As stated in this article, violent crime is a big part and always has been a big part of criminality. It is focused on more in U.S. urban cities and areas than most because society and the media directs most of its attention to that particular crime. The statistics of people in an urban city wanted to be policed less but when in all reality and when asked about it the people said they would rather the police target their areas more. By the police doing so, they were able to keep crimes down in certain spots just not the ones people wanted them to. That being said people need to realize that police will do all they can to help individuals out but when it comes time to start policing something that will better the community and the success rate of their policing, then that's what they have to do. sparks456
I agree with what your saying. I just wish we could find some way to stop the crime. Instead of the media claiming what went wrong, they should be trying to fix the problem. I'm sick and tiered of the media just complaining about every little thing, when in reality they aren't and never will do anything about whats going on in are world. Good or bad. bodybuilder456
I agree with your statement. We do need to look into policing in different areas of neighborhoods and cities. If we can figure out the "hot spots" of where crime takes place, then we can control it in most areas and keep crime rates down. Another option is to hire more police, but without proper funding, we cannot accomplish that. -Eclipse456
You made a lot of very good points in your blog. I agree completely that the media only focuses on big cities but it is mostly that way because violent crime usually happens in bigger cities more than rural areas. I also agree that the police need to focus on certain areas to keep down the crime and protect the community from the areas that have the most crime. KLICK456
I agree with this article greatly. Police are doing everything in there power to control the situations. What I don't understand is why other people such as the media have to get into everyone's business and accuse them of doing stuff that they might be insentient for. This world is just becoming a sad, sad little world. I wish we could get a president that could fix everything. Now I know that's asking for a lot but i'm just saying that it would be a very good idea. bodybuilder456
I agree as well. The media influences this world too much for them to actually look at a bigger picture. There is so much more going on than what the media tells us about. A new president would be wonderful, if they knew what they were doing and actually fixed the problems instead of create new ones. There are many things wrong with the world, but yes, the police are doing a great job. KayaJ456
I agree with you both. Looking at the media we only see what they want us to see and they begin to in a way "brain wash" us into thinking there is something wrong. I thought the president comment was interesting, but feel that there is more to the picture than just a presidential problem. The police have had a lot thrown at them lately and with all these crimes against police, I find it quite interesting at how they are handling the media. They are being very professional and up most importantly they are protecting and serving the communities. Palmdady456
The media tends to focus more on infraction crimes or smaller misdemeanors, rather than the real facts of what is actually happening around their city. They make a story too quickly and don't get the appropriate facts and details to report the story correctly. The media has a major effect on people too, they focus on one crime that happened and they tend to think it is happening everywhere. Like the article said, there are many other crimes going on out there, such as, burglaries, assaults, and even homicides. The people want police to patrol their areas more frequently, but if they do that, who is going to patrol the rest of the city. We need to either increase our numbers of the police force, or do some investigating and find out where the "hot spots" of crime are so that we can act accordingly and patrol certain areas more often. Another thing, we could do is change up the city in certain ways, clean up the streets, add some lighting, keep kids inside after dark, etc. Little things can go a long way to help out towards a certain cause. -Eclipse456
I agree with what you said about the media making their story too quickly and not getting all of heir fats right before. They should take their time and make sure they have to story right before they publish it. I also agree with you on finding a way to patrol the area where crime occurs the most. If we have a bigger police presence in that are it should let people know police are around and the will stop quitting crimes so often and make the area a safer place. dargons456
Stereotypes and labeling are very bad and sad but are very common in our society, and in terms of law enforcement the issues become even more controversial among the groups in our society. A great example from the video is that according to Palivin and Briar, people from different skin colors were treated differently for the same offense. Some were treated as mentally ill, and the others as criminals for the same offense. The media today is doing the same thing. When crime happens, they start to say a black man was killed by a white man or a white man murdered a black male. They never just say someone was killed or killed someone without mentioning the color. futbol012
I agree with many things that were said in the article. The media does focus too much on crime an makes it seem like the United States seem a lot worse than it really is. They don't get all of the facts to a story before they publish it so they informing people abut something that happened that isn't completely true. People focus too much on homicides and don't really pay attention to other crimes that are comitted so people think homicides are the crime that occurs the most when it really isn't. Due to crimes being committed in urban area more than in other area people in that area want more policing around them. If we put more policing in that area then their won't be enough officer to cover the rest of the city. Due to that problem their should be an increase in the amount of officer or find out where crime occurs the most and alway have a officer around that area so we can help try and fix the crime problem. dragons456
It's common for the media to make something seem ten times worse than it really is. For example, teen pregnancy rates have been continuously decreasing since the 70s. The media, however, makes it seem like it is a huge outbreak of teenagers becoming pregnant. The exact same thing is happening in crime. As Professor White explained to us, crime rate has been going down steadily, but the media has been tricking its nation into thinking different. They do this by over exaggerating the severity of crimes so they can get higher ratings. It's interesting to see what the media will do for attention.
I agree with the statement that you have made. Media blows things out of proportion and even if the police are doing their job the media makes it seem as if they are not. I like the comment before relating things to teen pregnancy because if any thing has become out of the "social norm" then the media tends to call it out continuously. bball456
This article is directly spot on. There are many news reports every day just on violent crimes, because the community thrives for it. However, I think there should be less attention for violent crimes because the offender can almost predict if they will get attention for it. As a member of the community, I rarely ever hear about theft, burglaries, or auto theft. I believe that those are more important than violent crimes, especially if it was happening in my neighborhood. There should be more awareness in the community in order to fix the issues. KayaJ456
I also agree with your statement about people thriving on violent crimes, I said the same thing in my comment. Violence sells, which is sad to say but very true. We should focus more what's going on in our community that way it can be safe & we can stop things like murder from happening -dicaprio456
I can't say that I believe theft, burglaries, or auto theft are more important crimes the violent crimes as violent crimes evolve murder, assault, even rape. What I will agree with you on is that I would like to be informed by the media or those crimes happening as they do hurt my quality of life to and knowing where the crimes are happening can prepare me for it to happen to myself. Number1Whiteguy456
I also agree with the article as well. When dealing with a violent crime such as homicide it would be very difficult to prevent it. With how spontaneous homicides usually are I don't think the criminal justice system will be able to control the homicide rate in America. The criminal justice system needs to educate society as a whole to further the range of vision and actually see what forms of disorder are really harmful and witch ones truly hurt society. A part of the article mentions "hot spots". I think most of Americas violent crime is from these so called "Hot Spots" or repeat offenders. If we can control these hot spots and keep the repeat offenders in line I think we have a shot in lowing the violent crime rate in this beautiful nation we call home. KLICK456
This article does a very good job in explaining the focus on violent crime vs the focus on the more common misdemeanors. The media tends to focus on the more serious crimes such as murder and rape instead of crimes that are more common such as burglary and theft. I think that it is important for the media to focus on these more serious crimes, but should touch down more on the more common crimes because they effect people more than the more serious ones. Most of the violent crimes happen in places called "hot spots". These are the places where the most crime happens and should be watched more carefully by the police.
You and I saw the same things. Its crazy that in almost all of these articles and blogs that many problems can be traced back to media and bad or wrong information. I understand wanting to report a murder. The public has a right to know. I'm not saying to hide murders from them. But the general public won't do their own research. They take what is given to them at face value and nothing more. Craig456
I agree with this article the media and politicians focus on violent crime more than common crimes. One reason I feel like the media does is because "violence sells" which is sad to say but it's true. A lot of people do not care about someone breaking into someone's care they are intrigued by murder and rape. Don't get me wrong I think we should focus on serious crimes, but I feel if we focus more on misdemeanors it could help inform someone what's going on in their neighborhood and really get people involved. I dont really think the criminal justice system can do much about violent crimes because they happen so randomly, but we sure can try. -dicaprio456
I agree with you when you say that violent crimes are what sells. That is very sad. People focus so much on horrible tragedies. If people would not be so interested in it the violent crimes they would not be in the paper and magazines, or on the news. I also agree that people need to be aware of misdemeanors. dance456
I completely agree with you on the "violence sells". Reporters want to catch the eyes of society and the only way to do that today is to take the big crimes and blow them up. If people are in fear that crime is rising, they will want to stay updated. I also agree with you when you said that we should also put more of our focus towards misdemeanors, even though they are not as serious as murder, rape, etc., we should try to prevent as much crime as possible.-Broncos456
There are a lot of really great points in this article. One thing that really stands out to me is that it is very hard to predict homicides. Homicides do not occur as often as other violent crimes do. They rarely occur outside. it is hard for police to know it is happening when it does because of that reason. I also like the idea of different squads for each problems. It helps focus on one problem. It also educates police in one specific problem. That makes it better to solve crimes if they are only educated in one area. People worry more because of the media. The media focuses more on violent crime rather than less serious. I think a reason for that is that people want to know about murders. Which means that is what sells. If people did not buy stuff about violent crimes it would not be in the media as much as it is. dance456
I agree, if people did not pay so much attention to murders and violent crimes, then the media would not talk about it. The media only reflects what society pays interest to. The only way to get them to talk about other issues that are really affecting us is to show them that is what we want to talk about.
This article talks about how it is common for the media and politicians to pay "too much" attention to violent crimes such as homicide. Although this type of crime may be extremely morally wrong, it is a great suggestion that we pay more attention to the crimes that are easily predicable and preventable such as burglary, robbery, and simple assaults. If we pay more attention to these, it will decrease crime rate immediately. Politicians pay far too much attention to crimes that are almost impossible to predict. Starting out with simple crimes and working our way up towards bigger, more serious crimes will ensure the safety of the people in our nation. Preventing homicide is incredibly hard to do, so if we want to work at doing so, it needs to start with taking control of those who are repeat offenders. If the criminal justice system wants any chance at preventing homicides, shifting its attention to repeat offenders is the most plausible way to do so.
A lot of what I got from this article is that today's crime and distrust in police is a snowball effect. What Ratcliffe said in this interview about homicide and other violent crime is that they occur outside of police patrolled zones like someones house. From there family and friends of the homicide victim are mad and upset that their loved one is gone. They are angry so they need someone to take their anger out on and it is very easy to point at the police and ask what they are doing to prevent this. Well it is nearly impossible to prevent. What police can do is investigate. A lot goes into investigating a homicide and it takes time. And that time some family just don't want to spend waiting. So the family gets angry with the police and then it all escalates into more violence and distrust in the police. And with today's media only showing the "sensational" violent crimes many people take what the media and news reports at face value. This in turn will lead to more distrust, and violence and the snowball effect continues. Craig456
A lot of the problems between police and the public stems from the civilians not trusting police officers. The people claim they want the police officers to do their job and decrease crime, but when the police go in there and ask questions and be proactive people get annoyed. They do not want themselves or family to be in the police's range of questioning, yet the only way to find out who is doing what is to ask multiple of people and work their way into the society. It is very difficult to find the perfect balance of suspicion of the people around and the police, while still trying to be respectful to everybody.
When you turn on the News today one of the most common stories has something to do with crime or police brutality. Reporters do not take the time to get specific facts, they would much rather make the story more intriguing by changing facts. You do not hear much about police officers doing something good or kind for society. Another topic is that some neighborhoods would like to see police officers more present in their neighborhood. But as soon as they start enforcing the law and doing what they were requested to do, there are complaints that they are targeting that specific location. Overall, no matter what police do to try and correct themselves,they will never be able to avoid criticism. Someone will always have a complaint, and want to point out flaws in the system. -Broncos456
The news channels are broadcasting wave after wave of stories that aren't of any benefit to the viewer. With the broadcasting of police brutality we are failing to see the real crimes in our areas. Facts are crucial in reports because it shows the whole story from the problem to the end, with the media there is not a problem being addressed. The only thing we are seeing is a beating being used to sub due a threat to their community. I found it interesting how people complain about police but want there to be more patrols in there neighborhoods, but the problem that comes up is there isn't enough cops to patrol every corner of the town. I feel that the "hot spots" need to be a focus because domestic crimes aren't as big in a gated community opposed to a rougher part of a city. When protecting a city your not pledging to protect the gated community only but the poorer community as well. Were a generation that fails to appreciate the gifts we are given, I think there are many countries that would appreciate having a strong police force. Palmdaddy456
Homicide by definition is a deliberate act to unlawfully take someones life with a motive of greed or similar terms. It's a brutal crime that is usually planned with a way to get away and not suffer the punishment of death or life in prison depending on what state the crime occurred. It is hard for officers to enforce such a crime because they aren't they to prevent it from happening in a house or where ever. Homicides occur where no one can see them, No witnesses or officers. With homicides being only 1% of all crime in the United States there is no need for officers to use all there resources to prevent one type of crime. Burglaries, assaults, theft, ect are all types of crimes that occurs on a daily basis. Those types of crimes also hurt the quality of life for citizens, it only makes sense to have officers be patrolling that type of crime. Number1Whiteguy456
Media tends to use headlines to get certain readers attention. If the media decides to use crime or brutality as a headline to catch readers attention then they are going to say what they need to say even if it is true of not. The media likes to blow things out of proportion even if the facts that they have are true or not. This is what makes police look like they are not doing their job and the crime rates are going up. I believe that media shouldn't be allowed to post things or state certain situations until they know all of the facts but this will most likely not happen. Media covers things that will get people attention, but are not going to show that the police are starting to get things right and that crime has gone down. bball456
As stated in this article, violent crime is a big part and always has been a big part of criminality. It is focused on more in U.S. urban cities and areas than most because society and the media directs most of its attention to that particular crime. The statistics of people in an urban city wanted to be policed less but when in all reality and when asked about it the people said they would rather the police target their areas more. By the police doing so, they were able to keep crimes down in certain spots just not the ones people wanted them to. That being said people need to realize that police will do all they can to help individuals out but when it comes time to start policing something that will better the community and the success rate of their policing, then that's what they have to do. sparks456
ReplyDeleteI agree with what your saying. I just wish we could find some way to stop the crime. Instead of the media claiming what went wrong, they should be trying to fix the problem. I'm sick and tiered of the media just complaining about every little thing, when in reality they aren't and never will do anything about whats going on in are world. Good or bad. bodybuilder456
DeleteI agree with your statement. We do need to look into policing in different areas of neighborhoods and cities. If we can figure out the "hot spots" of where crime takes place, then we can control it in most areas and keep crime rates down. Another option is to hire more police, but without proper funding, we cannot accomplish that. -Eclipse456
DeleteYou made a lot of very good points in your blog. I agree completely that the media only focuses on big cities but it is mostly that way because violent crime usually happens in bigger cities more than rural areas. I also agree that the police need to focus on certain areas to keep down the crime and protect the community from the areas that have the most crime.
I agree with this article greatly. Police are doing everything in there power to control the situations. What I don't understand is why other people such as the media have to get into everyone's business and accuse them of doing stuff that they might be insentient for. This world is just becoming a sad, sad little world. I wish we could get a president that could fix everything. Now I know that's asking for a lot but i'm just saying that it would be a very good idea. bodybuilder456
ReplyDeleteI agree as well. The media influences this world too much for them to actually look at a bigger picture. There is so much more going on than what the media tells us about. A new president would be wonderful, if they knew what they were doing and actually fixed the problems instead of create new ones. There are many things wrong with the world, but yes, the police are doing a great job. KayaJ456
DeleteI agree with you both. Looking at the media we only see what they want us to see and they begin to in a way "brain wash" us into thinking there is something wrong. I thought the president comment was interesting, but feel that there is more to the picture than just a presidential problem. The police have had a lot thrown at them lately and with all these crimes against police, I find it quite interesting at how they are handling the media. They are being very professional and up most importantly they are protecting and serving the communities.
The media tends to focus more on infraction crimes or smaller misdemeanors, rather than the real facts of what is actually happening around their city. They make a story too quickly and don't get the appropriate facts and details to report the story correctly. The media has a major effect on people too, they focus on one crime that happened and they tend to think it is happening everywhere. Like the article said, there are many other crimes going on out there, such as, burglaries, assaults, and even homicides. The people want police to patrol their areas more frequently, but if they do that, who is going to patrol the rest of the city. We need to either increase our numbers of the police force, or do some investigating and find out where the "hot spots" of crime are so that we can act accordingly and patrol certain areas more often. Another thing, we could do is change up the city in certain ways, clean up the streets, add some lighting, keep kids inside after dark, etc. Little things can go a long way to help out towards a certain cause. -Eclipse456
ReplyDeleteI agree with what you said about the media making their story too quickly and not getting all of heir fats right before. They should take their time and make sure they have to story right before they publish it. I also agree with you on finding a way to patrol the area where crime occurs the most. If we have a bigger police presence in that are it should let people know police are around and the will stop quitting crimes so often and make the area a safer place. dargons456
DeleteStereotypes and labeling are very bad and sad but are very common in our society, and in terms of law enforcement the issues become even more controversial among the groups in our society. A great example from the video is that according to Palivin and Briar, people from different skin colors were treated differently for the same offense. Some were treated as mentally ill, and the others as criminals for the same offense. The media today is doing the same thing. When crime happens, they start to say a black man was killed by a white man or a white man murdered a black male. They never just say someone was killed or killed someone without mentioning the color. futbol012
ReplyDeleteI agree with many things that were said in the article. The media does focus too much on crime an makes it seem like the United States seem a lot worse than it really is. They don't get all of the facts to a story before they publish it so they informing people abut something that happened that isn't completely true. People focus too much on homicides and don't really pay attention to other crimes that are comitted so people think homicides are the crime that occurs the most when it really isn't. Due to crimes being committed in urban area more than in other area people in that area want more policing around them. If we put more policing in that area then their won't be enough officer to cover the rest of the city. Due to that problem their should be an increase in the amount of officer or find out where crime occurs the most and alway have a officer around that area so we can help try and fix the crime problem. dragons456
ReplyDeleteIt's common for the media to make something seem ten times worse than it really is. For example, teen pregnancy rates have been continuously decreasing since the 70s. The media, however, makes it seem like it is a huge outbreak of teenagers becoming pregnant. The exact same thing is happening in crime. As Professor White explained to us, crime rate has been going down steadily, but the media has been tricking its nation into thinking different. They do this by over exaggerating the severity of crimes so they can get higher ratings. It's interesting to see what the media will do for attention.
I agree with the statement that you have made. Media blows things out of proportion and even if the police are doing their job the media makes it seem as if they are not. I like the comment before relating things to teen pregnancy because if any thing has become out of the "social norm" then the media tends to call it out continuously.
This article is directly spot on. There are many news reports every day just on violent crimes, because the community thrives for it. However, I think there should be less attention for violent crimes because the offender can almost predict if they will get attention for it. As a member of the community, I rarely ever hear about theft, burglaries, or auto theft. I believe that those are more important than violent crimes, especially if it was happening in my neighborhood. There should be more awareness in the community in order to fix the issues. KayaJ456
ReplyDeleteI also agree with your statement about people thriving on violent crimes, I said the same thing in my comment. Violence sells, which is sad to say but very true. We should focus more what's going on in our community that way it can be safe & we can stop things like murder from happening -dicaprio456
DeleteI can't say that I believe theft, burglaries, or auto theft are more important crimes the violent crimes as violent crimes evolve murder, assault, even rape. What I will agree with you on is that I would like to be informed by the media or those crimes happening as they do hurt my quality of life to and knowing where the crimes are happening can prepare me for it to happen to myself.
I also agree with the article as well. When dealing with a violent crime such as homicide it would be very difficult to prevent it. With how spontaneous homicides usually are I don't think the criminal justice system will be able to control the homicide rate in America. The criminal justice system needs to educate society as a whole to further the range of vision and actually see what forms of disorder are really harmful and witch ones truly hurt society. A part of the article mentions "hot spots". I think most of Americas violent crime is from these so called "Hot Spots" or repeat offenders. If we can control these hot spots and keep the repeat offenders in line I think we have a shot in lowing the violent crime rate in this beautiful nation we call home.
This article does a very good job in explaining the focus on violent crime vs the focus on the more common misdemeanors. The media tends to focus on the more serious crimes such as murder and rape instead of crimes that are more common such as burglary and theft. I think that it is important for the media to focus on these more serious crimes, but should touch down more on the more common crimes because they effect people more than the more serious ones. Most of the violent crimes happen in places called "hot spots". These are the places where the most crime happens and should be watched more carefully by the police.
You and I saw the same things. Its crazy that in almost all of these articles and blogs that many problems can be traced back to media and bad or wrong information. I understand wanting to report a murder. The public has a right to know. I'm not saying to hide murders from them. But the general public won't do their own research. They take what is given to them at face value and nothing more. Craig456
DeleteI agree with this article the media and politicians focus on violent crime more than common crimes. One reason I feel like the media does is because "violence sells" which is sad to say but it's true. A lot of people do not care about someone breaking into someone's care they are intrigued by murder and rape. Don't get me wrong I think we should focus on serious crimes, but I feel if we focus more on misdemeanors it could help inform someone what's going on in their neighborhood and really get people involved. I dont really think the criminal justice system can do much about violent crimes because they happen so randomly, but we sure can try. -dicaprio456
ReplyDeleteI agree with you when you say that violent crimes are what sells. That is very sad. People focus so much on horrible tragedies. If people would not be so interested in it the violent crimes they would not be in the paper and magazines, or on the news. I also agree that people need to be aware of misdemeanors.
I completely agree with you on the "violence sells". Reporters want to catch the eyes of society and the only way to do that today is to take the big crimes and blow them up. If people are in fear that crime is rising, they will want to stay updated. I also agree with you when you said that we should also put more of our focus towards misdemeanors, even though they are not as serious as murder, rape, etc., we should try to prevent as much crime as possible.-Broncos456
DeleteThere are a lot of really great points in this article. One thing that really stands out to me is that it is very hard to predict homicides. Homicides do not occur as often as other violent crimes do. They rarely occur outside. it is hard for police to know it is happening when it does because of that reason. I also like the idea of different squads for each problems. It helps focus on one problem. It also educates police in one specific problem. That makes it better to solve crimes if they are only educated in one area. People worry more because of the media. The media focuses more on violent crime rather than less serious. I think a reason for that is that people want to know about murders. Which means that is what sells. If people did not buy stuff about violent crimes it would not be in the media as much as it is.
I agree, if people did not pay so much attention to murders and violent crimes, then the media would not talk about it. The media only reflects what society pays interest to. The only way to get them to talk about other issues that are really affecting us is to show them that is what we want to talk about.
DeleteThis article talks about how it is common for the media and politicians to pay "too much" attention to violent crimes such as homicide. Although this type of crime may be extremely morally wrong, it is a great suggestion that we pay more attention to the crimes that are easily predicable and preventable such as burglary, robbery, and simple assaults. If we pay more attention to these, it will decrease crime rate immediately. Politicians pay far too much attention to crimes that are almost impossible to predict. Starting out with simple crimes and working our way up towards bigger, more serious crimes will ensure the safety of the people in our nation. Preventing homicide is incredibly hard to do, so if we want to work at doing so, it needs to start with taking control of those who are repeat offenders. If the criminal justice system wants any chance at preventing homicides, shifting its attention to repeat offenders is the most plausible way to do so.
A lot of what I got from this article is that today's crime and distrust in police is a snowball effect. What Ratcliffe said in this interview about homicide and other violent crime is that they occur outside of police patrolled zones like someones house. From there family and friends of the homicide victim are mad and upset that their loved one is gone. They are angry so they need someone to take their anger out on and it is very easy to point at the police and ask what they are doing to prevent this. Well it is nearly impossible to prevent. What police can do is investigate. A lot goes into investigating a homicide and it takes time. And that time some family just don't want to spend waiting. So the family gets angry with the police and then it all escalates into more violence and distrust in the police. And with today's media only showing the "sensational" violent crimes many people take what the media and news reports at face value. This in turn will lead to more distrust, and violence and the snowball effect continues. Craig456
ReplyDeleteA lot of the problems between police and the public stems from the civilians not trusting police officers. The people claim they want the police officers to do their job and decrease crime, but when the police go in there and ask questions and be proactive people get annoyed. They do not want themselves or family to be in the police's range of questioning, yet the only way to find out who is doing what is to ask multiple of people and work their way into the society. It is very difficult to find the perfect balance of suspicion of the people around and the police, while still trying to be respectful to everybody.
ReplyDeleteEarthquake 456
When you turn on the News today one of the most common stories has something to do with crime or police brutality. Reporters do not take the time to get specific facts, they would much rather make the story more intriguing by changing facts. You do not hear much about police officers doing something good or kind for society. Another topic is that some neighborhoods would like to see police officers more present in their neighborhood. But as soon as they start enforcing the law and doing what they were requested to do, there are complaints that they are targeting that specific location. Overall, no matter what police do to try and correct themselves,they will never be able to avoid criticism. Someone will always have a complaint, and want to point out flaws in the system. -Broncos456
ReplyDeleteThe news channels are broadcasting wave after wave of stories that aren't of any benefit to the viewer. With the broadcasting of police brutality we are failing to see the real crimes in our areas. Facts are crucial in reports because it shows the whole story from the problem to the end, with the media there is not a problem being addressed. The only thing we are seeing is a beating being used to sub due a threat to their community. I found it interesting how people complain about police but want there to be more patrols in there neighborhoods, but the problem that comes up is there isn't enough cops to patrol every corner of the town. I feel that the "hot spots" need to be a focus because domestic crimes aren't as big in a gated community opposed to a rougher part of a city. When protecting a city your not pledging to protect the gated community only but the poorer community as well.
ReplyDeleteWere a generation that fails to appreciate the gifts we are given, I think there are many countries that would appreciate having a strong police force.
Homicide by definition is a deliberate act to unlawfully take someones life with a motive of greed or similar terms. It's a brutal crime that is usually planned with a way to get away and not suffer the punishment of death or life in prison depending on what state the crime occurred. It is hard for officers to enforce such a crime because they aren't they to prevent it from happening in a house or where ever. Homicides occur where no one can see them, No witnesses or officers. With homicides being only 1% of all crime in the United States there is no need for officers to use all there resources to prevent one type of crime. Burglaries, assaults, theft, ect are all types of crimes that occurs on a daily basis. Those types of crimes also hurt the quality of life for citizens, it only makes sense to have officers be patrolling that type of crime.
Media tends to use headlines to get certain readers attention. If the media decides to use crime or brutality as a headline to catch readers attention then they are going to say what they need to say even if it is true of not. The media likes to blow things out of proportion even if the facts that they have are true or not. This is what makes police look like they are not doing their job and the crime rates are going up. I believe that media shouldn't be allowed to post things or state certain situations until they know all of the facts but this will most likely not happen. Media covers things that will get people attention, but are not going to show that the police are starting to get things right and that crime has gone down.