Incarcerated Women and Mental Health Programs

Incarcerated Women and Mental Health Programs


  1. I do believe people are capable of change. But reading this article its sad to say that women have more mental problems then men and hold a high incarceration rate then men. And this program is similar to the video we watched in clsss. this is the first of many changes the correction facility did to help our women cope with life in and out of prison. It's understandable that when dealing with this program that it can help in so many ways by taking responsibility of their actions owning up to it and succeeding in the future as for some that won't be able to show their progression out of jail at least they made it amung their selves and that can and will become very rewarding.LifeImagine789

    1. I agree with your statement above saying that people can change. But it does take time and sometimes it does help to talk about your problems, like they do in those groups. And yes this article also did remind me of the movie we watched in class about a program similar to the one mentioned in this article. -barcelona789

  2. From reading this article, I think starting a program like Beyond Violence is a great thing for women to open up to each other and get feedback. It allows them to open up about their past and know that it’s okay. Most people are there serving life without parole and they should be comfortable dealing with problems that have done in the past. There are about 73 percent of women in state prisons that have a mental health problem where 55 percent of men do. There were about 57 percent of incarcerated women in state prisons that had reported sexual or physical abuse. Those percentages are very high, and I think that it would be best to continue with the programs to allow them the help that they need. CSI789

    1. I agree I know all of their crimes aren't the same but they have in common of probably serving a long sentence what good is it going to make if you just sit in jail and mope besides not talk about it and let your feeling and voices be heard those women have all types of LifeImagine789

  3. I enjoyed reading this article because the lady they talked about who leads these groups actually wants to help the prisoners even if they have no chance of getting out of prison. I think that if all the prisons had some type of program like the one in California does not as many women in prison would be crazy. The amount of women that have been victimized prior to being sent to prison didn't ask to be raped or sexually assaulted when they were younger. Those individuals need help to address their past traumas not just their recent traumas. It seems like it is only certain individuals who are concerned about the women’s mental health and actually want to find a way to help them, their should be more people who want to help. It seems like a lot of the women stories who were shared in this article were locked up because they were helping their boyfriends. -Barcelona789

  4. I like that she was there trying to help the women too. It seems like she was a therapist and was listening to there conversation. To help them cope with there past, to accept what happen to them and to move on. That is the type of programs that is needed to be put in place for inmates. That people do things because the aren't real happy what happened to them in the past and they couldn't control it. With inmates telling their story and getting all that shame and frustration out of there body. They can finally find out there true self instead of putting on a false persona about themselves. Phenom789

    1. I agree with you when you stated that this seemed like she was a therapist and she seems to be listening to the inmates. These programs are a great idea and I think that if we all did this program we would be able to turn everything around.

  5. Women need to get there anger out by talking. I have seen women get really angry and once they talk about it they are perfectly find. This is all these women need is someone to sit down with and hear them talk. A lot of people that go to jail are poor and a lot don't have a steady home to go to and parents that won't listen to them. So, when a boy takes notice of them they fall for it because they are getting attention that they can not get at home. When they get theis attention they end up doing stupid things or fear that this boy will do the same thing to them again. They cant go to the police because they view them as people that power trip all the time and they wont listen. The woman will take action into their own hands and end up doing that. They will regret the action they made for the rest of there life. With this psychologist listening to there pain, makes them feel good and wish they could of done this before they did the crime. Phenom789

  6. When reading this article I was very happy to hear that there was a program that was starting to help females that are in prison. Beyond Violence is a great opportunity for the women in these prisons to take this and learn what they can do to help themselves and become a better person. This article also stated that women have been victimized when they were young and this was anywhere from verbal, physical, sexual, and etc. So these women being in the prisons basically have to relive there nightmares almost everyday when they are to be searched if they want to be able to go on a visit from family members. I am so glad to hear about the program to help these females. Green789

  7. This was a great article and I find this Beyond Violence program to be amazing in properly educating incoming women prisoners on prison life and to help rehab them and learn more about why they did what they did and understand if it's because of previous victimization. It's shocking how many women prisoners who have been previously victimized whether it be through physical, sexual, or verbal abuse that has caused enough trauma on their life to make them want to commit crimes. At least with this program they are presenting their problems in a friendly environment which gives them a better chance at rehabilitating and being able to pay their debt to society. Flitzy789


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