Global Stratification: Dependent Modernization....


  1. This video really makes the world look like a bad place to live in. I don't know which is worse, ripping off a nation where almost everyone is poor or killing the people mining it in Mopani with such a corruption going on. Shouldn't the international community step in and test the pollution themselves somehow? And I used to be a democrat and like Bill Clinton but for him to pardon someone because of campaign contributions is abuse of his then executive power. I have been Republican for sometime now but I seriously think their is corruption on both sides. Anyways someone should show this video during Hillary's campaign because they literally are in bed together. And it makes you think about the deals that Obama is making with Iran and if big business isn't behind that. Anyways as a nation we need to do something and get real help to these countries and insure that they get fair market value and healthy working conditions for their countries and their citizens. I think eventually these 1% ers are going to have to deal with the other 99%. Camp012

    1. I thought the pardoning was ridiculous, especially after he renounced his American citizenship to evade prison time. Then he gets pardoned for all his crimes and doesn't get a lick of punishment for anything he did. The basic message being that if you're rich and have connections that you don't have to be held accountable for the bad things you do. Firedancer012

    2. It is amazing how so many of the top people in the world get away with their corruption and greed! And you are right, you would think that eventually the rest of use are going to get tired of them getting away with all their illegalities. If everyone would just let other countries do their own thing without getting involved our international market would be a lot less complicated and a lot more fair. farmgirl012

  2. Watching this video made me feel horrible. I can't believe that huge corporate companies would take advantage of countries as poor as Africa, who, by all rights should be a first world country by now. Its infuriating that the only reason Africa is still in poverty is because of selfish people who only care about themselves and the interests that further their own. The worst part is all the innocent people who have to suffer at the hands of these companies, toxic waste is polluting the groundwater of nearby towns and the companies are denying responsibility for what's clearly theirs. Perhaps the poverty stricken people of Africa will rise up and revolt against these injustices. Firedancer 012

    1. I couldn't agree more. Corporations that take advantage of a people that probably did not know any better when all of this started. The problem is that the Vice President is coming in to try and change things when the situation is so bad. I admire his outlook and hope that he can change things, but it will never be completely fixed. Money will rule and keep the people in a horrible position.Kane012

  3. I would hope the same on rising up against these people but that takes help from the outside I think. Nowadays, I think we are in a new reality where the weaponry provided by wealthier nations for the elite are so advanced that just having the numbers is not enough. As scary as it sounds I am concerned that the 1% are smart enough that they have shifted their focus on not controlling us, but rather exterminating us. I mean, what are the options when people start revolting against you and you have all the money.Camp012

  4. This video was definitely interesting . I definitely open my eyes, quiet a bit. I think it's amazing, that there's considerate, caring, individuals, who strive for the need of others. I think it was horrible, and very discouraged by the contaminating from the acid putting individuals in the hospital because of the poison water they proceeded, along with the horrible solution , that maintain the air, which got there country sick. It just makes you think, how long did there country had to go through with this, was anything done about the problem. Its sad and ridiculous to here about people in there country turning blue and green , form the sickning, in the air and water. Mark Rich was a very scandalous man. Anything he got his hands on , down to his dirty deals, he cheated with. Along with being the biggest tax frauder known. It shouldn't matter how much money he had , or how rich he was, anytime you disobey the law, you should have to pay the consequences. I have all faith and pray that Zambia, gets the education and medical they need for there country Socialbutterfly

  5. It amazing how a country in one hemisphere can have so much power over one country in another. This is what shocked me the most after watching this video. At first it seemed as though Glencore was a generous company. They give back to the government in Zambia where they get all their precious copper from. But, as the video sheds light on, Glencore is taking much more from Zambia than they are giving back. As a matter of fact, they are even putting charges on the company to owe them for the trade. To me, this is so twisted and dirty. Zambia is blessed with natural resources, so how is it right that other countries form companies to come in a take them? Zambia has the copper so the government should have control of it. Wouldn't it be weird if another country came to America and took our oil? This situation truly baffles me. Maybe with a better understand of world markets I might understand. Still, in the advanced world we live in today how can people stand by and let a wealthy country in resources become poor because of the greed of outside companies. farmgirl012

  6. This video makes me sick to my stomach that people can put aside their actual "human side" for the benefit of profits. I understand business, but there should be a limit. Especially when it comes to blatant "under the table" business practices. When one company has multiple shell companies, they do under-handed business practices and if there is proof, then the companies should be punished to the extent of the law. When someone figures out a way to get around a specific law (and it makes them money), it will always be manipulated. The other issue of the mining company having multiple "accidents", which hurts the local inhabitants, they should also be punished. I cannot stand it when these large corporations get away with such atrocities against humanity, whether it be for monetary gain or hurtful to human beings, there should be punishment. Unfortunately, it will never go away. Greed will always trump people doing the right thing for humanity. Kane012

  7. This video really opened my eyes to what is going on in other parts of the world. Like at the beginning it was sad how the rich people wanted to keep their money within their own community rather than aiding countries that are less fortunate than them. That is very selfish and they should be ashamed. They are doing well for themselves and even have money to fall back on. Like the commentator said, they are wealthy. Almost every car in the community was a BMW but they cant come off of "chump change" to help others ? Not fair. When it comes to Zambia, I really feel for these people. Its crazy how they were blessed with natural sources such as the copper and they cant get a dime back of the profits. This country is clearly struggling, children are having horrible health issues due to the factory there. Not only children, everybody is affected. The least they could do is give them some sort of profit. Medical attention. Clean water. Something. This video really opened my eyes to how corrupt and selfish this world is. KingOli1016

  8. This video seems to me like it was taken from a script of a movie where terrible things are happening to people but the only difference is that in a movie justice occurs, but in this video it is not the case. This mass corporation is not only ripping off the Republic of Zambia economically, but it is also damaging in great scale the environment, contaminating the drinking water of the community around making people sick. The money that they give to supposedly do good and service is another big lie. That is helping their corporation more by avoiding paying a big sum of taxes. futbol012

  9. I just can't believe how everything is run so corruptively. The Zambians are the one's with land that the copper in on, yet everyone else is making the real money off of their resources. They are the the poorest in the chain of receiving any kind of profit. Not only do the investors from other countries steal most of the profit, their own government officials are stealing for their own personal wealth. This concept is mind blowing. They can't catch a break no matter which way you look at it. The investors sent their profits offshore so they could keep the tax money that should of been paid to Zambia. The Zambians are the ones who have to breath polluted air and drink polluted water because of the mines that others are making money from. These investors and other countries just take advantage of the resources that should help Zambians to build towards having the normal things most other countries have available to them. The rich are knowingly making money off a poor country. It makes me wonder if they just think Zambian people are stupid and gullible so they just keep taking advantage. This type of money making is just sickening. They keep the poor down so they can never get back up. Corruption at it's finest seems to run the world.nana012


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