History of Prisons....Synopsis


  1. Reading about the history of jails in our text then finally being able to watch a video of it gave me a clearer aspect if how the prisoners were really treated, what they wore how they were executed what form of execution who did their execution and where it took place. I also got a better view of how the generation of each prison jail was structured and how it either helped or not helped the prison guards. I remember one part of the movie that showed and told how the jails were set how tiny it was. It was wierd to see that they have too let's now versus back then when using buckets. Also when the cells were tiny they then had to work and their cell only used for sleep now they can't be out the cell for less then 24 hours a lot had changed some for better some still more work.

    1. I thought the video did an excellent job at clarifying how prisons were run in different times. I also noticed that part of the movie where it shows how small the cells were. It really is crazy how prisons have come so far. -Pack789

    2. I agree that actually seeing it on video after learning about it in class was nice. And i also didn't realize how much prisons had changed until they showed us video clips and pictures of the tiny spaces prisoners had to sleep in. The prison system still isn't perfect and I am sure every year they will improve in some way. -Barcelona789

  2. Prisons have come such a long way throughout history. Its crazy to think how far treatment of prisoners has come. Prisoners from the past underwent severe physical and mental punishment that took place in a strict laws and morals. It seemed as if any petty offense were to cause you to get whipped or hung. Today, obviously, it is much different. Throughout the years,we have rightfully accepted changes to the corrections system. We now are beginning to focus on rehabilitation, which is much cheaper and more effective. This will hopefully save money on incarceration rates and costs as well as for crime rates in society. It's crazy to really hear about how punishment methods have changed over the years. -Pack123

  3. By watching the video, it gave me a better understanding on how prisons began and how they have evolved over so many years. Because the prisons didn’t have the technology that we do today, they had more issues with forming the correct structure and they had many more escapes even if those prisoners didn’t get far. They began to separate different types of people early on, like for example, someone who committed arson and murder would be separated from someone who has done a nonviolent crime. Also males and females began to be separated from each other. As time went on, they found that uniforms were better for prisoners because of security. They also found that incarceration does not deter crime. CSI 789

  4. I loved how detailed and informative this video was. You can read all about the jails and prisons but until there is a more in depth explanation along with visual, it just doesn't click. The variation in size of the cells is so drastic and the mentality that went along with it was awesome. -NavyAME789

  5. I enjoyed watching this video because it went into detail about the prisons and how prisons have changed drastically throughout the years. They have changed to be safer and harder for prisoners to escape from. Even though we learned about the change of prisons in class it was easier to actually see them on a video rather than trying to imagine what they looked like. I didn't realize how much it cost to just make one cell so secure so that no one could escape when they weren't suppose to. I would like to see what those prisons look like now that they no longer hold prisoners in. I also didn't realize that had prisons on boats which is kind of cool to think about. I also liked how they did some reenactments to show us what they were talking about when they said technology has changed the way prisons are ran. -Barcelona789

  6. Wow I didn't know locking people up went back that far. All these prisons that were built and making pathways to make bigger and better prisons. I didn't know that England kept people in boats, but the conditions on the boat were poor. Going from dungeons from Rome to transporting prisoners to Alcatraz to having technology as good tools to run maximum prisons in the U.S. and all across the world. Phenom789

  7. I had no idea that the first recording of a prison system was from Rome around the 3rd or 4th century BC, just goes to show how innovative the Romans were in ancient times. Also I was surprised to learn that Alcatraz was basically the first super max prison on U.S. soil, and I was also surprised that it was closed in 1963, I thought it was closed in the 70s. It's also amazing how there were no recorded escapes from the island, given that its 5 miles from shore and is in salt water. I find it fascinating though how prisons have evolved in the last 200 years. In the 1800s we had the Quaker system of solitary confinement along with Europe transporting prisoners to penal colonies like Devil's Island or keeping them on Hulk ships that were in terrible condition, and in the early 20th Century Sing Sing prison started to the process of housing prisoners in one place and stacking the cells on top of each other in one huge cell block. Nowadays we have super maximum prisons featuring state of the art technology in prisoner transfers and staff safety. Sure all these technological advances are all well and good, but it's hard to ignore the fact how bloated the prison system in America has become since we warehouse 1/4 of the world's total prison population. Hopefully as we've seen the last 200 years maybe in the next 50 years we'll see the prison system evolve again and be more in favor of imprisoning violent offenders for longer terms and focus more on rehabilitating drug offenders and not turning them into violent offenders by imprisoning them for longer terms then they need. Flitzy789

  8. Watching this video in class was pretty interesting it was nice seeing the history and how prisons came about. Its actually a good thing that we have prisons now instead of just exile. I agree with NavyAME up above in that the visuals help with detail because when reading something I like to imagine what it looks like in my head and seeing is kind of imaginable because of how small those cells were. Even some of the very first ones were saying some were so small they had to even enter sideways. It just shows how far technology has came. Jiggers789

  9. Watching this video I was amazed at what I seen. I enjoyed watching the history of our prisons and what they have done to make them a better place for the inmates and also a better place as far as the technology. The newer prisons that now have access to the rooms on the outside instead of shutting down a whole wing just to fix it. I am sure that the correctional officers and also the inmates are thankful for this. It also was very interesting to me that they are able to control how much water and when the toilet could be flushed. It was just very interesting to see all the different types of prisons that we have built to make a successful to where we are today with them. Green789

  10. Seeing the video made the history of prisons clearer to me in several ways. It gives you insight to how the prisons actually look as well as the environmental that are around prisons people wouldn't think that being in the desert and in jail is worse than being just incarcerated it makes you feel even more alone and distant from relatives. This could cause multiple problem for people mentally and emotionally. The The jails are becoming more advanced and more are being made almost every year to hold criminals. I feel prisons are more effective than exile. I found the ways the jail system and how they keep everyone in line interesting considering there are more prisoners than guards. It's an ingenious system of power arrangement and respect. It shows how far we've advanced over time. Cashes1234


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