Global Wealth Distribution....Thoughts?


  1. This video is very disturbing. It really makes you wonder who the bad guys really are,I knew from studies that the wealthiest 1% had most the wealth but I had no idea that our aid and humanitarian support was falling so short. I mean, if this information is actually correct, instead of helping these countries develop, we are actually stealing from them and making their situation worse. And I guess I shouldn't say we because I have no wealth and am not a one percenter. I think their should be some reward for hard work and creating things we all need but it has gotten way out of control. I think these people need to remember that history sais that the people will eventually rise up against tyranny and the more they squeeze, the closer we get to repeating history. On the other hand with all the weapons and all the money, maybe they just plan on exterminating all of us once the resources are all used up. Or better yet perhaps we will hear the trumpets from above and the good believers will be raptured to let God deal with them in the horrible way it is described in the Bible.Camp012

    1. I do agree with your stance about the unbalance in the humanitarian support, but I don't ever see it coming to an end. It is sad and I wish something could be done, but with money comes power. That is definitely a huge problem in this world. I do, however, disagree with your statement that you can't say "we" because you have no wealth. I think wealth is what you make it. You can make a difference. It may not solve all the world's problems, but every little bit helps. Kane012

    2. I agree with you, I had no idea that the humanitarian support was so bad. And the idea that rich countries are stealing from poor countries it absolutely appalling. I wish there was a way for someone to do something, but even if a group were brought together it wouldn't make a considerable enough amount of difference. Firedancer012

  2. The information in this video is staggering. I had no idea of the unbalance. It truly seems unfair on some levels, but one thing that comes to mind for me is that some of the countries that ARE the poorest are a lot of under developed countries. I see it as these are countries that still have people living "in the bush" and do not even care bout the wealth of a nation. I'm not putting any culture down, I just see the differences from local suburbia, where we have to have this huge TV or the newest cell phone to feel accomplished, compared to a tribe in Africa that has no idea what a cell phone is. They don't care about monetary gains, they care that their family is fed and healthy. I can't say much because I have that TV and phone, but these are things that cause the greed in those 1%ers. I do have wealth, in the respect of taking care of my family and being able to give them some of the things I didn't get as a kid, but also trying to keep them grounded as to what is truly important in life. Kane012

  3. I am not overly shocked by all these statistics. I have often wondered about people of great wealth and how it would compare to simply a middle class household in America. Part of me thinks that there should be some cap on what a persons annual income could be without facing significant "fines" of some sort. I use the term "fines" loosely because it shouldnt be seen as a punishment for ones success. What if celebrity A earns $400 million dollars this year and other than paying taxes, only donates $1 million dollars back to different charities. Then you have celebrity B who will stand to make a measly $20 million this year. Celebrity B is always giving back to the community in positive ways and is going to donate a total of $5 million this year. It is hardly fair. I do believe if someone is making over a certain amount of money each year, that they should be held accountable to either pay a ridiculous amount in taxes (that hopefully our government will do something wise with) or donate to a number of charities. I often feel that some celebrities set out to make themselves seem generous but am left wondering how much of it is superficial and for good press? I am in the 1%. I am in my mid 30's. I attend community college in the evenings. I have three children. As a family, we watch what we spend. We are still able to have nice things, a nice house, nice car, name brand things, can buy food, pay for medical, and can send our kids to a good school. In my opinion, we are good. So I honestly dont care that I fall into some category that makes us all seem so bad off. I am happy with what we have because I know it could be so much worse....and those are the people I feel for. momtoM.L.M.012

  4. This video chucks me. How the wealth have been accumulate in a few hands while others people around the world specially children are dying of hungry, two percent of the population have more money than the half of the world. If our leadership do not implement new law, and policy to try to balance this crisis. The trade mispracing law that the big corporation use to avoid pay taxes or paid very little overseas need to be fixed.The gap between rich and poor, will increase. All the wealth of the world is concentrate in the twenty percent of the population. This will lead that the eighty percent of us,will became slaves at some point in time to these people. futbol012

  5. It makes me very sad to hear and see such numbers, I wish there was a way to change it. Sadly I don't see the even distribution of wealth between countries happening any time soon, how many people are those top percentage of people paying to keep quiet about what's really going on? As conspiracy theory-esk as that sounds, It really makes one think how much money is exchanged to keep things flowing the way they are already. I wonder what someone from the lowest end of the spectrum would say to someone of the highest if given the chance. I knew the situation was bad when it came to the global economy, but I didn't really know how bad until I watched this video. The figures given here are very disturbing and make me wonder how long it will take the world to retaliate against those top few percent of people. Firedancer012

  6. I have never really followed the statistics of the global wealth or economy and this is overwhelming surprising. This video broke it down and charted on my level for me to understand. I am amazed by these numbers and dollar amounts. To me I can not even fathom half million let alone trillions dollars. Its ad that some people have absolute nothing barely can feed their children and actually some can not while others have so much they probably run out of things to buy. As with countries how some profit while others have children dying of sickness or slowly dying everyday of hunger. I know that money in countries are broke up in sections like in the U.S. as government and then the states government but I guess I wonder (since I live in a broke state) how state government are broke and the money cant be handed where needed. But I am still confused on how some people can keep getting richer???? What's their secret? There has to be ways rather by taxing them differently to help the other end of the spectrum. compassof4012

  7. This video in a way, was a little helpful, on the simple fact it broke down and gave explanation to how the wealthy is richer, and how they are and continuing to put the poor and debt. The wealthy is basically taking over ,and will take over if we let them. It is very irritating to me , and in all honesty disrespectful and annoying that the wealth, takes approximately $900 a year from the poor, I am sure more. Who's developing who , when the wealth is clearly taking practically all we have. In my opinion, It is definitely disturbing and mind blowing to me. Why continue to take from the poor and there struggling as it is. Socialbutterfly

  8. This video does a great job in explaining the growing wealth gap between poor and rich nations. It was interesting to see an explanation of wealth distribution on a global level. It is amazing how such a small portion of the population can hold more money than billions of other people. It is quite sickening how trade with poor countries is even manipulated for the richer countries benefit. I never knew that aid to other countries was so complicated. Shouldn't giving money to those in need be a simple action? Apparently not. Still, what this video really made me think about was how to solve the problem of wealth distribution. Since the gap is growing, the problem is continuing to become more evident. Just as the rich are taking from the poor through the trading market, to me it would not be right for the poor to take from the rich either. A world where we all work for what we get and get to keep what we earned would be ideal. Who knows what wealth distribution is going to look like in the decades to come. farmgirl012

    1. One would think it should be simple and they could get a tax break for a charitable donation. I guess that isn't enough. Yes, it would be ideal if we could keep what we earn, legally. No ill gotten gains please. poeticLB012

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  10. I thought that this video did a good job showing the growing gap between the rich and the poor. I always found it interesting that in the US we always heard about the one percent but globally the US is in the one percent worldwide. I was unaware that we were taking so much from the poor countries like that. And while I think that it is wrong I think that if all the worlds wealth was split evenly between all people than within a few decades we would be in the same position as we are now ces012

  11. I thought that this video did a good job showing the growing gap between the rich and the poor. I always found it interesting that in the US we always heard about the one percent but globally the US is in the one percent worldwide. I was unaware that we were taking so much from the poor countries like that. And while I think that it is wrong I think that if all the worlds wealth was split evenly between all people than within a few decades we would be in the same position as we are now ces012

  12. I thought that this video did a good job showing the growing gap between the rich and the poor. I always found it interesting that in the US we always heard about the one percent but globally the US is in the one percent worldwide. I was unaware that we were taking so much from the poor countries like that. ces012

  13. It is sad how greedy people have really become. The top two percent of the rich have more money than the top wealthiest nations in the world combined. That statistic is so disturbing and just shows you how individuals can be so money hungry. I myself am very well off in this cruel world. I have a form of transportation that can take me to and from school, and work. I also live in a beautiful home with my wonderful family, but we are considered middle class. Even though I have more possessions than millions of starving, and homeless people. If people could get over themselves maybe everyone could have food, and shelter like they want. (Mac012)

  14. It seems the saying is right that the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. The statistics were surprising to me. I had no idea. There does need to be different rules enforced for the rich vs the poor. When the rich are getting richer off of the poor something needs to change. How does this keep going on? Eighty percent of people are considered poor as opposed to the really rich percentage of people out there. The ridiculously rich people should really find a way to help with the poor. Middle class people should not be considered the poor class, but today they are. It is such an unfair system in many countries. We definitely need a change. The rich don't need a break,they can afford it, the poor and middle class families do. nana012

  15. Wow!! I had no idea the poor countries actually have to pay back to the rich countries. How are we helping them build and become better when they have to pay back most of whats given to them? Its truly sad. Just like the person above said, it does seem to be true when they say the rich keep getting richer and the poor is getting poorer. I truly wish there was a way to change this. This video should go viral. It does an amazing job of showing the numbers and how things really are. From what ive read, alot of people were unaware of whats really going on. This should be known by all. KingOli1016

  16. This video did a great job in explaining how the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The fact that the poor countries are paying taxes and repaying loans that have been re-payed many times over is insane. There are people in need who can't have because their countries are being robbed blind. There has to be a better way, a more equal distribution of wealth. Will we ever find a solution that benefits everyone? Probably not in my lifetime. The rich aren't willing to help the needy. poeticLB012


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