the citizen of the United States.
I think it's so sad that we still live in a world full of racism, especially in this day and age. I know racism is never really going to be abolished but I can't even stand the fact that it's still a major issue. I think everything that has happened in Ferguson is a major tragedy, but all those people looting and setting businesses on fire are not changing anything, and certainly not helping their image at all. I don't think what happened between Mike brown and that officer was a racial issue, I think the media portrayed it as racist. I believe in justice for all no matter your ethnicity or beliefs we all bleed red no one is better than the next. If your going to become a police officer you need to put all judgment aside and treat everyone as an equal because we are all equal. I think if your racist you have no business being a cop in the first place. I think a lot of these things are going to change the way we police. -dicaprio456
ReplyDeleteI agree, I feel as if everyone should be over the fact that we all do not have the same beliefs or skin color. However, we are all the same people, we are all human. The media has a large impact on the community, so of course if they see it on the news they are going to believe it. In order to effectively steady the crime rate, race and all judgement has to be put aside. KayaJ456
DeleteI feel as if though the events that took place in Ferguson would not of happened if the people would have known the whole story along with all of the facts instead of assuming that the officer was a racist. I do feel as if though this reform will help policing in Ferguson along with the people in Ferguson with the fact that the consensus report is drawn up in a way that everyday people are talked to, It may be treated with a little more respect and be understood more efficiently. Sparks~456
ReplyDeleteIn most cases, society is ill-informed by the media and is deprived of necessary information. We are infamous for making assumptions when it comes to crime reports. Once the public is sufficiently informed of every detail of a crime report, maybe they will better make a decision that is based purely on logical evidence and not previous bias or opinions. This reform will surely help citizens understand the events and repercussions in Ferguson, especially with its adjusted vocabulary.
I am absolutely in love with this commission report. Not only does it acknowledge that ordinary people will be reading this report, but it adjusts its content to fully educate its readers and get the most out of it. Whether you have a doctorate or not, you will be able to read this seemingly society-changing document. The content of the document, from what the article revealed, was extraordinary. This report proposes things that should be addressed as soon as possible. From ending hunger in impoverished families to consolidating the metro area's police departments and municipal courts, this report tackles all of the major problems that inner-city areas face. The recent events in Ferguson we tragic, but when it comes to this report, all opinions on whether Officer Darren Wilson was in the right or not are disregarded. All that has been proposed in this will ensure positive change and progress in cities and urban areas such as Ferguson. Hopefully these action calls will be heard by government leaders so the proposals with have the opportunity to be implemented.
Even though cops are not supposed to be racist and biased during their line of duty, it is oblivious. All cops have gone through at least one moment while on the job and they discriminated someone. I agree when it was stated that not everyone is treated equally. There is a lot of discrimination between races. After 9/11/2001, there was a lot of discrimination towards Muslims, Islams, and other races that could possibly be targeted for the tragedy on 9/11. I do agree, Ferguson was awful and so were the events that occurred. I believe that the proposals stated in this report have a lot of logic and sense written into them and it will help gain racial equity, not just in Ferguson. KayaJ456
ReplyDeleteI agree, no matter how much an officer is not suppose to be racist it happens. Racial profiling happens on a daily. But that is human nature. Humans judge each other no matter what. I am not saying what has gone on is excusable because it is not. Officers are suppose to set examples. Many of them do not.
I believe the events that took place in Ferguson could of been prevented if the general public didn't explicitly take actions into their own hands without knowing 100% what happened. It was wrong what happened but take this into the perspective of the officers on duty that day. They used their best judgment and took action as they thought was appropriate. A commotion report done to prevent racism in the future I believe is just a band-aid for the general public to feel safer. I believe that they will also use this against to officers if force is needed to handle a situation. It's neither bad or good and everyone ( including officers) need to stop being racist and stop stereotyping all together and just do their job.
I agree, the people who do not know the facts think they know how and why it happened based off nothing. All they see is a white man who shot and killed a black man. They did not stop to ask why he did it, or what was going on during. None of them were there, but yet they all "know" that it was because the cop is a racist and that Brown was just an "innocent bystander" being abused by the power of the evil white man. Honestly, the people who assume this and believe they have right to do whatever they want because of it disgust me.
DeleteEarthquake 456
One thing that stood out to me was the the government is going to have to take action as well as the community. There is no way this problem is going to just go away. It is going to take some serious time, and some serious help to fix the racial problem today. it's not going to be easy, but it can happen with the right help and guidance.
I cannot say I personally know many police officers in Ferguson, but I feel that throughout all US police forces, racism is not a serious problem. What happened at Ferguson is a shame, whenever a police officer or anyone is forced take another persons' life it should always be a last resort. However, peoples reaction was inexcusable. To many people want to be a victim. That mixed with the already distrust of police officers blew everything out of proportion. People were to bust blaming all police officers for what happened, without even knowing the full story of what happened. They immediately assume that any time a white man does anything to a minority that there is racism involved. The entire reason of civil rights was so that men and women of all race could stand side by side as equals. But people are to high on hatred to let that happen.
ReplyDeleteEarthquake 456
I do think that something needs to be done about the race issue. There are a lot of racial profiling that has been going on. The problem is a lot of it is human nature. I is not excusable by any means, but we are all humans. The problem that has been coming up a lot is that officers are too quick to use their guns. instead of trying to control a situation officers are shooting. A lot of times it is easy to talk a person out of what they are doing. The situtation with Ferugason was taking way out of hand way too fast. With racial profiling it loses trust between community and police. People do not feel like they can live in peace. People do not feel safe when they do not trust the officers. But the problem is people think all are bad just because a handful are not when that is not the case,
Everyone is human but I feel if you're committing to being a police officer and committing to protecting everyone, then you need to protect everyone. But I definitely agree that the first approach should be to talk someone down, to get a handle of the situation and not let your personal biases into the situation.
The events in Ferguson were tragic, but part of being a police officer requires the ability to make split second decisions under extreme amounts of pressure. Since it was a White officer and a African American victim, the nation immedialtly assumed that Officer Darren Wilson made his decision to use his firearm based on Michael Browns race and the stereotype associated with it. Without hearing the true/whole story and based on citizens reports who "witnessed" the whole thing, community members responded from the medias explanation. This event made the topic of white officers targeting African american citizens blow out of proportions. We do need to fix the problem that is preventing productive police work, but like any national problem, it is going to take time and a lot of work.-Broncos456
ReplyDeleteRacism has been an issue for ages. Many people like to use the racism card when it is between a white person and a black person. Yes, there are still racist people but in this case i do not think that racism is a factor. I think that the situation could of been handled in a different manner instead of the way it was, but you cannot take back the officers actions. When being a police officer you cannot be racist because there are many different ethnicities working in the police departments so if there are racist people then that would just cause a commotion among the other officers.
I like how this document focused on all the elements of what all went wrong with Ferguson and even called out the media as well. I find it interesting that document said "certified member of the media" can be there without being threatened with an arrest. I think if a shooting occurs, there should be a document available to the public, but this is supporting mentality of them against us and is only a band-aid to the bleed. Weighing out the possibilities the good part is, there is accountability. Following the good, the "bad" is that the news already does this and people won't really look at the record. The ugly, could be another race card mentality could brew up more hate and distrust.
ReplyDeleteOur hearts are hardened and we need to understand that there is malpractice in all fields, but there are repercussions. There are shady doctors, cops, teachers, judges, paramedics, fast food workers the list keeps on going. The document even said it was not final, but its a foundation.
I like the approach they are using in making it more understandable to normal people. By avoiding the use of complicated words, people can actually comprehend and read through the report. I appreciate that they are taking steps to make sure the city and policing in Ferguson is better and situations like that of Michael Brown occur less and less. Some people like to spin it around and say it wasn’t about race, but the racism in this situation is pretty blatant to me. The report also stated that the events that occurred in Ferguson “represent a collective awakening to the issues that many in our region knew and understood, but for many others were invisible,” and that “path to racial equity demands time and persistence, risk and resources.” This definitely won't be an overnight fix, but it's good that they're bringing attention to the issues. This happens in cities all over the nation. It is a problem that needs to be addressed, needs to be fixed, and I'm happy to see Ferguson at least attempting. But I do have to agree that we need a better system when it comes to policing in general. 843 people have been killed by the police so far in 2015 with 175 of them being unarmed and with black people being twice as likely to be a target. I understand the job of a police officer is no easy thing. You have to risk your life everyday. But officers need to be tolerant and they need to be trained better.