Gender Role Expectations.....Thoughts?


  1. This was truly a hilarious video! It was kind of like watching an episode of practical jokers or Jackass. I'm surprised all these men were good spirited enough not to go off the deep side and punch him before they could comprehend what they were doing. I think on the more practical side this video shows how much society nowadays accepts homosexuality and people who act differently. I'm equally amazed that he didn't find one man that was gay or curious enough about there own sexuality to play along or hit on him back. Regardless this shows how men are programmed to look. Luckily my wife has a u can look just don't touch policy. I can say from personal experience that I've often looked at a woman's butt from the back side admiring it and when she turned around I was appalled that I was even looking. Luckily never a man that looked like a woman though!! This was a fun video to watch!Camp012

    1. I agree with you that is like watching an episode of impractical jokers. It is true that this video show how our society in particularly man are more tolerant, and more accepting with people with different sexual orientation, a several decade ago, those man were react very differently in this situation. futbol012

  2. Holy crap, that was amazing! Other than it being absolutely hysterical, I get the point that he was making. So often women will complain about being viewed as a piece of meat. As a woman, it was a common complaint when I was in my twenties. When you are a young woman, especially if you are single, you wonder why "all" men need to immediately make it sexual. On the flip side, most women have to admit that they have dressed for that attention. We've all worn a shirt that was cut a little too low, that short skirt/shorts, sexy shoes, and yes....even those tight toga pants. We do it because we want to look good...good for us, good for our spouses, just not looking to appeal to every guy you walk by in the grocery store. This could fall into the discussion of is the woman "asking" for it??? I immediately thought about the video that was popular not too long ago...what if women harassed men. Besides the humor aspect, it is an eye opener.
    But this man is pushing boundaries in a different way. Not only is he testing men to see if they will check him out...he is obviously not a woman. The reactions of some were hilarious. I give credit to the man who owned up to it and simply said "yeah you have a nice butt". And then you have the men who were hyper masculine and had to get defensive and aggressive. While I expected someone to react like that, I just don't see the point.

    1. ^^^momtoM.L.M.012

    2. I disagree as it obviously being a man. The way he was dressed and leaned into the trunk it definitely looked like a women. But that aside, men and women are wired differently. In psychology they tell you that men are programmed to breed and women are programmed to have children and settle down with somebody. Of course there are anomalies in that too. But bottom line is men are much more sexual. I'm married and still can't help looking at other women, but I know better than to act on it because I love my wife. A good example is the bar. A man goes to the bar to watch a game or whatever and he almost definitely will not be hit on by a woman.(most cases) A women goes to a bar alone or to meet friends and she'll likely get free drinks all night if she accepts them.Camp012

    3. I disagree as it obviously being a man. The way he was dressed and leaned into the trunk it definitely looked like a women. But that aside, men and women are wired differently. In psychology they tell you that men are programmed to breed and women are programmed to have children and settle down with somebody. Of course there are anomalies in that too. But bottom line is men are much more sexual. I'm married and still can't help looking at other women, but I know better than to act on it because I love my wife. A good example is the bar. A man goes to the bar to watch a game or whatever and he almost definitely will not be hit on by a woman.(most cases) A women goes to a bar alone or to meet friends and she'll likely get free drinks all night if she accepts them.Camp012

    4. I agree, Men and women are wired differently. A woman is way more hesitant to approach a man because we know men will be more dominant and if they are interested they will make a move first. Men are put out to be the more aggressive one and of course time has changed, but our nature still remains.The gay swayed back and forth to get more attention for t.v. and women will also do that or just a simple smile will bring them near. food012

    5. I agree with the fact that sometimes women can give themselves a problem of "being a piece of meat." I'm sure all women can admit sometimes they have worn a skirt that was a little too short or a shirt that was a little to tight, maybe to get attention from one particular person, or many for that matter. But sometimes I think women dress a certain way for themselves. It makes us feel good to look sexy, or to get a double look from a guy. Its a confidence booster I believe. I think some women can take it too far as well, never meaning that they are "asking for it", but maybe coming off a little desperate. Men know right from wrong, and know when it is appropriate or inappropriate to act on it. It's okay to look just not touch right, unless you are single of course and the touch is welcomed. newmommy2be012

  3. This video was hilarious. I think it showed how men are physically attracted to the body. They liked what they saw. They seemed ashamed after they found out it was a man, but that shame doesn't change the fact that they were attracted to his body. Men are very sexual creatures and just can't help themselves. BTW; he did have a nice butt in those leggings ! Haha. KingOli1016

    1. I agree. The guy looked like a girl with those pants on and the butt was nice. Try the same experiment with an overweight,cellulitis filled butt and not a single person would have probably looked. Men are just programmed that way sexually and our one duty is to reproduce from a nature stand point. Camp012

    2. I agree as well, but I think that women can be equally as sexual as men. I just think that they are less expressive about the fact, I also think that perhaps women are better at controlling their nature from a biological standpoint. Not to say that men can't do it too, but maybe it's just easier for women. Firedancer012

    3. Men are more visually stimulated. Women fall in to this category as well, but I think for them they are more stimulated when it comes to the "spiritual" side of things. I have had this conversation with my wife many times. I tell her I'm a guy and I know what guys think, but she never believes my side of the conversation. What a great experiment! Kane012

    4. As a woman I think I get where some of those men are coming from. I will admit that I have seen what I thought was an attractive man....and then you get a good glimpse of the face and its game over. While men are more programmed to instantly go for the physical appearance, what about when women are attracted to a man until they get a dose of his personality. Women will claim that its his sense of humor that appealed to them in the first place. Sexuality definitely varies for all individuals. I would find it interesting to learn about sexuality in different cultures, social classes, and how it varies by where they live. momtoM.L.M.012

    5. I have to agree he defintly rocked those yoga pants better than some women do and he was not ashamed to say it. I can understand why the men got defensive and upset but at the same time who are they to get mad when they are the ones looking. A nice butt is a nice butt why does it matter if he's a guy wearing yoga pants. Looks can be deceiving yes, but if you're going to be taking a look then get defensive when you learn its a guy maybe you should think twice before staring. One of the guys admitted to staring and admitted that he had a nice butt and seemed to have no shame in it. Priceless. newmommy2be012

    6. I agree. Men are very visual and they like what they see. This experiment can be done with all body types and can/will get similar responses from the men and women that are attracted to those body types. I also agree that he looked very nice. poeticLB012

  4. This video had me in tears. I was laughing so hard. I'm surprised this guy didn't get knocked out on several occasions. The truth is men are sexual beings. It seems they are gonna look no matter what. The reactions were priceless. There were so many men and boys that couldn't help but look just because he was bent over in yoga pants. Men must have sexual attraction on their minds alot. Most women I know look but not that intensely. I don't think they look as often as men do either. Almost every man that walked by was staring. Some of the men even almost touched. They would of been really mad if he had let them go as far as touching him. That was a good experiment. A person has to be really brave to be involved in that. nana012

    1. This was a great experiment. Men do always look no matter what. EVEN when we are with our significant others. We look because it is built into us. The best way I can describe it is that women basically "decide" whether sex is going to happen or not and that is why men are so focused on it. I don't mean to sound perverted or something, just speaking the truth. Kane012

    2. I disagree. It would be unfair for someone to say that "men always look no matter what." Not ALL men are thinking sex ALL the time. If they are then I would tend to say they are the abnormal ones. Men are more sexually charged then women for the most part. Men do have more issues when it comes to straying and being monogamous. On the flip side I have known a woman or two that intimidate men by being so open regarding sexuality. I would agree that there is a trend but I would not go as far as saying that its black and white.momtoM.L.M.012

  5. I found this video both fascinating and hilarious, fascinating because most men look at something that attracts them by nature. The same thing can be said for women too, more often then not I see other girls eyeing down an attractive man when they're with their significant other! Human's are social creatures, and we are animals. No matter what someone tells you, we have instincts too. Hilarious because you can tell by the various reactions that the men were embarrassed by the fact that they were attracted to another man under the pretense that he was a woman. It also crosses the boundaries of gender roles and stereotypes because most people think of women wearing tight clothing to make themselves feel and look attractive to various people. But when the roles of those rules are changed, you'll see that people are shocked and almost frightened by the change. In this instance we saw that many of the men got angry when the guy in yoga pants accused him of looking at his butt, which is a cultural installation in America. I thought this was a wonderful and hilarious experiment, bravo sir. Firedancer012

    1. I agree with you. The last few years the yoga pants have become more popular for women wearing them everywhere besides just working out in them. I don't mind my significant other to look while with me as long as she doesn't get mad at me for doing the same. Like you said human's are social creatures. Horatio012

  6. This has to be the best one yet. This really shows how men are when they see a nice body, but in this case they thought it was the opposite sex but it turns out to be a guy and there was a few guys that wanted to fight him because they were caught looking and were embarrassed because it turns out to be a man. I think its ok to look but do not sit there and stare until you get caught. Just take a good glance and go about your business and don't get mad if it turns out to be someone who you didn't expect. Horatio012

  7. I have seen these videos before. They are a great testament to how we men really are. I'm not ashamed to say it. When we see what LOOKS to be a good looking girl, we will look every time. I have had this same conversation with my wife. Men cannot stop themselves, but the funnier thing is that my wife says she doesn't look at good looking guys. I tell her she is such a liar. The funnier thing is that I see women look other women up and down, like judging their clothing and how they carry themselves. I point this out to my wife all the time. The part that is funniest is when the men get mad and have to show how "macho" they are when they find out it's a guy they were staring at. They want to fight him because of their embarrassment. Too funny. Kane012

    1. I have to agree with your wife. I sometimes can lookmat a gentlemen and think hes handsome or that he has nice smile or hair but I never think wow look at his butt. I also agree with you that men are open to voicing their opinion on ho a female looks even if sometimes can get them in trouble with their significant other. Lastly I am one of the women who do judge other womens outfit or hair. Think every woman does and is lying if they say differently. maybe not to the extreme of others. compassof4012

  8. This is very funny video, those yoga pants prank really works all the guys passing by were attract to it. The funniest part when the guy turn around and the guys were freaking out, making feel them very awkward, and some of them angry. In this video show how our society specially man are more tolerant, and more accepting to the people with different sexual orientation, a couple decade ago. I am sure the reaction from those man could be very different and very negative. That is the cool part of the video show how the society have change their view about homosexuality. futbol012

  9. This video definetly shows how generd roles play out and what is accepted and what is not. First of all it shows how men and women just assumed that only a woman could be wearing those and if it is a man assuming they are gay. Next it shows of course more men looking at his butt thinking of course its a woman and ready to even approach her or make a comment to her with no hold back. Even thinking its ok or that a woman would want to spoken to that way. But of course men thining its ok to speak and yell out comments. It also shows how men react when they find out that its a man pressuming he must be gay and how they become uncomfortable even aggressive towards him. Shos hoe society in my opionin still so backwards. That it doesnt mean you are gay from what you are wearing or acting. Also if you look at the same sex or find them an attractive person. The one guy who was ready to fight him over his insercurites or the threat on his "manhood". I love the gentlemen who said yes I am looking and you have a nice butt. compassof4012

  10. Wow! This video was hilarious. Never saw anything like it, in my attire life. I would recommend everyone to watch this video , just to get a kick out of it. This guy definitely know what he's doing. He almost got the crap beat out of him though a couple times, which was even more hilarious. It broke down exactly what happens everyday to women, on a everyday bases. It shows exactly how men proceed and recognize women, when they want attention. Women have there own perspective on how they proceed men attention as well, but its does not have nothing on the way men, go about getting women attention, you guys when the Oscar award on this one. this was a amazing video , now everyone can what women go though . Socialbutterfly

  11. I've seen this video before and found it just as entertaining this time around. Its crazy how gender roles and stereotypes have an effect all the way down to the fact that I guy is wearing yoga pants. I love how the guy had fun with this, even when people were getting hostile and wanted to start a fight he laughed it off and played with it more. The girls were even looking which I find hilarious, but hey what girl can honestly say she hasn't looked at another women's butt before, right?! I found it interesting how one of the men asked him if he was gay because he was wearing yoga pants. You were looking at his butt which was fine until you realized he was a man. So how is he the gay one, he wasn't looking at a guys butt. One of the guys got really mad and wanted to fight him, I liked how he just laughed it off and played into it even more. He didn't get mad and didn't get offended just continued to prove his point. Also mad props to the guy who not only admitted that he was looking at his butt, but also told him he had a nice a**. I found that hilarious, he is obviously comfortable with his sexuality. My husband watched this with me and found it to be hilarious, he said "poor women and the things you have to deal with, yoga pants automatically means open invitation to look at your butt." newmommy2be012

  12. This one had me chuckling! If anything shows the stereotypes of gender roles well, it is this video. I had never seen the "yoga pants prank" and overall it was kind of what I was expecting. What I found most interesting about the video was the hostile reactions from some of the people being pranked. The guy making the video was performing a joke that was completely harmless, yet they felt the need to lash out and in one case try to start a fight. It was like the guys were ashamed of being tricked into thinking that it was a girl in yoga pants.Then they were even more embarrassed when they got caught looking. They seemed to take it as there manhood being attacked. But even girls were tricked.This shows how strong the gender roll for clothing likes yoga pants is. It was treated as being completely unacceptable that this guy was posing in tight black leggings. So what does this mean for yoga pants wearers today? Wearing yoga pants doesn't warrant getting your butt checked out by everyone who passes by, but if you're putting it out there, be prepared for people to see it. My suggestion; cover up what you want to stay hidden because this video is evidence that its a free for all. Yoga pants has definitely stirred things up since they hit the market. farmgirl012

  13. If you've seen one butt, you've seen them all, right? I'm not sure why so many men found it hard to admit that they were looking at his butt. It doesn't change their sexual orientation, doesn't mean anything other than he has a nice butt. In this day and age, one would think that our programming would have changed somewhat. There was no need for aggressive behavior. He didn't ask you to look, you chose to. Looking doesn't change your sexual orientation and neither would touching his butt. I applaud the men that did admit they were looking. They are very comfortable with their masculinity. One even went so far as to acknowledge the fact that it was nice. He didn't feel comfortable enough to touch it though. I would have taken him up on the offer to touch it because I'm that kind of person. It was all in good humor. The girls were also caught looking at him. I'm not sure if they were embarrassed because they were caught looking or because he said his butt was bigger than theirs. This just goes to show that women look, too. I'm surprised more women weren't caught on video. Overall, it was a fun way to show that society has programmed us to believe that certain clothes are gender specific. All of the people caught on video assumed he was a woman based solely on his yoga pants. poeticLB012

  14. I agree. Men are very visual and they like what they see. This experiment can be done with all body types and can/will get similar responses from the men and women that are attracted to those body types. I also agree that he looked very nice. poeticLB012

  15. "That mug is fat." I hope those two fought once the camera was cut. Speaking from a mans point of view I can't deny the fact that this may have happened to me once or twice. This video really has opened my eyes. Men usually are checking out any type of yoga pants that are in the room or parking lot. I really like how the third guy just admitted that he was staring and told him he had a nice Miley Cyrus. After checking this video out I'm going to try and not look at women or in some cases men as sexual objects and more like the humans they are. This just shows us what our society has come to and how sexually minded people are. (Mac-012)


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