Lethal Force and Your Thoughts.....


  1. Let’s get this straight this is a very tragic situation that should have been prevented. There are absolutely no excuses for something like this to happen. In no way should a life have been taken on this day. This unarmed man should still be living and breathing today. I simply can’t comprehend why the police officers on the scene would shoot this man. They even shot a double tap on him. If he was threatening them in any way he could have been hit with the taser and that would have solved this problem. However though the officer could have an adrenaline rushing through his system. Plus he might have been a less experience officer. With those two factors into consideration and a heart beating 100 miles per hour that could explain why he shot the man. In no way I am defending the cop because I am not. I am just trying to think from a different point a view on why this tragedy would happen. Taggswag456

    1. The amount of force used should only have been enough to stop the offender's force. I can't see where any life was in danger judging from the distance between the two. It is these images that really create and reinforce tension between the community and the police. I think it was Robert Peel who stressed working together to solve and eradicate crime......#ToSirWithLove456

    2. In the officers mind, everyone in every case is a "threat". His main focus is to keep everyone safe from that "threat". Shooting the unarmed man was in fact a little over the top, but it did stop the "threat". I believe it could have been handled a different way, considering he was unarmed. -Eclipse456

    3. I completely agree, this never should have even happened and could have been prevented. I also agree with what some one had stated earlier about everyone in a case could be a possible threat and it is their job to make the situation safe and make it home to their families every night.

    4. I agree that this should not of happened the way it did. The suspect, from what we saw, showed no threat to the officers. Yes, he could of been under pressure, but not enough to make him fire his weapon. There were many other options and ways that this event could have played out. This video is most likely going to cause more tension to the already large amount between Law Enforcement and Society. -Broncos456

    5. i agree, the way that this man dies was unjustified. I think that the cop was totally in the wrong and that this man should still be alive. Who knew that raising your arms in the air meant "shoot me." I think that this video is going to cause many riots and protests to try and get people to realize the police brutality that is going on.

  2. In order for this to be a crime, both, Mens Rea and Actus Reus must take part in the situation. I feel that Actus Reus was the only thing the officer was guilty of. The officer knew that shooting an unarmed man was wrong, BUT can we really prove what he was thinking at the moment he fired his weapon? In the officers mind, he was not thinking clearly due to being under so much pressure. On the other hand, Actus Reus, which is physically committing the guilty crime. There is no doubt that the officer is guilty of Actus Reus, but can we really prove that he is also guilty of Mens Rea? Both are required to deem this as a criminal act. This is why it is so hard to determine the verdict of some cases today, especially when dealing with a "guilty" officer. In my opinion, I think the officer is going to get off the hook and continue with his everyday life. What do you think?? -Eclipse456

    1. I like how you mentioned Mens Rea and Actus Reus, because it alleviates our bias and allows us to see the video as the law sees it. I think the officer is going to get off the hook as well. I read somewhere that he is still with the department and is continuing his everyday life.

  3. From the distance as well as the low quality resolution this video was shot from, its not quite clear what exactly happened to make the officer do what he did. A lot of people could make allegations that the officer was in a state of adrenaline or perhaps he was a lesser trained officer. Even if this may be true, there are always too sides to a story. In my opinion this should have never taken place. The officer should have used the minimum amount of force that the so called "threat" had inflicted, which in the video clearly shows no force was used by the victim. With this being said the officer more than capable of using a Taser or instead of double tapping the victim.

    1. I agree with what you said about the two sides to the story. No one but the officer knows what was going through his head at that point. Maybe it was adrenaline. However I don't think what you said about just using a taser. My dad once told me a taser is not the correct tool for stopping a threat. But for more subduing an non compliant subject. Tasers malfunction, or just don't work sometimes to properly subdue a subject. A gun give an officer more security for his life and safety. Maybe the man was no threat to the officers. As we see in the video. The officers know that this man was a suspect of domestic violence. Violence being the key word. Officers don't know what the man was capable of. Thus they had their guns out and the man was shot. Craig456

    2. I agree with you on how to video was taken. The solution was extremely poor and it was taken from what looked like 100 yards away. We cannot tell what exactly what was going on in the situation. The suspect could easily of been saying/doing things that the public could not see. taggswag456

  4. with every story there is two sides to the story. When watching this video its hard to see what is going on exactly but from my point of view on this video the cop had no reason to shoot him. Watching this video at no point in time did it look like the officers life was in danger. I think the officer is going to go to jail because the video shows him shooting a man that was unarmed with his hands in the air. It will be hard for the officer to prove that his life was in danger but it will be easy at the same time because the guy he shot is dead. -savage456

    1. I agree, there are always two sides of the story and we do not really know what happened because we were not there. From the looks of it, the cops were in the wrong and had no excuse to shoot him, but how do we know that he wasn't threatening them? We don't, and i agree with you that it will be very difficult to prove.

    2. I think its hard to say what should be done because of the poor quality of video. We weren't there and who knows what is really happening. Something should definitely done but off of what I have seen it is hard to tell. CNN reports that there is a second video where the man has a knife.

      Earthquake 456

  5. I do not think it is fair to judge this situation from this video alone. This is not that great of a quality video and it does not give a full understanding of the situation. It is not even clear which officer shot the man. However, there is a reason the officer shot the man, weather it be he heard a noise of saw something in his peripheral vision that startled him and made him pull the trigger. I am not making excuses or justifying this in any way. Young officers need to realize that when you put your finger on that trigger you are going to take a life. Until the need arises that you need to escalate to violent force you should not put your finger anywhere near that trigger. Or even if possible keep that gun put away to limit situations like this. This is a tragic situation that a man had to die because of what looks like an accident. From the video it looks like an innocent man was shot do to negligence of the officer, but I would like to know the entire situation before I come to any conclusions. Craig456

    1. I agree with that we should not judge the situation from the video. Their could of been more to the story that was not shown on video that caused the cop the shoot the man. Officers should not pull their gun unless they feel like their life is in danger and that is their only option if they want to survive. I agree that we should figure out the whole story before we come to a conclusion and start pointing fingers. dragon456

  6. Their are always two sides to every story. The quality of the video affects us being able to see what completely happened and we also cannot hear what is being said in the video. The man could of said something to the cops that made them feel like their lives were in danger. The though of their lives being in danger could of influenced them to shoot the man. The cops could of handled the situation differently and the out come would of been different. They could of easily tazed the man or used hands on tactics to take him down. Due to what the video shows the cop is in the wrong doing by shooting the man but if we got a better video it could give us better reasons to why the officer shot the man. dragons456

    1. What could the man have said that threatened the officer so much that it warranted shooting him twice and killing him? From the video we can see the man raise both of his hands, which means he was holding no weapon that immediately threatened the officer, or his fellow officer's lives. I agree with you that the officers should have used a taser, or hands on combat to handle the situation, and yes, it would help if we could get a clearer video in which we could possibly hear the verbal interaction taking place.

    2. I agree with you by the video being of poor quality. With a better picture and better sound we could better identify what was happening, but since we do not have either of those things, we cannot judge whether the cop is right or wrong.

  7. In my opinion, the cops in this video should not have shot the man, especially twice and causing death. If they thought that they were in danger they could have shot him in the leg, arm, or somewhere that would not cause him to die. They could have handled the situation better than they did, however, we do not know exactly what happened. We were not there to witness the situation so all we can do is assume what was said. No one can say with absolute positivity that the cops were right or wrong. For all we know, the man could have been pretending to act innocent but could have been threatening them with his words. On the other hand, the cops could have no justification for shooting the man. It is not for us to say and it is not easily explained by the public.

    1. I agree that we can never truly know who was right and who was wrong, but we can agree that he shouldn't have shot the man. He was not endangering the lives of the officers. The officer could have used a non-lethal alternative, but that might not always work. There are two sides of this story and the reason why this has been covered so much is because there is no definite solution for who is right and who is wrong.


  8. I think everyone can agree that the officer should not have shot the civilian. There's no justifying it based off of the short clip that we are permitted to see. Yes, there's two sides to every story like everyone else is saying, but even ideas for what might have happened don't come close to justifying this. One Iv'e seen is that a noise in the background might have startled the new cop into pulling the trigger apprehensively. We put our officers through training so as to not be nervous dealing with a firearm. If you are that jumpy with one then you aren't ready to use it. Period. Another opinion I've seen is that perhaps the civilian said something that brought upon his shooting. But what could he have said that could possibly warrant shooting him twice and killing him? Absolutely nothing.

  9. The video shows the man with his hands up, unarmed and was shot dead by the two police deputies. According to CNN they are reporting that there is another video shot from a different angle that the police have, showing the man is yelling and is holding a knife. What was actually said is unsure and whether or not the police obtained a knife for sure is unknown. Either way the man had his hands up and was clearly giving in, this kind of force was not necessary. I would like to say it was some rookie police officer that was nervous and panicked. Unfortunately, both police officers had been at that stating fore more than 10 years. As I do not know exactly what caused this and Flores "the victim" is the only one who knew his side of the story, I cannot have a real opinion on what to do with the police officers. I hope that this was just a bad mistake made by very nervous police officers. I believe the body cams if put in use, would have made a big difference when this happened.

    Earthquake 456

  10. Seeing videos like this makes me so angry. Yeah the guy probably did something wrong, but he did not deserve to be shot. From what I can see in the video he surrendered and that should have been it. End of story. I cannot see why the cop choose to shoot this man. not only once, but twice. I do not know the whole story, and neither does anyone else, but i do know that this kind of force was NOT needed. They killed a man who was CLEARLY surrendering.

    1. I completely agree with you. It is very maddening that this happened. That guy did not deserve to be shot. Like we learned in class, an officer is not suppose to injure or shoot anyone if his life is not in danger. They should never in any case kill someone. It was very unnecessary to shoot this guy. He had is hands up.

  11. This video enraged me so much, this man did nothing wrong to loose his life. Though from this side of the camera and since there is no audio we don't really know the other side of the story it's still no excuse from what we are all viewing he was doing nothing wrong, he was walking with his hands up listening and doing everything thing right that the officers were saying. I think this tragedy is all birthed from the officers training, or maybe he was a rookie officer but it still does not at all excuse him from what he did. -dicaprio456

  12. This even could of been handled in many different ways. First, I think that the use of the officers firearm, which is required for a last resort, was not needed. If the man would of been reaching for something that appeared to be a firearm then the use of the officers weapon would of been necessary. But the man put his hands up, and showed no threat to the officers, he should not of been shot. When the man put his hands up, the officers should have known to put down their weapons and follow the normal arrest procedure. Now, I think that people will see this and say, "If i put my hands up and surrender, I will still get shot". So now people might be more tempted to evade police and try and get away or even fight back. It makes me wonder what the officers story would of been if this event had not been recorded and nobody saw the man with his hands up. Would he have made up a story, or tell the truth? -Broncos456

  13. There are times where the media blows things way out of porportion and we do not see what actually happened. This is not the case. It is clear that the officer was in the wrong. The officer's life was not in danger. The guy was surrendering. He should not have shot the guy. His hands were up and there was no weapon. I've seen cases where new officers think they have something to prove, but in any case that is not an excuse to take someone's life.Yes, the call was for domestic violence, but shooting an unarmed citizen that was not trying to beat the officer up is not okay. This is the first time I truly have an opinion about. Other cases you never see the full story and do not know what happened. This one you can see what really happened. I do not see a reason why that man should have been shot.

  14. This is a tragedy and this should have never happened. I think that this was a newer cop who just wasn't a very good decision maker. I don't think he wanted to kill the man, he was just under a lot of pressure. That doesn't justify his actions however. The man had his hands up in the air for a good amount of time before the officer shot him. There are also reports that said that non-lethal weapons were used earlier, but it was before the video started recording. Those claims may or may not be true and the only person who would truly know is the officer, but not very many people will believe him because they would think he is lying to make himself look innocent.


  15. I thought it was interesting how he was the only one to shoot. The other officer didn't discharge his firearm. With that I don't think it was his training that caused him to shoot. I think he got scared (since he was a rookie ofcicer) as well as hyped on adrenaline. From what I can see the man has no shirt on and is wearing shorts. I think we all can agree he had no hidden firearm. The man supposedly had a knife, but I can't see it but the officers still had the distance on him if he was to do "suicide by cop."
    This is clearly the officers fault and should be punished for his action. The officer may have been scared, but being scared won't hold up with a jury of people.

    1. I agree with you. The cop was probably just honestly scared for his life. If I was the cop I probably wouldn't of shot the guy. Depending on the situation. There has been way to many shootings everywhere in the United States. Something needs to change before it get worse. Bodybuilder456 zs

    2. This cop shouldn't be putting a gun on his hip every morning if this is how he handles situations. The man was not a threat to anyone but himself nor did he make any sudden movements. I agree with you 100% on how it was kind of sketchy how the officer was the only one to shoot when their was a second cop on the scene. This whole situation is a mess and I hope it doesn't lead to more trouble in society.

  16. This is just ridiculous. The man had his hands up in the air why would the cop shoot him? I think this might be "suicide by cop". Because maybe the guy told the cop to shoot him or something. If I was the cop in this situation I would of definitely not of shot the guy. He had his hands up. I just don't understand. bodybuilder456

    1. Although it may have been "suicide by cop," the officer still should have resisted and not fulfilled the man's requests. It is an officer's duty to protect the public. Implying that "suicide by cop" can be used as an excuse for the officer's actions is invalid because under no circumstances should an officer shoot down a nonthreatening, innocent man


  17. I haven't read much information on this, but judging from the video, it's horrifying to see and know that there is a police officer in our nation who would fire an unarmed man who was in the process of surrendering. The man already had his hands up to show he was not resisting. The officer's actions were inexcusable. The officer may have been scared, but if all the pressure and stress from stopping a criminal caused him to pull the trigger immediately, he should not have been put on the force in the first place. His negligence cost the life of a man who did not deserve to die.


  18. It is certain that this Police Officer was in the wrong and he has consequences for his actions. Using the double tap is what a police officer does to stop a life threatening behavior, once a officer has used the double tap they are not trying to just wound the suspect. I believe that this officer meant to kill the suspect and if there was not an unknown video on him then there is a possibility that this officer may have gotten away with the shooting claiming unrealistic things. The officer was clearly in the wrong and this particular incident has caused rage within the community.

  19. When looking at an incident like this you have to look for every possible reason why this officer felt threatened enough to discharge his firearm which led to the death of the subject. I could not find a reason myself and I believe none of my fellow colleagues could either. The use of lethal force is justified when a officer detects a life threatening act against someone's life or his own. Their wasn't a detected or obvious threat but sometimes you have to look at the unobvious. We don't know what exactly happened nor do we know why the cop felt threatened enough to take a life. Police wonder why the communities are rioting and causing problems for all of society. The police swear to protect and serve the people of the community and this right here is a fine example on that not happening at all. Their aren't any room for mistakes like this, especially when it deals with the loss of a life.

  20. I feel as if the media might have blown this way out of proportion. There are a lot of things to consider while reviewing this video. For example, we have no clue just what the offender is saying to the cop. Yes, the officer shot him and was in the wrong for doing so because the offender stood down. When someone has their hands in the air it is usually a signal that they are giving themselves up. This cop was in the wrong, however, we have no background information on what was really going on at the time. Instead of the offender doing the time, it is going to be the cop. There is nothing in this situation that would make a steady case for the officer who shot him. The offender was clearly unarmed and offering cooperation with the officer. KayaJ456

  21. I feel the same way about this situation. It really upset me to know that the cop in this position would do something like this. What I am still trying to figure out is why in the heck he shot him TWICE. This is completely unlawful in every single way. I would understand if the offender had done something wrong, but he clearly did not. KayaJ456


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